Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 48: Camp broken

For the past three days, the two armies have been fighting staggeringly, and both sides have not had the opportunity to calmly reorganize the camp. The main camp of the refugee army in the north of Feixiaji has only erected a single-layer fence wall, and some obstacles have been piled up in front of the fence wall. No trenches could be dug.

The torrential rain poured down, except under a few canopies, there were still campfires burning and guards guarding the entire camp.

There were not many tents that did not leak the rain, and the terrain was low. It rained again overnight, and many places were flooded. Most of the people had tossed all night without sleeping. It was already chaotic, and I was lucky not to bomb the camp on the spot.

Finally, the rain stopped, and the sentries were looking for dry wood to light a campfire. The officer held a lantern and cursed for his soldiers.

Several firewood stacks were wetted, and the wind lanterns on the flagpoles were the first to be lit. Like raising a flag, a long line of lanterns hung up, providing a little light for the surroundings.

This light is far from enough. An officer of the refugee army stood under the flagpole and shouted loudly: "How about the people at the gate, why haven't the campfire been lit? If the officers and soldiers stole the camp and chopped your chickens/ Ba!" Before there was a response from the sentry, there was a screeching sound at the gate of the hut. An officer carried a lantern and flashed a sharp blade. Only then did someone wake up and scream, "Attack the camp!"

It just rained heavily, kicked over a few tents and set fire to it, but the fire couldn't start. At this time, the sky was a little clear, and it would be dawn soon. Campfire, listen to where the chaos is, and then lead people to rush, from the south to the north, almost falling into the flooded pit, and then turning to the west, trying to pass through, taking advantage of the large camp to the west of the bandits. Also messed up...

At this time, the sky was already visible, and the main force of the Huaihuai Army on Feixiaji also moved away the obstacles in front of the camp and came out one after another, and the fish scale formation moved forward to prepare to break through.

The bandit camp in the north failed to start a fire. It was because of the heavy rain. Liu Tingzhou took advantage of the morning light to watch the people in the bandit camp run into chaos, and there were only more than a hundred soldiers rushed to the front of the bandit camp. , there is no obstacle at all, knowing that Xiao Kuian led the dead soldiers to successfully disrupt the current enemy camp!

Liu Tingzhou wore lacquer-dyed leather armor on the outside of his crimson official robe and a metal pocket, straddling the horse, holding the reins in one hand and drawing out his saber in the other, roaring: "All generals, Tingzhou and Ertong are coming in, breaking the killing flow. Thief!" He waved his sword and issued an order to march.

Generally speaking, after the main general of the fish scale formation was in the middle, Liu Tingzhou commanded the battle between the two square formations on the second floor and moved forward with the formation. Once the front row was blocked, Liu Tingzhou himself would take on the enemy. Although it was dangerous, it also aroused the high morale of the generals.

Teng Xingyuan lived in the middle. Although he was a civil servant, he also changed into armor like Liu Tingzhou. Teng Xingyuan's riding skills were very poor. Fortunately, there were close followers around him, and there were also people leading the way. He actually replaced Liu Tingzhou as the leader of the Chinese army, commanding and coordinating the entire fish scale formation, concentrating his forces, and breaking through the bandits in the due north. Up main.

Mafu and Ma Rulong are at the back of the formation.

This time, when they crossed Huaihuai to aid Xu, nearly a thousand private soldiers from the Ma family were dispatched. Although thousands of private soldiers from the Ma family were incorporated into the Duhuai Army, the actual command right was not given up. In the previous tough battle, the Ma family's private soldiers did not participate much, and they still maintained their strength. This time, the concentrated breakthrough, the Ma clothing also has to get the palace as the rear position.

The fish scale formation moved forward a little slower, a stick of incense took a little more time, and it also rushed to the front of the bandit main camp directly opposite. The hundreds of defenders on the front base did not form a substantial block. The main gate has been set on fire. In the chaos, two or three hundred elite bandits have assembled to stop the army from stepping into the camp, just like the mantra arm that blocked the car was smashed to pieces, killing thirty or fifty people on the spot, and the rest were all kicked out. and escape.

There is no doubt that the enemy's main camp has been defeated. Xiao Kuian led the dead soldiers to the western camp of the bandits.

There was a low-lying area between the main business and the west base, which was submerged by the stagnant water. Dozens of bandits drove the dead to the west by Xiao Kuian, and watched them flee into the low-lying area submerged by the stagnant water. You can't see the top of your head!

"There is a pit!" Xiao Kuian was shocked. The bandits didn't dig trenches in front of the camp, but dug a big pit between their camps, which was too weird.

At this time, he saw a row of bows and crossbows raised on the wall of the fortress on the west base of the bandits, the arrows flashed coldly, Xiao Kuian's back was chilled, and he instantly understood that the bandit's main business was a trap. A wave of random arrows came, Xiao Kuian's seat was too far forward, his short body was shielded by a shield, and an arrow was shot across his calf, and he came around to protect him and retreat.

Early in the morning after the rain, the weather was cool, but Xiao Kuian was sweating profusely on his forehead. He broke the arrow on his calf and pulled it out. He kept bleeding from the hole of the arrow. He stopped a running horse and jumped on the horse's back to look around.

The Huaihuai army was almost in full force. The front row was killed in front of the camp, and tens of thousands of people filled the space between the two armies. Retreat at this time would only cause collapse-style chaos. The main direction is to the north.

At this time, it was necessary to confirm whether the bandits had set up an ambush on the north side of the main business. Xiao Kuian took a good horse and asked someone to pick up a long spear for him. With the horse's head on his back, he turned towards the north and called someone: "Xu Gou'er, go and report to Liu. My lord, the bandit camp has been broken, and we want the army to slow down a bit, kill as many stray soldiers as possible, and I'll be the pioneer and guide the way for the army... Remember, don't say any more nonsense!" This Telling the truth at the right time is likely to cause chaos. Xiao Kui thinks that the bandits may not have expected them to attack the camp this morning. Even if there are soldiers in ambush behind the main camp, they should be poured seven times by the midnight rain. It is scattered, as long as the road to the north is explored, and the army passes through first like a long spear, there may not be no chance to turn defeat into victory...


Sun Ganzi and Ma Lantou were both in the western camp of the refugee army. When they saw that the officers and soldiers were actually stealing the camp after the rain, they screamed: "Liu Tingzhou, this kid, someone shot me with an arrow the year before, today is to report. It's a one-shot revenge!" Immediately, he wanted people to remove the obstacles in front of the west camp and lead the cavalry to protrude.

"Wait a minute!" Ma Lan's head held on to Sun's pole. The officers and soldiers were in a fish-scale formation, and there was no confusion. They rushed from the flanks, and the fish-scale formation's flanks could divide their troops to fight each other. When opening a bow, there is no return arrow. The weak point of the fish scale array is the back and belly. When the front wings of the officers and soldiers pass through the middle main, and the rear buttocks are exposed, you lead the cavalry from the tail to the front wings, and then the array of officers and soldiers will be inserted in one fell swoop. Plug it in!"

"It's just that you have a lot of guts!" Sun Ganzi's heart was restless, his blood boiled, he stepped on the horse's back, put the saber across his knees, forcibly restrained him, and watched the formation of officers and soldiers penetrate into the main office.

In order to lure Huai officers and soldiers into being deceived, not all the soldiers in the main camp were withdrawn, and there were more than a thousand people inside, so Xiao Kuian raided the room at night and did not notice any abnormality. These more than a thousand people were disrupted by themselves, and they had no resistance and just fled for their lives.

In addition to the chaos of the bandits, the camps on the east and west sides were silent. Liu Tingzhou also saw the difference and sent someone to ask Xiao Kuian. Xiao Kui'an had already found the road ahead without danger. He pulled his horse and came back to see Liu Tingzhou. He pressed his voice and said, "It's a trap. Right now, we can only take advantage of the situation to rush forward. The two wings are going to spread out to the east and west. Your lord will send someone to notify Ma Rulong and ask him to do so. If you lead the horse's private army to protect the rear wing of the army, this battle may not be without a chance to win!"

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. There is no medicine for regret in the world. The fighting power of bandits is not necessarily strong. Liu Tingzhou is a man of firm determination. He immediately sent his cronies to the battle to see Teng Xingyuan, Ma Fu, and Ma Rulong, and asked them to act according to their plans. To stabilize the military, except for the four of them, the generals below only said that they had successfully broken through the enemy camp, and that a great victory was in sight.

Ma Fu and Ma Rulong heard that the main business of the bandits in the north was a trap. Only a thousand bandits were defeated, and the camps on the east and west sides of the bandits were not in chaos. Order, pull more than a thousand horses and private soldiers to evacuate to Feixiaji camp...

"Fuck/damn! Stupid!" Seeing Ma Fu and Ma Rulong retreating to Feixiaji, Xiao Kuian cursed with hatred. Without the elite rear wing, the entire fish scale formation became a rotten gown that would be torn apart with a single poke.

The general situation has gone and no one can hide it, Xiao Kuian and Liu Tingzhou said, "Sir, you lead the left wing, I lead the right wing, pass the front camp, then go to both sides separately, don't care about the others, keep the elite soldiers of Shanyang County, maybe you can I'll be rescued by an envoy!"

The rear wing of Duhuai officers and soldiers suddenly stopped and retreated, and Sun Ganzi couldn't hold back any longer, and said to Ma Lantou, "I'm going to capture the camp, you don't want to fight with me!" Without waiting for Ma Lanlong to reply, he rode his horse forward. Okay, shouted: "Open the gate, sons, and I will kill your **** with the pole..." The more than 300 cavalrymen who were still in the west camp shouted and rushed to the gate of the gate with Sun pole. .

Ma Lantou didn't have time to stop him. His original intention was to let Sun Ganzi let go of the retreating officers and soldiers' rear wing, and use cavalry to trample the Duhuai officers and soldiers' main formation from the flank. After thinking about it, greed again, taking advantage of the retreat of the Queen Yicang after the officers and soldiers, they captured Feixiaji in one fell swoop, and all the officers and soldiers who entered Siyang would become turtles in the urn.

In addition to the more than 2,000 valuable cavalry troops under Chen Hansan's department, although the refugee army had a large number of troops and horses, there were few cavalry. A small number of cavalry were also used to communicate news and scouts, so Sun Ganzi had the cheek to accumulate six or seven hundred cavalry, and Ma Lantou had no organized cavalry.

The only three or four hundred cavalry Sun Ganzi brought over to trample the infantry formations was the refugee army.

Ma Fu and Ma Rulong learned of the plan, and immediately abandoned Liu Tingzhou and the others, and led more than a thousand elites to retreat to the Feixiaji camp. Come over and kill them first and take Xiaji away.

Sun Ganzi led the crowd from the flanks of the Duhuai officers and soldiers, and went straight to the back of the retreating Majia private soldiers. The seven or eight-foot-long saber swayed left and right, and was about to turn around to block the two. Two of the horse's pawns have their heads cut off...

The Ma family has been a salt and iron merchant for generations, and the family wealth is huge. They knocked 300,000 taels of silver to Lin Fu at once. Salt merchants, salt merchants, buy high-quality salt, but there are few who do not smuggle salt. In order to smuggle salt, Ma Jiahua makes great efforts to support private soldiers.

In terms of the quality of the soldiers, the more than 1,000 private soldiers of the Ma family can be said to be more elite than the soldiers of Shanyang County.

One soldier, one general, one litter~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Even if all of the more than a thousand private soldiers of the Ma family block ten, but Queen Cang withdraws and sends Sun Ganzi to lead the elite cavalry to cover up from behind, the entire army cannot escape. Crash doom.

Infantry against cavalry, pay attention to iron discipline and joint confrontation. Once they are defeated, they can only hate their parents for having less legs.

People with better eyesight ran directly to the beach where the cavalry could not chase them. More people led the cavalry to slaughter Sun Ganzi along the way. The sharp spearhead, rushing to trample from all directions, can only hold on to the idea of ​​killing one.

When Sun Ganzi was able to kill those who surrendered on the ground, he took the reins and stepped on his horse. The brave soldiers under his command were also murderous.

The horse suit wears gorgeous armor and rides on the Qingcong horse, which is the most conspicuous. Sun Ganzi shouted: "That armor belongs to the master, whoever steals it from the master is a son of a bitch!" Several riders followed and grabbed it out.

According to Sun Ganzi's rules, other property is sufficient, and whoever captures the soldiers and armors will belong to them.

Ma Fu's soul was scattered, and he turned around to beg for mercy: "I have money!" But Ma Leng couldn't understand what he said.

Before Ma Fu died, he only hated himself for the sake of greed and military exploits, so he dragged himself back to the South Bank early, and lost his life here.

Sun Ganzi saw that the gorgeous armor had taken the lead, and he yelled at him, causing laughter. He saw that there was still more than 20 feet to the left, and there was an official who was fighting with a gun, and he was about to throw a saber as a dart. The seven- or eight-foot-long broadsword, separated by more than twenty feet, pierced through Ma Rulong's chest.

Ma Fu and Ma Rulong were killed, and Ma Jia’s private soldiers were scattered like beasts, and no one could resist. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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