Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 684: .Derek's farewell

After Kant returned to Degerim.

Several high-level meetings were held to solve Durandel’s engineering problems.

Judging from the survey results of Kant in Durandel: Durandel has abundant geographical resources and has enough potential to develop into an accessible heavy industry city. But for Dekhrim, who is still in a steadily rising period, it still takes a little effort to invest a lot of manpower and financial resources into it.

"Dekhrim can now be self-sufficient, with the freshwater resources transferred from Cumberland in the South. There is no need to put any additional burden on himself." A minister said strongly.

"But the population in the main city has almost reached a critical point, if it is not in the past two years to expand the scope of the territory. The living space of the citizens of Dekhrem will also become precarious." Another minister retorted.

"Although Durandel has sufficient coal resources and wants to use it as a follow-on reserve for raw materials, he wants to build Durandel into a complete industrial city. We cannot do it with our current capabilities." Another Minister Stood up.

"Industry is a reserve force that supports a country. It should be cultivated at the earliest possible time without cost. If this opportunity is missed, the future of Dekhrem will be inestimable," a minister advocated.

Kant sat silently as the chief listened to their debate.

Bandak and Dairik also sat in the seat, thinking about the conditions put forward by the ministers.

But the meeting did not reach a definite result in the end.

Wen Chen, who was divided into two factions, was puzzled with each other and left the Senate Hall.

Derek walked to Kant before saluting: "Lord."

"Well." Kant nodded, and the meetings in the past few days made him stunned.

"I'm here to say goodbye to you." Derek said respectfully.

Kant rubbed his temple and said, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes. We will leave for Durandel tomorrow morning." Derek replied.

"Be careful on the road. It's been a real business in recent days, and I won't be able to give you tomorrow." Kant looked at Derek.

"Lord Kant has worked hard. For the first time today I participated in such a meeting, and I was really shocked by the momentum of the ministers," Derek described to Kant.

"It's the same as before. They are still standing in their positions and thinking about it, doing their best." Kant replied.

In fact, the intensity of the opinions of the ministers this time really surprised him.

The meeting was held for several days in a row, and the enthusiasm for the debate has not subsided.

It seems that Durandel’s required investment is still quite profound.

"It's you, the lord, who will make the final decision on this matter. I don't know, lord, what do you think in your heart after hearing the opinions of the ministers?" Derek asked tentatively.

"Building in Durandel is indeed troublesome, but it is also an unavoidable thing. What kind of city needs to be built into Durandel may be the key. For now: maintaining the local natural resources is the most important thing." Kant did not Answer positively, but make some summary of what the ministers said.

"Well, I believe that the lord will make appropriate decisions in the end." Derek said to Kant with confidence after listening for a while.

"How many people are you going to take to Durandel this time?" Kant asked a different topic.

"About 800 people. This is the manpower I selected from my men after I learned some of Durandel's situation from Bandak." Dairik replied carefully.

"It turns out that you thought it through quite well." Kant nodded in approval. "This time I will go to Durandel. When you come back, it is estimated to be late autumn. Be sure to organize the luggage you must bring, pay more attention to it. Your own body. Give me condolences to the accompanying soldiers," Kant asked.

"Yes, lord." Derek retreated after receiving the order.

After he returned to the barracks, the evening training had almost begun.

As always, Derek supervised the soldiers' exercises and completed training tasks.

When the commander on the stage blew, all the soldiers needed to gather under the stage.

After Derick disbanded the other soldiers, he left the 800 soldiers who would go with him to Durandel tomorrow.

"Tomorrow we are about to leave. Please prepare for tonight before you leave." Derek ordered.


"The lord asked me to greet you on his behalf. I hope you will not have any accidents within a few months of staying in the field. You can do all the tasks well in Durandel. Have you heard?" Derek preached.

"Hear it!!!" The soldiers replied loudly: "Thank you lord!"

"Okay, break up!" Derek saluted the soldiers under the stage and said, "Let's go back to the dormitory and rest."

After the dissolution, Dairik walked outside the training ground alone.

I found Bandak standing there waiting for him.

"Bandak leader." Dairik greeted Bandak in front of him.

"Commander Derek, you are going to Durandel tomorrow." Bandak said.


The two walked side by side to the rest area of ​​the military camp.

"I heard that in Durandel, most of the urban area is a construction site." Bandak worried.

"The conditions on the job site are better than sleeping in the wild during the war," Derek said softly. "Listening to the lord said that General Abdul Nis wanted to stay there all the time."

"Actually, it is better for me to do such a task~www.novelmtl.com~ You are not fully familiar with the military management of the main city. You should leave more time for you to manage the military barracks at the center." Bandak said Out of doubts in his mind.

"The lord should have seen what I lacked now. I want me to hone more. In the main city, there is always Bandak who will take care of you, even if you are lazy, you can't see it." Dairik Introspection.

"How come, I don't think I have helped you, and you have worked hard all the time." Bandak shook his head and said, "I think if you give you time, you will definitely become more than me. Good command."

Derek denies: "I am already satisfied with being able to stand at the same level as Bandak command you. As far as transcendence is concerned, I cannot imagine."

Bandak continued to shake his head without saying anything.

When they walked to the entrance of the rest area, after the two said goodbye to each other, they returned to their respective residence areas to rest.

Early the next morning, Derek took his troops from the barracks.

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