"Doctor, you gave Chao Chao a test yesterday, and all the tests that should be done have been done, you can see what is going on with her."

"At about 3 o'clock last night, Chaochao began to have a high fever again."

"The doctor surnamed Wang prescribed a fever reducer to Chaochao, and the fever subsided, but she was very unenergetic, what the hell is going on."

The patient's mother is very young, in her early 40s, but she is looking old.

For the sake of her daughter's illness, my heart was broken.

"I'll see."

CT: normal.

MRI: normal.

ECG ultrasound: normal.

CT abdomen: normal.

Among all the indicators, it can only be seen that there is inflammation in Chaochao's body, and the inflammation is only mild, and there is no tumor or cancer in the body, but her illness is getting worse and worse.

"Wait a minute."

Summer took the report and came to Zhang Ming's office.

reported Chaochao's condition to Zhang Ming.

"Director, do you have any ideas?"

"What the hell is going on with this patient?"

Zhang Ming looked at the report and fell into deep thought for a while.

"There's something strange about this patient."

"I really can't find the cause, so let's consult with a general practitioner, right?"

General consultation is a patient with some incurable diseases that cannot be diagnosed, and all departments of the provincial hospital will consult at the same time to brainstorm and perhaps find the cause.

I also considered general practice consultation in the summer.

He nodded: "I will notify you and give the patient a general consultation."

Summer turned around to leave, and at this time, Zhang Ming spoke.

"I heard..."


Summer turned around and looked at Zhang Ming blankly, waiting for Zhang Ming's words.

Zhang Ming's face was a little unnatural, his small eyes glanced at him quickly, and he quickly lowered his head.

"I heard that you went out to dinner with Jin Qiaoqiao yesterday?"

"Ahh This..."

Xia hurriedly explained: "Yesterday, I asked Jin Qiaoqiao to help insert a queue for the patient, so... Treat her to a meal. "

Hmm." Zhang Ming nodded and stopped talking.

The atmosphere was awkward.

Clearly...... He is just Zhang Ming's apprentice, obviously he is not suitable for Zhang Yunshu, but why does he have a sense of embarrassment of being caught and raped in bed?

"There's nothing wrong with that director, I'm going to get busy."

I want to run in the summer!

At this time, Zhang Ming took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Xia: "Xiaoxia, you take this."

"A few days ago, someone else gave me a consumption card, what to eat Japanese Wagyu beef, small Japanese things we old people don't like to eat, Yunshu likes to eat."

"Let's go eat together, both of you."

Summer glanced at the consumption card, amount: five thousand yuan.

This card... To pick up or not to answer?

He is not suitable for Zhang Yunshu, and the twisted melon is not sweet...

(Zhang Ming: The melon is not sweet, I dip it in sugar to eat.) looked

at Zhang Ming.

Seeing that, Zhang Ming frowned.

Summer hurriedly took the card: "I'll make an appointment with Yunshu in a while and eat another day."

Zhang Ming: "I told Yunshu that she won't have classes tomorrow afternoon, at half past seven in the evening, 19 tables." "

All the tables are booked?

Did you book the hotel?

Did you buy a condom?

Summer nodded helplessly: "I'll go over on time, then I'll go and get busy first."

Zhang Ming waved his hand and left in the summer.

After the summer leaves.

Zhang Ming turned on his phone and sent a message.

"Hehe, wife, I don't have enough pocket money this month."

Aunt Xue replied: "Five thousand yuan, it's only gone at the beginning of the month?"

Zhang Ming let out a long sigh: "It's not for our daughter... For the happiness of our daughter, we have to work hard. "


The transfer was made.

Zhang Ming's mouth opened and he looked at the amount.

500 pieces!

"Wife, 500 is a bit less, right? For a month, I was a director, and occasionally I had to have dinner with my colleagues. Aunt

Xue: "You also said that you are the director, does the director still need to spend money to eat?"

"Or, you AA, AA doesn't cost much."

Zhang Ming's eyes widened: "Rub, I'm a big director, and I go out to eat with the little one and AA, what kind of system is this?" Aunt

Xue: "Do you want to?" Don't go back.

Zhang Ming: "You want it!" "

Hurriedly take the 500.

Zhang Ming sighed and opened Liu Yu's WeChat: "Lao Yu, where are you going to eat at noon?" How about eating hot pot? I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time, so I called Lao Jia. "


One o'clock in the afternoon.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone was not busy when they first got to work, they invited all departments to do a general consultation for Chaochao in the summer.

Inside the conference room.

In the summer, all the images of the patients will be displayed.

"The patient, a month ago, developed urethritis, swollen legs, accompanied by knee pain, and recently developed shingles, respiratory chest pain, and fever."

"Routine blood test, inflammation in the body."

"There was mild pneumonia, but no tumor was found."

"MRI and CT scans are normal."

"Initially I suspected that there were problems with the heart and kidneys, but both have been ruled out, uremia has also been ruled out, and the lymphatic circulatory system is good, lymphatic problems have been ruled out."

"Colleagues, do you have anything to add?"

Doctors from internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, and even otolaryngology came, and several people laughed as they listened to the summer report.

The oncologist laughed.

"You've ruled out tumors, how can we add them?"

"I'm okay with that."

The ENT department simply played with the mobile phone.

"I don't have an idea."

The obstetrician and gynecologist frowned and asked Summer, "Did you do a CT scan of the abdomen?" Can it be caused by cervical cancer?

"It is obvious to the patient that the general function is declining, the immunity is reduced, and there must be some kind of disease that is causing the condition."

The internist also nodded: "That's right.

"In line with my thinking, a certain disease causes a patient's immunity to decline, shingles, pneumonia, are all manifestations of weakened immunity."

Summer shook her head.

"A CT scan of the abdomen was done to rule out cervical cancer."

"What is the specific disease, do the two doctors have any ideas?"

The two shook their heads in confusion.

The checks that should be done, all done.

Doctors are not gods, and they can't even find the cause of the disease with instruments, so it's even more impossible for them.

Half an hour later.

End of meeting.

The doctors went back to work.

Summer sat alone in the conference room, meditating.

What exactly is the cause?

At this time, Li Xiaohong came in, and she asked Xia cautiously.

"Brother Tian, let me ask you if the cause cannot be found, they will be transferred to the hospital."

"Transfer to the Beijing Hospital."

After tossing for a few days, the patient still could not be found, and the patient and his family were disappointed.

Prepare to go to a bigger hospital and ask for help.

Generally, when the hospital cannot find the cause, it will negotiate with the patient and transfer to a larger hospital for a look, which has advanced equipment and more professional doctors.


Just give up?

"Wait a minute."

"Let me go see the patient."

Back to the ward in the summer.

In the ward, the patient's mother was wiping her tears, and the patient began to have a high fever again.

Looking at the patient, Summer asked.

"What did you do before you got sick?"

"Where have you been? Tell me anything you have an impression of. "

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