Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 931

On the battle stage.

Dongbo Xueying suddenly received seven Flower of Destruction, so that the Ba Yun Palace Master, who has been trapped inside, is stunned. The world of translucent black petals is blurred, and now the world is clear. Chu, the white clothed youth in the distance stood there, opened the mouth and said: “Ba Yun Palace Master, can you continue to test than?” The sound is soft and sounds in the ear.

Ba Yun Palace Master looked at Dongbo Xueying with a complex expression, and then he turned his head and turned it into a flowing light. He flew back to his position and sat down silently, without a word.

He is very clear…

Chaos Boundary Big Shot is distributed in the five Great Sage world and 茫茫Chaos Void. It seems to be rare, but it can be counted as well. The Great Void Heavenly Palace has twelve places, and the First Ancestor island and Jade Light Holy Land background are as deep as the Great Void Heavenly Palace. There are also many Chaos Boundary who don’t rely on Holy Land. Seven Star Sea Sacred Place alone has nearly 100 Chaos Boundary, five Great Sage circles, and the most powerful Huge of Ancient Sacred Place, followed by Ten Thousand Ancient Sacred Place, Mother Ancestor Eastern Qilin Sacred Place, Seven Star Sea Sacred Place Again.

Coupled with the past wars, the previously created Sacred Place was broken, and many of the lazy Chaos Boundary Big Shot were scattered in the Chaos Void, and even the Universe God had some scattered in the Chaos Void.

Therefore, the status of Chaos Boundary Big Shot is also high and low.

Dignified Chaos Boundary, if only Star Tower 6-Layer strength, is the most despised, is the bottom of the bottom, generally not willing to come out to walk, or seclusion, or occupy a remote place to be their own hegemon.

The 7-Layer strength, like Ba Yun Palace Master, Qing Qu Island Master, etc., is the most common. Most of the Chaos Boundary is in the 7-Layer. The background like Tian Ku Sect Master is 7- Layer peak. Overall, this layer is not bad, at least walking the parties, other Chaos Boundary will also give face. Because this is the most common level of strength.

The 8-Layer is really very bad, the number is relatively small, and the status is also honorable. Wu Ze Snake Ancestor, Zi Tu Island Master, General Tian Guang, Demon Ancestor are all at this level, and their number is much less. Like the Master of the Stars Congress, they represent their own Holy Land, and Universe God feels good.

Of course, some of them are very strong, such as Heaven Seeking Hall Master, Nine Dragon Venerate Emperor, etc., all of which are 8-Layer peak, and Demon Ancestor has challenged Heaven Seeking Hall Master to be easily defeated.

Ninth layer? Their strength has reached the level of Universe God, and they can save lives in the face of Universe God, and Universe God treats them equally.

“7-Layer’s Unity Boundary Ah.” Ba Yun Palace Master has envy, “This Dongbo Xueying, entering the Chaos Boundary will take a long time to reach the 8-Layer peak. Even stepping into the ninth layer is great.”

In history, there were only eight in total, and seven of them had reached the ninth layer series. Of course, they have a die and a Universe God.

“This time, he is the famous name of the entire Chaos Void, countless experts will know his name. And I, is the stepping stone of his fame.” Ba Yun Palace Master seems to be bitten, but he is not the enemy The idea, because the gap is too large, 8-Layer peak to deal with ordinary 7-Layer, with no difficulty can execute.


Dongbo Xueying looked at Ba Yun Palace Master without a word obediently leaving, but a path of sound came from his ear.

“Elder Dongbo, congratulations, Unity Boundary can reach the 7-Layer series, and the future Chaos Boundary ninth layer can also be Ah.”

“Elder Dongbo is really a must, not only step into the 7-Layer series, but also the ability to press Ba Yun Palace Master, admire and admire.”

“I was fortunate enough to see this battle that was destined to be recorded in history, luck luck Ah.”

It is the sound transmission of Chaos Boundary Big Shot.

They are very enthusiastic, and even some postures are naturally lowered. It seems that they are willing to be lower than Dongbo Xueying! Because Chaos Boundary also has various hardship crisis, they are very willing to pay Dongbo Xueying’s. Before they, they still can’t keep up with Dongbo Xueying. They are too lazy to say much.

Instinct is not a level, they think that Dongbo Xueying is always possible in Unity Boundary.

It is naturally different now.

What’s more, most of them are just 7-Layer series, which is no better than Ba ​​Yun Palace Master.

“I still need to continue preach the Dao, forgive me.” Dongbo Xueying responded to the sound transmission of his own sound transmission.

Then he turned and looked towards towards below.

Countless Practitioners have been excited before, and Unity Boundary has actually suppressed Chaos Boundary? Some well-informed Unity Boundary has long been described with the surrounding companion sound transmission, many of whom understand that this is a Legendary of Unity Boundary 7-Layer.

“Now continue to preach the Dao.” Dongbo Xueying sounds through every Practitioner ear below, and has previously selected 300 Unity Boundary Practitioners for direct movement.

Hū hū hū ……

Three hundred Unity Boundary Practitioners fell on the battle stage. They were all very excited. They were selected and had the opportunity to ask for the existence of Unity Boundary 7-Layer. In the understanding of Unity Boundary… Dongbo Xueying is Law Mystery System, it can be said that there is no one who dares to speak more thoroughly than Dongbo Xueying.

“Dongbo Senior.” Three hundred Unity Boundary are respectful saluted, which is a tribute to Senior.

“each and everyone comes.” Dongbo Xueying followed and started one after another to point them.


Whether it’s the countless Practitioner below, or the Chaos Boundary Big Shot above, it’s more careful. Linked Heart like Cult Master, Xing Huo Emperor, and Jiang Fu Palace Lord will listen carefully.

After waiting for eighteen hours, I will point out 300 Unity Boundary.

Dongbo Xueying manipulated Void to send the 300 Practitioners down.

“My preach the Dao has ended, and the other conference masters.” Dongbo Xueying sang with a smile, and then turned into a flow light directly to the upper platform, seated in his seat.

In order.

General Tian Guang stood up. He looked at Dongbo Xueying next to him. In the past, he was not a fake, even in the bones, he couldn’t stand Unity Boundary. It was an insult to himself. But at this moment, he rarely smiled, first laughed at Dongbo Xueying, and let Dongbo Xueying feel shocked.

The General Tian Guang, bald, faintly golden light in the whole body, suddenly changed his attitude and smiled at himself. Dongbo Xueying still had some discomfort.

General Tian Guang smiled in the middle of the channel: “Elder Dongbo preach the Dao in front, let me be very stressed, I preach the Dao not necessarily Elder Dongbo, but I will naturally try my best.” His voice is also ho The sound of the audience rang.

“General Tian Guang has a good reputation.” Dongbo Xueying immediately said.

“But good reputation, I am the truth, below Chaos Boundary, preach the Dao dare to compare with Elder Dongbo.” General Tian Guang said with a slight smile, then he took a step, the silhouette disappeared and went to the lower battle On the stage, he sat on the high platform with a gray robe, his body was golden light, and the sound began to preach the Dao.


The five masters are preach the Dao, Dongbo Xueying, General Tian Guang, Wu Ze Snake Ancestor, Zi Tu Island Master, and the last one is Jiang Fu Palace Lord.

Sitting on the high platform can relax and listen to Dongbo Xueying of others preach the Dao, but it is not very leisurely.

Around the Chaos Boundary, we have a sound transmission on that’s all.

The masters of the three Great Sage circles and even the masters of Chaos Void, some of them communicated to themselves through the Seven Stars Sea Pavilion, at least come to congratulate! Obviously the status is high, most of those Chaos Boundary Big Shot are not rude, and most of Dongbo Xueying responded with a simple courtesy. However, the Hall Masters of the Great Void Heavenly Palace and some of the high-ranking players need to take it seriously.

Dongbo Xueying preach the Dao Nine days, the other Chaos Boundary are relatively short, generally 5 month 6 day, Jiang Fu Palace Lord is only a minimum of three days.

The main ‘on the road’ aspect, or the Law Mystery System is more able to say! Most other systems will be implemented, and it will be worse.

“This time the Stars Congress, this is the end.” Mindscape Cult Master sounded throughout the venue.

Numerous Practitioners have some experience in thinking about listening to ‘preach the Dao’, and some are ignorant, but they still start to leave on a large scale.

Above the high platform.

Everyone also got up and left.

“Elder Dongbo.”

“Elder Dongbo.” The digital Chaos Boundary came and even invited Dongbo Xueying to their party.

“Your son has a good eye.” Jiang Fu Palace Lord and Xing Huo Emperor walked side by side. “To worship Dongbo Xueying as a teacher, at the Way of Mirage, he will definitely be the best Master.”

“Ha ha ha.” Xing Huo Emperor smiled.

Looking at Dongbo Xueying is so dazzling, Xing Huo Emperor is happy from inner heart.

at this time–

Mindscape Cult Master is walking to Dongbo Xueying, next to Dongbo Xueying’s several Chaos Boundary and avocid to the side, Mindscape Cult Master of the ninth layer series still makes them feel pressure.

“Dongbo.” Mindscape Cult Master smiles, then sound transmission, “Blade Emperor let me talk, please go to Star Tower now, take a look at Star Tower! Not only Blade Emperor, there are several Universe God will watch you Star Tower.”

“Digital Univers God?” Dongbo Xueying, for the first time, the number of Universe God is also concerned about him.

In the past, he was slightly concerned about Tian Yu Great Ancestor and Sword Master of his Great Void Heavenly Palace, only thinking that he is expected to become a Hall Master. However, now the six Great Sage’s strongest ‘Blade Emperor’ and other digital Universe God are paying attention at the same time. Obviously, they have entered the top of the six Great Sage. It is normal. According to past experience, Dongbo Xueying stepped into the Star Tower ninth layer. The probability is extremely high.

“Well, I will go to Star Tower.” Dongbo Xueying sound transmission.

Mindscape Cult Master smile nodded: “I will send you in the past.”


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