Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 659: . Sudden dilemma

Bandak walked to the signal with the team.

Finally stopped in front of the palace of the main city.

Bandak could recognize this as the palace of the city of the dead, only because it is located in the center of the city, the area is indeed wide enough, and there are high guardrails around the territory.

If you want Bandak to make any comments on the appearance of this palace.

It is estimated that only two words can be spoken in his mouth-strange.

The entire palace of the undead country is made of stone, which makes people feel heavy and heavy. And its shape is very strange, it seems there is only one entrance, and can not see where it leads.

"Audrich are they sending signals here?" Bandak asked.

The accompanying soldier replied: "Inferred from the observed distance, it is indeed here."

Bandak frowned: "Where are they? In this palace?"

The soldier who had just begun to answer the question stood aside, his lip line tight, and he was too nervous to speak. In my heart, I said: This time the scouts will really cause trouble.

And the doubts in Bandak's heart are deepening. After calming down and thinking: Bandak more and more confirmed that this team of soldiers responsible for the investigation was not because of fresh playfulness, but because of other reasons that it has not appeared now.

Most people were ambushing in this palace.

But why didn't they confront Bandak's team outside the city gate at the beginning. Instead, he chose to stay quietly in this strange-looking palace. Does this palace really have any strengths for them to make such a choice?

Bandak's heart was vaguely uneasy.

After he thought about it, he said to the soldiers on the side: "You go to find another team of soldiers searching in the city and let them come to this palace to join us."

The soldier who received the command was relieved in his heart and quickly walked towards the fork. Disappeared in Bandak's vision.

"Everyone, don't act rashly and rest in the same place," Bandak ordered.

The time is now close to noon and the sun rises to its highest point. The Degerim soldiers sat on the spot. All looked tense, waiting for the next command from Bandak.

After a moment or so, there was a scream from the intersection where the soldiers who ordered to go out to find someone left said: "Ah!!!"

All the Degerim soldiers stood up immediately, took out their weapons or had already stepped on the horses.

"Lizard... Lizardman!!!" At the intersection, the soldier dragged a **** soldier on his shoulder and ran towards the large team.

The soldier beside him seemed to have lost consciousness, let him drag.

Bandak ran to the forefront of the team and stared at it carefully for a while. Only then did he find that the injured one was his subordinate officer.

"Krito!!!" Bandak called the name of his subordinate and wanted to help support his body. But he was stopped by the soldiers on the side.

Behind the subordinate officers and soldiers followed a large group of lizardmen.

A whole piece of black and white, as if to fill the entire street.

The lizardmen are all like running water, and they are in front of them: the two soldiers are like sand that may be washed away at any time.

All the soldiers of Dekhrim were stunned to stay in place, waiting for them to recover completely. The two soldiers have been swallowed in the lizardmen's wave.

"Why, why are there lizardmen here?" The soldiers around had panicked. They have never had the experience of confronting the Lizardmen. In this hot and hot weather, it is torture for them. For the Lizardmen, it is like a fish encountering water. All are full of energy and come and go freely.

What else can there be, the lizardmen are obviously the reinforcements invited by the undead.

Really worthy of being a race transformed by cold-blooded animals.

A while ago, the friendly forces that stood side by side against the invasion of the undead, but now promised to assist the undead to frame themselves.

With so many people dispatched, I really don't know how much benefit the undead has given to the lizardmen.

"All are ready to fight," Bandak said calmly.

The Degerim's soldiers have recovered at this moment, but they are more or less ugly.

A showdown with a lizardman in such a narrow street is like holding his head against the wall.

The Swadia warriors standing at the forefront of the team have already formed their formations, holding the blade in their left hand, and holding the shield up to their chests with their right hand.

Every soldier stared closely at the enemy in front of him.

The lizard man confronting it, however, looked relaxed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was slightly taunting.

Just as the battle between the two sides was about to strike, a tall man walked out of the lizard crowd. After seeing that face, Bandak always felt like he had seen him somewhere.

Where exactly is not remembered again.

The man walked straight to Bandak and grinned: "I still think of the siege, don't you see that it's clearly set for you? There is a commander like you, and Dehrim is here. The desert is estimated to be over."

"Vile villain." Bandak sneered coldly.

"You won a few big guys at the city gate, do you feel happy?" The man sneered: "But the death row prisoners who can't eat enough for three meals were finally killed by you like this. But, As the most inferior existence of the undead, it is reasonable to take away a few of Dehrim’s soldiers for burial."

Bandak stared at each other's eyes sharply, clenching his teeth, but said nothing.

The Lizardmen's men seemed satisfied when they saw Bandak's resentful expression. After a pause, he said again: "Forget it, today is not the home of our lizardmen. I won't say much. The host here is in this palace, you, maybe, go in and see?"

Bandak pushed away the man~www.novelmtl.com~ and walked to the door of the palace of the undead.

Trying to calm down the anger in his heart, after taking a deep breath, he walked into the palace.

The man of the Lizard family watched Bandak walk in and raised his mouth to laugh gently.

Then he looked up and saw that the warrior of Dekhrim, who surrounded himself with bad eyes, arrogantly said: "Your life is now on your boss's mouth. Why? So eager to die?"

After the voice fell, he pushed a soldier away and walked out.

The sun was scorching, and the two people sat opposite each other.

The men of the Lizard family walked around, thinking about something.

In his heart, he still hoped that the leader of the Dehreim would not be too stubborn, and he would admit something to the leader of the undead.

In this way, they can easily complete the task and return home to get their own reward.

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