Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 121: rainy night spring

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

When it was about to get dark, the rain foam floated, and the cold wind passing through the mountain crest shuttled in the barrier wall and roadway, making a whimpering noise. It was suddenly cold today, and I lived on the mountain again, and the house was slippery.

Gu Junxun wanted Juaner to go to the top of the mountain to take a look again. The little girl who followed Jiangning, Juaner, was only fourteen years old this year, and said angrily: "This afternoon, Juan'er's legs are going to break, sir, don't think about it. By the way, it's useless for Madam to puff out Cai'er's legs."

"Then help me take a look again, and in two years, I will help you make a good family..." Gu Junxun didn't look like a mistress in front of the maid, but seemed to be begging for Juan'er, pushing her out, not yet. Forgot to ask her to take something as cover.

She was not the only one in the yard who was waiting for that person to come back. Gu Junxun couldn't help but go to the entrance of the yard to look at it. She was panicking again, thinking about what if he wanted to go to the yard over there first, pretending not to know? It is said that when her daughter gets married, she will go back to her parents’ house within a month, but the war in Chongzhou is so tight, and Lin Fu’s newly married will come back and live for the night. For more than a month, although it is not far from Chongcheng, he has never been able to rest and come back. However, the ceremony of returning to the door naturally cannot be paid attention to.

As soon as Juan'er walked out of the door, he heard the sound of the nails tapping in the yard, and when he heard Juan'er calling "Master" outside, Gu Junxun's heart thumped in chaos. Although they had already given a big gift, they had also shared a bed and had a skin-to-skin kiss, and they had not seen each other for a month, they still had an indescribable panic.

After finally getting out of the Dongya affairs, he went up the mountain and went directly back to the inner house. Lin Fu pushed the door and came in, looking at the beautiful woman under the lamp like jade, standing in front of the screen and looking at himself timidly, he smiled and said, "Why, don't you recognize me? already?"

Looking at the smile on the corner of Lin Bie's mouth, Jun Xun felt that he was waiting for a smile after staying in an empty room for a month, smiled sweetly, and said, "Xianggong is laughing at me, I'll help you take off the armor, you can go Let's go over to Yueniang, it's cold and uncomfortable to wear; why don't we just go to the yard to eat?" Let Juan'er help to remove the scales and armor on Lin Bie's body.

"Also." Lin Fu was still thinking about Yue'er who was going to give birth after the new year, but according to the rules, he had to come here first. Jun Xun thoughtfully said that he would go to the Xiangyuan for dinner together, but he agreed without thinking. down.

Jun Xun asked Juan'er to go to the Xiangyuan first to speak to Liu Yueer or Xiaoman, and she waited on Lin Bing to change into the jacket.

"The weather is getting colder. The day before yesterday, my mother sent a letter to say that there were some snowflakes in Jiangning University in the afternoon the day before yesterday. Although it is very small, the snow is early enough this year. I wonder if it will snow in Chongzhou in winter?" Gu Junxun said.

"Looking at the momentum of this year, Chongzhou's winter is also very cold..." Lin Fu said, he hugged Jun Xun's delicate body in his arms, and said some loving words about himself, he couldn't help but think about the situation in the north.

The first snow fell in Jinhai at the beginning of October. It was already late October. The river north of Jinhai was already frozen. It was just when the cavalry was ravaging recklessly. The Donghu people avoided Linyu. , There are signs of gathering troops in Xuanfu, and it is very likely that this year they will break through from Jinzhong and join the bandits.

Yannan was looted just last year, and together with northern Shandong, a total of 42 cities were either captured or surrendered, and their vitality has not recovered. This year, it is indeed possible that the eastern invaders will avoid Yannan and invade Jinzhong; in addition, the eastern part of Shandong has not yet been determined. The news came back, also worrying.

Jinan to Chongzhou is 1,500 miles by land. Generally speaking, Chongzhou can know the situation in Jinan three or four days ago. The Tang report has been interrupted for two days. At this juncture, the road is interrupted.


For a moment, there were the sound of small footsteps in the yard. Gu Junxun thought it was Juan'er who came back from the courtyard, and put Lin Bie's strong arm around him, and did not struggle to leave Lin Bie's arms.

Hearing Liu Yue'er and Xiao Man's voice, they had walked in. Gu Junxun hurriedly removed Lin Bing's hand on her chest, blushing, and almost didn't have the courage to raise his head to meet someone.

"Xunniang and Xianggong are still newly married Yan'er. It's always inconvenient to go to the courtyard for dinner." Liu Yue'er just pretended not to see the intimacy between Lin Fu and Gu Junxun, but just gave Lin Fu an angry look. He was joking at the outsider, holding his pregnant belly with both hands, and said, "Xiaoman and I will be in the big room for a meal, and then we will go back."

Xiaoman's eyes stared at Lin Bie's unruly hand just now. She entered the Lin family as a concubine, but she hadn't entered the room yet. At this time, it was not her turn to be jealous of the main room, and she felt a little sour in her heart. , but also helpless, his head slightly turned to look at the lights in the corner.

Lin Fu has become accustomed to the life of a group of wives and concubines, and his face is getting thicker. Thinking of one thing, he said to Xiaoman: "It's good for you to accompany me to Hecheng tomorrow..."

"Really?" In the end, Xiaoman still has the character of a little girl. The war in Chongzhou is getting tighter, and the area around Zilang Mountain is under the military control area. Following to Hecheng, Xiaoman immediately threw away some of the sadness just now, and then thought that Lin Fu was busy with military affairs at this time, how could it be possible to take her to the military camp, and glared at him angrily, "You lied to me."

"What are you doing to lie to you?" Lin Fu smiled and said, "In addition to you, I have to invite Miss Song. I will ask Dongya to prepare the carriage and leave early tomorrow morning. If you can't wake up, then continue to stay on the mountain. …”

"Recruiting to surrender?" Xiaoman asked suspiciously.

Lin Fu smiled, did not answer Xiaoman's question, and said to Gu Junxun: "If the trip to Hecheng goes well, I will go back to Jiangning in two days, and I will follow the right. The one month period has already passed. However, if you can make up for the matter of going back to the family, you still have to make it up, otherwise your parents will blame us for not knowing the etiquette here, what should you prepare, you discuss with Yue’er and the Seventh Madam…”

"What is the Seventh Madam, why don't you call the Seventh Aunt?" Xiaoman said.

Gu Junxun couldn't hear the meaning of the run in Xiaoman's words, so he went out to discuss the matter of dinner.

Gu Junxun and Gu Yingxiu are cousins, and it is a bit messy for Lin Bie to call her aunt Gu Yingxiu in terms of seniority. However, the relationship between Lin Fu and Lin Tingxun has long been out of five suits. As the saying goes: "Three suits are one family, and five suits are one family." Although the relationship is chaotic, strictly speaking, it is not unethical. .

Waiting for Gu Junxun to go out for dinner, Liu Yue'er smiled and pinched Xiaoman's face: "It's sharp and sharp, and it hurts people to the bottom of my bones. I'll tell the seventh lady tomorrow about this and see how she handles you. ."

Lin Bie asked Yue'er to sit down, put his hand on her stomach, and asked, "Did this little **** kick you today?"

"The feet are still here at the moment, you can feel it." Liu Yue'er moved Lin Bie's hand to the foot support of the fetus. Hearing that the old man said that most of the restless stomachs are male fetuses, she thought about being able to replace Lin Bie. Having a son is also satisfying.

After dinner, Liu Yueer brought the reluctant Xiaoman back to the courtyard early and left Lin Fu to Gu Junxun.

Lin Fu was also eager and enthusiastic. Seeing Gu Junxun's coquettish beauty under the lamp, he approved the two urgent official letters sent up the mountain, so he asked the maid to close the courtyard door and go to bed and undress. After more than a month, he could Once again, I tasted this delicate and tender beauty's body, only to make Gu Junxun suffer again.

Lin Fu didn't have any pity this time. He touched the overflowing stream of Huaxi, and pushed aside the long white and tender legs, and drove straight in. Gu Junxun was in pain, biting Lin Bie's shoulder hard, begging for mercy: "It hurts, it hurts..." She was puzzled, "Why does it still hurt?"

This Huaxi has only been harvested for two months, and it has been left there for more than a month. The broken Jiaorui has grown a little longer, and is almost the same as a virgin. It is a mature woman who is screaming for pain. Come here, naturally I can't stand it.

Lin Bie bit his shoulder and stopped moving in pain. Jun Xun felt better. He supported the thing, but there was a feeling of extreme joy in the rising pain. Bai's slender legs were wrapped around Lin Bie's waist, and he subconsciously wanted to lift his hips, but also felt that how could a woman be so shameless? While she was struggling in her heart, Lin Fu saw that her expression changed from pain to beauty, and he knew that she had adapted to it. He picked up her delicate buttocks and asked her to stick closer to his arms and move...

Lin Fu left the poetry and books behind, and practiced swordsmanship all the year round, beat his body, and gave up his energy. Jun Xun is shy and beautiful, infinitely lovable, and her body is slippery and slippery~www.wuxiamtl.com~ When you touch it, it can make people's feelings soar.

Whether a man is a perpetual motion machine is not a man, but a woman. Such a beautiful woman loves again every other month. Lin Bie struggled with Jun Xun five times in one night. When the dawn was about to break, Jun Xun couldn't bear it, so he fell asleep.

Jun Xun was born from Miss Jiao, and he had never suffered any hardships. He would feel uncomfortable hiding a soybean under two cotton mattresses. How could he be able to withstand Lin Bing's struggles five times a night?

It is said that Cui'er and Juan'er are girls who came from their parents' homes, and it is only natural for them to be included in the house. However, Lin Fu insisted that they should be naturalized with the surname of Lin, so it was not convenient to accept them as concubines. These two are also beautiful embryos, and Lin Fu is not greedy, which makes Jun Xun quite relieved. In this era, it is a bad virtue for a woman to be jealous, but no woman really wants her husband to be greedy.

Since Gu Junxun still wants to help the two maids to make a good family in the future, it is naturally inconvenient for them to serve them in sexual affairs, let alone for Chenghuan on their behalf.

Lin Fu fell into a deep sleep, Gu Junxun had to do his wife's duty, and brought hot water to wipe his lower body clean. He limped while walking, and pulled Jiaorui, who was devastated, in severe pain. He sighed inwardly: He should let him marry a few more concubines, how could he struggle so hard if it's just a charming woman?

Thinking that in another month, Xiaoman will be seventeen years old, Gu Junxun secretly said: Did you discuss with Liu Yueer that Lin Fujiang would bring Xiaoman into the room after the year? At this time, did you just let Xiaoman wait by Lin Fu's side? Besides, Xiao Man is smart, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, but has an undecided temperament, so if she gets into the house, she will be able to calm down. There are many and complicated affairs in the inner house, so she can help her at that time.

Gu Junxun unknowingly suppressed the nuisance nature of women, and entered the role of mistress to consider these things. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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