Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 604: . Impact of Golem Puppets

When these heavy cavalry were entangled with the golems of stone golems, Rodoc's sniper shooter's arrows shot fiercely at the front row of heavy cavalry, and then easily penetrated them directly.

The screams of clamoring for the sky and the earth rang from the enemy's army.

"It was so easy to be shot? The armor on these formal knights is indeed a wooden armor. If it is iron armor, at a distance of two hundred meters, even the crossbow arrows shot by the siege crossbow can never be easily worn. through."

Kant looked at the other party because of a rain of arrows from the Borodok sniper shooter, and immediately suffered heavy casualties from the heavy cavalry, and immediately judged that there was really a kind of curse among the enemy forces on the opposite side. Stone army.

"I'm going to see how many troops like you are!" Kant's eyes flashed fiercely, staring at Rhodok sniper shooters shooting down the enemy heavy cavalry in rows and rows On the ground.

Although the inner square of the Lion’s Castle is large, but it contains nearly 30,000 soldiers and 5,000 stone golem puppets, it looks very crowded. The soldiers of Baron Isaiah Cameron are constantly being shot. Kill, but they have no way to do it, they just can't do it if they want to retreat and evade. There is no retreat behind them, and they are full of dense army.

The 5000 stone golems are like puppets, like a gray-brown "Chu River Han Kingdom", separating Baron Kant's troops and Baron Isaiah Cameron's troops. It also created extremely favorable attack and defense conditions for the Kant’s army.


Poo poo poo poo!

The Rodoc sniper shooter continuously fired, and Baron Isaiah Cameron's specially trained "heavy cavalry" carrying the cursed stone died continuously.

As the enemy coach Ryan? Isaiah? Baron Cameron heartbroken, these specially trained soldiers, but one of his trump card, when suitable, the role played will not even be black than his other trump card The little knight who came from Armour, died in the hands of Baron Kant's crossbow arrows soldiers now, so worthless. However, even if he is the South Baron of the World, in the face of today's form, it is helpless.

What a humiliation and frustration it had originally belonged to his lion's fort, now that the invader, Baron Kant, had taken advantage of the land and killed his army. Fortunately, if these 3000 heavy cavalry had special effects, their combat power was almost negligible, so the strength of his army did not really decrease.

With 3,000 heavy cavalry soldiers with extremely poor combat skills carrying the battle experience of the Cursed Stone being killed, Rodoc sniper shooters can achieve less quickly.

Because 3000 heavy cavalry carrying the cursed stone were to be charged at the front, and 2000 heavy cavalry of the cavalier strength level were also charged at the front with them. Now 3000 heavy cavalry are almost dead. It is another 2000 heavy cavalry with cavalier strength level at the forefront. Followed by 1500 black knights and 2000 heavy cavalry heavy cavalry.

The 2,000 cavalry heavy cavalry at the forefront of the front ranks are genuine and elite heavy cavalry. They have rich combat experience, skilled combat skills and well-equipped equipment. The siege shooter's siege crossbow arrows want to shoot such soldiers at a distance of 200 meters, the difficulty has increased a lot.

However, the heavy cavalry of the 2,000 knights' strength level has indeed slowed down a lot, but it is not that there are no casualties. In fact, they are still in a large number of casualties. But most of their casualties are now caused by the heavy attacks of stone golem puppets.

The stone golem is a puppet, slow in action, amazing in defense, but at the same time infinitely powerful. If you only talk about strength, you can even break the wrist with the six-level arms. Their overall strength is only equivalent to that of the general fifth-class arms. If they are singled out, the hesitation defect is too obvious, and the stone golem puppet will undoubtedly be easily exploded by the fifth-level arms. However, for the upper four-level arms, the Golem puppet is difficult to attack the fourth-level arms because of the slow movement, but it takes a long time for the fourth-level arms to explode the stone golem puppet.

Now, under this intensive formation, it is very suitable for the play of stone golem puppets. Before, they also killed a lot of "heavy cavalry", but were concealed by the quick and efficient killing of Rodoc sniper shooters.

At this time, due to the distance, the killing efficiency of Rodoc sniper shooter dropped to a very low level. At this time, the enemy's continuous death one by one became the highlight moment of the stone golem puppet.

The stone golem puppet itself has a height of nearly two meters. Following the will of the mage to attack and kill, he slowly raised his hands and smashed heavily towards the heavy cavalry who was sitting on the formal knight strength level. Due to their dense formation, the heavy cavalry cannot move the horses to avoid the attack of the stone golem puppet, and can only use the knight sword to parry.

However, the power of the stone golem is so great, the heavy cavalry of the knight's strength level ~www.novelmtl.com~ can't stand the horrible arms of the stone golem puppet with the great strength, which will often be In the moment of resistance, after the tiger's mouth cracked, the knight's sword disengaged, and then the back stone golem puppet hit the chest hard.

The hard and heavy iron knight armor can easily prevent the stab attack and the stab attack. But the ability to withstand blunt attacks is much worse. The heavy and heavy blunt attack hits the iron knight armor, which can cause extremely violent shock. If the force is large enough, it can even deform the iron armor and squeeze the knight inside the armor to death. .

The arms of the stone golems, carrying the power of great strength, are not inferior to the fierce and thick blunt objects. They often hit the chest of the cavalry, and their chests will be recessed by a large amount. Before long, you will see these knights' full-cover helmets and armor coming out of them, and there is blood foam flowing out, and there will even be small internal organ fragments in this blood foam. Of course, only small visceral debris can flow out, and slightly larger ones will be intercepted in the full-cover helmet.

The stone golem is a puppet, slow in action and slow in attack speed. It often takes a minute to move to another cavalry heavy cavalry, and then slowly raise their two stone hands. During this period, they let the knight's sword of an enemy who was not as good as the fourth-level arms fall on them, and they were determined to hammer the heavy cavalry of the knight's strength.

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