Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 680: . Very hard return trip

Over the next month, Kant was surveying with Adonis or Kreuz, and he sometimes went to the site of the repair troops to help oversee.

The messenger will bring new information from the main city every other week between Dehrim and move between the two cities.

As the deadline for the scheduled return trip approaches: Kant's mission to Durandel also tends to be completed successfully.

Avoiding the stormy period in the desert, Kant officially embarked on a return journey with a pile of personally collected data at noon.

"Lord, be careful on the road," Croriz said.

"Okay, Durandel will trouble you." Kant rode on the camel and said to Korriz and Adonis who walked out of the city gate.

"We will surely complete Durandel's project as you requested by the lord," Adonis said.

"Well, goodbye." Kant replied nodding comfortably.

As the words fell, the front-line guards began to move forward on the camel.

In the presence of Adonis and Croriz, Kant's team left the gate and disappeared into a deserted desert.

It takes about a week from Durandel to the main city of Dekhrem.

Kant felt that his sweat had to soak through the innermost clothes under the blazing sun. I can't help but think: maybe there should be a short path between the two cities. Such a trek is really too tiring for the workers who need to travel between the two places.

"How long will it take to get to Dekhrem?" Kant asked the waiter serving the dishes at dinner time.

"Listen to the guards, they should be able to arrive before dark the day after tomorrow." The attendant replied carefully.

"Okay, I know." Kant nodded and motioned to let him back.

After the meal, Kant stepped out of the camp and strolled outside. After hearing the news that someone had fainted after eating tonight. Immediately walked over to the captain of the guard and asked: "I heard that a soldier collapsed today, is it because of heat stroke?"

"Report the lord, the soldiers really fainted because of heat stroke." The guard captain Hui reported.

"Apart from the heatstroke, do the other soldiers have physical discomfort?" Kant asked.

"There was only one person who fainted. Two of the soldiers took sick leave when they took dinner today. It seemed that they were also unwell because of the hot weather." The captain of the guard said.

"What about our accompanying medical team this time?" Kant asked, thinking of something.

"After receiving the news, the medical soldiers have gone to take care of the three." The captain of the guard said.

Kant listened to the captain of the guard, and temporarily rested.

"Take me to see." Kant ordered.

The captain of the guard led Kant to the tent where the soldiers of heatstroke were placed.

Kant saw all three soldiers lying on the recliners, and two medical soldiers each checked and treated them.

When the head of the medical team saw Kant came, he quickly got up from the seat next to him and walked to Kant to salute: "Lord."

"Well." Kant continued to look around the room and asked, "How are the soldiers in condition?"

"The other two are okay. After taking a medicine, the body temperature gradually returned to the normal level." The medical captain introduced: "The fainted soldier has some troubles, and the consciousness is still not very clear. . The medicine didn't have any obvious effect."

"Is the effect of heatstroke so serious?" Kant suspiciously said: "Be sure to do your best to treat it. And pay attention to observe his status at any time. Um... Just in case, the other two soldiers have been arranged to eliminate the danger Rest in other camps."

It is unlikely that heat stroke will cause such a serious follow-up reaction. Kant has made a decision in his heart. Although he does not know what it is, the soldier in front of him clearly caused other illnesses to become the current situation. .

If it is an old disease on the body, then the situation may be pulled out of new changes at any time.

It is necessary to observe carefully.

After Kant carefully asked, he returned to his camp.

The time is quite late, almost time to rest.

Kant extinguished the candlestick in front of the bed and slept with his clothes.

"Lord!!! Lord!!!" someone shouted outside the camp in the early morning.

Kant was awakened sleepily, and his mind was confused.

When someone outside opens the door and walks in, Kant will dress his coat neatly.

Was awakened at such an early time, Kant still held a small anger in his heart.

But when he saw that the coming person was the captain of the medical soldier, Kant's heart began to be uneasy.

"What's wrong?" Kant asked calmly.

"Soldier, a vision has happened to him," the medical captain responded panting.

Kant heard this sentence, and a coolness sprang from the bottom of his feet.

What happened to him most worried about the situation.

Stepping on his boots, Kant immediately ran to the camp that he visited last night.

Two medical soldiers were standing outside the camp. After seeing Kant, he immediately stopped him and said, "Lord, the soldiers may have contracted the plague. Now you cannot enter."

"No, I want to go in and see." Kant replied firmly.

"Uh." The two soldiers glanced at each other, seeming a little embarrassed. Then one of the medical soldiers took off the closed medical uniform he was wearing and handed it to Kant: "Then trouble the lord, you have to wear this."

Kant quickly took it from the medical soldier, put on his hands and feet briskly, opened the curtain and went in.

There were several medical soldiers busy in the camp.

Everyone put an isolated curtain near the hospital bed for the plague-stricken soldiers~www.novelmtl.com~ Despite this, everyone who was active in the camp was still wearing the same overalls as Kant.

Shortly after Kant entered the camp, the medical captain hurriedly came over in his work clothes. Follow Kant.

"When was the soldier found infected with the plague?" Kant asked.

"Before dawn today," the medical team leader replied.

After learning the specific time, Kant nodded and walked towards the soldier's position.

"Lord." The captain of the medical team stopped slightly.

"It's okay." Kant waved his hand.

He lifted the curtain around the bed and walked in, and saw the soldier lying on the bed who was still unconscious: the skin exposed by the soldier was covered with red rashes, like some bad skin disease. Even if Kant's whole body was wrapped in work clothes, he still smelled a foul odor at the tip of his nose.

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