Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 5: dig a wall

Chapter 5

Gu Junxun went upstream by boat and arrived in Jiangning on the second day of November.

In addition to accompanying female relatives, Zhao Qingshan led the entire division of the Jinghai First Water Battalion. The fleet did not moor in Hekou Town, but turned into Longjiang Lake in the west of Moling County.

The court officially recognized the role of Jinghai Camp as replacing Ninghai Town Water Camp. In addition to the provision of food and salaries by the Xuanfu Envoy and the armour provided by the workshop of the Admiral's Mansion, the Longjiang Shipyard under the Ministry of Industry of Jiangning will also provide various warships.

According to the total number of warships in Ninghai Town Water Camp, in the past, Longjiang Shipyard provided one-eighth of all kinds of warships every year to ensure that the warships of Ninghai Town Water Camp could be replaced every eight years. A special amount of 10,000 taels of shipbuilding silver should be allocated for the water camp in Ninghai Town.

Officials are greedy and contemptible, and the Jiangning Ministry of Industry is not immune. Even if there are people from the water camp to supervise the construction, it is normal to collude with them to cut corners. In addition, the generals of the water camp in Ninghai town often sold good ships secretly for profit, so that the quality of the ships of the water camp in Ninghai town before and after the **** battle of Jiyang was not even as good as the ships built by the luxury family in batches for the East China Sea bandits in a hurry.

Lin Fu didn't want to overturn the old accounts before. Even if the officials were corrupt, it was a fact that the best shipbuilders in the country gathered in the Longjiang Shipyard. Nearly two hundred years of technical accumulation and a large amount of material reserves have made Longjiang Shipyard one of the few shipyards that can build large-scale offshore sailing warships.

There are five main battalions in the water battalion in Ninghai Town. The first and second water battalions in Jinghai are not counted as auxiliary soldiers, and there are also about 3,000 soldiers. If the required warships are based on the capacity, the total capacity Also quite few.

However, the Jinghai sea camp needs to be mainly sea-going ships, and the standards for materials, structure, strength and seawater corrosion resistance are far higher than those of inland warships.

Auxiliary ships of the inland water camp do not even use keels. Even small sailboats, if they are built without keel as the main material, will be able to break up the hull directly if the wind and waves are slightly larger. The main battleship should adopt a high-strength watertight compartment structure, and both sides should be reinforced with large materials of the same size as the keel.

In this way, even if the Longjiang Shipyard provides warships with the same total capacity to the Jinghai battalion, they are built according to the standards given by Lin Fu, and the officials will not embezzle them, and the cost will be three or four times less. Naturally, it was impossible to suffer this loss, and only agreed to build warships for the Jinghai Battalion according to the total amount of silver allocated for shipbuilding of 10,000 taels.

The cost of each Jinhai-class warship is more than 15,000 taels of silver, and the total amount of silver allocated to the 10,000-tael of silver is only enough for the Jinghai battalion to purchase more than half of the Jinhai-class warships or two half-Jiyun-class warships. .

Ninghai Zhenshui Battalion suffered little battle damage, so it was more than enough to change a batch of ships every eight years; Jinghai Water Battalion had to establish a solid line of defense on the Shengsi Islands, and frequent naval battles would greatly increase the consumption of warships.

During the two raids on Daheng Island, nearly 40% of the warships lay in the camp in Jinghai, and nearly half of the warships were damaged and could not be repaired and reused.

Based on such an estimate of the intensity of battle damage, at least the shipbuilding allocation should be increased to 100,000 taels per year to ensure that the Jinghai battalion will not be weakened by frequent naval battles.

Yue Lengqiu had already left Jiangning and went to Linhuai, ready to lead the Changhuai army north to suppress the civil unrest. The Xuanfu envoy Wang Tian and the newly appointed Jiangdong inspector Yu Xinyuan also went to Pingjiang and Danyang to inspect the local war preparations and urge the troops of the two places. Assemble south to prevent Dong Yuan's hastily established defense line in northern Zhejiang from piercing the She family - the situation is so urgent, Lin Fu is still patiently staying in Jiangning, and bringing Gu Junxun back to visit relatives is a trivial matter, mainly to fight with Jiangning's Ministry of Industry. Bargaining about shipbuilding.

In addition to the total number of shipbuilding silver drawn each year, there is another issue that is at odds with each other.

Before Yue Lengqiu, in order to strengthen the river defense force and limit the development of Jiangning Left Army in Chongzhou, he asked Longjiang Shipyard to build an additional batch of high-quality warships for Ninghai Town Water Camp and Jiangning Water Camp. Now that the water camp in Ninghai Town has been disbanded, the extra batch of high-quality warships have not been delivered yet, but after Yue Lengqiu did nothing to ignore Jiang Fang, the Jiangning Ministry of Industry did not dare to make things difficult for the nearby Jiangning water camp, but refused to send These ships were delivered to Jinghai Camp.

Lin Fu broke his feet for these two matters in the past few days. He almost sat on the cold bench in Jiangning's Ministry of Industry Minister Xu Huaidong and Jiangning's left servant Liu Yugong, and things did not progress at all.

The officials of the Six Ministries of Jiangning are commonly known as "Shouling Officials". Their real power is far from that of the officials of the Six Ministries of Yanjing, but their positions are not low. Lin Fu was promoted like a rocket, and was named a viscount of the county. He was awarded two special awards for meritorious service, but in the eyes of Xu Huaidong and Liu Yugong, Lin Fu was still a stunned boy who had no qualifications and came up with some luck. Even Gu Wuchen is not qualified to discuss qualifications in front of the two of them.


Gu Junxun came to Jiangning on Lin Bing's boat Jinhai. Gu Yingxiu, Liu Yueer, Xiaoman and other female relatives also came to Jiangning to relax by boat. Song Jia and She Mingyue did not come together in the end, mainly because She Mingyue couldn't solve it. Happy knot, Song Jia can not leave her alone in Chongzhou.

Lin Fu had a boring meal at the Zuo Shilang of the Jiangning Ministry of Industry before noon, and came to Hekou Town in the afternoon. When he saw the boat coming, he personally went to the pier to pick him up.

In Lin Fu's view, this is a very common thing, but in the eyes of outsiders it becomes a beautiful talk that raises the eyebrows of a case. Gu Junxun did not expect that Lin Fu would come to the pier to pick her up in person. There were still people watching on the pier, her pretty face was slightly red, and she was a little embarrassed.

Along with him, there was Kasuga.

The dredging of the Salt Yunhe River is going on like fire. As the chief engineer of the dredging Yunyan River, Ge Siyu can't get away easily, but he has to pry at the foot of the Jiangning Ministry of Engineering, and it is not Ge Siyu Yu can't.

Lin Jingzhong also kept the thatched cottage for Lin Fu. Gu Junxun and the others were not busy living in the city, but rested at the cottage first. Lin Fu invited Ge Siyu to talk to Zhao Shuhan at the Zhutang where Zhao Shuhan usually taught miscellaneous studies. Zhang Yubo also it's here.

"How are things going with Xu Huaidong and Liu Yugong?" Ge Siyu asked.

"Water can't get in..." Lin Fu said.

"The Longjiang Shipyard is under the control of Liu Yugong. This person is not good for other things, but only for yellow and white things. Back then, he blackmailed the old man, and the old man hated to close the door." Ge Siyu said.

"I have prepared yellow and white things. I don't dare to be stingy at such a crucial point. I have prepared twelve gold collars made by Jiangning officials, and I also promised that the silver money for shipbuilding that was allocated by him will be returned to him in the number of eleven. ," Lin Bie shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I still can't get the water in..."

"That's weird," Ge Siyu frowned in confusion, "Could it be that someone is making trouble in the dark?"

"..." Lin Bie also suspected it, but there might be too many people who were secretly doing things, and he couldn't guess who it was. Apart from Gu Wuchen's family, apart from the people from Chongzhou County, Lin Bie has almost no opponents in Jiangdong County, "Xu Huaidong and Liu Yugong's closed doors, I will continue to eat; but even if these two paths are clear, I will continue to eat in the future. There are variables. In the future, Chongzhou will be the main outlet for the southeastern counties, and it is the key to improve Chongzhou's own shipbuilding capabilities... All master craftsmen who are willing to go to Chongzhou, regardless of age, will be issued 100 taels of silver, and guests above Chongzhou will be represented. Also, don't be afraid that you won't be able to walk, I'll pull over the first water camp in Jinghai, one or two hundred and their families, can I still pick them up? I'll take them away."

Building a dock at Guanyin Beach is the top priority for Lin Fu to take root in Chongzhou.

In addition to weaving and armor casting, many of the workshops that have been established in Guanyin Beach in the past year are almost all set up with the shipbuilding industry as the core. The shipbuilding yard was officially established in half a year. It was headed by Sun Jingxuan, and the craftsmen were recruited from Xihehui. They also recruited master craftsmen from Pingjiang, Hailing and other places. After half a year of development, it has grown to a certain scale.

After all, the Guanyintan shipyard has a very weak foundation, and the accumulation level is far from that of the shipyard built by the luxury family in Jin'an. In the early stage, it mainly focused on material preparation and ship repair, and some small and medium-sized sea ships were successfully built one after another.

Ninghai Town Shui Camp rebelled, Lin Fu expected that the status of Jinghai Camp would not be shaken in the short term, and he had the idea of ​​directly rooting the Jiangning Ministry of Industry - as long as Jiangkou and the eastern seas of Pingjiang Prefecture and Hailing Prefecture were inseparable For the defense of Jinghai Camp, the Jiangning Ministry of Industry took the matter to the imperial study~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Fu also had an excuse to defend.

Zhao Shuhan listened to Lin Bingkou's undisguised request for Ge Siyu to come over and help the master digger from the Longjiang Shipyard, but shook his head helplessly and smiled.

Zhao Shuhan is also not a pedantic person. He knows that Lin Fu's behavior of prying walls is detrimental to the Jiangning Ministry of Industry and the interests of the court, but Xu Huaidong, Liu Yugong and others have prejudices and refuse to build ships for Lin Fu. They really must adhere to the principle. If so, it will only weaken the combat power of the Jinghai battalion, so that no one can defend the flank of Pingjiang Prefecture and no one can defend the Jiangkou, which will damage the overall situation even more.

Hekou taught the miscellaneous study of craftsmanship, although Zhao Shuhan was the leader, but Jiangning craftsmen knew that this was something Lin Bie vigorously set up in Jiangning. Lin Bie is almost a household name among ordinary craftsmen in Jiangning, no worse than the mausoleum guards of Jiangning Ministry of Industry, plus the prestige accumulated by Ge Sihu and his father Ge Fu, an old craftsman, from Longjiang. It would not be difficult for the shipyard to pull away a group of craftsmen with the same membership.

Zhao Shuhan knew very well that "doing great justice needs to be informal," so he didn't think that Lin Fu's approach was out of the ordinary. He only complained. Officials couldn't serve the court and the people of the world with all their hearts. People who do something can't go wrong.

Lin Fu not only wanted to poach people from the Longjiang Shipyard under the Jiangning Ministry of Industry and poach the master craftsmen who were precious as national treasures, but also planned to bribe the officials in charge of the Longjiang Shipyard and secretly transfer the properties of the Longjiang Shipyard to Go to Chongzhou. Since Xu Huaidong and Liu Yugong refused to give the ship, it would be enough to transport the wood and other materials needed for the shipbuilding to Chongzhou. Especially those old materials necessary for building sea ships, even if Lin Fu bought them from Chuanzhong, Jiangxi, Jinghu and other places, the preparation time is as long as three or five years. It is necessary to dig the wall legs from the Longjiang Shipyard. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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