In the lounge, Wang Boyi tossed and turned, and the words of summer always surrounded his mind.

Five minutes later.

He knocked on the door of the lounge next door, and Zhou Boguang's impatient voice came.

"What's the matter?"

"I just fell asleep.

Wang Boyi said cautiously through the crack in the door.

"Brother Zhou, I'm a little worried about that girl with myocarditis. "

When I went to get the report in the afternoon, a doctor said that the girl's blood pressure was too high, and it was suspected that it was not myocarditis, or should we check her again?"

Zhou Boguang replied lazily.

"Which doctor said that?"

"Is it from our department?"


"Director Zhang of the emergency department?"

Wang Boyi's face turned red and he whispered, "No...... is a resident of the emergency department. "

There was silence in the room for a few seconds.


Boguang opened the door, he only wore a big pair of pants at the door, his clothes were taken off, his old face was full of anger, and a pair of small eyes looked Wang Boyi up and down.

"Bo Yi, what's the matter with you?"

"The director said that I should take care of you, but you also have to work hard, and you also believe the words of a small resident doctor?" "

My daughter's myocarditis was diagnosed by me personally.

"You mean, I'm not as good as a resident doctor?" "

Are you stupid?

If the director is not your uncle, the brain will give you a fart!"

Wang Boyi lowered his head and said weakly.

"No, I didn't mean that.

"I'm just a little worried.

"Brother Zhou, go to sleep, I won't disturb you." Back

in the lounge, Wang Boyi lay on the bed tossing and turning, with a pillow on his head, forcing himself to close his eyes.


summer rolled out of my head!!

in a daze, Wang Boyi fell asleep.


A scream woke him up.

A woman ran out in a panic, the woman was wearing pajamas, her hair was scattered, and she suddenly rushed out in the middle of the night, and the frightened Wang Boyi jumped off the bed all of a sudden.

Hurriedly asked.

"What's wrong

?" "What's wrong?" he

recognized the woman as the mother of the myocarditic girl.

The daughter was hospitalized, and the mother was in the hospital with the bed.

The mother was frightened, her facial features were distorted, her hands were like pliers, she grabbed Wang Boyi's hand and shouted.

"Doctor, help, save my daughter. "

She...... She, in convulsions.

Wang Boyi immediately rushed towards the room.

Inside the hospital room.

The girl's body twitched, her eyes tilted to the right, and her mouth kept vomiting.

!! stroke

, Wang Boyi thought of stroke for the first time.

He turned the girl to her side to avoid choking on the vomit, and at the same time, he took out a tongue depressor and pressed it between her mouth and tongue to avoid biting off her tongue.

At the same time, shouted at the nurse.

"Quick, go call Dr. Zhou.

Three minutes later, Zhou Boguang walked briskly into the ward.

He glanced at the girl and said quickly to the nurse.

"A shot of tissue plasminogen activator. "

Boyi, keep your breathing mouth open.

"Don't bite your tongue. The

little nurse went down with a needle, the patient had some slight relief, his body no longer trembled, and the mother rushed over to hug her daughter, looking at Zhou Boguang and Wang Boyi with desperate eyes.

"Doctor, what's going on with my daughter

?" "Didn't you say she had myocarditis? Why did it suddenly happen like this?"

Zhou Boguang's face was extremely ugly.

"It is currently suspected that the patient has had a stroke.

"When her condition stabilizes, I will call the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular department for consultation tomorrow."

Wang Boyi was stunned.

If it can trigger a stroke, it means that the girl's disease is not myocarditis.

He glanced at Zhou Boguang cautiously.

asked: "Brother Zhou, there should be someone on the cardiovascular side to work, or ...... Call them over for a consultation now?"

Zhou Boguang glared at him.

What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"The patient has stabilized, so let's see another consultation tomorrow."!! "

You pay attention to the patient, call me again if you have something."

Zhou Boguang turned around to leave.

The mother holding the child shouted.


" "Doctor, look at my daughter." "

The patient, who had calmed down, had convulsions all over his body again, and this time the convulsions were even stronger than the previous one.

Wang Boyi panicked and shouted at Zhou Boguang.

"Brother Zhou, what now?" Zhou

Boguang was stunned.

Why did you smoke again?

This shouldn't

be! The tissue plasminogen activator has been shot, it should be better

!"Brother Zhou!!"

Wang Boyi shouted.

This was beyond the scope of his medicine, and if he knew what the girl's disease was, he could have prescribed the right medicine, but now it was clear that the girl was not myocarditis.

I don't even know what the patient's disease is, how to treat it?

Zhou Boguang wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked the little nurse.

"Who's on duty in the emergency department tonight?"

the little nurse said, "It seems to be Dr. Li." "

Okay, immediately call Director Li for a consultation. Zhou Boguang said.

The little nurse ran out to make a phone call.

Ten minutes later.

A voice rang out outside the door.

"Hello, I'm an emergency doctor, where is the patient who needs to be rescued?"

said the little nurse, "I'll take you there."

With the sound of hurried footsteps, the little nurse led a doctor into the ward.

The savior is coming

!!! Wang Boyi turned back excitedly.

I saw that Summer was standing at the door, and the two looked at each other.

I am most afraid that the air will suddenly be quiet ~~~~~

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