Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 932

Seven Star Sea Sacred Place, Great Void Heavenly Palace.

Tian Yu Great Ancestor and Sword Master sit side by side. They both drink and talk to each other and look at the scene in front of the sky. It is the scene where Dongbo Xueying accompanied the Mindscape Cult Master to the entrance of the Star Tower. Because Dongbo Xueying preach the Dao has been in the past half-month, Tian Yu Great Ancestor and Sword Master have long been ready to take a look at Dongbo Xueying 闯Star Tower.

Because the six Great Sage are like each other, other Universe Gods are also very concerned about Dongbo Xueying.

“I thought that this brat has a high potential and is expected to step into Chaos Boundary.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor said with a smile, “I didn’t expect to be a kid, so I’ve got 7-Layer strength in Unity Boundary so quickly. Maybe in the future, my Great Void Heavenly Palace will have one more Star Tower ninth layer. By the time of the Six Great Sage, my Great Void Heavenly Palace has the same Star Tower ninth layer as the Blade Emperor City. It is.”

Today, the six Great Sage, only the Blade Emperor City, has two Star Tower ninth layer series experts.

Great Void Heavenly Palace, only one Chaos Hall Master.

First Ancestor island, there is also only one Jiang Fu Palace Lord. So he personally became the Master of the conference, it is still very rare, so that Blade Emperor City can only let ‘Mindscape Cult Master’ host. Plus Xing Huo Hall Master also went to see the ceremony for the sake of his son. So this time the Stars Congress… has a full three Star Tower ninth layer series, which is rare in history! And this time Stars Congress, there is also a Unity Boundary 7-Layer, even more rare.

“Maybe, he can become a Universe God.” Sword Master said with a smile.

“Universe God? It’s hard.” Tian Yu Great Ancestor lamented, “Every Universe God has its own path, and Sword Master is yours. In the universe, practicing alone will reach Chaos Boundary. Great Void Heavenly Palace After reading the classics and re-closing, it is Universe God.”

Sword Master is indeed Legendary.

No one else has experienced a lot of tempering. Before Sword Master became a Universe God, there was no fame in the entire Chaos Void. I only knew that ‘Great Void Heavenly Palace’ suddenly had a Chaos Boundary called Sword Master. It didn’t take long for this Chaos. Boundary is a Universe God, and of course the shock is much stronger than Dongbo Xueying.

Let countless experts be a bit blind.


Several parties, several Universe God are watching, because they are all six Great Sage, so Star Tower allows them to watch the internal battle scene.

“Digital Universe God looks at it and can go all out.” Mindscape Cult Master said.

“This is nature.” Dongbo Xueying flew directly into Star Tower, even though this is the Star Tower of Blade Emperor City, but the refining and the Great Void Heavenly Palace are exactly the same, he is also very familiar.


Star Tower 7-Layer, the bloody flow light in the rolling hills gathered from the depths of the mountains and turned into ten silhouettes. It is the ten Destruction Demon Clan wearing the bloody armor, they and Great Void Heavenly Palace’s Star Tower 7-Layer opponents are slightly different. However, Dongbo Xueying also knows that the difficulty should be the same.

“Go.” Dongbo Xueying thought.

The black flower bone appeared from the void, causing the terrifying power of the heavens and earth, covering the ten Destruction Demon Clan. Under one thought, the continuous blossoming appears, full of seven black flower bones, one wrapped one, the innermost layer is the ten deceptive Destruction Demon Clan! After all, Dongbo Xueying’s tricks are coming from illusion, and hiding can’t hide.

The power of the surrounding world, vortex, has not dissipated yet, Dongbo Xueying said: “Exit!”

He is merciless, and the seven Flower of Destruction are displayed at the same time.

Bang bang

In the face of Ba Yun Palace Master, Dongbo Xueying is not so embarrassed, seven black flower bones bloom at the same time, beautiful bloom is also the moment when Destruction reveals terrifying powerful energy, ten Destruction Demon Clan have issued a harsh and angry scream.

Waiting for everything to dissipate reveals two serious Destruction Demon Clan inside.

With just one full effort, the other eight Destruction Demon Clan are dead and both are seriously injured. Both of these are extremely defensive. Mainly because Dongbo Xueying’s seven Flower of Destruction formidable power were scattered on the ten Destruction Demon Clan, they let them down.

The two remaining Destruction Demon Clan were frightened and fled.

However, it is too late!

“Destroy.” Dongbo Xueying once more Shows seven black Flower of Destruction. After the Flower of Destruction blooms, the remaining two Destruction Demon Clan are dead.

“At the beginning, I used the domain again, and I used Illusion to display the Heaven Punisher Blade, and I was forced to fight hard. It took a long time to kill eight Destruction Demon Clan. Now they have been Off.” Dongbo Xueying felt in his heart, and he knew that his strength should be good in the Star Tower 7-Layer.

After all, at your own discretion, a single Flower of Destruction is enough to reach the Star Tower 7-Layer threshold. Can you display seven of them, naturally strong?

“Go look at the 8-Layer again.” Dongbo Xueying wants to experience the 8-Layer’s formidable power.


Flying into the air, flying into the vortex channel in the sky.

Star Tower 8-Layer, turned out to be a huge battle stage, the numerous golden lights on the battle stage condensed and gathered into an Outside expert expert wearing a close-fitting golden armor. The golden armor is as close to the body as the skin. He has three slender tails and the tip of his tail is sharp and unmatched. With two arms, the arm is about to the knee position.

“golden armor Destruction Demon Clan.” Dongbo Xueying secretly thought, he also learned a lot about Destruction Demon Clan.

Destruction Demon Clan, divided into three main levels: gray armor, blood armor, and golden armor. Golden armor Destruction Demon Clan The weakest is the Star Tower 7-Layer, the strongest is the ninth layer strength.

And above…

There is also Destruction Demon Clan, which is comparable to Universe God. They don’t have a specific look. Even the evil Destruction aura is restrained, and the general Chaos Boundary can hardly find them.

“Unity Boundary?” The golden armor Destruction Demon Clan was surprised to see Dongbo Xueying.

“Destroy.” Dongbo Xueying is with the slightest hesitation. There are seven Flower of Destruction coming!

Under the seven Flower of Destruction formidable power, the golden armor Destruction Demon Clan even though the skin armor layer had some damage, but it was recovered in a flash.

“Dead.” He forced himself into the Dongbo Xueying range, because the range is the Dongbo Xueying’s natural law domain, the natural law domain reconstructed by the ‘Flower of Destruction’ structure… This Destruction Demon Clan can’t teleport, only Can kill by speed.

“It’s too fast.” Dongbo Xueying even showed the Flower of Destruction, which was able to display speed or slow, and was forced to hide from the teleport. Even if one or two were just shrouded, the other side would tear and rush out.

Destruction Demon Clan is too fast.

Dongbo Xueying attack can not help but the other side, just a few rounds, they were forced to give up.

“It seems that 8-Layer is still a lot worse.” Dongbo Xueying said. “Even my strongest attack is not enough. I have to be Chaos Boundary.”


The distant universe of the Universe God is quite appreciative, because in Star Tower history even though there are two Unity Boundary try to 8-Layer, but one is ‘Mindscape Cult Master’ almost immediately admit defeat! The other is Jade Light Sacred Realm’s ‘Jin Yi Great Emperor’, which is a few rounds with a superb domain and defense.

Dongbo Xueying relies on the attack to support several rounds, and the seven Flower of Destruction still affects Destruction Demon Clan speed.

In Blade Emperor City.

Outside a lakeside hut, two figures are walking side by side, one is a gold-robed Blade Emperor and the other is a light gray loose robe man, the City Lord Luo.

“Master, what do you think of Dongbo Xueying?” Blade Emperor said with a smile, the attitude is very humble.

If he spreads this sentence, I am afraid it will cause the entire Chaos Void to vibrate.


No one knows, the ‘Blade Emperor’ of the strongest of the six Great Sage would be the discipline of City Lord Luo! Dignified Blade Emperor would be a discrimination for Chaos Boundary?

“There is some potential, put it in the alternative.” City Lord Luo said with a smile, “He is still young, very early.”

“Yeah.” Blade Emperor obediently nodded.

“In fact, compared to his strength, I am a little surprised at his calm.” City Lord Luo surprisedly said, “He showed his strength at the Stars Congress, the famous Chaos Void, many Chaos Boundary made him good, this moment he scenery Unlimited. It is reasonable to say that the mental state is extremely high at this moment, but it is very calm, but I am very calm, I did not feel how excited he is.”

Blade Emperor a glimpse, nodded: “Yes, that’s true.”

“Interesting.” City Lord Luo face float up is a smile.

They don’t know each other.

Dongbo Xueying inner heart has to deal with Chaos Void. Now the strongest ‘Saint Lord’, even Master Gu Qi is dead in the other hand, Dongbo Xueying asks himself, this is even late, but it’s really exciting. It is necessary. I am still on the road, and the distance from Saint Lord is more than eight thousand miles.


Too virtual temple.

Void First Ancestor sits alone, his eyes can be everywhere in Chaos Void, but 茫茫Void even though Vast Expanse is vast, with countless creatures, but without his discrimination Gu Qi.

He was delighted to see the daring Dongbo Xueying dazzling.

But Gu Qi can’t see it.

He couldn’t forget, after Dongbo Xueying and Thunder Flame, Gu Qi excited Joyous’s nowhere to say, and pulled him Void First Ancestor for a long time.

“Gu Qi.” Void First Ancestor whispers, “Your disciple Dongbo Xueying is now the strongest Unity Boundary in the Five Great Sage world, or Unity Boundary 7-Layer. If you know, it will be very happy.”

(End of this article)

(The next one is the 31 article ‘Chaos Boundary’)


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