Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 31: ask for help

In early May, the two banks of the Huai River also entered the rainy season, and the rain continued for several days.

Lin Fu squatted into the battle shed, untied the rain scorpion, exposed the neckline to the wet green armor, put the pocket on the cypress table, and greeted Liu Tingzhou with a fist: "I went to the Shushui River to have a look, let Master Liu After a long wait, where is Governor Yue's messenger?"

"Lord Lin, the last commander, Tao Chun, served in the Zuoying in front of the Yuedu tent..." The man standing behind Liu Tingzhou walked forward and saluted Lin Fu.

Lin Fu saw that he was about thirty-two or three years old, and his face was familiar. He seemed to have seen him when he was in Jinan. It should be the general who Shao Wujun had drawn over to Yue Lengqiu. It was quite strange to see him wearing a lake-blue Confucian shirt.

Tao Chun seemed to see the doubt in Lin Fu's eyes and said, "Although the bandits have not yet encircled Xuzhou, from Xuzhou to the south, they are all the outposts of bandits, and they will have to change into the clothes of bandits and go to Huai'an City. When you see Master Liu, you change into clean clothes and come to see Master Lin... This is a letter from Governor Yue to you."

Lin Fu took the secret letter signed and imprisoned by Yue Lengqiu, opened it and read it, knowing that Yue Lengqiu would give Liu Tingzhou other instructions, and he was not too busy to express his position, first handed the secret letter to Liu Tingzhou, he went to the back of the long case After coming down, I asked Liu Tingzhou and Tao Chun to sit down.

Liu Tingzhou read the secret letter and said: "In the letter, Governor Yue asked Lord Lin to immediately lead the Jiangdong Zuo army to the north along the east bank of Yishui River, to tear open the blockade of the refugee army, and the Jiangdong Zuo army approached Linyi, and Yuedu would send troops from Xuzhou to attack Xuzhou. Rogues from the northeast to relieve the siege of Xuzhou..."

Lin Fu fixed his eyes on Liu Tingzhou for a few breaths before he looked away and said to Tao Chun, "General Tao sneaked in from Xuzhou, from Xuzhou to Suining, then to Yusu, then to Yancheng, until the bandits were in Shuyang. General Tao must have seen the situation of the camp in the south. I dug up all the old capital of Jiangdong Zuo Army in Chongzhou, and gathered 5,000 old, weak, sick and disabled people to come here. Governor Yue's instructions, you What do you think I should do?"

Tao Chun was slightly startled. He knew that it was not easy for Lin Fu to send troops, but he never thought that he would shamelessly call the five thousand elites into five thousand old and weak soldiers. My generation still yearns for the feat of being alone in Yannan. Today, Lord Lin has 5,000 soldiers under his command, and rogues are no more than ants in front of Lord Lin..."

"We shouldn't be afraid of rogues, but if we really want to catch and kill them, we really can't take them lightly as ants," Lin Fu shook his head, but he didn't expect Tao Chun to speak so eloquently, "General Tao must think that killing rogues is as easy as ants, Huaian. There are still three or five thousand soldiers and horses in the city, and I will hand them over to General Tao to lead and cooperate with Governor Yue to solve the siege of Xuzhou, and I will go back to the south bank to guard Huaian City..."

Tao Chun's expression was rather ugly.

Lin Fu added: "General Tao may go to Jiangning, maybe Cheng Bingbu and King Ning will have some good ideas."

Lin Bingshui looked at Tao Chun and Liu Tingzhou in disbelief.

After saying this to Lin Fu, Tao Chun didn't know how to persuade him. How could the five thousand defenders in Huaian City be compared with the five thousand elites here? But what he had just said about Lin Fu was too full, saying that Lin Fu led three thousand people to brave the enemy's rear. Lin Fu gave him the five thousand defenders in Huaian City at this time, and even Yue Lengqiu couldn't blame Lin. Bound and keep the soldiers still, after all, we can't give up Huai'an City and not defend!

After Lin Fu said this, Liu Tingzhou was not easy to speak. He was really afraid that Lin Fu would transfer the five or six thousand defenders in Huai'an City to pick up the Changhuai Army who were trapped in Xuzhou. Those troops defending the city are fine, and they can fight five or six thousand bandits in the field, but in the south of Xuzhou, the bandits are close to 200,000. Isn't it going to send meat to others to eat?

Lin Bie pierced the north bank of the Huaihe River like a nail, which really made the bandits uncomfortable.

Since the day the camp was established, the rogues have organized large-scale offensives on this side as many as six times. Chen Hansan was then forced to abandon the plan to encircle Shuyang City, and set up two river-sealing camps on both sides of Yishui and Shushui, and blocked the passage of Jiangdong Zuo Army along Yi and Shubei with 20,000 elite soldiers. Wu Shiyi, the rogue Qushuai Wu Shiyi, also led the elite bandits to capture Yancheng and further strengthen the encirclement formed on the periphery of Xuzhou and Linyi.

At this time, Jiangdong Zuojun also built a line of defense against the luxury family on the Shengsi Islands.

From these two points alone, the contribution made by the Jiangdong Left Army to the Jiangdong Left Army and the imperial court has far exceeded the status obtained at this time.

Don't say that Lin Fu and Yue Lengqiu have a deep contradiction. Even if there is no contradiction, few people will pay attention to Yue Lengqiu's orders, right?

When King Ning and the six ministries of Jiangning negotiated the temporary establishment of the Huaidong Jingkou system in Jiangning, the communication between Xuzhou and Jiangning had already been lost. Domination of the Ministry of War.

Under the current circumstances, I am afraid that the Jiangning Military Department may not necessarily have the determination to let Lin Shui lead the Jiangdong Zuo Army north to take risks to meet Yue Lengqiu.

It's good to be able to pick up the Changhuai Army. If the Jiangdong Zuo Army also falls into a slip-up, who will guard Huaidong?

Based on Liu Tingzhou's understanding of Cheng Yuqian, the Jiangdong Ministry of War will definitely not issue any death orders to Lin Fu, and it will depend on Lin Fu's attitude.

Yue Lengqiu probably saw this, so he seemed to forget the grievance between the two, and directly sent Tao Chun to break through to Lin Fu's side to ask for help.

To talk about going north, Lin Fugang led the army to come over was the best opportunity. At that time, there was still a large gap between the refugee army in Sishui and Shushui, and Yancheng County had not fallen, and there was no defense.

At that time, Lin Fu didn't decisively go north - according to Liu Tingzhou's observation, Lin Fu was able to go north to meet Yue Lengqiu at that time - then Lin Fu had no intention of going north at all. After the establishment of the village in Huaibei, the refugee army continued to gather between Shuyang and Huai'an. At this time, it was really difficult to think about going north.

Lin Bingshui couldn't get in, and Liu Tingzhou didn't help to speak. Tao Chun had no choice, and even if he had a temper, he didn't dare to spread the water in the camp of the Jiangdong Zuo Army.


After Tao Chun and Liu Tingzhou left, Zhang Yubo escorted the military supplies in the rain in the afternoon.

"I heard that Yue Lengqiu sent someone to ask for help?" Zhang Yubo got into the dark, humid and slightly stuffy war shed and sat down, asking about Yue Lengqiu sending Tao Chun to ask for help.

"Yeah." Lin Bie replied when he read the official letter from Chongzhou.

"If the Changhuai Army suffers a big setback in Xuzhou, it will be detrimental to Jiangdong..." Zhang Yubo said.

Lin Bie put down the official letter in his hand and looked up at Zhang Yubo.

What Lin Fu admires most about Zhang Yubo is that although Zhang Yubo has been seen as a core member of the Lin Gu clan, he has always had a fairer stance, so in Gu Wuchen's mind, his status is not as high as Chen/Yuanliang's.

Zhang Yubo and Zhao Shuhan were the same kind of people, and they were loyal to the sullen Dayue Dynasty. Although Lin Fu didn't want them to be like this, they were always of a much higher quality than the duplicitous people there.

"Yes, I still have some troops in Chongzhou that can be temporarily transferred. It's not impossible to open the river closure camp formed by Chen Hansan on the banks of Yishui and Shushui to the north. I will solve the siege of southeast Xuzhou. What's the use?" Lin Fu asked Zhang Yubo back, and without waiting for Zhang Yubo to answer, he gave the answer directly, "Between Huaisi, Liu An'er and Ge Ping's troops plus more than 400,000 troops, Liang Xi and Cao Yiqu are both He did not move, and the siege of Xuzhou was relieved. Yue Lengqiu would lead the Changhuai Army to retreat to Huainan... Under this situation, Yue Lengqiu retreated to Huainan. Where will the refugee army go?"


Zhang Yubo said embarrassedly, "I didn't think about you as deeply, and I misunderstood you."

"I'm not a generous person either," Lin Fu laughed, "I didn't give Yue Lengqiu a chance to break out of the encirclement, and I tried my best to lead the refugee army to Yi and Shu, blocking the passage for Yue Lengqiu to break through and head south. I want him to guard Xuzhou and Linyi well, and prevent the refugee army from flooding east... Qingzhou's food cannot be lost, I'm afraid that this lawsuit will be brought to the emperor, and I will not lose."

"But holding the reins like this is not the way to go. Xuzhou and Linyi may not have enough food and grass..." Zhang Yubo's face was worried. He was not worried about the life and death of Yue Lengqiu, but the situation in Huaibei. If Xuzhou and Linyi were trapped, three robbers An army of 400,000 people rushed to the south, and Lin Fu's three or five thousand elites could not stand on the north bank.

"I didn't expect that the Donglu still refused to withdraw from the periphery of Datong," Lin Fu also sighed slightly, and said, "Otherwise, if the imperial court has more troops in the north, the Liang family or the Cao family will be more active in sending troops. Wait... No matter what, I have the confidence to defend Huaidong, and there are deficiencies in Dongyang..."

The Huaihe River and Hongzepu lay across the hinterland of the Central Plains in the northern part of Jiangdong County, and became the most important geographical obstacle for the northern army to move south.

The Huaihe River flows into Hongzepu through Haozhou Prefecture, and flows out of Hongzepu from Huaian Prefecture.

Now the important places such as Haozhou and Sizhou on the west bank of Hongzepu have fallen to the hands of the refugee army one after another, and Dongyang, on the south side of Lin Tingli, has only five or six thousand elite soldiers available, but has to bear the resistance of blocking the refugee army from southwest Huaihe. Nowadays, the refugee army mainly wants to eat the Changhuai army who are trapped in Xuzhou, and the main force is concentrated in the area of ​​Huaisi. Lin Tingli still does not feel the pressure~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Once Xuzhou falls, the refugee army will continue to move south, from Huai If the east cannot break through, it will naturally change to Huaixi...

"Speaking of this, I thought I should advise Master Gu to transfer the Jiangning water camp to help guard Dongyang," Qin Chengzu had been listening to Lin Fu and Zhang Yubo talking, and then interjected, "Compared to your worries that Xuzhou will fall, I saw a turtle caught in the urn. Look, Liang Xi is in the north, Cao Yiqu is in the northwest, we are in the south, and Yue Lengqiu is in the east, leaving 400,000 to 500,000 refugee troops on the front line of Huaisi. They can still raise food and grass at this time, so don't panic , but if they hold on to the reins, the situation will only be unfavorable for them. At that time, Cao Yiqu's troops will go out of Tongguan and go south along the Yellow River into Yingshui or Bianshui, and the speed will be fast; Liang Xi's troops will go out of Jinan and go south along Beisihe and Sishui, which is really good. Is it a game of catching turtles in a urn? Four or five thousand refugee troops have no way to escape!"

Telling Qin Chengzu this way, Zhang Yubo felt that the situation would gradually become favorable if the situation dragged on. He said, "Mr. Qin is really knowledgeable, Yubo has been taught..."

Lin Fu smiled: "If Liu An'er thinks so, then Yue Lengqiu will feel better!"

Zhang Yubo also wanted to understand the meaning of Lin Fu's words. If Liu An'er saw the changes in the situation of catching turtles in the urn, he would never dare to delay it. He would either give up the siege of Xuzhou and go south immediately, or attack Xuzhou by force and break the situation in the urn. I also want to understand that Lin Fuying and Qin Chengzu have long agreed on the overall situation, so I won't explain it first, because I am afraid that I will persuade him to save Yue Lengqiu.

Zhang Yubo sighed in his heart, Lin Fu was able to achieve this step, and he could no longer blame him for standing by.

Jiangdong Zuo Army fought a series of battles in Chongzhou, annihilated 12,000 captives and pirates, and suffered more than 2,000 casualties. However, due to Yue Lengqiu's interference, Jiangdong County and the imperial court allocated money for military merit and salaries last year. to eighty thousand taels. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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