Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 660: . Breakthrough of the Lost City

Bandak entered the palace of the undead alone.

The Degerim soldiers looked at this scene and looked at each other.

Soon after Bandak walked into the palace, the Swadia warriors also moved.

After all, letting Bandak break in alone was almost a fool. Although the commander of Bandak is usually amazing. However, judging from the means of combat this time, I don't know what strange levels the Undead Clan has arranged ahead.

Almost a few hundred soldiers followed Bandak.

The lizard clan beside noticed the movement here and wanted to block it. But he was stopped by the man who came out to negotiate.

"Let them go in. Anyway, there is a dead end in front." The man said easily.

When several columns of horses entered the palace of the undead, they all felt that the temperature of the surrounding air had dropped by several levels.

Although the whole building is a space sealed with stones.

But from time to time there will be wind blowing through the hall.

The indoor visibility is relatively low, which is just right for the undead. But for the Degerim fighters: it means a little bit impossible.

Everyone stepped close to the wall and carefully walked towards the lighting in their hands. But this road seems to be long beyond everyone's imagination. It wasn't until the soldiers couldn't help but started talking to each other in a low voice that everyone finally saw a room with the door open.

The officer at the forefront glanced inside. Although I don't know what it is, the view in the room is clear.

Bandak led them one step earlier and was already standing on the wide open space in this room.

The officer took the lead and walked in, stopping beside Bandak.

There was a burst of exclamation behind him, and the officer looked back for some reason. It was found that everyone was looking up at the roof of the room from an upward angle. The officer also looked up himself, and after seeing the roof, he couldn't help but take a breath.

What reflected in his eyes was not the dark ceiling or the gorgeous decoration. It is a star-like sea in front of us, which is more than ten times clearer than what we normally observed in the wild with the naked eye.

"Commander, is this?" the subordinate officer could not help asking.

Bandak didn't answer, but stared closely at the altar in the middle of the room.

After a while, a figure of a man emerged from the altar.

"Is the De Gerim surrender position always so special? I thought there was only one bandak leader." The man said.

The soldiers behind Bandak suddenly fell silent, their eyes locked on the suddenly appearing enemy.

"As you can see, we will not surrender." Bandak spoke slowly.

The man seemed a little surprised, but that expression only stayed on his face for a moment.

"Then I won't say anything nonsense. You step into this palace today, and you only have to die." The man said wickedly.


The organ hidden in the stone wall showed the prototype, the secret door was opened, and thousands of undead soldiers walked out from inside.

The warriors of Dekhrim clearly saw that the undead fighters present here were completely different from the undead fighters they had met on the battlefield before.

Their skin was covered with fluorescent light. That layer of fluorescence seemed to be their strongest defense. Close to their bodies.

The Swadia fighters immediately walked from the rear of the team to the forefront, or squat or stand upright, picked up the shield in their hands, and arranged the formation.

Bandak's brows were always tight. From the moment he entered the room, he was sensitive to the inexplicable loss of his physical strength. After seeing the star array on the roof, he felt even worse.

But now that the tiger is in trouble, Dekhreim's army cannot accept the curse after surrender, and Bandak himself cannot accept it.

Until now, it can only go out. Break down these undead one by one.

Bandak watched the man stepping on the stone ladder to the apex of the altar.

This gave him a glimmer of light in his heart.

"Don't give up, soldiers. Dekhrim is waiting for us behind us, let us rush out together!!" Bandak shouted with his arms.

The soldiers behind Bandak responded in unison and clasped their weapons in their hands.

"Kill!" the man on the altar ordered.

The undead soldiers standing on the ground heard the words and rushed to the front of Sergeant Swadia.

Use the knife and axe in your hand to slash the newly remodeled shield.

"Bang!!!" If ordinary people with poor physique were present, they should be stunned by the impact of the knife and shield.

Sergeant Swadia was also tired enough under the pressure of this shock.

The situation seems to be tricky.

Sergeant Svadia made a defensive formation while attacking the weakness of the undead warrior with the weapon in his hand, and cooperated with the cavalry.

But this time it seemed to pose no threat to the undead fighters.

A Svadia warrior's shield was torn apart by smashing. Immediately afterwards, the Undead Warrior grabbed his neck and tried to put him to death.

However, it was stopped by Bandak. Bandak took a spear from the cavalry and deeply penetrated the knee of the undead soldier, prompting him to fall to the ground.

After an undead warrior briefly lost its offensive power, the Dehrim's warriors immediately surrounded them and attacked them in groups.

The battle continued for a while, and Bandak wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Looked calmly at every place where the soldiers fought in the battlefield: in any case, under the circumstances that Dehrim’s soldiers were not in the right place, the number of casualties was far above the undead.

Bandak locked his eyes on the man on the high platform again.

From the beginning of the battle, the man has been standing there~www.novelmtl.com~ Bandak raised a doubt in his heart, and found that the highest point of the altar is also where the stars gather.

After thinking a little in his head, he had a clue about the way out of the predicament.

Bandak again engaged in the battle and moved towards the altar silently.

Behind him were several close officer subordinates to cover him. When several people dived near the stone stairs leading to the altar. The people around hardly noticed their approach.

Bandak led the soldiers to the altar.

The man in the height has already noticed their destination.

At this time the right hand waved on the astrolabe in front of him.

Four undead knights burning with flames appeared in front of Bandak. Blocked their way.

Bandak clenched the weapon in his hand, and he shouted, "Chong!!"

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