Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 639: .Pem in despair

Peim's heart was bleeding, he couldn't forgive himself, why all the teammates were sent to the guillotine.

He dragged his tired body back to the city of Dehreim alone, and the horse under his crotch was given to him by the elven king.

In order to ensure that he can successfully return to the city of Dekhrem.

Commander Bandak was standing at the moment waiting for the winner to return triumphantly.

A sergeant knelt in front of Bandak and he sobbed slightly: "Bandak commander, according to the front line return, last night's battle, we, we all lost!"

"What?" Commander Bandak widened his eyes. He was obviously angry when he looked at the soldier in front of him.

"You guys, if you lie about military affairs, you have to behead your head."

"I have no such courage! Bandak command."

The sergeant said to Bundak with great respect that he still had a sobbing tone, and his brother was in the Virginia Knights.

Last night his brother sacrificed vigorously.

Bandak only felt that his eyes were very dim now, he could not accept such a thing, but that is an extremely powerful knightly corps, plus more than a thousand Swadia sergeants, all the enemies are annihilated?

"Not good!" Bandak ran into the main city of Dekhrim in a panic.

Kant is reviewing what the ministers said last night.

Recently, the city of Dekhrem is gradually rising, and the people's voice for him is gradually rising, and everyone has a great respect for the army sergeants. This makes Kant happy.

"Commander Bandak, how many times do I tell you, don't always be so anxious when you meet?"

Kant stopped the scroll in his hand. He raised his head to look at the commander of Bandak. His forehead was covered with sweat, and his hands were shaking.

Kant finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Lord Kant, I'm sorry, we lost all!"

Bankdal said in a crying voice that he looked at Lord Kant with sorrowful eyes. Although it was not he who defeated the battle, it seemed that he was now very self-blaming.

He even thought that this was impossible, so he went to check the pigeons delivered by z last night, and the battle was indeed such a report.

At that moment, she felt that her eyes were covered with black mist.

Kant froze for a long time without news that shocked him so much. He repeatedly asked: "Really?" He asked several times.

Bandak didn't answer, but kept his head low, and now it would be stupid to answer Lord Kant's question.

"Lord Kant, Commander Pem is back!" a sergeant said to Kant.

"Let him come in!" Kant's tone was not kind, and even said it was the smell of inquiries.

The sergeant trembled all over before retreating.

Soon, Peim knelt in front of Kant. He didn't cry, but instead looked calm. At this time, his wound had not been treated, just like the old man who was scavenging outside.

He also seemed to be decades old.

"Pem leader, I need your explanation."

Kant stood in front of Pem, and he stared at him seriously, trying to see the source of things through him.

But Pem squeezed his mouth tightly, and he took a long breath.

It seemed that he had made a lot of determination before he said: "Lord Kant, I'm sorry, I came to lead the death. I asked Lord Kant to give me the criminal law Dekhrim most sees. I'm willing to let eight horses divide myself Off!"

Kant frowned, with anger in his tone, and he said: "Lord Pem, tell me the story, I need a reasonable explanation why there are only 1,500 soldiers I sent you Come back under you? What the **** is going on?"

Kant is almost impatient.

Peim suddenly cried out, and he mourned: "The undead soldiers are too strong, and our opponents are not their opponents at all, and the information is wrong!"

Kant's two eyebrows were screwed together and he said, "What's going on?"

Peim added: "Among these undead soldiers, there is a leader of undead soldiers with amazing fighting ability. His jumping ability is extremely powerful, and his moving ability is much stronger than mine. I am not his opponent at all, but he has let it go. Me, he looks like a powerful enemy who likes to play tricks on his opponent."

Kant squeezed his fists and said fiercely: "You mean that those undead soldiers have leaders, and those leaders have a much stronger fighting capacity than those ordinary dead soldiers? And you mean that the leaders also have advanced wisdom?"

He didn’t believe what he heard. According to all information, none of them mentioned that these undead soldiers have leaders, and that these leaders still have very powerful combat capabilities?

Kant paused before continuing: "I don't want any concealment from my men."

"Nothing hidden!" Pem answered immediately.


Kant laughed out loud, and now he probably shouldn't laugh, but his heart ignited the desire to fight, challenging, and challenges that haven't been felt in a long time appeared, which made Kant look a little excited, he didn't think The lives of those soldiers are very precious. In his eyes, they are just a bunch of data, but for Pem, these data are indeed his most valuable things.

"Master Pem, since you want to be punished the most, I will satisfy you."

Kant sighed, beckoning the people on both sides to come forward.

"Tie down Pem's tie, and execute Pem's leader with five horses!"

Kant's words left the soldiers all around for a while, and Kant continued: "Do you want me to repeat it again?"

The hands of the sergeants were shaking with fear~www.novelmtl.com~ Quickly set up Pem commander on both sides and took him out of the main entrance.

Bandak was also shocked by Kant's approach. He immediately knelt in front of Kant.

"Chief Kant, don't you need to think about it again? Although Commander Pem has made a very serious mistake, can't he die?"

Bandak questioned.

"Commander Bandak, are you questioning my decision? Since Commander Pem is determined to ask for death, I am not satisfied with him, let him meet his beloved men underground?"

Kant said decisively that he did this only as if to let everyone see that even if he was in a high-ranking position, if he made a mistake, he would be subject to the harshest criminal laws like ordinary people.

Bandak retracted his head.

Kant continued: "No matter what mistakes are made, the command of Pem is wrong. He has underestimated the enemy. He has already confessed this point. I killed him as if to make you understand that you cannot make such mistakes! "

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