Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 647: . Still unwilling undead

The Swadia Sergeants heard this voice as if they were pardoned by heaven, and they cried out.

Those clanging voices are getting weaker and weaker.

When they withdrew their shields, they could only see countless undead soldiers retreating behind them.

Swadia's sergeants cried out for victory.

Under the leadership of the great commander Bandak, they won a victory against the undead soldiers.

This kind of glory can make their Swadia sergeant's status rise instantaneously in Dekhrim, which is the team's glory and is commendable to all soldiers.

Bandak returned home in full load. He saw the elven king in the palace.

"Dear Lord Bandak, congratulations, you won the victory against the undead soldiers. This battle will be recorded in the history and will be immortal!"

The Elven King filled Bandak himself with a glass of medicinal wine, and he first raised it.

Bandak's heart was full of victory at this time. He raised his glass and happily drank a drink with the elven king.

It was then proposed: "Your Excellency Elf, this is not a moment of national celebration. It is well known that the undead soldiers have only temporarily retreated. It will not take long, and they will continue to invade the elf colony. We are not victorious at this time. It was just a fluke that dragged them down. Please give me a hundred elf soldiers, and I will lead them to dump the dead soldier’s lair, so that the elf colony can get longer peace."

When the Elven King heard Bandak’s opinion, he naturally showed his eyes with his eyes. He admired Bandak’s command that he was always able to maintain a calm spirit.

Bandak led more than one hundred Swadia Sergeants and one hundred elven soldiers on the battlefield last night. Here, there are many corpses of Swadia Sergeants, as well as those Virgil knights The corpses, they are gradually decaying, gradually submerged in the soil, and become a rich nutrient to breed this piece of land.

Bandak smiled easily, and those undead would be rested because of last night's victory.

Suddenly stepped on a corpse. This was the corpse of the sergeant who had a leak last night. Because of his fault, he almost caused a chaos in the entire phalanx. Finally, I didn’t know who came forward to make up for the mistake. Banda Ke did not see the figure of the man who made up. If he saw it, he would certainly ask Lord Kant to add his title and treat his family well.

But the young corpse in front of him was the corpse of Sergeant Svadia.

Bandak glanced at the corpse with disgust, but he thought about it, still breathing a sigh of relief, and walked past the corpse.

I don't know why, obviously it was a guilty soldier, and Bandak suddenly felt that if he stepped on his body, it was an insult to him.

Bandak would never know, nor would anyone else know how much the young soldier respected himself at noon yesterday.

There is a wild boar swamp in front. The name is called because not only there are a lot of wild boars in the swamp, but also a lot of toxic gases are released in the swamp. After the wild boars have been eliminated and mutated, they have evolved into Don't be afraid of swamp poisonous species.

The long fangs on both sides show that they are not easy to mess with. As long as anyone has violated their territory, it may be a dead end.

Bandak beckoned to signal that the big troops stopped advancing, he shouted: "Stay on the spot, wait until the swamp dissipates at noon, and then start when the weakest."

At noon, Bandak issued an order and said, "Rectify!"

The team stood neatly and stepped forward at a consistent pace. Those mutant wild boars scattered on both sides did not dare to approach at all. They had smelled the terrifying breath from these people, which was beyond the resistance of his community. Yes, it's better to give them up than they say.

Soon, Bandak’s team passed through the gas swamp. The fresh air was so beautiful. Bandak looked at a cypress forest in front of him and sighed. In such a war era, there is still such a tranquility. Cypress forest.

It’s just that there are countless undead soldiers inhabiting it. Bandak doesn’t know where these undead soldiers were produced from, but what he knows is that as long as the cypress forest is burned, those undead soldiers will be greatly affected. The blow should not come to harass the elf colony for a while.

But burned such a beautiful cypress forest, it just gave itself a good look, but will it be destroyed in the next second?

Bandak said silently in his heart.

But tangle is never his style.

He ordered: "The fire elves release fireball, aiming at the cypress forest."

The elves hesitated for a moment, and apparently did not want to burn such a large cypress forest directly.

Bandak said solemnly: "In this cypress forest, I don't know how many dead soldiers' dens are. Instead of searching happily here, it is better to burn the cypress forest directly."

So, a group of elves stood in front of the cypress trees.

In front of fireball, even the lowest-order fireball is a fatal blow to the cypress forest, not to mention that so many fireballs fell from the sky, they slammed into the cypress forest quickly, and a cypress tree ignited a fire. Under the chain reaction, countless cypress trees ignited a fire.

There was a lot of mutated creatures in the sky, and they wept bitterly in the fire.

The tongue of fire burned a whole cypress forest to ashes and swallowed them all.

A cloud of turbid gas tried to escape from the fire~www.novelmtl.com~ But it was quickly dragged back by the fire, and it sometimes became the image of an undead soldier, and sometimes returned to a gas.

In this way, under the tear of the fire, it dissipated.

The world seemed to calm down all at once.

Bandak suddenly felt lost in his heart. What he lost was that he lost a good partner such as Pem, a good colleague. Because of these undead soldiers, he even lost so many elite soldiers. Although those soldiers are not worth mentioning to him , But everyone is the top beam in the house, one fell, and the whole family collapsed.

He is a man with a family, and naturally understands this truth. The lives of soldiers are also precious. Under forced circumstances, Bandak will definitely adopt a more reasonable combat strategy, not like Pem, he He was hesitant and mixed too many emotions in the war, and finally he and countless knights died in that war game.

No one is born to be strong, and only by continually drawing on the experience of the failures of previous people can they become stronger!

Bandak squeezed his fist.

In this battle, they won!

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