Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 83: return to the south

The more than 60,000 soldiers and horses who broke out of Yanjing in two separate routes were completely devoured by the Donghu people in just three days.

The princes and grand dukes and concubines and concubines of the harem who broke through with the army were killed or captured; even the guards and guards fled or abandoned their weapons and surrendered. Emperor Chongguan was unwilling to be captured and jumped into the Chaohe River in anger. Hao Zongcheng also died of poisoning.

As the Donghu people buried piles and wrecked ships and threw a large number of tree branches in the estuary section of the lower Chaohe River, to prevent the entry of warships of the Tianjin Navy. Thousands of generals from Xuanfu and Jingying were forced to drown in the Chaohe River during the war, and their bodies were blocked at the mouth of the river. It was not until the 23rd that the body of Emperor Chongguan, which had been soaked in the river water beyond recognition, was found.

If it weren't for the dragon robe he wore and the surrendered eunuchs headed by Wang Qishan, it was confirmed that Emperor Chongguan had drowned in the water at the last moment. What is the connection with the Emperor of Dayue on.

In this battle, Donghu completely established the victory of swallowing the land of Yan and Ji.

Although Yanjing, Xuanfu, Sanhe, Jinhai and other cities have not yet been finally lost, they have not hindered the overall situation. In Yanji and Jinjun, there is no real threat to Yanhu's nearly 300,000 soldiers entering this area. The military presence of horses.

On the one hand, Yezier ordered Emperor Chongguan to win over people's hearts, appease the surrendered generals and captured soldiers. On the other hand, he spread the news that Emperor Chongguan died by throwing into the water if he failed to break through the siege. morale.

Ye Zier left his eldest son, Ye Jibaishan, to stay in Jinhai to supervise the battle. After solving the external threat, he started a brutal siege of Jinhai with the newly attached Han army as the main force. Ye Jier personally led the main force of more than 60,000 cavalry and cavalry, and marched westward with the entourage of Ye Ji Luorong and other generals. On the 27th, the troops approached the city of Yanjing.

Zhang Xie, the envoy left behind in Yanjing, sent people out of the city and entered the Donghuying tent to discuss the surrender.

Yezier chose an auspicious time and entered Yanjing on the first day of the seventh lunar month.

Although there are still a few defenders in Xuanfu, Sanhe, Jinhai and other cities who insist on not surrendering, the Donghu people must continue to use troops on the inside. But for Yezier, the most pressing thing now is no longer the military gain or loss, but to stabilize the situation in Yanji and Jinjun as quickly as possible.

The roots in Yanji are too shallow, and it is very likely that they will be driven out of the gate because of an occasional military defeat.

At the same time, the Yanhu tribes and the newly attached Han army, together with Chaohe, Zhangjiaji, etc. and the Yanjing surrender, the total number of Yanhu troops and horses in Yanji and Jinjun reached 300,000, including the elite cavalry of Hu in Yandong. There were more than 70,000 troops, more than 30,000 Hu cavalry troops in Yanxi, and more than 150,000 Han troops in the newly attached Han army, and more than 50,000 prisoners were captured.

To maintain such a huge army in Yanji and other places, and even continue to expand the army in the later period, to use troops in Shandong, Henan and Qinjun, until it completely swept the world, is by no means an easy matter.

On the fifth day of the seventh lunar month, Ye Jier became emperor in Yanjing, and granted Zhang Xie the title of Duke of Yan. Wang Qishan and others surrendered to ministers, and aggressively recruited gentry to enter the locality as officials, and sent the migrants back to work for production.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, an Anmin policy was issued, and the decree was made clear to the world. Based on the area affected by the war, the reductions and exemptions included Datong, Xuanfu, western Liaoning, western Hebei, northern Shanxi, central Shanxi, southern Shanxi, Yanxi, and western Jixi. Most of the newly occupied areas, including Gyeonggi and other places, received land tax and grain payment for two years, and returned the people to cultivate and rejuvenate.

After the main force was transferred, the Xuanzhen army, with only 10,000 defenders remaining, surrendered after holding on for more than half a year, and the city surrendered after running out of food. In the land of Yanji, only the two cities of Sanhe and Jinhai were still holding on.

In Sanhe, headed by Na Hao Xiongqi, nearly 40,000 cavalrymen under Chen Zhihu surrounded the water.

In Jinhai, the Donghu people, led by Ye Jibai Mountain, rode 80,000 paces, completely blocked Jinhai City from land, and launched a brutal siege for the city.

The most important thing for Yan Hu currently in Yanji is to repatriate to his hometown. When Yanjing surrendered, there were 300,000 to 500,000 refugees in the city. In addition, the number of refugees who escaped into the city in the counties of Gyeonggi was as high as one million. ——Therefore, in addition to the impassable roads to Jinhai or Sanhe, groups pass through Yannan in groups. Even if they encounter Donghu people’s post on the way, they will not be checked every time.

On the eighth day of the seventh lunar month, the eyeliner of the Military Intelligence Division in the city of Yanjing escorted Jiang Yue and others who were disguised as refugees out of the city to join Wu Qi and Chen Dingbang.

Chen Zhihu surrounded Tuantuan to death in Sanhe, this problem is no longer a problem that they can solve by gathering dozens of people. Chen Xinbo's nephew-in-law, Sitian Shaojian Jiang Yue, was an official named by Lin Fu to be picked up. After Jiang Yue and others arrived at Chengshouji, Wu Qi no longer stayed in the north to delay himself. Take cover and pass through the enemy territory of Yannan in batches.

After untold hardships, he secretly set sail from Cangzhou on July 18, and joined Huang Jinnian, Lin Xuwen, and Gao Zongting at sea, which were first evacuated from Jinhai.

When Wu Tian, ​​one of the three admirals of the Tianjin Navy, led his troops to defend Xili Village, he was hit by arrows and unfortunately sacrificed; also because of Wu Tian's death, Xili Village was seized by the enemy during the chaos, and less than half of the troops were able to defend the village. Withdrawal, more than 1,000 people were wiped out at a time. It was the heaviest loss in the Jinhai defense battle at this time.

Only the last 40,000 people left in Jinhai had not had time to evacuate, but they all evacuated to Wukou Village and Jinwei Island on the inside. Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang, Sun Shangwang and others would lead the defenders to the end. Jiangning was discussing the establishment of a new emperor, and Lin Xuwen and Huang Jinnian had to rush to Jiangning first to compete for their positions in the Jiangning regime.

Gao Zongting and Geng Quanshan learned the truth that Li Zhuo gave Emperor Chongguan wine and medicine to die, and they were disheartened. Apart from going to Chongzhou, the world was so big that there was no place for them to live. Go to Chongzhou first.

Although he had already judged the situation in Yanji at this time, the facts were really in front of him, and he felt cruel and unacceptable.

Chen Dingbang, Gao Zongting and Geng Quanshan met on the boat, and placed an incense table on the deck to pay homage to Li Zhuo.

Lin Xuwen, Wu Qi and others all came to worship in front of the incense case, and Huang Jinnian was quite embarrassed.

Although Huang Jinnian has always been in Jinhai to supervise Jinhai Cang in the later period, he has always been one of the core figures of the Chu Party and one of the black hands who controlled Gyeonggi Mi City behind the scenes. If it is said that Li Zhuo caused Yan Ji's defeat, Huang Jinnian also has the responsibility that cannot be shied away.

It's not that Huang Jinnian's conscience has made a big discovery, and he has to change his face from now on to be a good person, but the situation is so unpredictable that he cannot not reflect on his relationship with people close to Huaidong.

Huang Jinnian had brought his family to Jinhai for resettlement long ago. Even the second son and two nephews, who were in charge of the business in Yanjing, were evacuated to Jinhai in time before the war, and the family was safely preserved. But if you want to withdraw from Jinhai to Jiangning, or even want to occupy a position in Jiangning, it is not that simple.

Although the fields and houses in Gyeonggi are all in vain, the real gold and silver transferred from the Huang Jinnian family from Gyeonggi is seven or eight million taels - Huaidong and Huang Jinnian were political enemies who fought in secret, Huang Jinnian's details. , If Huaidong didn't understand at all, he wouldn't have the power he has today.

In the past, Huang Jinnian was a high-ranking member of the court, fighting for power with Lin Xuwen in Jinhai, but at this time he was a catfish on the Huaidong cutting board.

Although Huang Jinnian scolded his mother when Lin Suxing's strategy of attacking the east and the west left Jinhai, with the development of the situation, especially after Huaidong occupied Mingzhou, Jiangning admitted Huaidong's behavior and made Lin Fujian. Under the leadership of the Zhedong system, Huang Jinnian could not see the development of the situation clearly, and it would be in vain for him to spend half his life in the officialdom.

In the first ten days of May, Huang Jinnian asked his eldest son, Huang Chengen's family, to withdraw from Chongzhou first, that is, to ask Huang Chengen to negotiate with Huaidong, and he also knew that he was useful to Huaidong.

The final negotiated condition was that the Huang Jinnian family would give out 500,000 taels of silver, half of which would be donated to the Huaidong Military Division as military funds, and half of the money would be included in the Huaidong Bank as principal.

Huang Jinnian finally offered to put his family in Chongzhou. He knew that the water in Jiangning was very deep, and there might be a war. Before Huaidong took over, Jiangning was far less stable than Chongzhou. To keep the family in Chongzhou as a matter of quality, and Huaidong should rest assured to support him as an official in Jiangning.

This was the case in officialdom, Li Zhuo regarded Chen Xinbo as a teacher and a friend, but in the end it was Chen Xinbo who sent him his last journey.

Huang Jinnian is now a member of Huaidong, and he is not the murderer who directly trapped Li Zhuo to his death. Lin Xuwen invited Huang Jinnian to come to the incense table to pay homage to Li Zhuo, and they returned the salute as Li Zhuo's family.

The five members of Jiang Yue's family were also on board with Wu Qi.

Jiang Yue himself was an official who tried his best to get rid of factional struggle. When the Western Qin Party and the Chu Party fought to the extreme, the Chu Party only had Chen Xinbo and Jiang Yue in the center. Chen Xinbo was able to stay because Emperor Chongguan wanted to use him to suppress Zhang Xie; Jiang Yue was indifferent to the world, and his achievements in astronomy and calendar were indeed unmatched by the court and the public.

Although Jiang Yue has provided a lot of help to Huaidong over the years, he most agrees with Lin Bie's practice of advocating miscellaneous arts and craftsmanship in Chongzhou, detaching himself from factional struggle~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Bie named and asked the MI Division to cover Jiang Yue When the family went south, there was no intention to directly involve Jiang Yue in the factional struggle; Jiang Yue's ability to go south and serve in the Sitian Supervisor or the Ministry of Industry would naturally be of great benefit to promoting the development of miscellaneous arts and craftsmanship.

After the worship, the panic-stricken Jiang Yue family was first arranged to rest in the cabin. Lin Xuwen and the others gathered Wu Qi and Chen Dingbang in the cabin to discuss matters.

"We have to go to Yangxin first..." Lin Xuwen said.

"Oh, Zhou Pu led the equestrian camp to retreat into Yangxin?" Wu Qi asked.

After the battle at Zhangjiaji, in the entire southeastern Hebei region, except for the cavalry of the Donghu people, the chaotic troops collapsed. Don't deal with the sentries of the Donghu people. Those chaotic soldiers are just as deadly existences. Wu Qi, Chen Dingbang and others are trapped in Chengshouji, and they have never been able to get news from the periphery, so it is not clear about Zhou Pu and Huaidong Cavalry Camp. Actions in Yannan.

"If only Zhou Pu led the cavalry camp to retreat into Yangxin, we also needed to dock at Yangxin," Lin Xuwen said, "Zhou Pu rescued the Queen Mother and King Lu from the enemy cavalry in the west of Hejian City, just for the enemy cavalry. If you bite down hard, you can only retreat all the way to Yangxin..."

Wu Qi instantly understood why Lin Xuwen and Huang Jinnian rushed to Yangxin midway? Yangxin has been taken over by the Qingzhou Army headed by Gu Siyuan, and outsiders look at the Lin Gu family. If Gu Siyuan does not have much ambition, Zhou Pu escorts the Queen Mother and King Lu and his party to retreat into Yangxin. There is not much problem.

I am afraid that Gu Siyuan will have a branch outside the festival - Wu Qi secretly feels a pity: Zhou Pu is used to winning on the battlefield, and he is still not familiar with this kind of hidden struggle; if he was in the army, he would not stay in Yangxin at all, nor would Let the news leak out, but lead the troops to **** the Queen Mother and King Lu all the way through the Shandong Peninsula, and go directly to the Huaidong site to talk about other things. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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