Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 84: ambition

The boat arrived at the mouth of Zhulong River and received news from Yangxin that the Queen Mother and King Lu and her party escorted them to Qingzhou.

Lin Xuwen, Huang Jinnian, Gao Zongting, Wu Qi and others turned south, and the boat entered Laizhou Bay. Only then did they know that Lin Fu had arrived in Laizhou in person and lived in the Xiashan Camp at the mouth of Neiwan.

People from Jinhai evacuated south, first transferred from Jinhai to Laizhou, then transferred from Laizhou down the Jiaolai River to Jiaozhou Bay or by sea or land, and evacuated to Huaidong for resettlement. Laizhou is the largest transit base for the people of Jinhai to retreat south. Huaidong, in the name of Jiyun Society and Heishuiyang Shipping Society, convened thousands of large and small ships in Laizhou to supply tens of thousands of stone with grain and grass.

In order to make up for the shortage of manpower, as early as the first ten days of May, Huaidong sent two battalions of soldiers from the Wuwei of the Shangshe, but in reality, the former Guards Battalion and the Tianjin Navy, into Laizhou, responsible for organizing evacuation, in the northeast of Laizhou City. At the mouth of the bay, the camp is called Xiashan Camp.

Huaidong finally decided to support Gu Siyuan to form the Qingzhou Army and take over Linzi, Yangxin and other cities from the Liang family. To a certain extent, it was also because such a large-scale evacuation was organized in a short period of time, and it was necessary to borrow from Qingzhou—naturally It is also necessary to obtain the permission of the people of Qingzhou before Huaidong can set up a camp in Xiashan outside the city of Laizhou.

Lin Fu came to Laizhou in the name of supervising the evacuation of the refugees, but it cannot be said publicly that he came to rob the Queen Mother and King Lu.

Lin Xuwen, Huang Jinnian, Wu Qi, Gao Zongting, Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang, Jiang Yue and others docked at the inner bay of Laizhou, and entered the Xiashan camp to see Lin Bie.

The more than 100,000 refugees evacuated from Jinhai were all crowded around the Neiwankou area and had not yet had time to move southward. Xiashan was just a low hill at Neiwankou, which controlled the terrain on the left and right, so the camp was set up on the Xiashan. .

The horses in the Xiashan camp are neighing - Zhou Pu also serves as the guard of the guard. Protect left and right.

Gao Zongting thought to himself: Could it be that the Empress Dowager and King Lu are all in the Xiashan camp? I don't think it's possible again!

Lin Fu stood in front of the gate of the Xiashan camp to welcome everyone.

It was the end of July, and the weather was hot. Lin Bie, dressed in green armor, was standing under the sun, with his hand on the saber on his waist, with sweat beads on his forehead. , said: "I count you will come over these few days, I have been waiting here. I hid in Huaidong, let everyone work hard, I am here to salute everyone..."

Lin Xuwen paused for a while and let Huang Jinnian come forward. Huang Jinnian was very grateful that Lin Fu didn't take the air, and Huang Jinnian was especially grateful. Sometimes people were fighting for face, so he bowed and said: "I don't dare, I can only get out of trouble safely by waiting for the adults. "

"Mr. Huang is very polite," Lin Bie took Huang Jinnian's arm and greeted Lin Xuwen, Jiang Yue and others. He called Lin Xuwen "eldest brother" based on the rank of the clan, directly called Gao Zongting's name, and called Jiang Yue "Jiang Master". However, Lin Xuwen, Huang Jinnian, Gao Zongting and others, regardless of their apparent status differences, all called Lin Fu "Sir" ——The nuance in this title surprised Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue is an official and is extremely uninvolved in factional struggles, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand the subtleties. Li Zhuo died, and there was no doubt that Gao Zongting, Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and others joined Huaidong, but he thought that Huang Jinnian and Lin Xuwen would go to Jiangning as Huaidong's political/political allies.

Debating the nuances in the title, Huang Jinnian and Lin Xuwen are clearly joining the Huaidong clan, and they should only follow Lin's lead.

Jiang Yue was grateful to Lin Fu for sending someone to **** his family to escape south, and bowed: "Lord Lin's help, Jiang Yue is very grateful!"

"Mr. Jiang is very polite..." Lin Fu returned the salute. He respected Jiang Yue's knowledge and character. Such a person could be a friend, and he didn't want to drag him into the factional battle prematurely.

In addition to Jiang Yue, Lin Fu also instructed Wu Qi to lead the officers of the Military Intelligence Department lurking in the north, to contact officials of various ministries who have made great achievements in miscellaneous studies, as well as some master craftsmen and craftsmen under the Ministry of Industry and various supervisory departments, and arrange cover They go south.

These people are extremely ignored in the entire bureaucratic system with Confucianism as the mainstream.

After Emperor Chongguan left the city, although Zhang Xie was the envoy left behind, he still had 20,000 Jingjing troops in his hand, and the city of Yanjing was thrown into chaos uncontrollably. Due to the chaos, these officials and master craftsmen dragged their families and disappeared from the mansion, used refugees to cover the city, and sneaked south in batches, which did not attract the attention of the Donghu people.

In fact, Zhang Xie and others led the Jingying army defending the city to surrender to the Donghu people, but the vast majority of officials who remained in Yanjing City, including those who were on duty before the fall of Yanjing, those who were idle at home waiting to fill vacancies, and the Hanlin Academy The advanced non-commissioned officers all had their own thoughts and stayed out of the house. There are always a few people who are quick and adventurous, and most people are slow and wait-and-see...

Jiang Yue and other officials of the Tianjian Supervision were present, and it was inconvenient to talk about other things. After the banquet, Lin Fucai invited Lin Xuwen, Huang Jinnian, Gao Zongting, Wu Tian, ​​Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and others to his residence.

"Zongting, Quanshan and Dingbang's family, I have sent people to take them from Jiangxi to Chongzhou. After you arrive in Chongzhou, you can be reunited with your family..." Lin Fu sat down and asked everyone where they were in the north. hard work. Li Zhuo gave the details of giving wine and medicine to death, and Lin Fu had long been rewarded. He hated it in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. The Empress Dowager and King Lu fled south to Hejian, where they were bitten by the Donghu cavalry.

And Emperor Chongguan threw himself into the water after his defeat in Chaohe, and Hao Zongcheng also drank poison and died—it would be impossible to overturn Li Zhuo’s case in a short period of time, not to mention that after Li Zhuo’s death, although most of the responsibility for defeating Western Liaoning was the responsibility It was all pushed to him, but Emperor Chongguan did not set any official charges.

Li Zhuo's ancestral home was in the Western Qin Dynasty. He went to Jiangning to take office and to Yanjing to take office. Gao Zongting, Geng Quanshan, and Chen Dingbang were from Jiangxi. They joined Huaidong, and General Lin Fu sent people to take over their families from Jiangxi. On the one hand, they wanted them to work for Huaidong with peace of mind. On the other hand, the situation in Jiangxi was very unstable, and the court factions and parties were very fast. It will evolve into a check and balance between the warlord forces, and the family can't fall into someone else's territory.

"Thank you for your compassion!" Gao Zongting, Geng Quanshan, and Chen Dingbang wanted to stand up and salute.

"Everyone has known each other for a day or two, so don't be so polite!" Lin Bie stopped the three and asked them to sit down and talk.

"I don't see the Queen Mother and King Lu here, so they should be in Qingzhou," Gao Zongting asked in a low voice, "Could it be that the Gu family really wants to support King Lu?"

"That old witch, I don't know how she did it, but she could see through the filth between the Qingzhou Army and Huaidong," Zhou Pu said in a muffled voice, "After all, there are more than 400 Jingying troops withdrew by the old witch. After coming down, Gu Siyuan sniffed again and rushed to Yangxin first, and the old witch hooked up with him. I can't detain the old witch and that ghostly son King Lu, I can only watch them go to Qingzhou with Gu Siyuan... "Zhou Pu spit out the matter of the empress dowager and King Lu rushing to **** Gu Siyuan to Qingzhou with a stomach full of fire, like pouring beans.

After all, Zhou Pu had no experience in this kind of thing. If someone else was good at calculating, he would not stay in Yangxin at all. He would only do everything possible to block the news and forcibly **** the Queen Mother and King Lu and his party into Huaidong. control area.

This can't be blamed for Zhou Pu's lack of thoughtful consideration. People must have shortcomings, so how can they be perfect?

"Zong Tingguo is sincere and sharp, and I can guess right away. In the future, I will have Zong Ting to plan for me. Huaidong will help me more!" Lin Fu praised Gao Zongting with a smile, but did not mean to blame Zhou Pu. The situation in the north is all expected Among them, the people of Jinhai did a good job according to the plan, and being able to control Empress Dowager Liang and King Lu in their hands is not necessarily a hot potato.

"Your Excellency is overrated," said Gao Zongting, "I don't know if anyone else is planning behind the scenes, just to see that the Queen Mother and King Lu's party would rather fall under the control of the Qingzhou Army when they arrive in Yangxin, and they must quickly break away from Huaidong. This is not a weak calculation!"

"Oh! I do have a headache now," Lin Fu said. "I haven't contacted Gu Siyuan directly. The Queen Mother and King Lu just sent someone to express their condolences!"

If the Empress Dowager and King Lu fell into Huaidong's hands, Huaidong would of course not be here to support King Lu. However, when Huaidong was in control of King Lu, and he still firmly supported King Ning to take the throne in Jiangning, King Ning naturally had to offer more benefits to reward Huaidong for his sincerity.

If Emperor Chongguan could escape, it would be another matter. If Huaidong supports Emperor Chongguan to enter Jiangning and sit on the dragon chair, Yuan Jianwu will not only hold his nose and continue to be King Ning, but also cut off his right-hand man, so as not to kill him because of suspicion.

In fact, King Lu Yuan Jianhai was far from qualified to compete with King Ning for the throne.

It is a pity that Lin Fu came to Shandong by one move, and Zhou Pu had already lost control of the Empress Dowager Liang, King Lu and others.

The Empress Dowager Liang and King Lu were very bad at military affairs, but they were first-class masters at playing tricks and tricks.

As long as the emperor's monarchy is established and announced to the world, the role of King Lu will be limited; Empress Dowager Liang may have the opportunity to go to Jiangning, and there is only an old woman in the deep palace waiting to die, even the support of the Liang family is far from enough. Help her restore the former glory of controlling the inner court.

Obviously, Empress Dowager Liang also knew what would happen if she fell into Huaidong's hands - this old woman was unwilling!

When Gu Siyuan, Chen/Yuanliang and others rushed to Yangxin to see the driver, Empress Dowager Liang quickly understood that Qingzhou and Huaidongming were from the same source and connected with each other, but they were somewhat similar in appearance. Moreover, the Qingzhou Army, headed by Gu Siyuan, the son of Gu Wuchen, was newly formed. It was far from being a strong army, but it was ambitious.

Empress Dowager Liang knew that it was impossible to get away easily and take King Lu to Jinan to join the Liang family~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and dealing with the scheming Huaidong was far better than dealing with the ambitious but weak Qingzhou army.

If King Lu falls into Huaidong's hands, the Qingzhou Army and Gu Wuchen will not gain any substantial benefits, but the Qingzhou Army controls King Lu, unites with the Liang family, Huaidong and Gu Wuchen in Jiangning to support King Lu as emperor , Qingzhou Army can at least one-third of the support credit.

Empress Dowager Liang saw Gu Siyuan's mentality. After arriving in Yangxin, she quickly got rid of Zhou Pu's control and approached Gu Siyuan to enter Qingzhou City - Gu Siyuan obviously had some ideas.

This matter alone made Lin Bie feel difficult and a headache.

The Donghu people in Yanji are like a broken bamboo, and the speed of integrating the local forces in Yanji and Jinjun is very fast and effective.

Hehuai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places should quickly and decisively support King Ning as the emperor, form the Jiangning regime, and establish a new capital. Instead, they should focus their energy on the front line of Hehuai and build defenses instead of being here to support the new emperor. One thing is extravagant, and unnecessary infighting is carried out.

Gao Zongting originally wanted to persuade Lin Fie not to easily disturb his mind. The risk was too great, and the south side couldn't stand such a big toss. Seeing Lin Fie frowning and shouting for a headache, he knew that he didn't have this in mind, but the Qingzhou Army and Gu Wuchen, Gu Siyuan and his son are hard to say.

Profit makes the mind faint, and not many people can stay awake in the face of the power that covers the sky with one hand and within reach. On the issue of the formation of the Qingzhou Army, Huaidong, Gu Wuchen, and the people of Qingzhou have already separated from each other.

What's more, in the eyes of the ambitious, Gu Wuchen was the left servant of the military in Jiangning, and he also controlled the Jiangning water camp. There was the Dongyang Army on the nearby side who could rely on him. King Lilu didn't have much difficulty. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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