Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 655: . Battle Under Moon Night

Waiting for the ambush in advance, Bandak left the soldier with his hand behind the horse.

Say to him: "Take your weapons and prepare for battle."

Then he turned around and chased the undead in front of him.

As the seven or eight undead fighters were about to bite forward, the lurking troops came out of the line and surrounded them.

Several Sergeants Roddock immediately stood behind the high wall of the shield. Holding a few spears in his hand.

"Two-tier formation!" Bandak commanded loudly.

The soldiers who had previously formed the formation of the phalanx have now narrowed their distance from the undead soldiers.

A double shield shielded this group of undead warriors.

The small space seemed to arouse the emotions of the undead, and roared loudly with his body to hit the shields of the Swadian soldiers.

Suffering from this violent impact, the Swadia soldiers gradually appeared to be struggling.

On the contrary, the undead are more and more excited, and the impact strength is also increased.

"Can't relax! This is our only chance to win." Bandak encouraged.

According to his last experience of repelling undead warriors in the Elven kingdom, this method is currently the only feasible.

All the soldiers were shocked and rejuvenated. Mobilize all the energy in your body to stop this wave of attacks.

When the undead soldiers were slightly weak, Bandak commanded Sergeant Roddock's throwing attack.

A long rifle brushed past the undead soldiers and pierced the ground.

Bandak couldn't help looking down after seeing the first round of offense fail. Compared to half a year ago, this group of undead fighters is more cunning.

All Sergeants Rodoc also felt the difference and couldn't help getting nervous.

Concentrate your spirit in one place, hoping to shoot down one of the enemies.

After a while, I saw all the Undead Warriors concentrated in one place. Bandak ordered out loud: "Offense!"

Sergeant Rhodok threw the spear in his hand, and the undead soldiers in the formation were unable to dodge, protecting his head with his muscular hands.

But they still underestimated the energy of Sergeant Rodoc. The spear penetrated their arm and penetrated the skull.

The wounded undead gave a painful roar, and then stumbled to the ground.

"Hey!" the Swadia fighters in charge shouted happily.

Seeing the dawn of victory, everyone couldn't help being refreshed.

Bandak also exulted with exultation: "Good job!"

After this wave of attack, the undead in the field left only four soldiers. Looking at the companion's body, they paused for a leaping figure and gathered together neatly.

Bandak shouted badly when he saw their movements.

I saw the four undead soldiers, leaning against each other. Slowly moving in the field.

"Offense!!" Bandak ordered, and a trace of uneasiness appeared in his heart.

The soldiers of Rhodok threw the spear in his hand obediently.

However, this weapon, which tore the air in a roaring posture, as Bandak expected: all were caught by the undead warriors.

Seeing that the sky had whitened the fish belly, despair appeared in Bandak's heart.

"Keep the distance, square formation!!!" Bandak shouted.

All Swadia sergeants dispersed at once, returning to the original square formation.

The undead warriors hugged tightly into the southwest corner, although the shield was still solid and reliable. But with the strength of a few people, they couldn't resist.

Everyone can only watch the undead break through the encirclement and escape to the distance.

"Commander, we..." Swadia Sergeant Bandakma, who was hit by the undead soldiers, pleaded guilty.

"Don't say, it's normal that you can't stop it. This group of undead warriors is already incomparable." Bandak waved his hand and interrupted them.

The light of dawn shone on Bandak's face, but his eyes were still gloomy.

The reinforcements of the main city arrived at this time, it is said that Kant sent it.

Bandak commanded the brigade to search near the border to confirm that the Undead Warriors had indeed escaped from Dekhrim.

Some soldiers found several missing workers' bodies in the Shazao Forest.

Most are already incomplete.

Judging from the overall causes and consequences, this group of undead soldiers should have fallen here from the battlefield. It is found that the workers working here like to pick fruits in Shazao Forest to quench their thirst. It is a good place to ambush, and has been ambushing here for a living.

Bandak reported the results of this discussion and the battle process to Kant.

The two sat opposite each other in the hall.

All felt the coolness rising inside.

The silent atmosphere continued for a while.

Until Kant said coolly: "Unexpectedly, the consciousness of the undead family awakened to this point. It is really creepy."

For now, the military power held by Dekhrim can only confront the undead kingdom on the frontal battlefield.

According to time and place, whoever loses or wins is not necessarily.

But today's undead no longer seem to be the same as before, only hacking with knives and so on.

Although it is still in the initial stage of enabling thinking, it is enough for Dehrim to take precautions.

"I don't know to what extent this undead will expand in the desert of Nalun." Bandak began to worry.

"You can't let them continue to grow anymore." Kant said lightly, but his eyes were incredibly sharp and firm.

"Lord, what do you mean?" Bandak shuddered and asked subconsciously.

Kant stood up and looked down at him and said, "Dekhrim can start preparing for a decisive battle with the kingdom of the dead."

A few days passed

The training ground has become a Shura field among the population~www.novelmtl.com~ The previous case of workers in saline-alkali land ended, so that the residents of the main city of Dekhrem can feel at ease. However, it has recently flowed out of the army: Dekhrim is about to fight for the kingdom of the undead.

This news caused the hearts of the masses to be raised again and was divided into two factions because of different opinions.

One school of thought is: before assisting the kingdom of elves, it repelled the kingdom of undead. This time it should also be easy to win on the battlefield.

The other side's view is that it used to be a colony with freshwater resources in the elves. This time, they sent troops directly to the land of the undead country. For Degerim, who is on the rise, the fact that Changxing War is full of harm is not beneficial.

The argument reached Kant's ear, but Kant always ignored it.

In his view, this war is an unavoidable battle for Dekhrim, who wants to take root in the Naren Desert.

Rather than waiting until the mature undead country takes the initiative to come to the door, it is better to take the initiative to attack in a time when their power is weak.

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