Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 901

Evil Eye Palace Master, who was banned from lying, changed his face and was angry said hurriedly: “Dongbo Xueying, don’t be too much!” As an expert, he was afraid of penalties, and Witch Cultivators were experimenting with themselves. Will start with yourself, transform the body and even soul! Although there is no fear of punishment, depriving him of all the treasures makes the Evil Eye Palace Master go crazy. As a Witch Cultivator, nature attaches great importance to resources. Many treasures are accumulated over a long period of time and are deprived for him. It was a half life loss.

Dongbo Xueying glanced at him and said that he was too lazy to say that he just waved his hand.


The Evil Eye Palace Master on the ground disappeared out of thin air and has been included in the heavenly dwelling treasure.

“Elder Dongbo.” The white-haired plain old man in the mid-air is somewhat helpless. “It is not easy for us to collect the resources of various kinds of experiments.” If you deprive you all, you have not killed me. Fellow apprentice, but it is also killing him half a life, or else, take a step back?”

“Step back? Thunder Tower Lord, I even though respect you, but before the Evil Eye Palace Master started to me, saying that I want to deprive me of all the treasures, but also torture me with some methods, you have no objection.” Dongbo Xueying sneered, ” Why, your fellow apprentice is now defeated and falls into my hands. I am dealing with him with the same method, and you are in a hurry.”

Thunder Tower Lord is slightly frowned.

Dongbo Xueying after all is outsiders, who suffers from suffering and naturally does not care. You can eat such a big loss by yourself, and most importantly, his Thunder Flame is still there! Once the matter is passed out… On the many side of the Witch Ancestor subordinates, I am afraid that he will think that his Thunder Flame is incompetent. Just next to it, Dongbo Xueying will catch the Evil Eye Palace Master.

“Who can think of his Illusion Technique so powerful that even the Evil Eye can’t hold it.” Thunder Tower Lord dark secretly thought.

Even if he personally shot, the Evil Eye Palace Master will respond with a lot of methods, and even some life-saving things to resist, want to capture in a flash? Totally impossible!


Evil Eye Palace Master In the present era, the Illusion Technique in Unity Boundary is the first Dongbo Xueying.

“Illusion can only cultivate to this point?” Thunder Tower Lord shook his head. “I have never heard of it before. Vermillion Nightmare Inheritance is indeed a very powerful Illusion in Ancient Cultivator, but it is far less like this forformable power.” Darkness The World Lord ‘is indeed a genius master in Ancient Cultivator, but also a rely on Ancient Cultivator innate talent, creating World to breed the Heaven Punisher Blade.”

A Unity Boundary, the simple Illusion, is a master of the Evil Eye Palace Master, which is incredible!

Where does he know…

Dongbo Xueying was already very enchanting on the Way of Slaughter and Way of Fluctuation. At the time, both Tian Yu Great Ancestor and Sword Master were valued. But his innate talent on the Way of Mirage is even higher! After getting the Ancient Cultivator inheritance “Vermillion Nightmare Inheritance”, the Illusion method was pushed to a very terrifying state.


In the heart of the Thunder Tower Lord, even though complicated, but still said: “Elder Dongbo, you make me embarrassed, after all is my fellow apprentice.”

“The strength is not as good as people, who is blamed, I am not a big bully.” Dongbo Xueying said.

Chaos Boundary Big Shot Dealing with Unity Boundary, Universe God dealing with Chaos Boundary… can say the last sentence, to bully!

Both sides are Unity Boundary, and the top executives of Witch Ancestor subordinates are embarrassed to speak.

“Since this is the case.”

Thunder Tower Lord’s face is also cold. “Then I will see, how strong is the Illusion of Elder Dongbo!”

“haha, ok, I also want to compare with the Thunder Tower Lord.” Dongbo Xueying is also looking forward to both eyes.

Thunder Flame, Thunder Tower Lord.

The three Great Sage world-recognized Unity Boundary is the strongest, and the strength is definitely the Star Tower 6-Layer peak. It is said that when he tried the 7-Layer… Destruction Demon Clan was killed and most of them fell short. In addition, as a Witch Cultivator, there are quite a lot of battle methods, and there are several Star Tower 6-Layer units in the Unity Boundary of the Three Great Sage world, but they are weak.

Dongbo Xueying is also curious about her strength. After taking the Ancient Cultivator, the soul is powerful and can display 15 Heaven Punisher Blades with full force! Dongbo Xueying feels qualified to impact 7-Layer.

Thunder Tower Lord, just to verify your strength!


A white hair wearing a plain Thunder Tower Lord said, “I haven’t played against Unity Boundary for a long time.” With his arrogance, the previous battles were directly with Chaos Boundary Big Shot.

Thunder Tower Lord right hand stretched out, and the palm of the hand gave birth to a black flame, flame chi chi, and the surrounding Void was twisted. He was indifferently spoke: “I am a Witch Cultivator, but I don’t know how much… …”


Dongbo Xueying is too lazy to talk nonsense.

I saw a huge Darkness World coming from the void, completely covering the Thunder Tower Lord, and the Thunder Tower Lord also raising one’s head. Looking at the World that enveloped itself, it is still calm: “Darkness World Lord’s Absolute Arts? “But this Darkness World has a full thickness of 2,700 layers. It is obvious that Dongbo Xueying has gone all out to implement the multi-layer Darkness World.”

This is the multi-layer Darkness World that he can display under his limits – 2,700 layers!

Dongbo Xueying is not afraid to kill the other person directly, because he knows the power of the ‘Thunder Tower Lord’, the physical strength of the Thunder Tower Lord… It is recognized as the strongest Unity Boundary! This is inclusive of two other Sacred Place ‘Ancient Sacred Place ”Mother Ancestor circles’. On the overall strength, Thunder Tower Lord is the first three Sacred Place Unity Boundary, the sole view of the physical body, but the fifth Great Sage Unity Boundary first!

On the 2,700-story Darkness World, Dongbo Xueying wants to take a peek at how strong the other body is.


The sky is sky, the power of heaven and earth is surging.

The moment of the formation of the 2,700-story Darkness World is Direct Destruction, and the resulting World Destruction power is fully applied to the Thunder Tower Lord.


After the Darkness World Destruction, the appearance of the Thunder Tower Lord was revealed. His robe was intact, his face was slightly damaged, his bones were exposed, and his wounds quickly disappeared.

“Tough.” Thunder Tower Lord stared at Dongbo Xueying, one of his two eyes was broken, and he was quickly recovering. “Darkness World Lord is alive and afraid of you, this simple meidable power has Star Tower 7.” -Layer series, but if you go to the 7-Layer, you can’t hold the joint attack of the ten Destruction Demon Clan.”

“You are also very strong.” Dongbo Xueying behind suddenly appeared a huge fiery red Divine Bird Vermillion Nightmare, Vermillion Nightmare unfolded wing, as if covering half of the sky, fiery red airflow instantly shrouded the Thunder Tower Lord side .

Illusion began to attack the Thunder Tower Lord.

The Thunder Tower Lord can be different from the previous Evil Eye Palace Master and Qi Hu Monarch. He can achieve this kind of achievement, and naturally reach the 3rd layer of the soul – My Heart Becomes Heaven.

“The great Illusion, no wonder Evil Eye will be recruited.” Thunder Tower Lord slightly frowned, he felt a **Illusion constantly hit him, even though with his mind Will can quickly un unavel, but still heartfelt I was disturbed. “I really need to separate the 30% of my heart to resist, so I will use less tricks.”

“Elder Dongbo, you also receive my one move.” Thunder Tower Lord smiled.

Boom, bang, bang, bang.

I saw the flesh and blood of his large body and flying out. After flying out, it quickly condensed into a giant with bare skin. Each giant had a rocky skin and the face was exactly the same as the Thunder Tower Lord. The four giants appeared, and all of them screamed in the sky, and the roaring sound even formed a shock wave. The impact was thousands of miles. The oasis grassland was leveled.

This is Sacred Place, just roaring is soformable power.

Dongbo Xueying also knows the other party’s method. Thunder Tower Lord will be physically cultivating to the point of inconspicuousness, and even can split some flesh and blood to form the body of four giants. The body defense of the giant may be weaker than the true body, but the power is better than True body is stronger. At the beginning of each giant’s body, the Thunder Tower Lord is the ultimate melee strength of the giants, each of which is considered a Star Tower 6-Layer series.

This is just one of the methods that’s all in the Great Sage world of the Thunder Tower Lord.


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