Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 656: . Preparing for training

Because of the instructions above, the soldiers in the training camp were also miserable.

The daily task index has increased two or three times compared with the previous one.

But even Kant inspected the training ground every day and accompanied them in the wind and sun.

Everyone is embarrassed to have too many complaints. After all, the lord is also accompanying them and can't say anything.

At noon of the day, Kant came to the training ground earlier than usual, and Bandak, who was responsible for training soldiers, handed over the task of the foreman to the vanguard, and stepped forward to the courtesy: "Lord Kant."

Kant nodded and motioned for him to get up.

The two patrolled around the training ground in tandem.

Kant stepped onto the general's stage and asked Bandak next to him: "How is it? The situation of the soldiers."

Bandak leaned over to his ear and said: "It is estimated that only two-thirds of the soldiers here will be able to play on the battlefield."

Kant nodded calmly and said, "Two-thirds is enough. Are you confident?"

"It is bound to win the enemy!!" Bandak said with a swish of his chest.

"This time the battlefield, the situation is dangerous, you must not be underestimated. You must take into account the lives and safety of the soldiers." Kant asked.

"Lead a life."

"How long will the training be over?" Kant asked.

"After more than a month of training, the fighters have gradually shortened the time to complete the task. The training tasks this morning have been almost completed." Bandak replied.

"Uh." Kant nodded and pondered for a moment. He said to Bandak: "After the fighters are trained, I want to say a few words to them. Please help me organize and concentrate."

Bandak nodded and replied: "Then I will go and notify the commanders of the companies now."

After Bandak retreated, Kant stood alone on the main stage.

When the sun at the edge of the sky moved up several inches, the selected soldiers who were about to go out of the battle lined up neatly in front of them.

"Hello everybody, I am Lord Kant of Dekhrem." Kant's voice echoed in the open field.

"The recent training has worked hard for you. But I still want to tell you, I hope you know what you are doing for. Our country Dehrim is definitely not an enterprising, waiting for others to bully, lazy and degenerate The country. The life of an adult is not easy. In order to protect our family and hometown. We must walk under pressure. As the lord of Dekhrim, I always feel that if we don’t want to do something at this moment What, then we will not be able to reach any part of this world. In a few days, you are about to set off, hoping that you will be able to ride the battlefield and return triumphantly! Dekhrem will always be behind you!!"

"Dekhrim! Dekhrim!!" The soldiers screamed together. There is blood in everyone's heart.

Thousands of people's voices came to Kant like a wave.

Kant nodded and continued, "Okay, I've finished everything I want to say. Go ahead and make preparations. You must hold it in your hands every minute and one second from now on. So that you can play against Take the best form."

"Yes!" After the soldiers bent down to salute, they left the training ground under the leadership of their respective teams.

Kant stepped off the main stage, followed by Bandak.

After the two crossed the gate of the training ground together, Kant said to Bandak: "I have to go to another place recently. De Grim’s business can only be left to you."

"Lord, are you going?" Bandak asked slightly surprised.

After all, Kant will not be absent every time he sends troops.

"You have to prepare for the expedition, and I have to plan for you during this period." Kant said: "But don't worry, I will choose to rush back before your expedition."

Bandak nodded, and should meet Kant's request.

Matters are not critical. After all, during Kant's stay in Cumberland for half a year, he was used to handling some government affairs.

Just before the war, where did Kant go?

Watching Kant's back disappear into his own vision, Bandak couldn't help but wonder.

A few days passed.

Kant left Degerim on the second day of the oath meeting.

Bandak was so busy that both the army and the people's livelihood were considered too hard for him.

Until the day of the expedition, when his team bid farewell to the civilians who came to see off, and came out of the city gate on camels. Bandak was relieved in his heart.

The number of marches was about 3,000, and they marched in long queues in the hot desert.

This time it took about half a month to get to the territory of the undead. The army prepared quite enough supplies before traveling.

The army walked out of the city gate and walked for about half an hour in the direction of the compass.

Bandak noticed that a team of people was coming from the west to himself.

"It's Lord Kant!" The subordinates reported to Bandak after seeing the person coming.

"Let the entire team stop first," Bandak ordered.

The soldiers who received the order stopped at the place to rest and rectify. And Bandak stood at the front of the team until Kant's team approached them.

Behind Kant was a dozen elves, four people carrying boxes one by one.

Bandak walked in front of the camel on which Kant rode, and gave a gift first. Then asked Kant, pointing at the soldier behind him, "Lord, what are these?"

"These people are medical soldiers sent by the Elven Kingdom to help us. You should have seen them before, on that battlefield." Kant jumped from the camel's back.

Walked in front of some of the elves and motioned them to put the box down.

Bandak recalled that on the last battlefield ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ the medical soldiers of the Elven Realm did indeed play an amazing role.

"Elf King sent one-third of the medical soldiers in the country." Kant mentioned and opened the box in front of him: "Come here, I want you to see this."

"Lord, have you gone to Elven Country this time?" Bandak stunned.

This fact is too unexpected for him.

Bandak walked obediently to Kant, watching him take out a weapon like a crossbow from the box.

"this is?"

"This is a crossbow, I let the dwarf artisans make it for me. It was originally left to the soldiers of Cumberland as weapons. The crystal inside seals the spiritual power of different elven tribes, and each shot is very powerful. high."

Bandak took the crossbow and fired an elemental arrow far into the distance like a normal crossbow.

The crossbow arrows rushed through the ground and carried the trees in the distance, leaving a large scorched hole.

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