Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 672: . The discovery of the main lizard city

The 20,000-strong army composed of Dehrim and the elven kingdom finally arrived at the Lizardmen’s territory on the fourth morning after leaving Cumberland. The trekking for several days did not make the soldiers’ enthusiasm somewhat. Reduce.

Bandak and Dairik took the army behind them and stood under the gates of the main city of the Lizardmen.

On the wall stood a list of lizardmen's guard soldiers. Immediately after seeing the soldiers approaching the city, they immediately raised the white flag.

The two teams excluded by the Lizardmen fell under Dekhrim. Today, the soldiers who stay in the main city are simply not enough to fight against the army outside the city gate, and there is even a possibility of defeat.

Bandak and others did not expect the lizardmen to surrender so easily. At this time, the gate of the main city has been opened by the lizardmen's soldiers. Gradually there were several columns of Lizardman soldiers, and the Lizardmen standing at the forefront seemed to be the leader of the team leader. The captain of the guard held a white flag in his right hand and made a surrender begging for mercy.

Bandak walked down his horse suspiciously and asked the lizardman leader as a surrender representative: "You came out and surrendered on behalf of the lizardmen?"

"Yes, all the remaining warriors of the Lizardman are here." The Lizardman replied.

Hearing this sentence, Bandak looked up and roughly counted: There were only seven or eight hundred lizardmen soldiers present.

With this combat power, if you fight hard with your own troops, it really seems to be hitting the stone with an egg.

At this time Gabor approached Bandak and asked the lizardman leader, "What about your lord?"

"The lord has deserted the city and fled." The lizardman pleaded pitifully: "You can do anything, but can you beg you to let us go."

There was no change in Bandak’s complexion, and he had seen it countless times. Now that you choose to become a warrior, go to the battlefield. Then how could it not be stained with blood in his hands. At this point the lizardman showed the posture of the loser, he could understand, but he would not sympathize.

Gabour frowned, and immediately greeted the army under him to tie the lizardmen soldiers with ropes and temporarily detained them as captives.

The lizardman leader was held by several soldiers and entered the city with them.

Entering the main city of the Lizardmen, Gabor said to the leader of the Lizardmen: "Do your lord run on his own? Or take his treasure together?"

"The lord fled with several of his bodyguards, because time is running out, they don't seem to bring much." The lizardman leader responded in a panic: "The lord's treasure trove, I know where it is. I will take you, Can you just let us go?"

"Hum, find it first and then talk." Gabor hummed softly.

Then the lizardman leader took them to the palace of the lizardmen's main city.

As for the palace, the appearance is not as amazing as the one Bandaq had seen before. I don't know if it is under budget or how. The appearance of the Royal Palace is very simple, and it feels like an ordinary residence with a slightly larger area.

A group of people walked to the front of the palace, and Gabor ordered the elf soldiers to carefully search for available resources in the main city of the Lizardmen.

Bandak and Dairik did not do anything. Their trip was just to collect actual results. Natural resources like this are not particularly useful for Dekhrim, which is far away.

So they don't have to think about sharing a piece of soup.

The space in the palace is still relatively narrow, so only three people including Bandak and several other fighters were able to check in.

"Your lord really has a very simple life." Gabor looked around the decoration in the palace and finally commented. The kitchen responsible for meals in the palace is estimated to be as big as a toilet in the palace of the elven kingdom.

The Lizardman soldier shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You follow me and you know."

Under the astonishment of everyone's eyes, the Lizardmen opened a secret door. There is a corridor inside.

Bandak and Dairik followed the lizardmen into the secret door. The space inside the door was dark.

"Huh? How can there be ventilation here?" Derek asked with a sense of coolness touching his face.

"This section was originally illuminated, but because the cost of lighting is too high, and the collection inside is not suitable for an open flame environment. It was abandoned."

A group of people followed closely to the other side of the corridor behind the lizardmen.

"The space inside seems to be quite large," Gable said. When the words fell, there was a faint echo.

It didn't take long for them to reach an open space.

The walls of the open space are inlaid with high-priced fluorescent stones, making everyone's vision clear.

"Wow!" Derek exclaimed when he saw the boxes of expensive treasures piled up in groups.

"The lord did not take his baby away. It should be worried that it would attract others' attention." The Lizardman said aside.

"So many things have been hidden by him. Knowing the people around him will also cause jealousy." Bandak then asked the lizardman: "How do you know where your lord's treasure is located?" of?"

"Just accidentally broke in." Lizardman lowered his head.

"Then why don't you take these treasures with your soldiers? This is enough for you all to enjoy for several lifetimes."

"There are also families of soldiers in the city, and it is completely impossible to move the city." The Lizardman replied: "Instead of thinking about it, it is better to dedicate these treasures to you. Maybe you can get a little life."

"Well~www.novelmtl.com~ Bandak nodded and did not comment.

The soldiers waiting outside the gate of the palace were called into the dark room. Responsible for tidying up these treasures.

The soldiers who were sent to search before, sent people back to spread the word: a freshwater lake and an iron mine were found on the outskirts of the main city of the Lizardmen.

Gabriel beamed his brows and said easily to Bandak: "This time it was possible to wipe out the Lizardmen, mainly thanks to Dehrim's army."

"It should be a victory for cooperation with each other." Dairik responded modestly.

"No, no, this time without your assistance. It is impossible for the elven country's troops to achieve such rich results." Gabor couldn't help but continue to praise: "I really thank every Dehrim's reinforcements."

After Derrick smiled and quit, he finally accepted Gabor's sincere thanks.

The amount of financial reports stored in the darkroom is indeed staggering. More than 100 soldiers have been working in the darkroom for a long time before they can finally complete the task of separating everything and starting to record.

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