Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 3: Moonlight

Returning with a great victory, and the joy of Huaidong’s envoy opening a government office in Chongzhou, according to tradition, Lin Mengde and others naturally hope to have a good celebration.

Lin Bie didn't like the lively nature, so he didn't want to celebrate, but the public opinion was hard to resist. Furthermore, Liu Shidu, the prefect of Hailing, was a VIP. He didn't show his qualifications or pretensions, and he personally came to Chongzhou to ask about the government. Lin Fu couldn't neglect him.

Lin Fu agreed with Lin Mengde and others, and agreed to hold a feast in Chongcheng, and invited officials, generals, gentry and scholars in Chongzhou to celebrate.

At noon on the 16th, the fleet arrived at the Chongzhou Dongcheng wharf and docked.

The people in the city had already heard the news of his return to the city today, and every household was decorated with lanterns. There are lion dances on the street, and there are people who put on a stage to perform a social drama, as if it is a New Year's festival, it is very lively.

New Chongzhou has only been built for more than half a year, and it is rare to have such a scene.

Naturally, the Huaidong Administration Office was still located in the East Office outside the West City and at the foot of Zilang Mountain. It just replaced the previous Jinghai Governor's Office. Except for Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu, Cao Zi'ang, Fu Qinghe, Hu Zhiyong and other core staff who have official titles, other staff members have only been increased according to needs, but there has not been much change.

In addition to serving as the envoy of the Huaidong system, Lin Fu also served as the magistrate of Chongzhou County and the supervisor of Jiangdong Prison City.

In the afternoon, they met guests in the East Yarn, and held a formal banquet at night, until the end of the month until the end of the day.

Lin Fu has always been drinking in moderation, but there are too many people toasting, and he is eager to persuade him to work hard.

When I climbed to the top of the mountain, I felt refreshed and refreshed by the breeze. I walked into the hanging flower hall. I heard the noise of people in the inner house so late. I felt strange. I saw Sun Wenwan come out of the yard and asked her, "Where is the yard in the yard? what happened?"

"Dongya held a banquet, and the two ladies said that the mountain must be lively, and they also held a banquet to invite the female guests of each family to come. At this time, the female family members of each family gradually dispersed, and the little girl drank a lot of wine and made a scene. I wanted to sing a song, so I persuaded everyone to stay..." Sun Wenwan replied with a smile.

"Then let her sing..." Lin Bie smiled, only to notice that Sun Wenwan didn't change into a Biluo Ru skirt, she added a lot of girls' femininity, and rarely seen the heroic spirit of wearing armor.

"It's almost the identity of the little lady, how can you not say any rules?" Sun Wenwan said, but she complained that Lin Fu was too indulgent to Xiaoman, and looked at Lin Fu, hiding affection, and being too embarrassed.

"Who else is there?" Lin Fu asked. If there were female guests from other families, he would not be able to join in the fun.

"The sixth lady, the seventh lady, Miss Song, and the Liu family's grandma are still there, and they all drank a lot, but there is no one else..." Sun Wenwan replied.

The grandmother of the Liu family is Liu Yue'er's mother and her mother-in-law. There is nothing to avoid. Lin Bie raised her foot to go to the courtyard. Seeing that Sun Wenwan did not follow, she asked, "Where are you going?"

Sun Wenwan's face blushed, she didn't answer, she turned around and walked behind the hanging flower hall.

Lin Bie patted her head, thinking that she was drinking too much to get rid of her anger, and asked her of course that she would blush, but also felt that Sun Wenwan blushed under the moon, or if she was drinking, it was really beautiful.

Leading troops to fight outside, although Xiaoman is waiting by his side, but Xiaoman's identity is different, he can't be indiscriminate, he must keep the etiquette of catching a ghost, and he doesn't dare to provoke Song Jia. Lin Fu also held back for half a year.

When I returned to Chongzhou, I was in a good mood. After drinking wine, I had seen Xunniang and Liu Yueer a moment earlier. I was thinking of finding a chance to have a private meeting with Yingxiu. Added a fire.

Lin Fu went around the screen wall and was just about to enter the threshold, when a person walked out lightly and bumped into a full bosom, but it was the sixth lady, Shan Rou.

"..." Sixth Madam took a half step back, and wanted to shout before shouting. She raised her forehead under the lamp and looked at Lin Bing. Let the people inside hear that she bumped into Lin Bie outside, "Master is back?"

"How can there be so much ceremony? I also want to salute you, Aunt Liu!" Lin Fu laughed, the two were close to each other, looking at Shan Rou's shy face under the dim lights, and bumping into her bulging **** tender sensuality.

"What are you talking about, Aunt Six, it hurts to bump into your concubine..." Shan Rou said again, her eyes dodged away from Lin Fu, and she turned to go around Lin Fu.

Of course, Lin Fu knew where the hit was and where the sixth lady would be in pain. The sixth lady's clearly seductive words were like sparks that burst into the dry wood, igniting the evil fire in Lin Fu's heart.

Seeing that Shan Rou was about to go around, the curves under the forged shirt were extra sultry. The waist and back showed the plump beauty unique to mature women. Lin Bie reached out and grabbed Mrs. Liu's hand. , asked: "Where did Sixth Aunt hurt?"

Shan's whole body trembled, as if struck by lightning. It is also willful for her to say "it hurts when I hit my concubine" because of her drunkenness. When she says it, her heart panics to the extreme, as if the blood is about to freeze, and she wants to find a place to hide, hide, or to say the words. I grabbed it back and ate it, but I never thought that Lin Bing would respond.

When Lin Bie reached out and grabbed it, half of his body was soft there, his mind was blank, and he didn't know whether to fall or push.

Lin Bie held Mrs. Six's hand as soft and smooth as jade, and he twisted her with the taste of wine, before hiding her, the water in his eyes gradually rose, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. The weather is not cold yet, the clothes are still thin, and when I touch the waist, I feel that this woman's body is plump and plump, and a girl who is not seventeen or eighteen can compare...

Shan Rou was pulled into Lin Fu's arms, smelled the strong man's breath, and put a hard object between his feet. She was in a daze, and she felt that her whole body was about to turn into a pool of water flowing from between her feet. When I got down, I longed for Lin Fu's big, powerful hands to knead and squeeze more vigorously on his plump and upturned arms...

Suddenly she pushed Lin Fu away without warning, and Shan Rou was startled, thinking that it was Lin Fu who disliked her again. She was extremely disappointed and looked at Lin Fu blankly.

"Someone is here..." Lin Fu said.

Shan Rou was extremely embarrassed, and she woke up, only to hear footsteps approaching, and fled out in a panic, almost bumping into Sun Wenwan. Sun Wenwan didn't respond when she called out to her. She went to the toilet, unbuttoned her pants and squatted down, only to realize that she had not yet unblocked, and her lower body felt like she was urinating...

Shan Rou is someone who has come here and knows what's going on. Her face is hot and her heart is pounding. It's only at this time that Shan Rou feels that she still has a heartbeat.

Lin Fu did not go to the flower hall where the female family members were drinking, but passed through the Chaoshou Gallery and walked into the back garden.

It's strange to say that a man's lust/lust is too. Lin Fu thinks he doesn't have too deep feelings for Mrs. Six, but he has to admit that such a beautiful woman has a strong temptation to everyone.

It's also because this kind of thing is too presumptuous, it exposes flaws, leaks rumors, it's a scandal, and it's a deadly handle, so it can be restrained. However, when he became the envoy of the Huaidong system, his position was more stable than before. Whether it was internal or official, he could be said to be the number one person in the forest clan. Zhang Yang, unwilling to restrain any more.

After calming down, Lin Fu sat alone in the back garden, reflecting carefully, and had to admit that people change with their status, and he was no exception.

"I heard Miss Sun say you're back, and I haven't seen you come in for a long time, so why are you sitting here alone?" Liu Yue'er came over and smiled at Lin Fu, who was sitting quietly in the pavilion in the back garden.

"You girls are drinking and playing, why should I join in the fun?" Lin Fu laughed, took Liu Yue'er's hand, let her sit on his lap, and looked at her beautiful face as beautiful as jade. She is also a mature woman, "Where's Mother Xun?"

"Xunniang still has to take care of the guests, let me come and see you first," Liu Yue'er said shyly, "Would you like to see Xin'er?"

Lin Bie changed his mind and knew what was going on.

Liu Yue'er is a concubine. He just came back, so he should have the same room with his wife first. If he met Xunniang first, he wouldn't have a chance to be alone with Liu Yueer tonight. Gu Junxun asked Liu Yueer to come over first~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is also considerate - these rules are really annoying, but Lin Fu You can't expect to have the possibility of being in the same bed, holding Liu Yue'er's hand and going to the courtyard to see his son whom he hasn't seen in more than half a year.

Xin'er was still in the swaddling clothes, and there were two mother-in-laws who took care of her, who were fast asleep.

After seeing his son, Lin Fu said to Liu Yue'er, "Talk with me, don't quarrel with Xin'er..."

Liu Yue'er was naive, she believed what Lin Fu said, and followed to the wing room on the other side of the yard. As soon as she entered the door, she pressed Lin Fu to the back of the door and picked up her skirt.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yue'er grabbed Lin Fu's hand that copied her skirt, and gave him a strange look.

"How long can I stay in this courtyard?" Lin Fu asked.

Liu Yueer's face turned red, and she had to return Lin Fu to the main room tonight. It was late at night, and there was really no time to delay. She was flustered, so she let go and let Lin Fu take the clothes in her skirt. He slid down his trousers, then turned around obediently, held the corner table behind the door, and pushed his hips up. The door was not closed, and the wind came in, which made his hips cool, and he subconsciously wanted to pull up his skirt. Zha, in an instant, she was next to a hot, hard object that made her think about it, and her chest was tightly held by Lin Fu's big hand, which only made her feel at ease...

The trembling of the corner table and the sound of gasping merged into one, and Liu Yueer's body seemed to melt in just two clicks, and the place twitched violently. It was only after she pushed it into the cloud twice, Liu Yue'er felt that the man she loved behind her was also comfortable, she turned her head weakly and said, "I don't have the strength to serve the master..."

"Then let me serve you." Lin Fu said with a smile, wiped him and Liu Yue'er with a sweat towel, held the beauty in his hand, put it on the bed, and cuddled each other and said some lovesick words, or Liu Yue'er. Yueer urged him to come to the main courtyard to find Gu Junxun... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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