"Why are you here?"

Wang Boyi blurted out, "We are calling Dr. Li." "

I don't want to see you!"

Xia pushed his glasses and said calmly, "Dr. Li is undergoing surgery." "

At the moment, it's 1:30 a.m.

Ten minutes ago, a patient came to the emergency department, who was originally going to go to the stage for surgery in the summer, but because he was a small night, he was about to get off work, and he had no time to get off work on the operating table.

As a result, Summer was called from the chest again.

"What's the patient?"

he walked over quickly.

At this moment, the girl's convulsions had eased somewhat, but her eyes were seriously tilted, and her mind was clear but she could not speak.

Wang Boyi glanced at him.

As a doctor.

Even if there is a big feud, when treating emergency patients, you have to shake hands and make peace.

"The patient was diagnosed with myocarditis during the day, and ten minutes ago he suddenly had convulsions and his eyes were crooked, and Dr. Zhou diagnosed it as a stroke, and he was injected with tissue plasminogen activator, and the patient's condition improved.

"But in less than a minute, there were convulsions again. "

Convulsions, crooked eyes, echoing the symptoms of stroke.

But...... The patient was diagnosed with myocarditis.

Myocarditis cannot trigger a stroke.

Myocarditis is a misdiagnosis!

The patient must have other conditions.

"Send the patient for imaging first. The

little nurse pushed the flat cart, and Summer and Wang Boyi lifted the patient into the flat cart and pushed it towards the imaging department.

At the same time, Zhou Boguang asked the little nurse to notify the neurology department to come for consultation.

Inside the image.

The two held the patient inside the instrument.

At this point, the patient has calmed down and can remain calm.

After helping the patient position himself, Xia turned around and left, and after taking two steps, he found that Wang Boyi had not followed.

Radiation can affect the circulatory system, immune, reproductive, metabolic functions of the human body, and can also induce cancer and accelerate the proliferation of human cancer cells.

Generally, health care providers do not stay indoors.

When shooting, you will hide outside the door.

Glancing at Wang Boyi, Summer asked.

"Aren't you going out?"

"I'm closing."

Wang Boyi looked at the little girl with a pair of eyes and said lightly.

"I'm not going out, I'm here with her.

"If she suddenly wakes up and doesn't see anyone, she'll be scared. "


......? Seems to be very self-reproachful.

Summer thought of the report she had seen in the imaging department in the afternoon, and the patient was a 13-year-old girl.

He reminded Wang Boyi, but apparently Wang Boyi ignored him.

As a doctor, you should pay attention to every detail, because of personal grievances, the patient's condition is serious, is it useful to blame yourself?

Start the instrument.

At the same time, the cardiovascular doctor also came to the emergency room.

The person who came was a female doctor.

Early 30s.

He is not tall, 158 in appearance, with wind under his feet, extremely fast steps, and when he walks, his long hair floats loosely.

When she saw summer, her eyes lit up.

"Hey, aren't you the legendary Doctor Xia who lasts the most in that provincial hospital


?" "Just call me Dr. Xia. Summer

looked embarrassed.

"My name is Yuan Jing, the attending cardiovascular doctor, you can just call me Sister Jing.

"Sister Jing is good. The

two said hello.

The image of the image came out.

Both eyes shifted to the screen at the same time.


The brain is a fog, which takes up about 15% of the brain.

The mist is blood.

A stroke caused a cerebral hemorrhage.

Yuan Jing frowned and said: "Hemorrhage in the basal ganglia, hemiplegia on the opposite side of the lesion, hemisensory loss and homotropic hemianopia, there will be inability to gaze in the opposite direction of the lesion in both eyes, accompanied by aphasia." "

I heard Dr. Zhou say that the patient has symptoms of slanted eyes?"

Xia nodded.


"The patient, who was only 13 years old, was tested for myocarditis a day ago, and I suspect that the patient had a stroke caused by other diseases. "

What do you think, Sister Jing?"

Yuan Jing pondered for a moment, his eyes fell on the image, and he pointed to the bleeding spots of one of the blood mist, and said.

"The bleeding point has stopped.

"Conservative treatment can be used, but the cause is sought before a second bleeding occurs.

Summer nodded to Yuan Jing.


said to the nurse quickly.

"Inject the patient with alteplase. "

At the same time, check the patient's blood sugar, if the blood sugar is higher than 10mmo/L, use insulin to control the patient's blood sugar within 7.8~10mmol/L, and when it is lower than 3.3mmol/L, inject glucose into the patient.

"Blood pressure should also be controlled. "

Monitor the patient's vital signs at all times. "

Yes, Dr. Xia. The two little nurses went to work at once.

Yuan Jing smiled at Summer.

"I'm back in the department, if there is a second bleeding, you can notify me again. "

Okay, thank you, Dr. Yuan. "

Generally, doctors from other departments are called for consultation, and the consulting doctor comes to take a look, and then leaves after the consultation.

Unless it is your own patient, you will follow the whole process.

After Yuan Jing left, Wang Boyi pushed the patient out and asked Xia.

"How's it going

?" "Have you determined the cause of the patient?"

Summer shook her head and frowned, "I suspect it's a heart problem, so I'll go do an echocardiogram first." "


Wang Boyi didn't say a word, and pushed the patient to the ultrasound room.


Summer glanced back.

"What about Doctor Zhou?" the

patient is his, why is his person gone?

"Dr. Zhou said he stayed in the ward and let Dr. Xia and Dr. Wang handle the patient. "

Wipe ......

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