Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 640: .1 Lord of Will

"But he has advanced to the level of a paladin, and killing him, we will lose a very strong fighting power."

Bandak still wanted to continue to plead for Pem.

But Kant told him more resolutely: "Lord Bandak, even if I committed such a thing today, I would blame myself, let alone Pem Lord?"

Bandak then closed his mouth. It seemed that Kant had already made a decision. He could not change the lord's idea.

In the direction of the Meridian Gate, Commander Pem was divided and his head was hung at the gate of the city. That was to warn everyone that this was the punishment of the loser, and Dekhrim did not need to defeat the general.

Kant did not say this clearly, but all the ministers knew what it meant.

Unexpectedly, they did not mention anything about Pem's command.

The Elven King of the Elven Colony came to the Dehrem city-state again.

Kant personally received the Elven King.

"Your Excellency, this time did not help your country, I am very sorry!"

Kant said helplessly.

The Elven King handed the box to Kant, and then said, "I heard that the leader of Kant punished the leader of Pem?"

"I divided him into five horses," Kant said quietly, drinking the wine in front of him.

The elven king obviously didn't expect Lord Kant to kill Pem directly, which was beyond his imagination.

The elven king paused and said, "Lord Kant, is this a lack of consideration?"

"How to say?"

Kang was happy to tell him why.

"In my opinion, although Commander Pem can't resist undead soldiers, he still protects the Elf Colony for a peaceful night. His leadership ability is very strong. At least no one of my ministers can talk to Pem. Leadership comparison, such a person, in my opinion, has no shortcomings, but he lacks a bit of luck, the strength of the undead soldiers last night exceeded our expectations, they have intelligent leaders, and organized a regular In the offensive, during the offensive, the leader of Pem did not show fear. He was a heroic character, always rushing to the front, and defeated all the undead soldiers one by one."

"But what's the use?"

Kant exhaled slowly: "He was the defeated general after all."

"Your rules are really strict!"

The Elven King began to admire Kant a little. He said that he would kill him without any hesitation. Because Pem commander defeated, he did not bring back a soldier, so Kant treated Pem equally.

The Elven King closed his mouth and seemed to be pondering Kant's words. It took a long time before he said: "You must have other reasons why he was killed?"

Kant smiled and said: "Leader Pem is no longer qualified to be a leader. His confidence has been completely defeated. No matter how much troops I give him to revenge, I will be defeated after all. Why not give him a happy heart, Keep him from suffering all the time."

Kant’s words were persuasive, and even the elven king was impressed. He said: "It seems that we all misunderstood you! You are not a tyrant! You saved the commander of Pem, and he must continue to be more prone to death in the face of death. The world is much happier."

Their chats passed quickly, but no one except the elf king knew Kant’s true intentions. They thought that the king in front of him had become a fierce king. This king only allowed them to win and defeat the war. All have to die!

But Kant does not care. The king is changeable in the minister's heart. At present, she may be a tyrant in their hearts, but time will wash away everything. His actions are completely contrary to the tyrant. ,

Kant ordered people to take the body of the commander of Pem hanging above the city gate and bury him with the highest etiquette.

He really is not a deserter, he is a hero, but Kant must use him to envelop the hearts of the people, so that those ministers fear him, and they can go all out in the war, not reserve everywhere.

The capture of the undead soldiers continues.

The Elven King was also worried about this. He continued to Kant: "Lord Kant, you helped us, even to commemorate Commander Pem, I should give you 15% of the territory, but now we Still under attack by undead soldiers, if you are willing to take over, please continue to send troops to support us."

Kant had long known what abacus was in the mind of the elven king. He used a little territory to exchange for more soldiers to renew their life in their elven colony, so as to be able to continuously weaken the strength of their Dehrim.

Kant said with a smile: "Your Excellency, the conditions have changed. If you want us to continue to increase your assistance to you, you must sign at least 30% of the territorial transfer treaty! Our soldiers cannot be sacrificed in vain. They all It is the elite of Dekhrem, and it is worth 30% of the territory."

The elven king didn't expect Dehrim to temporarily change his mind, and he was particularly flustered. He said: "Is Lord Kant not afraid that I will find Jackals now?"

Kant gently put his hand on the treaty in front of him and said: "The jackals are more greedy than us. They may need 50% of the territory to agree to cooperate with you. Are you still not clear?"

He pushed the treaty in front of the elven king~www.novelmtl.com~ said: "You also know the strength of the undead soldiers, my troops have now suffered serious losses, this 30% of the territory We deserved it, and the jackals are almost overwhelmed now. They still have time to manage the idleness of the elf colony?"

Kant lured by the good, just waiting for the elven king to agree.

The Elven King slightly gritted his teeth and promised to come down. He said, "Okay, as long as you can rescue the elven colony, let us be your subordinate kingdom!"

He seemed to have no way out, and even said he was willing to be a subsidiary kingdom of Kant.

But Kant did not go on with it. The affiliated kingdom was of no use to him. Dekhrim wanted to reach the elf colony and had to go through an empire along the way. The two places were too far apart and unsuitable. It was Kant’s Therefore, the 30% of the territory of the elf colony is needed because the soil of the elf colony has fertile raw materials, which can nourish many medicinal herbs where they bloom. This is an advantage that Dehrim does not have.

Kant said politely: "Since the Lord Elven King has agreed to my request, sign your name under this treaty!"

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