Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 4: disagreement

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

"It's just nonsense. If Duke Tang is in the capital, he will resist the remonstrance with death, so that King Lining can't do it..."

Leaving the Governor's Mansion, Lin Fu got into Gu Wuchen's carriage. Weng and his son-in-law were discussing the matter of King Lining in the carriage. Gu Wuchen's fierce attitude surprised Lin Fu.

"Zhang Xie, Chen Xixin, Hao Zongcheng's second and third sons, the thieves who have wronged the country, have no choice." At this time, Gu Wuchen regarded Lin Bie as his own, and there was no previous estrangement in his speech. He also showed his sharp side in front of Lin Bie. In the past, even if he was dissatisfied with Zhang Xie and the others, he would never scold them as "traitors who wronged the country" in front of Lin Fu.

Lin Bujing sat and listened to Gu Wuchen's complaint, and then thought about the difference between his and Gu Wuchen's ideas.

In recent decades, the control of the center over the southern counties has become much weaker. At this time, large-scale civil turmoil broke out in eastern Henan, western Shandong and other places. Except for the Jinhai grain road, which is reluctantly dependent, the north and south are blocked, and the center is likely to be Losing control over the southern counties, and appointing King Ning as the heir apparent, combined with the old setting of the six ministries of Jiangning, it is easy to form the political power center of the southern counties in Jiangning, which is conducive to concentrating efforts to suppress the rebellion of the luxury family and the turbulent situation in various places. In case of civil unrest, we can concentrate our efforts to ensure the smooth flow of food routes in Jinhai.

If King Ning is not established, the power of the six ministries of Jiangning is not enough to control the southern counties. Once the north-south letter road is blocked, except for Jiangdong County, the grains of other southern counties will not be so honest. north.

With such a position, Lin Fu guessed that there was a possibility of Lining King, and also agreed with this approach.

Lin Fucai didn't care who was the emperor, and the most important thing was to calm down the situation.

When a large-scale civil uprising broke out in the Central Plains, the southern counties could not concentrate resources and troops, and it was very likely that they would be defeated by the luxury families.

In reality, Yu Wangao in East Fujian did not obey the orders of Liangzhe County, Dong Yuan did not obey Yu Wangao's jurisdiction in Liangzhe, and Jiangxi County and Jiangdong County had nothing to do with each other.

However, Gu Wuchen's attitude towards the matter of King Shu Lining was completely different from that of Lin Fu. Gu Wuchen was concerned about whether the imperial power of the Yuan clan could be successfully passed on, and worried that King Shu Lining would bury the inexorable scourge of the future inheritance of the throne.

Don't say anything else, as long as King Ning can gain the loyalty of a Li Zhuo-like figure in the future, King Ning will probably have the idea of ​​asking the emperor to abdicate as soon as possible and take care of his destiny. If the emperor is unfortunate enough to give birth to a child, King Ning will hand over the easily-obtained throne. Can't let it out?

In Lin Fu's view, rather than thinking about the future crisis of imperial power for the current emperor, it is more important to overcome the current difficulties. Emperor Qingyu was assassinated and Emperor Delong succeeded to the throne. Where is the cleanliness behind this?

Lin Fu didn't argue with Gu Wuchen, and said, "The matter is a foregone conclusion, and it's not up to us to interfere. It's useless to think too much. After this matter is over, when Mother Xun arrives in Jiangning, I will stay for a day or two, and I will go back to Chongzhou first. …”

Gu Wuchen frowned and said thoughtfully, "I don't know how Yu Xinyuan will deal with the Cao matter. If Cao Cao still flows to Huaikou this autumn, it will simply attract robbers to the Huai River. There are a lot of problems, and I can't see any clues. Xianxia Pass and Shan Pass were sealed, and neither western Zhejiang nor southern Jiangxi could use their troops to capture them, nor did they know what Yu Wangao's situation was in northern Fujian... I think, maybe soon, Shewenzhuang will become the king of Fujian. It's gone!"

There is no such thing as "slowly becoming king" these days. If Yu Wangao could not threaten the luxury family in northern Fujian, so that the luxury family would be able to unite northern Fujian and southern Zhejiang, it is very likely that shewenzhuang would become king.

"I can only compete with the She family for the island right now," Lin Fu said. "It's not easy to fight for the island. The She family will not give up the Changguo and Daishan Islands easily, but they are not afraid of naval battles. In a short period of time, it was a tug of war on the front line of Daishan, and the Shishe family was unable to send warships to harass the sea area north of Shengsi..."

Lin Fu organized two raids on Daheng Island. The first time he attacked the defense line of the remnant pirates in Qingshiwan, and the second time he captured Beilu Camp Fort. The casualties were also about 1,200 people. It was a tough battle of "killing 1,000 enemies and losing 800 people."

In a short period of time, Lin Fu will not forcibly attack Daishan and Changguo Islands, but will focus on consolidating the Shengsi defense line, supplemented by attacking the Koubing Island dock and blocking its sea routes, and gradually expand the advantages in the Shengsi waters, a real battle. , and it can only be carried out at the same time after Dong Yuan, Yu Wangao and Jiangxi County are all ready to counterattack the She family.

With the mobilization ability of the She family at this time, 50,000 or 60,000 elite troops could be drawn from Jin'an. If Shewenzhuang is not too stupid, he should focus on attacking the wealthy families and attracting bankrupt farmers in eastern Zhejiang, and even in western Zhejiang can encourage a large number of bankrupt miners to join the Shejia army (although western Zhejiang is mainly mountainous, immortals are not the only ones in the west). There are many silver mines in the north of Xialing).

Lin Fu was not mad enough to strangle the She family in the cradle with the strength of Jiangdong Zuojun's family.


When he arrived at the Xuanfu envoy Si Yamen, Lin Fu got out of the carriage first. His political rank is unlikely to lead to a real position in the Xuan Fu envoy's yamen, but after all, he is to be regarded as the Xuan Fu envoy Wang Tian's assistant.

On the road, he deliberately slowed down the speed of the car, and Lin Fu rushed over. Wang Tian, ​​Han Zai and others had already returned to the yamen. Shen Rong, Lin Tingli, Liu Shidu, Meng Xinshi and other officials from the prefectures and counties also came to the Si Yamen, the Xuanfu envoy, to discuss matters.

Lin Fu doesn't care about the money and food support of Jiangdong County. He has the title of Zuo Political Participant, but Wang Tian will not give him real power. He is also a lonely man in the Minister of Xuanfu Envoy. Without assistance, he cannot claim power from Wang Tian.

What he cared about was the salary of the former Ninghai town water camp, and how the Xuanfu envoy would pay him.

Lin Fu is full of vigor, and Jiangdong needs Lin Fu to guard the river mouth and protect the flank. Wang Tian does not make things difficult for him on the matter of rations. Shipping.

Fortunately, at the time of the incident, the most important autumn food of the year had not been delivered yet, but Lin Fu was able to get more than 25,000 taels of deductible silver all at once, which was a good thing.


Lin Bie spent a long time in the Xuanfu envoy, and it was only in the evening that he and Lin Tingli came to the Gu residence for a drink and discussed important matters.

When I arrived at the Gu Mansion, I felt that the atmosphere in the mansion was a little depressing, and the servants and maids were cautious, for fear of doing something wrong.

Lin Fu thought that Gu Wuchen was still troubled by the matter of King Shuli Ning, and he took down the man to vent his anger. Only when he met Zhao Qinmin did he know that there was another trouble.

"There was a drunk captain in Jiangning Water Camp who broke into the yamen in the afternoon to make trouble, saying that they had deducted their salaries and asked the adults to spit it out," Zhao Qinmin shook his head and sighed, "The adults tied the **** to the compound. After 80 whips, he actually provoked hundreds of people to come to make trouble. The adults asked Yang Pu and Liu Xilin to bring people over to arrest them and suppress them, but Cheng Yuqian jumped out to be a peacemaker. Where will the lost rations come from?"

"This question is tricky..." Lin Bie also smacked his lips.

In order to limit the power of the left army in Jiangdong, Yue Lengqiu intends to strengthen the defense force of the river. In the past two months, he has greatly increased the allocation of silver to the water camp. Not only the water camp in Ninghai Town has benefited, but the allocation of silver to the water camp in Jiangning has also been greatly increased. .

Xiao Taoyuan's betrayal, the dissolution of the water camp in Ninghai Town, and the transfer of Gu Wuchen by the imperial court to serve as the left servant of Jiangning's military department, with separate jurisdiction over the water camp in Jiangning, made Jiang's defense forces out of the grasp of Yue Lengqiu - and the consequence was that, after Yue Lengqiu's efforts The greatly increased food rate allocation has returned to the previous low level.

The water camp in Ninghai Town has been disbanded, and the money and salaries will not shrink. As long as Lin Fu admits it, it will not have any impact. The food and salaries given by the propaganda envoy Siba, Lin Fu will eventually get the entire Jiangdong Zuo Army system. Coordinate support.

However, Jiangning Shuiying had a falling out, raising the salary of the soldier for two months and suddenly returning to the original, how could he be willing?

As for today's troubles, there are probably some people behind the scenes, with Cheng Yuqian as a hindrance, Gu Wuchen still has no way to arrest a group of people and kill a group of people to stand up.

He rushed Zhang Yubo and Liu Xilin over, and Lin Fu went with them to the corner pavilion in the back garden to find Gu Wuchen, but Gu Wuchen also forcibly dissipated his anger and said with a wry smile: "When there are no soldiers in your hand, you have a headache, and when you have soldiers, you have a headache. These soldiers have a headache. The ruffian, it is really difficult to treat, and it is no wonder that Li Zhuo has been in Jiangning for more than a year. With his ability to manage the army, he has not been able to make the Jiangning water camp change its face...Lin Fu, tell me, what should I do!"

"The way of plainness is nothing more than strict discipline, squeezing out the quota, eliminating the weak and keeping the strong, and improving the situation of the remaining generals with the money that has been squeezed out, and then promoting the brave and strong, and training them into elites. Block Wan Shi~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Cowardice and lack of courage, although a million is not enough to block an army," Lin Bie thought about it outside, and directly answered Gu Wuchen's question, saying, "Li Zhuo is basically in Jiangning. This was done, but he was restrained by Cheng Yuqian and had no effect in a short period of time. Now that Cheng Yuqian is more powerful, he has to restrain his elbows and protect those inferior generals, and there is no way to do so - it is not that there is no countermeasure. "

"Let's hear it." Gu Wuchen heard that Lin Bie was confident, but he was relieved and asked everyone to sit down and listen to Lin Bie's advice.

"In the battle of Jiyang, most of the East China Sea bandits were still East China Sea bandits, but by the summer and autumn of this year, most of the East China Sea bandits were actually Jin'an veterans," Lin Fu said, "If the Jiangning Water Camp is so rotten that its roots and flowers grow big. If his mind can't be reformed, then he can only be consumed and replenished with fresh blood from elsewhere! This is also a strategy. Or from Dongyang Township, the two battalions can be recruited into the Jiangning Water Camp led by Yang Shi, and then start anew. , With this foundation, it is also feasible to gradually cut off the other hilltops of Jiangning Water Camp..."

Gu Wuchen stroked his chin and beard, thought about it for a while, and said, "It's a two-pronged approach, and the speed is faster. East Zhejiang asks for help, and Jiangning Water Camp will be allocated to help, and it will be handed over to Dong Yuan to struggle. I don't think Dong Yuan will have it. Feeling sorry for my troops... I have 400 people around me, 800 from Dongyang, and another 400 auxiliary soldiers. They should be able to make up two battalions of naval divisions, so let Yang Shi bring them to you for training three. months."

"Okay, I can still use two more battalions of sailors in Chongzhou." Lin Fu smiled and agreed readily.

Lin Tingli also has no opinion. After Gu Wuchen controls the Jiangning water camp, it can promote the interests of the Lin and Gu clans. Besides, Gu Wuchen transferred Yang Shi to his side, and the generals of the Dongyang Army were led by Lin Jiyuan and Chen Shouyan. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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