Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 673: . The final result

"Master Bandak, may I ask you to mobilize a group of soldiers from the Dehrim soldiers to guard the searched loot with the elven kingdom's left-behind troops in the lizardmen's main city? "Gable walked over to Bandak and said.

Bandak headed directly to Gabor, nodded, and said, "Of course."

"That's fine. I'll let the guards gather at the gate of the palace after a while. Commander Bandak also brings the Dehrim's soldiers together," Gabor suggested.

"Well, then I'll send someone to hand you the list of fighters transferred out." Bandak replied calmly.

"Based on my experience working with you this time, it's really reliable that Bandak commanded things." Gabor praised.

"It's just a matter of doing things well," Bandak thanked, and then said again: "This time the lizardmen's territory has been captured. How does the elven country plan to deal with the remaining lizardmen?"

"According to the usual post-war practice, it should be an exile, anyway, it is impossible for them to be allowed to return to this city anymore." Gabor responded after thinking for a while.

"Well." Bandak nodded without saying much.

On the current occasion, he is not suitable for many words. Moreover, the way of dealing with the elven kingdom is very gentle. In the past, there were many countries that fought in the Quartet, and every time they went to a place, they would choose to kill the city brutally. In their eyes, perhaps this is the only way to win a battle completely. And even now, after many victories, many countries will wipe out the army of the defeated country. Promote its collapse.

Bandak had never done anything like the massacre before. After all, seeing ordinary people who had nothing to do with war and politics, they would still feel pity.

After the personnel and materials were settled in a comprehensive manner, except for the sergeants responsible for staying with the guards, the rest of the people embarked on the journey to the jackal country again.

The two countries are not far apart. After two days and one night, all the soldiers arrived in front of the city gate of the jackal.

Before they were close, the gates of the werewolves opened wide. From there rushed out many wolf soldiers in armor. After being lined up in a row, they lay in front of everyone.

This is the most common offensive formation used by jackals.

Only in the face of more than 10,000 soldiers, this formation did not bring much offensive momentum.

The lord of the jackal is located in the center of the array, and lives in a race that focuses on strength and eruption. As a leader, he is very prominent among the jackals.

"Chong!" The Jackal Lord roared, his voice more like the roar of the beast.

The Jackal Warrior slammed directly into the shield of the Swadian soldier at the forefront. Want to defeat their formation.

But after a Swadia soldier fell, a new soldier filled him.

Under the crush of absolute numbers, the energy burst out of the jackals at the end of their lives failed to save their lives.

The cavalry and elf warriors in the back row continue to exert pressure on the jackals with long-range attacks.

Many jackals fell to the ground with wounds before they even rushed forward.

Lord Jackal saw this scene, and a green light of hatred appeared in his eyes. He flew forward and cut down a cavalry under the horse with the amazing power of his right arm.

After him, many jackals also followed the posture, trying to cross the defense of the front row of Swadia soldiers, straight to the rear of the wizard and the cavalry.

Under the amazing bouncing power, a part of the jackals finally reached their goal. Successfully disturbed the rear array.

When Bandark and the others initially leaped into the rear array, the Jackals sieved together and cut off the heads of the Jackals.

Seeing the gradual collapse of the front line, he shouted out: "Second layer defense formation!"

Swadia, who heard the order, leaped to the back of his companion and folded the shield to two levels.

Under the hard defense, the jackal could not break through again.

I can only watch the other person gradually shrinking away from me.

Eventually it was completely suffocated.

After the smoke had passed, in the messy battlefield, only dozens of elf medical soldiers shuttled between them.

Bandak took off his helmet, jumped off his horse, and said to Derek: "I didn't expect the Jackal to stick to the end and bump into us."

"The lord of the Jackal is very different from the lord of the Lizardmen." Derek responded.

After the war ended, Gabor brought a team of men into the city.

But Bandak and Dairik stayed outside the city gate and did not follow in.

Organize the soldiers to build camps until the evening, the camps are built.

Gabor also walked out of the city gate with soldiers carrying boxes.

Outside the city gates of the jackals, few smoke rises, and the Bandaks eat their first meal today.

After supper, Bandak, Dairik and Gabor gathered in the camp.

"Bandak and Derrick, the results of the two searches have been recorded." Gabor took out two books from his arms and handed them to Bandak and Daryk to make them remember to stay. Check it out.

"Thank you." Bandak took over the book and said, "Actually, we don't see anything. This matter still has to be handed over to the officer in charge."

"Well, this battle is almost at the end. It is really my luck to be able to perform tasks with the two of you." Gabor said.

"General Gabor ~www.novelmtl.com~ You have already said this many times." Bandak replied: "You don't have to be so polite with us. The Elven Country has been dealing with Dehrim in the past year. Secret, and the border of Cumberland has been under your care. To say thank you, we have to say a few days and nights. You may still meet on the battlefield in the future, if you know it, it will be handed over. If you are friends, don’t use it later."

Derek stood aside and nodded in agreement with what Bandak said.

Gabor was embarrassed to continue to struggle, and stretched out his hand, said: "Well, I hope to see you again on the battlefield in the future, and become comrades with you."

The next morning, Bandak and Derrick worked out the route back to Cumberland and led the army.

The treasures searched for were divided into four or six and loaded on a freight carriage.

Kant's letter said: This is the result of his consultation with the elves, and in order to reduce the burden of the march, these treasures do not need to be brought back to the main city by the army.

After arriving in Cumberland, the person appointed by Cumberland will be transported back to Degrym.

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