Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 33: Enter the city to kill a horse

Huai'an is a famous city in Huai'an. Huai, Si, Yi, Shu waters and Qingjiangpu, Hongzepu, and Baimahu lakes all converge in Huai'an. In the history, there are "Jianghai Tongjin, Huaichu Giant Defense, North-South Throat, Huaidong Barrier". say.

To the west of Huai'an is Shanyang, which is facing Huaisikou.

Sishui, also known as Qingshui, is the main river that communicates with the Central Plains, Shandong, Heji and the Jianghuai Plain from abroad.

The Huaihe waterway between Shanyang County and Huai'an City is a northward bend, known as Shanyang Bay.

Shukou Yingzhai is located at the eastern end of Shanyang Bay, and at the eastern end of Shanyang Bay, which is the entrance of Sishui into Huaihe, there is a city village Sikou and Shanyang County across the Huaihe River.

The main point of defending the left of Huai'an is to take Huai'an City as the foundation, and defend Sikou and Shukou outside, so as to reach the strong enemy from the north.

Now the Sikou Fortress is occupied by the refugee army, and the Shanyang City facing Huai Si is the defensive point to control Huai Si and Hongzepu. However, the Jiangdong Zuo Army established a village in Shukou, which prevented the possibility of large-scale crossing of Huaihuai by the refugee army.

The battle on the front line was tight, but the city of Huai'an was full of songs, and even the night markets on both sides of the Zhou Bridge did not stop. The two Huai salt merchants gathered in Weiyang and Huai'an, and the city of Huai'an was naturally very lively.

State Bridge is the center of Huai'an City, located at the intersection of Nanhe Street and Nanbeiguan Street. Both sides of the Zhou Bridge were crowded with vendors holding big umbrellas and sheds, and the bridge deck of more than 40 feet wide was squeezed into a narrow road that was less than 10 feet wide. The narrow road was also blocked.

Lin Bie, surrounded by horses, entered Huai'an City from the east gate at night and walked along Nanhe Street, but was blocked in front of the Zhou Bridge and could not get to the government office north of the bridge.

Zhao Hu was about to lead people to drive away the passers-by on the bridge, when gongs and drums sounded on the north bank, and a team of officers and soldiers crowded onto the Zhou Bridge to drive the pedestrians away and clear a path.

Liu Tingzhou, who just learned that Lin Fu came in, didn't dare to neglect, and changed his official robe in a hurry to greet him, saw Lin Fu standing with his arms in the south of the bridge and got down from the official bridge, and said hurriedly, "I didn't know that Lord Lin entered the city at night, There is a loss, a guilt, a guilt..."

"There is nothing to welcome, and it is not an outsider." Lin Fu said.

Liu Tingzhou was stunned for a moment, and then he wanted to understand what Lin Fu meant.

Although the Huaidong Jingkou System was only temporarily dispatched, there was no fixed office at all. It was planned to cancel this dispatch after the war and let Lin Fu go back to Chongzhou. No one would like to see Lin Fu's site change from Chongzhou expanded to the entire Huaidong area. However, the original intention of moving the Jiangdong Zuo Army northward was to guard Huai'an, and Lin Fu regarded Huaicheng'an as his territory, and there was nothing unreasonable about it.

When Lin Fu entered the city at night, the guards at the city gate did not dare to stop him. They just sent someone to inform Liu Tingzhou.

Liu Tingzhou smiled awkwardly and said, "Your Excellency is joking." Seeing that Lin Fu didn't ride a horse or sit in a sedan chair, he led the way for Lin Fu in front of him, crossed the Zhou Bridge and walked to the palace to the north.

There was a commotion on the state bridge, and Lin Fu couldn't help it.

Two hundred steps to the north, a four-storey heavy building stood facing the street. The lantern flames shone through the windows, illuminating the official street as bright as day.

The door of the building is not closed, and you can see the multiple courtyards inside, with twists and turns. In the lobby, there are many drinkers who are looking for fun and spend a lot of money, as well as prostitutes leaning on the building and laughing. There are young servants in blue clothes who shout to welcome guests, and there are also five or three rough guards. More luxurious atmosphere overflowing.

This building is also drinking and prostitutes. It is early autumn. Even after the new rain, the beauties are dressed in light clothes, revealing their skin and naked muscles, and the flames of the lights are even more extravagant. Some people saw people waiting in the street, and Mei Xiao was thrown out first, but this building was not a low-class prostitute, and there were no women who came to the street to solicit customers.

Lin Fu stopped in the street and asked Liu Tingzhou, "This is Xiaofan Building?"

Seeing that Lin Fu's face was not good, Liu Tingzhou said: "It is the Xiaofan Building built by the son-in-law of the King of Chu, Shanyang Wei Mafu, and the Dafan Building is in Weiyang City. , and it is absolutely impossible.”

"The curfew in Huaian City has stopped?" Lin Fu asked again.

"It didn't stop..." Liu Tingzhou saw that Lin Fu's face was cold, and he thought to himself that he was going to use the horse suit to operate?

The King of Chu entrusted Xuzhou, and Xuzhou surrounded and killed hundreds of thousands of rogues. At this time, Lin Fu used his horse suit to open the knife. There was no way for the Ma family to go to the King of Chu's mansion to appeal for help.

After Liu Tingzhou came to Huai'an, he also had a headache for the local forces in Huai'an headed by the Ma family.

Almost all of these people were born in salt merchants. They have accumulated several generations, and their family wealth is huge. They are friends with powerful people. What's more, they directly marry Xungui and communicate with each other. Local officials do not dare to offend easily.

In normal times, Liu Tingzhou hopes to rectify these people, but Lin Fu chose to start at this time, and his intentions may not be pure. He frowned slightly and seemed to be dissatisfied with the Ma family, but he was actually trying to use some excuse to excuse the Ma family.

"The curfew doesn't stop, but there is a lot of fun here. Our generals and soldiers are throwing their heads and blood in front of me, but you and other merchants and officials are happy here, and they really treat military law as a child's play! Since the government cannot govern, Lin will I'll do it for you!" Lin Bie's eyes were like a cold pool, and he said to Zhao Hu behind him, "Encircle the Xiaofan Building, take down all the people in the building, and judge them by military law! Those who dare to escape the resistance, kill them on the spot, and use the theory of linking pirates. !"

As soon as Lin Fu said these words, his murderous aura made Liu Tingzhou and others pale in horror.

"..." Liu Tingzhou wanted to stop it, but Zhao Hu had already led his guards to spread out along the street to block the streets. The speed of the action and the accuracy of the steps made it suspected that Lin Bie had planned before entering the city!

At this moment, the people in the Xiaofan Building noticed the movement on the street, but they didn't know that the disaster was coming. A short and stout middle-aged man in brocade clothes came out with two servants and bowed to Liu Tingzhou: "Lord Liu, it's been a long time. If you don’t come, I will miss Xiao Haosheng, my boss is upstairs, and he is accompanying Mr. Chen from Sheyang Prison for a drink, and Xiao has sent someone to report…”

The middle-aged man in Jinfu is Ma Teng, the shopkeeper of Xiaofanlou, who came to grab Liu Tingzhou's sleeve to show his affection.

Liu Tingzhou was very embarrassed. Seeing that the smile on Lin Fu's face was getting colder, he knew that he had no choice, and immediately scolded: "Sabo'er, don't you kneel down and answer when you see this manor? , No night riots, is Xiaofanlou treating the government as a child's play?" He ordered the person to kneel down!

Where did Ma Teng think of the usually amiable and amiable Liu Fuzun and Master Liu, his face changed in a blink of an eye, and he was stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Master Liu, calm down." At this moment, two more people came out of the building. The middle-aged man at the head was the Huaidong salt eunuch's uniform who started his business as a salt trader and married with the Chu prince's mansion. He came over and kicked Ma Teng with his palm first, and apologized to Liu Tingzhou, "Ma Teng, this little beast, made Fu Zun unhappy, I will teach him a lesson for Fu Zun, and Fu Zun will come in and drink with me first. A glass of wine will calm you down. Qing Lian’er has been thinking about Lord Fu Zun these days, the strings of the piano are almost rusted, and others can’t hear her sound…”

"Master Liu is asking the shopkeeper Ma about the curfew. Since the deity is here, it's better for you to go back and forth with Master Liu's questioning?" Lin Fu, who was standing beside Liu Tingzhou, said at this time.

"Who are you, and where are you talking?" The white-faced middle-aged man who came out with the horse clothes was rude to teach Lin Fu. Seeing Lin Fu wearing armor, he thought that the military officer beside Liu Tingzhou, the horse clothes should be polite to Liu Tingzhou. Salt and iron envoy Si Yamen people are not afraid to offend Liu Tingzhou.

"You are Mr. Chen from Sheyang Prison?" Lin Fu looked at the white-faced and beardless middle-aged man in front of him, like a eunuch. He thought that he had to give Zhang Yan some face in the past. Zhang Yan is naturally willing to be a minion, so don't blame me. Taking salt and iron to send the people from the Yamen out of anger, he reprimanded, "As an official of the imperial court, you know how to break the law and violate the curfew order. The **** takes it! Those who dare to resist, kill them!"

In addition to Zhao Hu leading a battalion of more than 200 cavalry, Zhou Pu also led a light-armored cavalry to follow Lin Bing into the city. Ma Teng was a little girl, and Liu Tingzhou was the prefect again. Wu Wei, who guarded the building, held back his movement. Seeing that he was directly arresting the owner of his family, Wu Wei and the soldiers of the Salt Supervision Institute rushed over to **** him.

Lin Fu repeatedly emphasized the order to kill, Zhou Pu was of course unambiguous, seeing Wu Wei in the building dare to come up to grab someone~www.wuxiamtl.com~ he drew his knife and slashed it diagonally by the back of the knife, and immediately chopped off half of a person's head. Both left and right drew swords and bows, guarding Lin Fu and Liu Tingzhou in the middle, lightly armored cavalry mounted their horses, and chopped up the Wuwei who came out of the building to the point of turning their horses over.

Liu Tingzhou stood there in a daze, his hands and feet were cold, his face turned pale when he held the horse clothes that couldn't move, and his three souls and six souls also left his body. Sheyang Yanjian was paralyzed on the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to kneel. .

At this time, Lin Fu looked down at the **** and asked with a smile, "Master Chen, do you remember who I am at this time?"

"You...you...you...yes...yes...yes..." The **** slumped on the ground, unable to spit out even a smooth sentence.

Lin Fu snorted coldly, ignored the dog, and said to Liu Tingzhou: "Lord Liu should reprimand him for buying a drinker in the building, so that he can reflect on his repentance, Mafu and Sheyang Yanjian took the lead in fighting against the curfew order, Relying on the crowd to resist arrest and uproar, it is not enough to convince the crowd if you don't deal with it, I will take it away first..."

"Xiaguan knows." Liu Tingzhou didn't dare to defend Ma Fu, and he was thankful to see that Lin Fu was willing to withdraw troops and not make things worse. He ordered the government soldiers to arrest all those who violated the order in Xiaofan Building first, and he had to deal with them anyway, so as to give Lin Fu a face. Lin Fu took the escort, the horse clothes and the Sheyang Yanjian to the north of the city. There was no Duting Station in the city. He had no government office or travel in the city, so he could only stay in the station temporarily.

Zhang Yubo was in Shanyang County before nightfall, when he learned that Lin Fu had just entered Huai'an City, he had seized the horse's uniform, and also held down the officials of the Salt and Iron Envoy. Knowing that this was no trivial matter, he rushed back to Huai'an City from Shanyang overnight. Come see Lin Bie. Zhang Yubo didn't want Lin Fu to become the leader of Cao Yiqu, who ignored the court's decrees and defended himself according to the locality. Even if the horse should be killed, it should be handed over to the Huaian government. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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