Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 47: steal camp

Liu Tingzhou occupied Feixiaji, which was a series of battles.

The siege of Xuzhou reached the last critical moment, and the refugee army was desperately trying to drive the officers and soldiers from Huai River down the Huai River and retake Feixiaji. The refugee army attacked one after another, and the Duhuai Army was pressed against the area of ​​several hundred meters in Feixiaji, unable to expand, and there was no time to breathe. Scalp, repel the onslaught of the refugee army one after another.

It is said that the men of Yanji are brave and brave, and the brave soldiers of Huaisi are not inferior.

Most of the soldiers of the Duhuai Army and the Siyang Refugee Army were from Huaisi, and it was impossible to say who was superior or inferior in terms of soldiers.

From the very beginning, both sides also pressed all the daring soldiers that could be called upon to fight against each other.

The Duhuai Army had the advantage of being well-equipped, and the terrain was high and low, but Ma Lantou, the commander of the bandits who oversaw the battle in Siyang, drew nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses from Suyu, Siyang and other places to attack and fly. At the same time as Xiaji, they also tightly sealed the openings on the north and northwest sides of Feixiaji, so that thousands of troops of the Huai Army were crowded at the head of Feixiaji and could not attack.

The soldiers of the Huaihuai Army were only 4,000 or 5,000 people. After three days of fighting, it was inevitable that they would be exhausted. down.

Most of the refugee troops in Siyang were veterans who followed the uprising in Hongzepu from the very beginning. They have been in the world for two or three years. Although the equipment is poor, they have accumulated some skills to survive and avoid danger on the battlefield. The advantage is much more obvious than that of the Duhuai Army.

Tao Chun, who had sneaked across Huai before, still had forty or fifty men under his belt. He was not in a hurry to break through the blockade of the refugee army and went to Feixiaji to join Liu Tingzhou and the others. A large number of refugee troops pressed into the vicinity of Feixiaji, which made the Huaisi area more open. Tao Chun contacted the local wealthy private soldiers who were still sticking to the stockade, and interspersed guerrilla attacks in the depths of Huaisi, forming a considerable degree of containment of the refugee army. .

One wants to hold Feixiaji, then break the enemy north and go to aid Xuzhou;

The battle continued for three days. The two sides left thousands of corpses around the north ridge of Feixiaji. The Huaihuai Army failed to capture Feixiaji and went north, and the refugee army failed to retake Feixiaji. Tao Chun gathered. Hundreds of people guerrilla in the hinterland of Huaisi.

The sky was covered with dense clouds like fish scales, the wind was blowing, the branches fell and the grass was broken.

The dozen or so wild dogs that ran out of nowhere tucked their tails like wolves, sneaked onto the battlefield, sniffing their noses and looking for fresh human flesh to eat. The eyes of the dogs were also red, as if they had eaten too much human flesh.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" A dozen arrows came, and four or five wild dogs were immediately killed, and the rest whimpered and scattered.

More than a hundred civilians who accompanied the army entered the battlefield, carried the corpses to one place regardless of enemy or foe, and threw the four or five wild dogs that died of arrows into the dead. It was as tall and short as a small mountain, poured oil, piled up charcoal, lit the fire, watched the flames rise, and soon the strong wind blew it into a blazing fire, burning the northern ridge of Feixiaji red...

After doing these things three or four times, people will become numb, and these conscripts have to go to the battlefield to pick up the remnants and broken armor...

Liu Tingzhou stood on the north ridge of Feixiaji, his crimson official robe was torn with a hole, he put his hand on his belt, watching the battlefield like Shura **** down the slope, Shanyang magistrates Teng Xingyuan, Xiao Kuian, Ma Fu, Ma Rulong and others stood around.

Ge Cunxiong has been leading the Jinghai Third Water Battalion to be responsible for the back road of the Huaihuai Army, and also transporting food and grass supplies, and he is also responsible for liaison with the Huaihuai Army on behalf of Lin Fu.

Although the refugee army was beaten back again, they set up camp and established a stronghold more than four or five hundred paces away.

The Duhuai Army was unable to build a strong camp on Feixiaji, and the refugee army was also unable to build a strong enclosure on the north side of Feixiaji that would not allow the Duhuai Army to break through.

"The Zhizhi envoy is in Shukou. Although he also launched an offensive against the camp of the refugee army in Zhaiqiao, the movement is very limited. We must wait for our generals to be exhausted, and the Zhizhi envoy there. There is movement." Teng Xingyuan resented, and in front of Ge Cunxiong, he no longer concealed his dissatisfaction with Lin Bie.

In the successive battles, the soldiers of Shanyang County were the main force in the charge, and the casualties were especially tragic. Don't say go to rescue Xuzhou, I'm afraid that if Siyang Village is downed and pushed to Suyu City, Shanyang County's soldiers will be almost consumed.

Ge Cunxiong snorted coldly and said, "What should my lord do in order to meet the wishes of lord Teng?"

Lin Fu served as the envoy of the Huaidong Jingkou System, and nominally the chief executive of the three counties in Huaidong, it was not Teng Xingyuan's turn to point fingers at Lin Fulai. Ge Cunxiong asked such a rhetorical question, which was quite rude.

Liu Tingzhou glanced at Ge Cunxiong, he had long understood Lin Bing's self-respecting thoughts, and at this time he did not want to intensify the contradiction between the two sides, and said lightly: "For the past three or four days, it has been a tough battle to kill Yingye. The casualties of the army are quite heavy, and the bandits in Jiqian are also exhausted. If the commander can mobilize the elite all the way to break through the enemy's fortress, Siyang and Suyu are also within easy reach... Colonel Ge can help me with a word to the commander. envoy?"

"Master Liu, please speak." Ge Cunxiong said.

"The envoy is the leader of the officials in Huaidong, and the victory in Siyang is also the victory of the envoy, and the defeat is also the defeat of the envoy," said Liu Tingzhou, "There is a great victory to be gained, so why is the envoy? Are you stingy and take it?"

Ge Cunxiong thought to himself: After three or four days of tough battles, he could not leave Feixiaji and advance northwards, only then did he think of Jiangdong Zuojun coming. Liu Tingzhou might not have the desire to defeat the bandits and make Jiangdong Zuojun look good at first.

"Lord Liu's words, I will bring it to my family, but it won't help me," Ge Cunxiong said, "My army from Jiangdong will come from the west, and the bandits Chen Hansan and Sun Zhuang will also come from the west. Just like Lord Teng, he thought that the Jiangdong Zuo Army was opportunistic. It might take three to five days for the two armies to exchange positions by water, and let Lord Liu and Lord Teng attack north from Shukou, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army came to guard Feixiaji. See how it turns out?"

Teng Xingyuan's nose was crooked. If Ge Cunxiong had not come on behalf of Lin Fu, and they would have to rely on Jinghaiying for their future, he would definitely be able to scold the rude general who spoke wildly on the spot.

Liu Tingzhou's face was gloomy, Xiao Kuian gave Ge Cunxiong a slap in the face, and immediately asked Liu Tingzhou to fight: "It is not necessary to rely on the system, the world must not only have a heroic army of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, please allow me to lead the dead tonight. Attack the enemy camp and open a gap for the Lord to lead the army northward..."

A small number of elites stealing the battalion at night can usually cause chaos and collapse of the entire enemy battalion. When the two battalions are at a stalemate, night raiding and stealing the battalion is an easy strategy to think of.

Liu Tingzhou thought about Xiao Kuian's suggestions.

Teng Xing looked at the sky from a distance, the clouds were dense, and there would be heavy rain at any time. He was afraid that there would not be good weather at night, and said, "I'm afraid it won't work tonight..."

"I'm afraid the rain will stop the night before," Liu Tingzhou said, stroking his beard. "Maybe we can try to steal the camp. Be prepared here. When the rain stops, you can touch it immediately..."

Ge Cunxiong looked up at the camp of the refugee army.

When the heavy rain stopped, it was the time when the refugee army was looking for dry wood to light a campfire. It was indeed a good time to steal the camp.

However, Shuai Qu of the bandit is also a person who knows soldiers. Although there is a barracks at the front, four or five hundred steps away, and the piles of soil are the bases, but the main force is stationed in separate camps thousands of steps away from the front base, and they want to come to attack the night. Stealing camp will have defense.

Ge Cunxiong sighed secretly: Before sneaking to send Tao Chun to lead the dead soldiers, this time Xiao Kuian stepped forward and led the dead soldiers to steal the camp. Liu Tingzhou's subordinates really didn't have many generals who could be used. If Xiao Kuian is killed in battle, Liu Tingzhou will use Ma Rulong as his general, and Ma Rulong, who looks at Ma Fu's wink in everything, will listen to him so honestly? Maybe they will unite with Teng Xingyuan and set up Liu Tingzhou.

Ge Cunxiong stopped making fun of himself, and left to return to the South Bank.

Liu Tingzhou, Teng Xingyuan and others are in Feixiaji, and the contact between the two sides has not been broken. He has to wait for them to intersperse in the hinterland of Huaisi before he can take over the defense of Shanyang County in an upright manner.


Sun Zhuang, the son of Sun Gang, rode on his horse, looked at Feixiaji from a distance, tightened the reins, and complained to Malantou, "I came here because I didn't see you guys playing, but you allowed me to bring people into battle. Take care to break through the front base of the officers and soldiers, you can make up for my lost soldiers and horses in the future, I will pick them one by one, and you are not allowed to fool me with blind and broken feet!"

Although Chen Han obstructed in every possible way, Sun Zhuang intuited that the main line of attack for the officers and soldiers was Surabaya. Sun Zhuang entrusted Chen Zui to lead his army to stay in the East Camp of Zhaiqiao, which was considered to be an explanation to Chen Hansan. He selected more than a thousand elites and made a detour to Siyang, because he was afraid that Ma Lantou would not be able to resist here, and he would break the leak for the officers and soldiers.

"Liu Tingzhou was also guarding Shanyang in those days. He is familiar with your tactics. As soon as you show your face, can Liu Tingzhou guard against your three axes?" Ma Lan has a thin face, and if he takes off his armor, he will be nothing like the most ordinary old farmer in Lianghuai. They are both different, but a pair of eyes are bright and energetic, quite extraordinary, looking in the direction of Feixiaji, "After all, they rely on the terrain of Feixiaji to raise their heads and attack, it is difficult, they have to be led down to fight... …”

"Damn, seeing how hard they fought for three days, they must be eager to break through to the north. As long as Liu Tingzhou really wants to help Xuzhou, then it's easier to handle! It's easier to deal with than that scoundrel of the East Sea Fox!" Sun Ganzi said angrily. .


As soon as it was dark, campfires were set in the camps of the two armies, and heavy rain poured down.

With the exception of a few canopies, most of the campfires were doused and plunged into darkness where no one could see them.

Exploring the road before it rains, and breaking through the front base of the bandits twice before, forcing the current main business to force back; after the heavy rain stops~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the enemy camp will light a campfire to guide the way, but you are not afraid of night. Black went astray.

Seventeen or eight thousand bandits are stationed in separate camps behind the front base, but the camp north of Feixiaji is the largest and is the main camp. Ma Lantou, the commander of the bandits, hangs his flag on a flagpole with a height of eleven or twenty feet. On the top, it is extremely conspicuous—Xiao Kuian is trying to steal his main business this time.

The rain was too heavy, and the rain scorpion was not very useful, so Xiao Kuian took off the rain scorpion, poured the heavy rain on the armor, and poured the lining to soak through. The armor and the wet clothes were tied to the body, which was uncomfortable and inconvenient to walk. Xiao Kuian asked the **** to get 200 sets of leather armor. First.

Raindrops leaked from the canopy, fell on the raging fire, and evaporated in an instant. Xiao Kuian walked into the camp of the dead, smelled the meat, and said, "Bring me a bowl of meat," and didn't take it. I took two pieces of chopsticks with my fingers and threw them into my mouth. The grease overflowed. I really enjoyed it, so I said to the dead soldiers in the tent, "The enemy camp is broken, I will borrow two boats, and I will allow you to return to Shanyang. Everyday girls go! Those who specialize in water spirits and those with rough waists, don't use it to grieve you."

"At this time, there is an old guy who thinks that the waist is rough and rough to give Le Yile, and stealing the camp is even more powerful!" A man said, causing a burst of laughter, Huaisi's man is so strong, he doesn't think the rain stops to steal. Camp is such a big deal.

God is really not beautiful, this torrential rain lasted for half a night, and it stopped just before dawn. In Xiao Kuian's opinion, it is also a favorable factor. When he leads the dead to disrupt the enemy and bandits, the sky is a little brighter, and Liu Tingzhou just sends a large team to follow up.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Kuian said goodbye to Liu Tingzhou in the dark, and watched the bandit host set up campfires one after another. He led more than 200 dead soldiers to go to the bandit host in the dark night when they could not see their hands... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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