Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 30: no chance

(It's three more, ask for a red ticket)

What Liu Tingzhou said is right. When the refugee army of Sun Zhuang's army on the west road was defeated, he sent cavalry and inserted obliquely from the west to cover and kill the chaotic troops, which would blow up the entire chaotic army of Sun Zhuang's troops, and the chaotic troops would attack those who stayed behind and did not move. Chen Hansan, forcing Chen Hansan to retreat.

However, after the chasing cavalry broke through the refugee army of Sun Zhuang's clan, how much energy would they have left to pursue and kill the third clan of Chen and Han?

Since the infantry formation was blocked by Sun Zhuang's chaotic troops, the penetration time would be longer. The light-armored cavalry that passed through the formation first had two sentries of more than 400 people to pursue the back of Chen Han's three troops. Chen Hansan's cavalry counterattacked, making the entire battle chaotic and unpredictable.

Of course, in addition to the 6,000 troops here, Chen Hansan also had nearly 10,000 soldiers to the south of Shuyang and north of the Huaihe River, who could reach the battlefield in half a day. After the north was blocked by the refugee army, the sentries and scouts could not penetrate, and the scouts who had sneaked in before could not get any news. Lin Fu didn't know if Chen Hansan's troops in the south of Muyang City had moved after dawn.

On the other hand, when the armored soldiers spread their legs to pursue, it was difficult to maintain a firm formation that could withstand the cavalry's onslaught. The two thousand cavalry that Chen Hansan brought over was a strong force that had fought with him in the north and south for many years, and should not be taken lightly.

Perhaps letting go of Chen Han's three divisions and repeatedly trampling Sun Zhuang's chaotic army with cavalry can gain more battlefield achievements. General generals will also make such a choice at this time, but Lin Fu does not think that it is almost impossible to chase and kill these. What is there to be proud of in an army of rebels with resistance.

Lin Fu's decision was to make the left and right battalions in front of the village advance in an orderly manner, drive Sun Zhuang's chaotic army to the northwest, and spare Sun Zhuang's chaotic troops, but always keep the gap in the east, and Zhou Pu led the cavalry battalion. In the back, there is always an opportunity to attack the three parts of Chen Han.

Chen Han's three tribes were only two or three miles away from the battlefield, and Sun Zhuang's chaotic army spread their feet and fled north for their lives, and the distance of two or three miles did not take a cup of tea.

The infantry of Chen Han's three divisions retreated first, but to ensure that the array was not scattered, the speed would not be fast, and they had to guard against the random soldiers running over to attack them, and the speed would not be faster.

Chen Hansan was reluctant to leave the 4,000 infantry under his command here, so he personally led the rear of the 2,000 cavalry to Ladong, and peeped at the right wing of the Jiangdong left army chasing the right battalion array, forcing this side to hold back its pace.


At this time, the sun was only slanting towards the sky, and it had not yet reached the middle of the corner.

Suddenly there was a strong wind, dust and grass were blown, the sun was white, and there were thin clouds covering the sky. At this time, the cavalry of Chen Han's Sansuo suddenly spread out, as if to use the momentum of the demon wind to roll towards the front of the Zhaiqian Right Camp of the Jiangdong Left Army.

At this time, Sun Zhuang's rebels had retreated to the north, leaving a vast space for the cavalry to detour and interspersed.

Different from the infantry, cavalry battles should focus on advancing and retreating as fast as the wind, and in encountering the enemy as fast as electricity. The wider the space, the more favorable it is for cavalry to fight.

Usually the infantry array is stronger than the front, weaker than the flanks, and the rear end is a big hole. In open areas, to defend against cavalry, infantry in a circular formation like a tortoise shell is more effective, but their mobility is suddenly lost.

However, the infantry troops are relatively abundant, so they can be divided into two or three small formations that horn each other and cover the weaker flanks and tails of each other. blow.

Jiangning's left army pursued side by side with the left and right camps, followed by cavalry cover. Three to four thousand people formed a large formation in the shape of a zigzag, but they were not afraid of Chen Han's three cavalry coming from all directions.

Seeing the movement of the cavalry of Chen Han's three divisions, the left and right battalions of the Jiangdong Army stood in front of the cavalry, and the two wings were drawn in the middle, making the formation more compact. The orderliness of the movements is something Chen Hansan can't see from other officers and soldiers.

Chen Hansan's style of play is similar to Sun Zhuang, but slightly different.

More than 2,000 horses headed west, seemingly trying to forcibly intersperse between Sun Zhuang's troops and the Jiang Ning left army chasing after them, and regardless of the arrows scattered hastily, they seemed to want to disperse the chasing array. A small number of fine horses suddenly galloped out from the team, and slammed into the right battalion formation from three different angles, the front and the front of the flanks.

Previously, Sun Zhuang personally led the elites to attack one point. Chen Hansan had more cavalry and brave generals in his hands. He selected a small number of elites to attack from three points, while the main cavalry slowed down and kept a certain distance to contain them. After the gap, they swarmed up again... If this kind of tactics is not effective in attacking, and a satisfactory gap cannot be opened, it will be easy for a small number of elites to withdraw, and there is no need to worry that the main cavalry will be dragged into the melee.

Sun Zhuangchu was wrapped up in the chaos of the army, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army did not send cavalry to chase down and trample the rebels, but drove them away with Jia soldiers behind him, giving him a chance to breathe. Although he couldn't come to gather the chaotic soldiers, he separated from the confidants and the chaotic soldiers who were followed by the 20 or 30 cavalry and retreated to the side.

Chen Hansan led the cavalry at the rear to attack Jiangdong Zuojun, and Sun Zhuang was finally able to stop his horse to deal with the injury.

There are ten sharp clusters inserted through the armor, those that penetrate shallowly into the flesh, pull them out directly, and those that penetrate deep into the flesh, temporarily cut off the shaft of the arrow, and then dig out the cluster of arrows after the battle. Standing on the field stem and letting his subordinates help deal with the wound, Sun Zhuang still stared at the ever-changing battlefield, as if the wound had grown on someone else. The shirt he wore was already stained with blood, including his own and those of Jiangdong Zuojun soldiers.

The elite cavalry of Sun Zhuang's headquarters gradually disengaged from the chaotic soldiers and came to meet. There were more than 600 cavalrymen, but less than half of them came to meet. Some of them got separated, but they also damaged about 140 or 50 brothers, and most of those who came to meet were also injured. These casualties were all elites in the headquarters, and Sun Zhuang was crying blood, and it also made him deeply appreciate the elite and bravery of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, which should not be taken lightly.


Ning Zechen was in command of the battle in the right battalion, and when he saw Chen Han's three-pointed out three valiant generals, each with a small number of elites, rushed to the formation, he was even more panicked, but ordered the right battalion to shrink in a traditional dense formation to guard against the cavalry's onslaught.

There were only a hundred cavalry to attack, and Ning Zechen didn't have much interest. He wanted to bring in more of Chen Hansan's precious cavalry, and then he would really let Chen Hansan have a taste of how the Jiangdong Zuo Army was with the cavalry. In the open field of the plains…

In the traditional dense formation, chariots and shields are tied together, and bows and crossbows form a dense rain of arrows. There are 1,200 armored soldiers in the right battalion. Even if it is inconvenient to carry heavy weapons such as bed crossbows to pursue, there are still 400 bows. crossbow.

The right battalion array pursued by the Jiangdong Left Army had twelve officers and assistant officers, who organized to cover the arrow rain and other things in all directions, and there was no need for Ning Zechen to command the rear.

It was no less than Sun Zhuang's attack on the left camp with more than 600 horsemen at once, causing the arrows to be scattered. This time, Chen Hansan only sent more than a hundred cavalry points to collide from three angles, so that each of these cavalrymen who collided was subjected to a much denser rain of arrows.

With such a short distance, we can only organize a wave of oppressive salvos, but it is enough. More than a hundred cavalry and horses rushed to the ground in three directions, and less than seventy people were in front of the battle, with arrow belts on their bodies. The injured are not few.

The warhorse led by Lianjia Shao said that it weighed seven or eight hundred pounds, and when it hit it at a high speed, no matter how strong the shield car was, it could overturn it. Chen Hansan's dispatch was also a tough pawn. During the battle, several horses jumped high on the front wings and pressed the shield chariot with the horse's belly, which immediately overturned the current shield chariot.

There are flying spears protruding from the shield chariot and stabbing the horse's belly. There are few undead on the horse, and few cavalry on the horse's back do not fall to the besiegers. Even if the shield chariot in front breaks the gap, and there are shield soldiers behind it, the enemy's cavalry is already weak and cannot use the momentum to smash the shield formation again. And Jiangdong Zuojun Jia soldiers also reacted quickly, relying on the large number of people, they suddenly attacked, and if they could not fall into a hopeless stagnant battle, they could only recover quickly.

The first test, but overturned four or five chariots of the Jiangdong Left Army and injured five or six people, but lost thirty or forty soldiers here, Chen Hansan did not dare to test it easily.

Only when the Jiangdong Zuo Army was about to pursue, Chen Hansan sent a small number of cavalry to harass and contain them. The main cavalry always kept a safe enough distance. He always guarded against the cavalry formation behind the Jiangdong Zuo Army's two armored soldiers.

Chen Hansan was suspicious and slipped, and easily did not press the main cavalry force. After regrouping the cavalry, Sun Zhuang continued to harass the side from the west.

On the north bank of the Huaihe River and the west bank of the Shuyang River, there is a flat river, and there are no obstacles in the area of ​​dozens of miles. The four hundred light cavalry in Zhou Pu's hands alone could not hold back the two thousand light cavalry of Chen Han's three troops.

The mobility of the armored and soldier array is an insurmountable defect, and Chongzhou has no conditions to form a large-scale cavalry battalion.

Repeatedly entangled in the time between Japan and China, the scouts on the left bank detected that a large group of infantry was coming in the direction of Shuyang. The soldiers and soldiers also retreated there, and Ning Zechen and Zhou Pu had no choice but to give up their entanglement with Chen Hansan and go south to recover.


Liu Tingzhou had seen the tactics of Jiangdong Left Army, and a hanging stone was put down in his heart.

Liu Tingzhou knew that Lin Fu was camping on the north bank, and unless the refugee army gathered more troops, it would be difficult to threaten him. I thought that under Lin Fu's reputation, it was indeed true. After the army in the DPRK could be compared with him, there were not many.

However, he saw that Lin Fu obviously missed a lot of opportunities to kill the troops of the bandit pioneer Qu Shuai Sun Ganzi, and he might even kill Sun Ganzi directly. In the end, only two or three hundred people were captured, and he felt that there was no need to kill Lin. bound to see how high.

Ning Zechen and Zhou Pu led their troops back, the armored soldiers and cavalry formed an array in front of the fortress, and more than a thousand auxiliary soldiers from the Gongyi battalion continued to build the barracks in an orderly manner.

Zhou Pu didn't get a chance to rush to kill, and he was always sullen in his heart. He carefully looked at the war horse Wuxian and handed it over to the squires.

Lin Fuzheng discussed building the fortress with Qin Chengzu, Liu Tingzhou, Zhang Yubo and others.

Lin Bing brought supplies with the ship, and he could only set up a simple amphibious barracks on the north bank. If he wanted to stick to it for a long time, he had to raise a lot of supplies from Huai'an City on the south bank.

Liu Tingzhou was happy to see Lin Bie set up camp on the north bank.

Lin Bie was directly stuck in the waist of the refugee army on the north bank of the Huaihe River. Huai'an City almost didn't have to face the refugee army directly, and even from the south bank of the Huaihe River west of Hongzepu, there was no need to worry about the refugee army's ability to cross the Huaihe intrusion.

Liu Tingzhou saw that there was nothing excessive about the materials and supplies Lin Bie needed, so he did everything he could, without evasion, my QT room was opened! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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