Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 2: The strategy of building a high city

The fleet of ships heading south was huge, and the Beiguan River was so crowded that the speed couldn't be faster. It set off from Shanyang on the fifth day of October and entered the Yunyan River on the 15th, which is regarded as entering the territory of Chongzhou.

Lin Mengde, Hu Zhiyong, Hu Zhicheng, Li Shuyi, Chen Lei and other Chongzhou officials and officials, as well as Li Shutang, Luo Fu and other Chongzhou gentry, dozens of people, went to the northwest of Jiuhua to welcome Lin Fu and his team back to Chongzhou.

Liu Shidu, the prefect of Hailing, was also subject to the restraint of the envoys set up by Huaidong; Lin Fu returned to Chongzhou, but he did not take any pretense and went to Jiuhua to welcome him in person, intending to go to Chongzhou together, so that he could discuss with Lin Fu the military and political affairs in Hailing Prefecture.

At that time, it was the harvest season of autumn grain, and both sides of the Yunyan River were covered with golden paddy fields. Farmers were already bowing their heads in the fields and harvesting rice.

When he led his troops north to guard the Huaihe River, neither wheat nor crops were heading, but in a blink of an eye it was time to harvest autumn grain.

"How much can the harvest in Xiangzhangli increase this year?" Lin Fu asked Lizheng Luofu in Xiangzhangli.

"The Yunyan River has been widened, and several rivers in Xiangzhangli have been dredged before the rainy season. This summer, Xiangzhangli has not suffered any waterlogging. It is a rare abundant year in ten years," Luo Fu stroked the frost-white large Beard, said excitedly, "Last year was already a good year, but this year's summer grain harvest was 20% more than last year's, and even less autumn grain can be harvested by 20%!"

"When there is a slack in the local area, villagers are organized to repair the ditches every year, and do a good job in seed selection and fertilizer accumulation. Such a harvest will come every year!" Lin Fu laughed, "In order to widen the Yunyan River, I am I borrowed some grains from the local government. I didn't hide these grains in my personal pocket, but used them to build water conservancy projects. Now that everyone can have a good harvest, I feel at ease. The borrowed grains are returned to everyone... so there is no need to scold everyone!"

"That's the painstaking effort of us stupid people who don't know adults..." Luo Fu smiled awkwardly.

Last year, Lin Fu inspected the land twice in Chongzhou. Those who occupied the official land and sent the land to the monastery on maternity leave to escape from the monastery were all subject to huge fines, fines and rents. The Luo family lost thousands of acres of land, and they were fined and rented for a thousand stone.

After the truth of the Chongzhou boy case was revealed, Luo Fu's kidnapped young son returned home, and the Luo family completely released their resentment, and together with other beneficiaries, they became the representatives of local forces who firmly supported Lin Bie to take root in Chongzhou.

The Luo family still has 30 hectares of fertile land. Thanks to the dredging and widening of the Yunyan River and the tributary water system, the harvest is 20% more than normal. In addition to spring flowers, in terms of japonica rice, the income has increased by nearly a thousand stones this year.

Rent accounts for 50%, and the fines and fines can be repaid in two years.

Last year, the thousands of acres of land that were confiscated as official land were mostly unimproved and vulnerable to waterlogging in the middle and lower fields. They were planted for the tenants, and the annual rent was only five or six hundred stone japonica rice. As long as the year can be maintained in the future , this part of the loss will be wiped out.

From this point of view, the dredging and widening of the Yunyan River and its branch rivers is truly an Italian place.

Even if he hadn't benefited from Lin Fu or the big family of Jiangdong Zuo Army before, after this year's bumper harvest, the resentment in his heart could almost be dispelled.

"Don't mention the past," Lin Fu said with a smile. "Increasing income and production is a good thing, but the money that should be paid should not be stolen or leaked..."

"This is natural, how can you be so ignorant of praise?" Luo Fu said.

Lin Fu smiled, pulled Liu Shidu, and talked with Luo Fu and other local gentry about many agricultural matters.

Chongzhou’s summer and autumn grains are determined according to the land, and the county wants to increase the land. The most important thing to do is to measure the fields and set them strictly.

Chongzhou's summer and autumn grain levy amount, after checking the fields last year, there is a relatively certain estimate, that is, the total summer and autumn grain levy for the whole year is 320,000 stone rice grains.

This year's increase in the county's production will not see much increase in summer and autumn grain expropriation, and the direct beneficiaries are still the landowners and farmers.

Of course, the construction of water conservancy projects can reduce the county's investment in disaster relief and endowment reduction, which can also be regarded as an indirect increase in the county's income.

The total amount of the Chongzhou summer and autumn rations is clearly stated. Even if this part of the income is to be counted as the additional rations of the Huaidong Army, the details must be reported to Hailing Mansion. Liu Shidu knows this account in his heart.

Lin Fu has only been in Chongzhou for a year, and he exempted Chongzhou from the Ding Tax and various head apportionments, and the total annual income of Chongzhou County could increase by 20 to 30%. Liu Shidu also lamented his ability to govern.

To say that the summer and autumn grains are being paid, Chongzhou County can cover two Hailing counties, but Hailing County still has Ding tax and various apportionments, and the overall income is not lower than that of Chongzhou County.

The biggest difference here is that the income of Chongzhou County is directly linked to the number of acres of land. Landowners with a large amount of land and large households in the township bear more obligations, and tenants and small farmers benefit greatly; Hailing County’s income is more closely related to Linked to each other, landowners and large households will transfer their obligations to small households, farmers and tenant households.

Lin Bie can successfully promote the New Deal in Chongzhou, which has a special place, but if it is to be expanded to other counties, it will be obstructed by the strong forces of local big households and landowners.

However, if Chongzhou can increase income and production on a large scale, it can also resolve the resentment of local big households and landowners to a considerable extent. Compared to last May, when Chongzhou was ravaged by pirates, who is responsible for the safety of Chongzhou people today? Everyone has an account in their heart.

The Xiaqiu grain payment is a clear account. Lin Bie checked the fields twice in Chongzhou. In addition to Xisha Island, there are 400,000 acres of fields that are used as official land. This is a secret account that is unknown to outsiders.

The more than 400,000 mu of official fields are mainly distributed along the Xishan River and Yunyan River, and most of them were in the middle and lower fields before. One of the most important goals of dredging and widening the Yunyan River is to improve the water conservancy conditions in the nearby areas, clear a large amount of river bottom silt for fertilizer accumulation, and transform these middle and lower fields into high-yield fields.

The Yunyan River was dredged and widened. At one point, there were as many as 100,000 people on the river embankment. It took seven months before and after. Calculated at two and a half meters per worker, 400,000 stone grains were used for food and labor alone. The total cost 400,000 taels of silver.

But this investment is worth it. After the reduction of rents and subsidies for more than 400,000 mu of official land, the total rent and subsidies will reach 240,000 stone grains this year, an increase of nearly 30% over the previous year.

In addition, Xisha Island can save 80,000 stone of rice grain.

The total income of Chongzhou County in terms of japonica rice this year will reach as much as 620,000 shi, which will be collected one after another in the next month after the autumn grain is harvested.

It is precisely because of this foundation that Lin Fu dared to move Ding Zhuang, who had been disbanded from the 50,000-60,000 refugee army, and a larger number of family members to Chongzhou for resettlement.

The people here in Chongzhou are fully active, and it will take almost a month to move so many people to Chongzhou.

Liu Shidu knew to some extent that Lin Fu had a large number of official fields in his hands, but the detailed figures were not clear.

Lin Fu and Liu Shidu first talked about the reorganization of the Hailing House Army, and then they talked about repairing and defending the seawall.

To do this, even if Chongzhou digs out money and grain to give Ding Zhuang, Liu Shidu must cooperate, and Liu Tingzhou and the magistrates of Yandu, Jianling, and Gaocheng counties will be called to Chongzhou to discuss the matter.

"We have to repair the seawall for three hundred miles!" Liu Shidu was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say.

It is said that Lin Fu is arrogant, but Lin Fu just used the time of seven months and the power of a county to widen and dig deeper the Yunyan River for more than 100 miles, and now thousands of stone ships can travel unimpeded on the Yunyan River.

Lin Fu really wanted to grit his teeth, and Liu Shidu believed that Lin Fu had the ability to build a three-hundred-mile seawall in two years.

Some people in the county chief began to talk about Lin Fu’s ambitions, and many of the letters sent by his colleagues implied or stated that Liu Shidu should be more vigilant against Lin Fu in Hailing Mansion.

The Yunyan River was dredged and widened, and 400,000 taels of silver were invested before and after. If the rent is directly increased by the transformation of the grain fields, it would take more than ten or twenty years to recover the cost.

The tide is invading and flooding, who knows? For hundreds of years, no one has ever thought about building a large-scale sea wall from Jiangmen to Qingjiangpu, except for scattered places. Why?

The investment is too large, and the direct benefits that local officials can enjoy from it are too small, and it will take decades to reflect.

County magistrates are often appointed every three years. Who would like to be the predecessors who planted trees, and let the descendants of ten or twenty years later come to enjoy the shade?

Liu Shidu couldn't think for a while, spending millions of dollars to build this sea-defending levee, apart from his reputation, what direct benefits could it bring to Lin Fu!

When Lin Fu made up his mind to repair the Hanhai Embankment on the way, in addition to directly sending a letter to the Jianghuai Governor's Office, the Xuanfu Envoy, the Yantie Division, and the Huai'an Prefecture, he also made a special statement to the court to talk about the matter.

Yue Lengqiu, Liu Tingzhou, Zhang Yan, Wang Tian and others were shocked, but they could not put forward a reason for their opposition.

The construction of the Hanhai Embankment not only benefits the people, but also benefits Huaidong. When Chongzhou invests a lot of money, manpower and material resources on the construction of the Hanhai Embankment, it means that the scale of Chongzhou's military expansion will be greatly restricted.

Lin Fu is only the military and political chief of the Huaidong area. Apart from being a member of Chongzhou County, he cannot interfere with the civil affairs and finances of other prefectures and counties. He builds and defends the seawall, benefiting the three counties of Yandu, Jianling and Gaocheng, and the Yanan District of Huainan. , the increased land tax did not fall into Lin Bing's pocket.

Liu Tingzhou once thought that Lin Fu was wrong, and was ashamed and annoyed for arguing with Lin Fu in those days in Huai'an. After receiving Lin Fu's letter, and without waiting for Yue Lengqiu's instructions, Liu Tingzhou and Yandu magistrate came to Chongzhou to discuss the matter.

When the book was delivered to Beijing, there was not half a month before the response from Beijing could not reach Chongzhou. But for the court, as long as you don't have to spend a tael or two for it, and don't make a lot of trouble, there is no reason for Lin Fu to do this.

From the beginning of dredging and transporting the salt river, Lin Fu has set a strategy for Chongzhou to "build a city high and store grain widely". Building and defending the seawall is just a more resolute implementation of this strategy, and it is easier within Chongzhou. persuade people.

During the Warring States Period, Qin gathered the strength of the whole country to repair the Zhengguo Canal, and within ten years, it was successful, but within ten years, it was unable to expand outwards. After the Zhengguo Canal was completed, the foundation of the Qin state was stabilized, laying the economic foundation for the unification of the six states.

If history does not change, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the heroes fought for hegemony, and the Zhu clan "built high cities, accumulated grains, and slowly became king" in Jiangning. Command the army, occupy the world.

Now Yue Lengqiu led the Changhuai Army to retake Hao and Si, and divided his troops into Luzhou. He took over the command of the Huaixi Theater from Lin Tingli and began to use troops against Luo Xiancheng in Shouzhou.

Lin Tingli also resigned from the title of envoy of Huaixi Jingkou System and retreated to Dongyang.

Huaixi Guang refers to the four prefectures of Dongyang, Luzhou (Hefei, Anhui), Haozhou, and Huaishang (Shouzhou), and the focus of its strategic situation lies in Luzhou.

As in Huai'an's strategic situation, if Huaidong could not control Huai'an, Huaidong's system of envoys would be ineffective; if Huaixi could not control Luzhou, there was no need for Lin Tingli to fight for Huaixi's system and envoys. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

After all, the foundation of the Dongyang Army is not as strong as that of the Jiangdong Zuo Army (Huaidong Army), it cannot withstand consumption, and the money and food are insufficient.

If Yue Lengqiu ran against Luo Xiancheng, who went to Shouzhou, it would be a disaster.

After the Changhuai Army took over Luzhou, more than 10,000 elite soldiers from the original Luzhou town were able to escape. Under the leadership of the town general Deng Yu, they crossed the south of the Yangtze River and entered Huizhou to strengthen the defense of the southern part of Jiangdong County.

Huizhou, also known as Xin'an, is not well-known when it comes to Xin'an, but Huangshan in Huizhou is famous all over the world.

The Fuyu Mountain in the northeast of Huizhou (today's Mushan Mountain) and the Baiji Mountain in the southeast are the natural separation between Jiangdong and Zhejiang.

Before Emperor Gaozu made his fortune, he was based in Jiangning and built a gate city in Yuling between Baiji Mountain and Fuyu Mountain, which was the enemy of Zhejiang and Zhejiang. More than two hundred years have passed, and the Guancheng is still there. It is still the key point of the two Zhejiang and Weizhou, and there are garrisoned troops.

Deng Yu led a large number of troops into Yuling Pass. To the east, he was able to defend Dong Yuan, who should guard Hangzhou, and integrated with the defense line in northern Zhejiang. To the south and west, he could contain the extravagant troops and horses occupying Chun'an, Quzhou and other western Zhejiang provinces.

Since then, although the southern Zhejiang region could not be recaptured from the extravagant family, the northern Zhejiang defense line has also been strengthened and basically stabilized.

As far as luxury homes are concerned, it will take some time to digest the newly acquired land and integrate northern Fujian and southern Zhejiang. In addition, the Yu Wangao tribe that retreated to the south is still a cancer that causes headaches for the luxury family. In a short period of time, the She family has not shown signs of large-scale use of troops against northern Zhejiang or the two rivers (Jiangdong and Jiangxi).

Compared with the numerous battles in the spring and summer, the situation seems to show signs of easing after the fall, and there are also signs of shrinking the Donglu who encircled Datong. East, let's see how the world's general trend will go next. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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