Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 605: . Wave-like breakthrough

The 2,000 heavy cavalry of formal strength, one by one, were hammered to death by the slow stone golem puppets, and fell to the horse in embarrassment.

Kant looked at this situation and was very happy. At this time, he also realized that under certain terrain or environmental constraints, like a stone golem like a puppet, a combat unit that he thought can only be used as a meat shield and cannon fodder can also exert amazing lethality.

After seeing the war for half an hour, Kant’s army killed 5,000 soldiers of Baron Ryan Isaiah Cameron without any casualties.

After killing the 2000 heavy cavalry of the official knight strength level, the enemy army ranked first is 1500 black armor knights. These black knights are the trump card in the hands of Ryan Isaiah Baron Cameron. Their strength is far beyond that of ordinary knights. Compared to Kant’s Royal Swadian Knights and the Lion of Lions of Lyon, they are only slightly inferior. Arms.

In particular, their equipment is better than the Svaldia Royal Knights and the Lion Lions of Sarion.

It is possible to give the heavy cavalry of the official knight strength level to the hammered stone golem puppet at once, and encounter the black armor knight like a nemesis. Their slow attack cannot fall on the Black Armor Knight at all, they will be resisted by the Black Armor Knight, and then three or five swords will go down, and a stone golem puppet will be given a pile of rubble by the Black Armor Knight to attack the city, Then it automatically disappeared in this world.

The rise of the black armor knight is killing, and revenge for the robe and comrades who died in the hands of the stone golems. Suddenly, a burst of light flashed, and all the stone golems suddenly disappeared.

The stone golems puppets summoned by the mages can exist in this world for half an hour, and will disappear automatically when the time is up or when they are crushed.

As soon as the stone golem disappeared, there were no more obstacles between Kant’s army and Ryan Isaiah Cameron’s army. The black knight suddenly shouted and quickly started the war horse under him, charging towards Kant’s army Over here.

Baron Isaiah Cameron's eyes suddenly lighted up. This was an opportunity to immediately order the army to renew their charge.

"Brothers, charge! For the glory of Carmel's coronation, for our family in the land under Carmel's coronation, charge!"

Kant estimated the speed of these black armor knights. When the black armor knights charged away from Kant’s army by only one hundred, Kant suddenly ordered: "The mage listens to the order, casts the natural summoning spell, and puts the black armor knights and them Behind them are 2,000 Cavaliers-level guys!"

Following Kant's order, the mages immediately focused on the spell, and within a few seconds, all 1,000 Enfasian mages cast the natural summon spell again.

Each mage has the opportunity to cast this spell of nature twice a day. At this moment, they have used both of these chances. If they want to cast it again, they need to wait until tomorrow, until the spell summoned by nature is restored. The number of casts is sufficient.

5000 gray-brown stone golem puppets crashed down from the air, filling the gap between the black armor knight and the Kant army slowly, and the stone golems were squeezed one by one, one by one, more dense than before , Three or four times stronger.

At this time, the black armor knight was only 50 meters away from Kant’s army, followed closely by 2,000 heavy cavalry heavy cavalry, followed by 10,000 formal knight strength infantry, and 1500 Archer. Obviously, their strength is not put in Ryan? Isaiah Cameron's eyes, the command given to them is simply to follow the cavalry attack.

"Just right!" Kant looked at the black armor knight who was blocked by the stone golem puppet at a distance of 50 meters from his army, and the corners of his mouth lifted up involuntarily. This distance is very suitable for long-range arms to launch power, even the best attack distance.

When Baron Isaiah Cameron saw this scene, the sea-blue eyes suddenly shrank, and an extremely unforeseen hunch appeared in his heart. After all, he experienced firsthand how terrible offensive capabilities Baron Kant’s long-range armies had after all.

It can be said that if he and four other world barons wore magic iron spikes yesterday, they would not last long under the wave-like attack of Kant’s long-range arms.

"Retreat! Black Knight, retreat!" Baron Isaiah Cameron realized Baron Kant's plan and quickly understood his trump card-the horrible encounter facing the Black Knight, immediately yelling, hope His own troop army was able to escape from the terrifying long-range army of Baron Kant.

However, the Black Knights heard the order of Ryan Isaiah Baron Cameron and wanted to retreat, but found that there was no place for them to retreat. Behind them, they have been blocked by 2000 heavy cavalry heavy cavalry, and behind 2000 heavy cavalry heavy cavalry, they have been blocked by 10,000 dense infantry phalanxes. Archers.

They were all in accordance with the order of Ryan Isaiah Cameron, heading towards Kant’s army, preparing for a battle with Baron Kant’s army.

However, the actual situation is that they have not even officially contacted the Kant army, they have lost 5,000 knight strength soldiers~www.novelmtl.com~ Now, their ace army has fallen into the same situation as it was just destroyed. 5000 soldiers in a similar situation.

At the moment when Baron Isaiah Cameron issued the retreat order, Kant also issued the attack order without hesitation.

"Rodok Sniper Shooter, Virgil Archer, Livingston Ranger, free shooting! Masters, free to cast spells against these black armor knights!"

Because Ryan Isaiah Baron Cameron has magic iron spikes, Kant already knows that although the spells of the wizards are extremely powerful, they will be completely resisted by the magic iron spikes, and the magic iron spikes have super high spell resistance. Sex, horror anomaly.

Therefore, Kant did not leave the wizard's spells against Ryan Isaiah Cameron Baron.

With Kant's order, endless bows and crossbows, and colorful spells flooded the black armor knights 50 meters away. Although the arrows of the Virgil Archer and Livingston Ranger can only leave a deep dent on the dark armor or helmet of the Black Knight, and cannot penetrate their armor or helmet, but Can confuse the attention of the black armor knights. Because, Rodoc sniper shooter's crossbow arrows can directly penetrate the armor or helmet of the black armor at a distance of 50 meters.

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