Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 683: .A day to calm down

The day after Kant returned to the palace.


  Early in the morning, an attendant reported to the palace that Lord Bandak and Lord Derek entered the palace to see.


  Kant asked the attendants to bring them in.


   "Lord." The two commanders walked to Kant to salute.


   "I haven't seen you for a long time." Kant smiled and nodded, beckoning them to get up: "How is the army?"


   "The fighters are probably already proficient in the new training program, and the current mental state and the like are very good." Bandak replied.


   "The new training plan? By the way, when I was in Durandel, I received your plan." Kant thought back for a moment and said, "It's pretty good. It seems that I have to go and see it in person one day."


   "Well, the soldiers in the troops are always ready to be personally reviewed by the lord." Bandak replied.


   "Lord," Derek and Bandak looked at each other and said to Kant: "I heard, when you came back: On the road, someone was infected with the plague. It doesn't matter now."


"It was indeed someone who was infected with the plague. And the soldier had died because of the virus infection and was cremated." Kant replied: "However, fortunately, from the results reported this morning: there are no people in the accompanying people Being infected means that the epidemic of the plague is under our control."


   "That's really great," Bandak said. "I didn't expect to be infected with a special infectious virus in the desert."


   "At present, the root cause of the virus has not been identified, but this incident reminded me. Regular health checks must be carried out in all parts of Dehreim, including Cumberland and Durandel." Kang Shending said.


   "But if this is provided at public expense, the expenses should not be small." Derek doubted.


"Take it from the people, use it from the name." Kant did not explain anything more: "The specific matters should be arranged clearly after the promulgation of our country's constitution. I went to Durandel this time and found out that now There is still too much to prepare."


"The reply from Abdul Nis said: Lord, your body is a little weak because of all the hard work. I hope Lord, don't put everything on your back. Where we can help, just let us be "Bandak said.


   Adonis and he are relatively familiar friends, and will they communicate with each other?


"Hehe." Kant said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, I will take care of my body. Besides, how come I haven't made all the difference in the past six months? The labor and effort before the empire was built is essential. This kind of thing will be done by myself."


   "All right." Bandak still did not let go of his concerns.


   Kant did not continue to work on this topic, and looked away at Derek and said, "Dreke, how are the soldiers under your training?"


   "Um. Everyone usually trains together and performs well." Derek replied.


   "I know that you know a lot of logistics soldiers under your hands. Contact them to prepare for preparations. You will soon go to Durandel," Kant explained.


   "Go to Durandel?" Derek seemed nervous.


   This is the first time he has been sent out of Dekhrim after being the new commander. The last time I went to Elvenland with Bandak.


"Well. After more projects are put into Durandel, the manpower of Adunis may not be enough. I am going to provide each team of soldiers with the opportunity to request a leave to return to Dehrim. So we must add new ones. The troops go in." Kant explained.


   "But..." Dairik said worriedly.


   He and Adonis can only be regarded as a nod, and had heard about his style before. It is said that he is a very heroic and direct person. Such a new commander will take him to the city where he has been stationed for three or four months to take over the place.


  Bandak also thought of this. There was some worry in his eyes.


  Adonis was very prestigious in front of the soldiers under his command. Derick, who had not yet gained fame in the army, came to him, and it was easy to get off the stage.


   Kant is also well aware of their ideas, but still asks: "If you want everyone to convince you, you must take action. Otherwise, as a leader, it is impossible to succeed."


   "Yes, lord." Derek finally agreed.


  Kant prepared him within fifteen days, and he could set off in half a month.


   After their orders were taken, they left without saying goodbye.


   In Kant's mind: the routes taken by Bandak and Dairik are different. This can be seen from the previous observations of the two.


   The two's personalities can make up for each other, whether it is Bandak's broad-mindedness, or Dairik's delicate mind is very important for the march to fight.


   But if Dairik’s strategy can’t keep up with Bandak’s force, then such a combination will also seem bland.


   Therefore, it is indispensable for personnel to sharpen Dairik.


   Kant gave such a high position to Derek, and he didn't want to see failure in him.


  Kant was sitting alone in the hall, after sorting out his thoughts, he began to study ink, and asked the guards beside him to invite the royal messenger~www.novelmtl.com~ Lord. "The messenger arrived.


   "Please wait a moment." Kant is still struggling.


   "Yes." The messenger replied, standing quietly aside.


  After a while, Kant finished writing the letter. After carefully putting a seal on the seal, he got up and handed it to the courier.


   "This is a letter sent to Durandel. Please send it to General Adunis." Kant introduced.


   "Yes, lord." The courier carefully put the letter into his arms and responded.


   "Well. You have to be careful when you walk in the desert. I hope you can return to Dekhrim soon." Kant asked.


   "Thank you Lord for your concern. I will send the letter as soon as possible." After the courier bowed and saluted, he walked out of the hall.


   Kant wrote two things in the letter: One is to introduce Derrick to bring people into it. The second is to let Adonis and Kreuz to organize Durandel's full health checkup.


   The source of the virus may be somewhere in the desert. In the city of Durandel, if someone encounters a similar situation, it must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.


   Kant sat back in his place and began to check the copy that was sent to the temple today.


  Although the affairs behind him are still piled up, such a day is the most stable and ordinary for Kant. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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