In order to avoid serious problems, the girl was hospitalized in the summer, and it was convenient to have an MRI early tomorrow morning.

After a while, it's time to get off work.

"Brother Tian, let's go, let's eat, I'll have a treat."

Wang Xiaobei greeted.

Summer shook her head: "I'm not going, I have something to do at night."

"What's the matter?" You're a single dog, what can you do?

"I made an appointment for dinner." Summer Road.


Wang Xiaobei's eyes widened instantly, and the fire of gossip was burning.


"Male or female?"

"Is it from our hospital?"

"Did you make an appointment, or did someone else ask you out?"

"Tell me about it."

Li Xiaohong and the fat man also looked at the summer, and they looked like they were eating melons.


Summer explained awkwardly: "No one, a colleague, I just went to MRI to find someone to do me a favor, please have a meal." "

Magnetic resonance?

Wang Xiaobei fell into deep thought and raised his eyebrows.

"There is a female doctor in MRI, what's her name?"

"Surname Gou?"

"It's fat, it has to be about 200 pounds, it's quite tall, once I went over and stood next to her, she was half a head taller than me."

"Brother Tian, aren't you, you actually like this type?"

"What, is this type of security secure?"

The fat man covered his mouth and snickered, hehe.

"It shouldn't be the Doctor Gou, I think she seems to be married."

"It's not Dr. Gou, who is that?"

As soon as the words fell.

The sound of high heels came from outside the door, from far and near, and the eyes were fiery red.

Jin Qiaoqiao was wearing a long red skirt with a swaying skirt.

The light makeup, like a green lotus that is not demonic, and a pair of sheared eyes are like a pool of cold spring water, reflecting everything and exuding coldness.

Stand at the door of the emergency room.

It is like a delicate rose blooming in the cracks of a ruin.


In the office, four people were stunned at the same time.

She glanced at Wang Xiaobei and the others, and her eyes fell on Summer.

"Summer, can you go?"

"That's it."

took off his white coat and greeted Wang Xiaobei and the three of them.

"I'll go first."

The two left the emergency room together.

Be quiet!

It wasn't until more than ten seconds after the two of them left that Wang Xiaobei turned his head stiffly, looked at the fat man and Li Xiaohong and asked.

"Fool me."

"That person is not Jin Qiaoqiao, Brother Tian didn't date her."

Li Xiaohong lowered her head, didn't know what she was thinking, and after being quiet for three seconds, she turned around and left with her bag.

The fat man took out a pack of small biscuits and said to Wang Xiaobei while eating.

"It's not Jin Qiaoqiao, is it you?"

"Don't you already have Meimei?"

"Still worried about Jin Qiaoqiao?"

"Xiaobei, it's wrong for you to be like this, I have a beautiful WeChat, be careful that I tell the truth."

Wang Xiaobei was stunned when he heard this, and hurriedly ran to the fat man and begged.

"Nai, don't be like this, we've been colleagues for so long."

"You're not going to snitch, are you?"

The fat man puffed up: "Don't call me Nai.

Wang Xiaobei: "You promise me not to tell the truth!" Fat

man: "If you call me Nai Nai again, I'll tell Meimei."

Wang Xiaobei: "Nai Nai Nai... Not only do I want to call you Nai, but I also want to tell those little nurses that your name is Nai, huh, and you can't tell you? The

fat man's eyes were red, and a tear fell.


Wang Xiaobei panicked instantly.

"What are you doing here? I'm kidding you around, can't I stop screaming?

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble."

"I don't call you Nai, and you don't tell the truth, we're still good friends."

The fat man touched his tears aggrievedly, and when he wiped his tears, he didn't forget to stuff a small biscuit into his mouth.

Looking at his appearance, Wang Xiaobei nodded secretly.

Well, Brother Tian is right, he and Meimei are sisters, I can rest assured!


A French restaurant.

Summer sent the menu to Jin Qiaoqiao: "You can order it, but don't order their sirloin steak, there are few people who order sirloin, and a piece of steak has been stored in the refrigerator for a long, long time, and it is all zombie meat."

"The main point is to order the main Formosa steak, there are many people who order, and the ingredients are fresh."

Jin Qiaoqiao looked at Summer in surprise.

"How do you know so much?"

Summer grinned: "When I was in school, I worked in this shop on weekends, and I have eaten all the steak flavors of their family, the main Formosa steak is the most delicious, followed by small ribs, sirloin or something, it is too unpopular, no one orders it, and it is not delicious after a long time in the refrigerator."

Jin Qiaoqiao put down the menu.

"Then take Formosa Plastics and ribs."

Greet the waiter to place an order.

"In addition to the steak, two more snail soup and tiramisu dessert."

"Another Penfolds 407."

"What do you drink in the summer?"

What the hell is Penfolds 407?

Red wine?

As a poor boy, Summer doesn't know much about all kinds of foreign wines.

"Then I'll have a Penfolds 407 too."

ordered a good meal, and the two chatted briefly.

Jin Qiaoqiao opened WeChat and sent a message to Wang Xiaobei.

"What should I pay attention to on my first date with Summer?"

Wang Xiaobei: "Brother Tian pays attention to face, as a girl, you must save face for men, eat and settle bills or something, don't do this kind of thing, it's too shameless to let women settle accounts."

"Although Brother Tian's family conditions are not good, he is definitely not a person who prostitutes for nothing."

"Remember, let Brother Tian settle the bill!"

Jin Qiaoqiao frowned: "The restaurant I chose, I also ordered a glass of red wine, this meal is not cheap, it's not good to let him settle the bill..."

Wang Xiaobei: "Speechless expression, does AA checkout look down on Brother Tian?" "

It's just a meal, Brother Tian can afford it."

"After eating in a while, you go for a walk, and it's easiest to let out your feelings by walking, or you go for a walk and ask him to buy you a few sets of clothes."

Jin Qiaoqiao: "This is not good...",

"I can buy the clothes myself, I am not with him yet..."Wang

Xiaobei: "You are too polite, right?"

"How can you catch up with a man like that?"

"You're not polite with a man."

Jin Qiaoqiao's little face turned red: "That... Do you want to have any intimate movements?

Wang Xiaobei hehehehe: "Forget it for the first time, Brother Tian is not the kind of casual person."

"Brother Xinbei, get eternal life!"

Jin Qiaoqiao struggled for a few seconds and replied: "Okay..."

After taking a bath in the summer and lying in bed, Wang Xiaobei's message came.

"Hey, hey, how's your date tonight? It's fun to eat with big beautiful women, right? Summer

: "It's okay..."Wang

Xiaobei smiled: "When Jin Qiaoqiao was dating, he secretly came to ask me what to pay attention to on the first date." Summer

: "Oh? She asked you, what did you say?

Wang Xiaobei: "I said that I must save face for you, check out or something, don't rob you, hehe, I didn't expect her to really listen to me, I can see that Jin Qiaoqiao likes you a lot." "

Summer:" ... Did you teach her to do that?

Wang Xiaobei: "Hehe, yes." Summer

: "I'm a mud horse!" "

It cost a thousand oceans for a meal, three thousand for two clothes, four thousand for a night, and I didn't even pull my little hands...

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