Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 34: to kill or not to kill

Zhang Yubo rushed back to Huaian City from Shanyang County in the middle of the night, and a curfew has been fully implemented in the city.

Except for the generals who are on duty and patrolling, there is no pass token, and no one is allowed to walk through the streets at night, otherwise it will be a waste of life to shoot and kill innocently.

The monasteries, Taoist temples and nunneries in the city were all requisitioned as places to resettle the refugees.

Zhang Yubo got the pass token in the Dongcheng Gate Tower, and crossed the Zhou Bridge along Nanhe Street to meet Lin Fu at Duting Station.

There are still lights in front of Xiaofan Building. There is a team of soldiers guarding the building. The door is closed, and there should be no one inside. dazzling.

Ma Fu built Xiaofan Building in Huai'an City. In order to show his wealth, not only on the day when Xiaofan Building was completed, he transported ten carts of gold and silver coins from Weiyang into Xiaofan Building to make money for the house, but also spread a large piece of white marble in front of the building. land. I don't know if the money to hold the building is still there, but the white marble in front of the building is ridiculing the Ma family.

Not to mention that Ma Fu married the princess of Chu as his wife, the Ma family's influence in Huai'an is not weak. As soon as Zhang Yubo heard the news in Shanyang County, the county magistrate Teng Xingyuan interceded and was willing to hand over the position of commander of the Shanyang Township Battalion.

Zhang Yubo rode to the front of the Duting Station, and the lantern in front of the Yuanmen also showed a pool of blood. He was shocked when he saw Zhao Hu personally leading the team to guard outside the Yuanmen. what happened?"

"Mafu's wife, Shanyang County Lord, brought his family over to rob people. Clashing into the camp is a capital offense. Liu Zhifu pleaded for mercy on his behalf, but the adults took it back and temporarily detained the Shanyang County Lord. Jiangning Zongzheng Court convicted the crime. However, the leading servants were not so lucky, they chopped off a few on the spot, and the bloodstains hadn't had time to wash..." Zhao Hu said.

Zhang Yubo's scalp was numb, and he asked Zhao Hu, pressing his voice, "Sir, you are not afraid of chaos in Huai'an City? Even if you want to kill a hundred people, why don't you bring some soldiers into the city? Brother, do you not know?"

It's not that Liu Tingzhou didn't want to govern the Ma family, nor did Zhang Yubo want to govern the Ma family after he arrived in Huai'an.

At present, the enemy cannot even enforce a curfew in the city. Do Liu Tingzhou and Zhang Yubo have any face? Not to mention the Chu Palace, not to mention the Salt and Iron Division, the Ma family and the salt merchants' influence in Huai'an is intertwined, how can it be so easily shaken? Zhang Yubo was afraid that Lin Fu would cause a big mess, and Huaian City would not be able to keep it.

Zhao Hu said: "Ma Rulong and several other people from the Ma family came to ask for their sins, just went in..."

Zhang Yubo was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know whether the Ma family came to ask for a real or a leave of absence. He didn't waste time with Zhao Hu outside, and hurried in.

The yard was also waiting for battle. Yao Mazi wore scale armor and led the team in the yard. Seeing Zhang Yubo coming over, he walked over and said, "Master Zhang has returned to the city. Master Zhang is in Mingtang, Master Zhang, let's go in directly..."

Zhang Yubo walked into the Mingtang and saw Lin Fu and Liu Tingzhou sitting in front of the hall. Zhou Pu was standing behind Lin Fu with a knife and guarding him. A dozen people knelt down in ashes.

Zheng En, who joined the army, Liang Wenzhan, magistrate of Huai'an County, Ma Rulong, commander of the Zuoying army, Ma Teng, the treasurer of Xiaofanlou, Xiao Kuian, the commander of the right camp of the army, and He Jingde, the commander of Huaian County, all knelt on the ground.

Zhang Yubo was shocked when he saw it. Not only the Ma family, but also officials and generals who were ineffective in enforcing the curfew kneeled here to plead guilty.

"Uncle Yu is back, come and sit down," Lin Fu asked Zhang Yubo to move a stool over and said, "You came back just in time, and I am investigating the issue of the curfew. In front of the enemy, there is even a curfew in Huai'an city. If it can't be carried out, it is really lawless, and if you don't kill a few people, I'm afraid no one will know that the laws of the country are severe!"

Lin Fu paused for a while, and then said: "The matter has been basically found out, the curfew is not acceptable, and the officers of the prefecture's army, Zheng En, Zuoying school captain Ma Rulong, Youying school captain Xiao Kuian, county captain He Jingde and others have responsibilities that cannot be pushed aside. After discussing with Master Liu, temporarily depriving him of his duties and making him think behind closed doors, the vacancies will be filled by selecting talented and brave generals from the prefectures and counties, and what will be done in the end?

Zhang Yubo looked at all the people kneeling under the hall, and his expressions were dismayed. Even if there was resentment in his heart, no one dared to express it on the spot. Lin Bie called for killing twice. Although it was a bit biased, at this time, he could still follow the rules and push Liu Tingzhou to the front to lead the matter. Seeing that there would be no trouble for the time being, Zhang Yubo was half relieved, and he also secretly felt Lin Fu is a savage person, and I don't know when Lin Fu has such prestige. I thought that even if the horse clothes were killed on the spot, these local snakes would not dare to make any changes, right?

"Since Lord Lin and Lord Liu have made a decision, the lower officials naturally agree," Zhang Yubo said. "It's just that the defense of the city is very important, and there must be no shortage of guards in the city. Xiao Kuian, the captain of the right camp, is brave and good at fighting, and has made many achievements in battle. , in order to guard Huaian, he cut off three fingers of his left hand for the thief, and the soldiers below are very supportive of him, and I implore Lord Lin and Lord Liu to allow him to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds..." Xiao Kuian is a general promoted by Liu Tingzhou, and he is actually capable, Zhang Yubo does not want Lin Fu to take him Liu Tingzhou was also completely offended, and stood up to plead for Xiao Kuian.

"Master Liu, what do you think?" Lin Fu asked Liu Tingzhou.

"Sir Zhang's words are very true, and I am also trying to plead for Xiao Xiaowei." Liu Tingzhou said.

"Since both Master Liu and Master Zhang feel that Xiao Xiaowei is useful, then allow him to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds," Lin Fu said, "Move stools for Liang Zhixian and Xiao Xiaowei, and everyone else should go back and think about it behind closed doors, and they will not be allowed to enter the government office without a summons. , the military camp, and you are not allowed to go out of the city without permission.”

"Although Wei Shanyang is guilty, he is not guilty of death. The head of Shanyang County is also eager to save his husband, so he ran into the gate and offended the adults. Please read that their husband and wife are deeply in love. Maybe they think about it behind closed doors!" There was blood on his forehead. If Ma Fu was killed by Lin Fu Liwei, he would have no good fruit to eat, but even if Lin Fu wanted to kill Ma Fu and take away his military power, he would not dare to threaten him in disguise.

Lin Bie is not Liu Tingzhou.

The 5,000 elites of the Jiangdong Left Army are on the north bank to meet the rogues. In recent months, they have been standing still like a rock, and they have built a fortress under the eyes of Chen Hansan.

If Huai'an City was in chaos, it would be easy for Lin Fu to lead his troops to pacify the chaos. Even if there is going to be trouble, we have to wait for the fierce **** to leave Huaian after the war.

Although Ma Rulong is sure to pull more than a thousand people from Zuoying to make trouble, but what's the use? Can you bring Lin Bing into the city and eat it with four hundred cavalry? In the end, didn't he find an excuse for Lin Fu to kill the nine Ma family? Ma Rulong didn't dare to put the whole family's life on the line. Just kowtow to plead for Mafu and Shanyang County Lord, as long as we can keep Mafu and not kill Liwei for Lin Bing, we will talk about the future.

"Shanyang Wei is not only about this," Lin Fu said, "I, Jiangdong Zuojun, bought salt from the Majia Salt Store, and the salt was mixed with a pinch of sand. My military officer went to the salt store to reason, you know the Majia Salt Store. How can the shopkeeper get back to my military officer?"

"..." The others naturally dared not answer.

Lin Fu snorted coldly and said, "The shopkeeper of the Majia Salt Store replied to my military officer that even if the pig herd came here, it would be 90% salt and 10% sand, and the king of heaven would not give any face..."

Lin Fu's words were murderous, and Ma Rulong only felt the chill go straight to his tail and his scalp was numb. He didn't know what to say other than kowtow and pleaded for mercy.

Lin Bie waved his hand and said, "Shanyang Wei Mafu and Shanyang County Head are detained in the West Courtyard. Go and tell him: I, Lin Fu, entered the city today, but I want to hear what the Ma family has to say in person!"

Ma Rulong and Ma Teng knew that there was still a turning point in the matter, so they kowtowed to show their gratitude, and went under the surveillance of the guards to see the horses in the western courtyard. Only Liang Wenzhan, the magistrate of Huai'an County, and Xiao Kuian, the captain of Youying, accompanied Lin Fu, Liu Tingzhou, and Zhang Yubo in the hall...

Lin Fu raised his head and glanced at Xiao Kuian, and said: "Xiao Xiaowei's ability to guard Huai, I also understand, I know that you are not complicit in the Ma family, and I will not pursue the responsibility of appeasement and raising traitors. You must lead your troops to assist Master Liu and Zhang. Your lord guards the city, serves the imperial court, and there will be a good day for you to become an official and a noble in the future..."

"I will thank you for your innocence at the end of the day." Xiao Kuian saluted.

"If you want to thank you, thank Master Liu and Master Zhang, they are the ones who intercede for you." Lin Fie said hypocritically.

"Thank you, Lord Liu, Lord Zhang..." Xiao Kuian saluted Liu Tingzhou and Zhang Yubo again.

"Okay, you go back first, be careful these days, don't let troubles arise in the city!" Liu Tingzhou ordered.

Liu Tingzhou still has some prestige in Huai'an, and Xiao Kuian is actually an excellent general promoted by Liu Tingzhou from the bottom. Lin Fu has already figured out these situations.

Even if Zhang Yubo didn't stand up and intercede for Xiao Kuian, Lin Fu only planned to relieve him for a few days and then use him.

Qianglong doesn't suppress the local snake, and Lin Fu is biting his head to suppress the vicious snake of the Ma family this time, so he can't completely offend Liu Tingzhou at the same time.

After Xiao Kui'an left, Liu Tingzhou, Liang Wenzhan, Zhang Yubo and others were left in the hall. Lin Fu said, "Now that a group of people has been forcibly removed, a new group of officials will have to be brought up. As an envoy of mine, I can't handle so many. Decide. I just hope that there will not be another Ma family who regards military law as a child's play..."

"Xiaguan knows that the officials in the by-election must invite adults to look at them before reporting to Jiangning." Liu Tingzhou was self-confident, and Liang Wenzhan took the lead.

Liu Tingzhou is strange~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Fu has completely offended the Ma family, so why should he keep the horse alive? Extorting more than ten or two hundred thousand taels of silver, how can there be no family and no family? In fact, since this step has been achieved, are you afraid that you will not find evidence of looting his family and destroying his clan? King of Chu? Except for King Ning who has real power, other Wang Fans are just laughingstocks in Quan Huan's eyes.

Lin Fu naturally had his own considerations. His Huaidong Jingkou system envoys were only temporarily dispatched. At this time, he was resolutely pulling out a group of people, but he couldn't directly plug his own people in, but he still had to use Huaian people to rule Huai'an. The by-election and recommendation of the missing officials are of course also the power of Liu Tingzhou, Liang Wenzhan and other prefectural officials.

Liang Wenzhan was also the magistrate of Huai'an who was transferred after Chen Hansan's betrayal (Huai'an County and Huai'an Prefecture are in the same city and are the capital county of Huai'an Prefecture), and he had little connection with the local government.

In fact, the salt sold by the Ma family to the Jiangdong Zuo Army must be mixed with a penny of sand. What kind of attitude can the local forces have towards the incoming officials? In front of Xiaofan Building, the shopkeeper Ma Teng pulled Liu Tingzhou's clothes and sleeves. It seemed affectionate, but in fact it was contempt. It was just that Liu Tingzhou and Liang Wenzhan had no local roots and were unable to weaken the Ma family's power in Huai'an.

This time, it was rare to have the opportunity to remove the Ma family's forces from the government and the defenders. Liu Tingzhou and Liang Wenzhan of course knew that they would choose someone from the Ma family's opponents to support them.

If the Ma family is killed at one time, the officials and generals in the new by-election here will naturally only remember the kindness of Liu Tingzhou, Liang Wenzhan and others who recommended them for their recommendation; if the Ma family has a chance to make a comeback, Liu Tingzhou and Liang Wenzhan's thighs It's not thick enough, so these officials in the new by-election will naturally see Lin Bie's thigh as their real support.

It's useful to keep the horse suit. Lin Fu just killed the majesty of the horse suit this time, and didn't want to take his head. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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