Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 902

After the four giants roared, they stared at the distant Dongbo Xueying, and they followed him and turned into an afterimage.

Although speed is worse than true body, it still makes Dongbo Xueying scream: “The Thunder Flame’s body is the strongest of the Five Great Sage Unity Boundary, and even the giant body of the division is almost like this.”


The four giants crossed a path of curves and siege to Dongbo Xueying. Their palms were carved like rocks, or they were swung over, or they were caught directly in claws, or furiously strike…even though Attack also touched itself, but might has caused the surrounding space to start as if the mirror is broken, and there are countless cracks.

This is the power of absolute violence! They are all manipulated by the Thunder Tower Lord, ignoring Illusion at all.

“humph.” Dongbo Xueying thought, a lot of corrugated filaments all over Void, quickly entangled with the four giants, so that their speed slightly slowed down a little, which makes Dongbo Xueying secretly shaking his head, Coiling Wave Diagram formidable power is not enough, if it can Going further to the Star Tower 6-Layer series can make a big difference.

However, the wave domain is just an aid. Dongbo Xueying’s killing strike is the Heaven Punisher Blade.

I saw a ray of light in twelve Virtual Worlds.

Hey, hey, xiu… The twelve Heaven Punisher Blades descended from the illusion. They appeared just in front of the four giants, and every three Heaven Punisher Blades besiegeed to a giant.

“Twelve Heaven Punisher Blade?” has been confident that the Thunder Tower Lord, standing in the distance, has changed his face.

“bang bang Bang… ”

The twelve Heaven Punisher Blades collided with the four giants, and the four giants screamed and greeted each other.

One side is the body of the four giants of the Thunder Tower Lord cultivated with great strength.

One side is the purely offensive Heaven Punisher Blade, full of twelve!

Accompanied by the roar of the sky.

The fall of the battle, casually a Heaven Punisher Blade fallout swept over ten thousand li, the fall of the giants’ palms swept the surrounding ten thousand li, and even more than the land in thehund thousand! This is not the giant’s palm is stronger, but the Heaven Punisher Blade is more introverted, and the giant attack is violent manifestation.

Waiting for the Heaven Punisher Blade to dissipate, the four giants stood on the vast land. They all had smashed wounds on their bodies. Some wounds cut the body almost halfway, but they were recovering quickly.

And this piece of land…

The surrounding few hundred thousand were turned into ruins, and the oasis that was originally full of opportunity to live was destroyed.

This is Sacred Place, the battle fallout destroys a few hundred thousand, which is definitely the Chaos Boundary Big Shot level, of course, the weak Chaos Boundary Big Shot! Like a little more advanced, fighting in the Sacred Place and hundreds of thousands of li are normal.

“I can firmly determine my four giants, and it is worth my effort.” The Thunder Tower Lord, standing in the distance, moved.


He did not show his more famous domain skills, but it is clear that Dongbo Xueying is definitely the strongest Unity Boundary he encountered, and the usual method is a waste of time.

“This is my strong killing strike, pick up.”

The sound passed into Dongbo Xueying’s ear.

The Thunder Tower Lord has turned into an electric light to the side of Dongbo Xueying. It’s too fast. The distance between the two sides is not too far. The Thunder Tower Lord terrifying speed is almost no less than the teleport effect. If the giant’s body speed surpasses itself, then Thunder Tower Lord’s speed will make Dongbo Xueying marvel, and the speed gap is too big.

As the strongest of the Unity Boundary body, in order to save your life, the Thunder Tower Lord True Body is extremely strong in speed defense!

“Hū. Hū. ”

The hands of the Thunder Tower Lord are very white, and the ordinary slaps to Dongbo Xueying, but his palm, a faint Thunder and Lightning surround, and the other is a faint flame. It seems to be very common, and the voice is much weaker than the body of the giant. But this is the most terrifying trick of Thunder Tower Lord genuine.

Absolute Arts “Thunder Flame” is also his external title.

It is said that he is obsessed with Thunder and Lightning and flame in a weak hour. Unlike other Witch Cultivators, the Thunder Tower Lord mainly studied Thunder and Lightning and flame in the early days. Later, he gradually studied the body. He combined Thunder and Lightning. The power of flame is self created by the fusion of Absolute Arts “Thunder Flame”, the genuine Megatron parties.

True Body attack, the body of the other four giants still roaring on more than killing.

“bang bang Bang…” Dongbo Xueying distracted and displayed twelve Heaven Punisher Blades once more to block the four giants. At the same time, Dongbo Xueying’s palms appeared on the surface of the palms, and the palms of his hands seemed to be peerless. Exuding Slaughter aura, followed by Dongbo Xueying’s palms as if the two swords were straight ahead.


A pair of black scales palms greet the palms of the Thunder Tower Lord. The Thunder Tower Lord’s mouth is slightly upturned and deliberately greeted. He is also a very proud person. How can he avoid it?

At the moment of touch, Thunder Tower Lord’s palms, left hand Thunder and Lightning suddenly transformed flame, right hand is a sudden flame to Thunder and Lightning, this momentary change, and instantly broke out terrifying.

While Dongbo Xueying’s palm is overbearing, there is a huge pair of front paw phantom shadows, and it is furiously thrust with Dongbo Xueying’s palm.

The two sides collided.

Dongbo Xueying The whole person couldn’t help but squat back and forth six steps. Every step made the earthquake tremble, and Thunder Tower Lord was a step of retreat. He was shocked towards Dongbo Xueying: “He was able to positively resist my Thunder Flame.” Killing strike ?”

At the moment, Dongbo Xueying stood there, and the black scales had a huge front paw phantom shadow that shrouded the terrifying killing intent.

“I used Real Dragon Extinguishing Sixth Sword with the claws of Ba Dragon, and it was still in a downwind.” Dongbo Xueying secretly felt.

Ba Dragon Inheritance, the most terrifying is a pair of hands!

If the body scale is strong enough to rival the Void God Weapon, then the palm of the weapon is enough to match the high grade Void God Weapon, and it has all sorts of singularities, using it to display Realm Extinguishing Sixth Sword It is even bigger to display forformable power. It can be said that in terms of melee, Dongbo Xueying is now an advantage. Duel can definitely tear a giant, but unfortunately facing the Thunder Tower Lord’s strongest killing strike, it still falls to the bottom.

However, Dongbo Xueying has no injuries!

“Come back.” Thunder Tower Lord did not want to believe, roaring.


His true body once more kills, the four giants roared and killed, the super True Body with the four giants, less tricks in the Witch Cultivator, but enough to crush other Unity Boundary. After all, nowadays, in the three Great Sage world, there is no master of Star Tower 7-Layer! Dongbo Xueying thinks he can shock, but at least he doesn’t have the genuine to go through the Star Tower 7-Layer.

“It’s good.” Dongbo Xueying is also violent.

A pair of black scales palms with Slaughter Destruction aura face each other, a path of Heaven Punisher Blade descends from void, and even Dongbo Xueying occasionally splits four or five Heaven Punisher Blades with their own siege of Thunder Tower Lord! After all, as long as the Heaven Punisher Blade… is enough to withstand the four giants.

With the Heaven Punisher Blade, true body close-up killing, Dongbo Xueying gradually gained the upper hand.


Thunder Tower Lord is very angry.

Even though his body is strong and firmly resist Heaven Punisher Blade, the Heaven Punisher Blade formidable power is too big, and he is also bombarded retreat under firmly resist. The combat action is disturbed. On the skill, Law Mystery System’s Dongbo Xueying also has the upper hand. One palm is often on the Thunder Tower Lord.

Pēng pēng pēng ……

Thunder Tower Lord even though No fear, but it is a trick.

“humph.” Thunder Tower Lord suddenly retreats and directly retreats into the distance. The body of the four giants instantly flies to him, and merges his within the body. He looks at Dongbo Xueying with a cold look. With a wave of hand, Thunder-fire flashed in the hand and tore open the space channel. He walked straight into it and walked away.

Thunder Tower Lord is quite wrong.

His offense is very fierce, the four giants are extremely strong offensive, with a stronger True Body, Unity Boundary is playing against others!

But this time, Dongbo Xueying is a mad attack, he can only rely on the body firmly resist!

“Just go so far?” Dongbo Xueying still admired the other side, he is not a win, only the upper hand on the offensive, but the other body is indeed terrifying.

“It seems that I am now in strength and I am not sure about passing the 7-Layer.” Dongbo Xueying secretly thought, “Perhaps according to my plan, I have studied the last killing strike and I have been fully grasped.”

Vermillion Nightmare Inheritance, Ba Dragon Inheritance He has achieved today’s achievements.

When ‘Stone Mirror’ boots, it also merges the two inheritance guides of today, and even forms an evil black flower.

Dongbo Xueying From this evil black flower, I have seen the promy mystery of ‘Way of Mirage’ and ‘Way of Slaughter’… If you merge these two roads, you may be able to create Realm Extinguishing Sixth Sword and Heaven Punisher Blade. Stronger tricks!


There was no bystander at the time.

However, the Evil Eye Palace Master after all is caught alive, and Witch Ancestor subordinates quickly began to investigate, naturally seeing the battle scene at the time, and they were shocked.


“Dongbo Xueying is no less than Thunder Flame?”

“Terifying Illusion Technique, Heaven Punisher Blade, close combat?”

“Thunder Flame can only be forced to rely on his body in the face of this, this, how can this be?”

Knowing a lot, news to spread is going to be faster.

Dongbo Xueying also smashed the news. After all, he caught the master of Witch Ancestor subordinates, and the Great Void Heavenly Palace was shocked to see him.


Thunder Flame, formerly the Three Great Sage world recognized Unity Boundary is the strongest in this era, but because of this battle, Thunder Flame is not the strongest! Of course, Dongbo Xueying is not the strongest, and neither of them has a clear advantage.

“Ha ha ha ……” Ten Thousand Ancient Sacred Place, a small courtyard in the middle of a mountain, the small courtyard has many weeds.

In the hospital.

A silver-haired Golden Horn man sat on a stone bench. His silver eyebrow raised like a sword, and he couldn’t help laughing. The laughter echoed in the small courtyard. A scene in the air appeared in front of him. It was Dongbo Xueying. Scenes of fighting the Thunder Tower Lord.

“It’s my Gu Qi’s discipline, even though I’ve received a discipline, but it’s the most powerful of the Unity Boundary in the Three Great Sage world. It’s good for me to collect the disciple.” The Silver Horn Golden Horn is quite proud.


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