Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 681: . Follow-up effects of the plague

Kant saw that he finally shook his head, lifted the curtain and went out.

And walked out of the camp.

Kant, who took off his work clothes, asked the captain of the medical team: "Is it confirmed that this soldier is infected with plague?"

"Yes. Basically it can be confirmed." The medical team leader replied heavily.

"So, did the medical soldiers who took care of this soldier last night also have this disease?" Kant thought again and again.

The medical captain took a deep breath and replied: "Although no early signs of the disease were detected outside the body, in order to ensure that the virus was not leaked, the three soldiers who took care of the soldier last night have been taken to other tents. The inside is isolated. Next, we will confirm their physical condition at any time."

Such a thing happened on the way back, which was considered a heavy blow to the head of the medical soldier.

Now I can only pray that such a situation is still under control.

Kant nodded, worrying and asked: "As far as the current situation is concerned: Will the soldier in the camp threaten his life with his illness?"

"The patient's body temperature has been far higher than the normal person's standard question. Now the functions of the various systems in the body are gradually weakening. It may not last for two days." The medical captain replied.

Kant frowned tightly, and the severity of this plague was far beyond his expectations.

"Now the plague is still within a few people's limits, and it must not be allowed to continue to spread out." Kant snapped a warning.

"Lead the life." The medical captain replied.

Back in his camp, Kant immediately sent a message to the captain of the guard, asking him to see him immediately.

Kant sat at the desk of the desk, holding his forehead with his hands, immersed in worries.

"Lord." After a while, the captain of the guard arrived in front of the camp.

"Come in." Kant said.

The captain of the guard walked to the Kant table and squatted to salute.

"You know what happened in the army." Kant signaled that he stood up and said.

"Yes, I heard news from the soldiers of the medical soldiers." The voice of the captain of the guard was also a bit heavy.

"You soldiers know it too?" Kant asked, looking up.

"No, just to prevent panic. The news didn't spread again," the captain of the bodyguard replied.

"Well." Kant nodded and said, "I came to you this time to help you search for information on soldiers infected with the plague. It is up to you to find the companions of the infected soldiers in person: This soldier was in a few days I started to feel uncomfortable. Within a few days, where were his main activities?"

"Received, does the lord have any other arrangements?" asked the captain of the guard.

"Well, give the order to all soldiers, don't randomly approach the tent where the soldiers infected with the plague. If there is a violation, the military law will deal with it." Kant Li Se ordered.

"Lead a life."

After receiving the task, the captain of the guard immediately said goodbye and left the camp.

In Kant's heart: he knew how severe the plague could spread. Even the splendid city in ancient civilization was almost destroyed by an outbreak of plague.

Now they are still trekking in the desert, and the accompanying medical equipment is relatively simple. In the face of such infectious diseases, there is no use at all.

The lives of soldiers infected with the plague can no longer be saved, and we can only hope that the people carrying the virus will be brought into the main city by mistake.

In the afternoon, the captain of the guard returned to Kant's camp with the collected intelligence.

"How is it?" Kant asked.

"Two soldiers who had a close relationship with the infected soldier said: About three days ago, the soldier’s physical strength seemed to become weaker, he coughed frequently, and told others that his chest hurt. But they I thought it was a routine illness caused by the temperature difference in the desert, so everyone just suggested that the soldier went to the medical team to get a cough medicine. He didn't care much. Until the later period, the soldier didn't eat or drink for a whole day. The soldier found anomaly, and when he took him back to the camp to rest, the soldier suffered from heatstroke."

"Well, then the medical team gave the soldier the cough medicine. Did the soldier drink it?" Kant thought and asked.

"Did not drink. We found the original medicine bottle in the soldier's storage cabinet. The medicine in it was not passive." The captain of the guard answered and added: "Listening to other people: It seems that this soldier has never liked to drink medicine. ."

"Well, you continue." Kant replied.

"Then I asked them about the scope of the soldier's activities a few days ago, and they said they didn't know much about it. Because the soldier usually ate and hung out near the military camp after eating Chinese food and dinner. They haven't seen it anywhere." The captain of the guard continued to state.

"The reason for this plague infection has to be a mystery," Kant said silently.

"The soldiers who accompanied me didn't seem to know that someone in the army was infected with the plague. When I told them that they should not be near the tent where the medical soldiers were stationed, I was still asking me how the soldier was doing." The captain of the guard continued.

"Okay, you quickly informed the captain of the medical team with what you know. This is more important information for him." Kant explained.

"Leader." The captain of the guard responded.

Kant followed the guard captain out of the camp and watched him leave.

I looked at the sky outside, and it's almost sunset now.

Because of such a sudden happening ~www.novelmtl.com~, the progress of today's day was also delayed.

I don't know what happened to the medical staff.

Kant walked around the barracks, and accidentally saw the soldiers of medical soldiers, wearing protective clothes, walked out of a barracks holding a pile of soldiers' clothes, utensils, etc., and walked outside the barracks, everything Dropped into the previously lit fire.

Kant took a few steps in that direction, and heard a guard screaming next to the leading medical soldier and asked, "Why do you want to burn all these things?!"

The medical soldier did not say a word, but silently continued to throw his hand at the fire.

Thick smoke rose above the flames, the medical soldiers near the fire quickly took two steps back, and the guard who kept questioning loudly was pulled by several medical soldiers and left the scene.

Kant witnessed the whole journey and sighed in his heart.

After all, in the end, even the body of the infected soldier will be buried in a fire in this wilderness.

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