Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 646: .Unknown Soldier

He finally died, but his eyes seemed unwilling to close for a long time.

He stopped the undead soldiers outside the square, and his tiny body was stronger than his broken crystal mine shield.

The huge omission caused by him was made up by other comrades.

His position has been strengthened defense, using his life to tell his comrades where the weakest link, his sacrifice is worth it.

Bandak no longer knows the dead young man, and his conversation with him at noon is only that he is using this young soldier to achieve the purpose of sergeant Swadia, but in the heart of the young man, class Commander Dak is always the most dignified but approachable good commander. With this thought, he died without regret.

Bandak didn't even look at his body on the ground. He stepped on it ruthlessly, and then harvested a dead soldier in front of him.

The bell at zero has already sounded.

Bandak calmed down. The biggest reason for the failure of Commander Pem was the huge change that occurred after zero. This change has been mentioned to him by the elven king. It is a group of jumping abilities and their powerful undead soldiers, as long as With a little effort, they were able to jump from the spot to an altitude of more than five meters above the ground.

This is the height that even the world's most powerful warhorse cannot jump to. If the proportion of fleas is adjusted higher, then the undead soldiers are equivalent to human-sized fleas. How did they overcome the powerful gravity field?

Bandak thought in his head.

What is the reason for a dead soldier to jump to such a high place.

In his kung fu thinking, the undead soldiers were already approaching, and the three-foot jump was really powerful. The undead soldiers were standing on the tall trees at this time. They held large swords in their hands, and their hands and feet were very long, especially him. The door's hand is even longer than the body, so that they will have more attack range.

Bandak commanded loudly: "Everyone, change the formation!"

At this time, the square phalanx changed at once under the command of Bandak. The shields that were originally facing in all directions were now added with shields on the top to directly protect the entire phalanx.

The undead soldiers seemed to be looking at the funny soldiers with ridicule, Bandak looked at their expressions, their hearts were mixed, and Pem commander wanted to see some doorways. These undead soldiers began to have expressions, And their methods of managing expressions are almost the same as those of humans. In particular, the mocking expressions are almost as good as people, and Bandak instantly remembered that when he was young as a sergeant, the captain showed such mocking to himself. Expression, how similar the expression of this undead soldier is to him.

"Everyone pays attention to the alert, and don't give the undead soldiers any chance."

The young Swadia Sergeant uniformly answered Bandak's order.

They are very confident. Although they have been knocked down by so many companions, they still believe that as long as they are confident and show a fearless spirit, these undead soldiers will be like fragile puppets.

Those undead soldiers with powerful jumping ability on the tree suddenly and neatly jumped from the tree. They raised their big swords in their hands and hit **** the hard shield.

The clanging sound made everyone very excited.

If no one retreats, one can't hold it back, then two people hold a shield together.

The elven ministers are also struggling to perform magic. Their fireball technique can already limit ordinary undead soldiers, but those powerful undead soldiers cannot attack them. The disadvantage of magic is that it is slower to cast, and often they do. After it was over, the undead soldiers no longer knew where they had jumped.

But the medical elves have used most of them. They are interspersed throughout the Swadia squadron's square. They wave the needles in their hands. As long as a few breaths, a sergeant can restore a lot of physical strength.

This is also what Swadia Sergeant lacks. They do not have advanced medical technology, but there are elves in the elven colony. This is one of the plans of the Bendak battle. Medical elves and logistics elves take turns in battle, no longer like Pem’s. The formation is normal, put the medical elf in the back, and wait for the teammate to be injured before slowly returning to the back for treatment.

This will waste a lot of time.

The attack power of the elves who are good at jumping can be no more than that of ordinary undead elves. Their knives are more ruthless, and even the four or five Swadia sergeants may not be able to beat a dead soldier. They mainly do The thing is that tonight, as long as the roar of chickens is heard, the undead soldiers will retreat, and they will have time to find the nests of these undead soldiers and then destroy them with a fire.

The time lapsed in one minute and one second, but for Swadia Sergeant, this one night was like a long year, many soldiers fell, and then more soldiers added Come in, these fallen soldiers will not die, or they will temporarily reply after receiving the elven treatment, and then continue to participate in the battle, and so on.

One thousand five hundred infantry is obviously vulnerable. Although there are five hundred sergeants of Rodoc who are relatively powerful, but five hundred people cannot change the situation. The most important thing is to rely on the defense of the thousand Swadian sergeants. .

Sergeant Rhodock is still mainly responsible for piercing the throat of the undead soldiers in the outside world with one shot~www.novelmtl.com~Although the time is long, their beliefs are unshakable and even more powerful.

But no matter how strong the spirit will be weakened, those wounded Swadia sergeants began to complain, they did not expect the undead soldiers to be so strong, not as fragile as the commander of Bandak said.

Bandak obviously also noticed such a voice, and his calm soldiers said: "Everyone insists for a while, and it will be bright in an hour, and the rooster will crow, and those undead soldiers will not be able to support the dawn. "

There is not only one hour left, and it is not long before the zero point has passed, and it will be several hours before the rooster crows.

But Bandak said this, the soldiers all raised their energy as soon as they heard that there was only one hour left, and no one would struggle to see how long it would be before dawn. They thought about fighting for a while, as long as In a few moments, it would be dawning soon.

With such a belief, the roaring sound of the rooster also seemed to sound after an hour.

That is the sound of salvation.

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