Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 120: General book of military households

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Lin Fu returned to Dongya, and he first accepted the congratulations from ordinary officials in the county, and learned about the process of autumn grain collection and fortification. It was Li Shuyi and Li Shutang who were also sent away with chores.

At this time, Lin Mengde personally brought a large stack of booklets and said: "The resettlement of displaced households in the farmland and public land will create a separate booklet in addition to the household registration field booklet, which will be combined with the resettlement of the people on Xisha Island. There were 6,627 households, 45,731 Ding Zhuang men over the age of 18 and under 45. This matter is very secret, and the people who copied it are all credible people. Recording a volume, except for everyone here, only I, Zi Ang and Mr. Fu have met..."

The top booklet had the words "General Book of Floating Households" written on it. Lin Fu picked it up and flipped through it and said, "Just like the booklet in the field, only separate booklets are kept everywhere, and the booklet is hidden in the mountains, not for outsiders... ...I don't want to talk about it, everyone knows the weight of this stack of booklets and why I had to do dredging a few years ago."

Qin Chengzu has been guarding Changshan Island for many years. There is not much involvement in the affairs here. He does not even know that the work here is so profound and penetrating. It's refreshing.

These pamphlets count the details of the resettlement of displaced households. Like the detailed accounts of the farmland and public fields, it can be said that they are more confidential and less visible documents than the Jiangdong Left Army's expenditure public accounts and the internal government treasury. If these pamphlets fall on political enemies In his hand, it is enough to give Lin Fu a charge of intentional treason.

Lin Fu's farmland and public land obtained from the inspection in Chongzhou were all rented to rural households for cultivation, and on top of the farmland and public land, he took the lead in promoting the right of permanent tenancy, so that the farmers who planted the farmland and public farmland could settle down in Chongzhou, and he also promoted rent reduction and reduction. Fus, tax reduction and exemption, and head-to-head apportionment all benefited these displaced households directly. The Jiangdong Zuo Army also actively relieved disasters, so that they could barely survive in Chongzhou by taking advantage of the low-yield fields...

The more than 26,600 displaced households are actually far more dependent on the Jiangdong Left Army than the local people in Chongzhou, and they are more loyal and supportive of the Jiangdong Left Army.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army gathered the displaced people into an army, and its foundation was built on the displaced households on Xisha Island. This stack of brochures, on the bright side, is the "General Book of Displaced Households", but it is actually the "General Book of Soldiers" of the Jiangdong Left Army. The foundation of Zuo Jun's foundation in Chongzhou is also the foundation for Lin Fu to make a separate book.

The thickness of these pamphlets determines the potential of the Jiangdong Left Army, and is also the basis for guiding all military and political affairs of the Jiangdong Left Army.

Lin Fu exposed the general book of refugees without mentioning it, and discussed with everyone about the urgent need to carry out dredging immediately.


The greatest significance of occupying the Shengsi Islands for Chongzhou is to make Chongzhou a relatively safe interior line.

As long as the production is not greatly affected, the annual income of the summer and autumn grains in a county in Chongzhou will reach the level of more than 300,000 shi, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army can obtain more than 200,000 grains to support the army. Unthinkable numbers.

In addition, a total of more than 400,000 mu of farmland and public fields, distributed along the Yunyan River, Xishan River and other river systems, will also be one of the most important sources of military resources for the Jiangdong Left Army.

Most of these are the middle and lower acres that are prone to waterlogging and thin fertilizer, and can be used to grow waterlogging-tolerant rice (the yield is also low), but it is impossible to replant wheat after the autumn harvest, and resettle the floating households for cultivation. After a year, you can get about 100,000 shi of grain rent income.

The dredging of the Yanhe River is beneficial to the navigation of large ships, so that the surrounding terrain of Chongzhou has a strategy of both offense and defense due to the open river channel for warships, so that the four places of Hecheng, Jiuhua, Chongcheng and Jiangmen are integrated and connected by water and land. The military significance is self-evident, and another important significance is the drainage of waterlogging and disaster reduction.

Yunyan River has been in disrepair for hundreds of years and has accumulated serious silt, and the northern border of Chongzhou lacks a large river that can drain waterlogging. Chongzhou enters the rainy season in April and May every year, which makes the disaster situation in the northern border of Chongzhou reach the level of "nine floods in ten years". Ge Siyu has calculated that after dredging, the drainage capacity of Yunyan River will be increased by four or five times, which can basically eliminate the waterlogging disaster in the north.

Desilting and transporting the Salt River can not only increase the production of farmland in the north of Chongzhou in a large area and greatly increase the income of summer and autumn grains, but also dredging tens of millions of square meters of river bottom mud, which can be said to be fertility for farmland. It is an extremely precious treasure. Through the combined action of many factors such as drainage, fertilizer accumulation, and soil filling, a large number of public fields and farmlands distributed along the banks of the Yunyan River can be transformed into medium and upper-grade fertile fields for replanting of summer rice and autumn wheat.

In addition to greatly improving the living conditions of the tenant farms and the displaced households, making them more closely attached to and supporting the Jiangdong Left Army, it can also directly double the rental income that the public and farmland can provide.

Since dredging and transporting the Salt River is so important for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to take root in Chongzhou, just as the Shengsi Islands are a must-see, the Salt River must be dredged before years.

After these things were done, Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun truly took root in Chongzhou.


The income of autumn grain is so huge, and a large sum of money has been slashed from the local big account. The total amount of silver is 320,000 taels. However, the new autumn grain income will be used for dredging and transporting the salt river. He even took out an extra 80,000 taels from the public account to make up for the shortfall, so it's no wonder that Lin Mengde's face was still full of gloom.

If the revenue from the public account is to be improved, we must wait until next year after the summer and autumn grain collection is completed, and then we may take a breath of relief. At a glance at the current bad account, I feel the urge to jump into the river.

Although the Jiyun Society obtained more than 60,000 taels of silver from the Jiangning estuary and the Jiang and Jinhai grain roads in mid-October, after deducting the funds for fortification and dredging, after more than a month of war consumption, there was only one left on the public account. Less than sixty thousand taels of silver.

Although a large number of armour and warships have been captured, it is only to say that they will spend less money on armour and warships in the future, but it cannot change the current situation.

Trading with Haiyu Chen's armour and coalition forces only made it unnecessary to invest too much in the Shengsi line of defense.

On the Chongzhou side, the Jinghai First Water Battalion will be expanded to 1,800 main and auxiliary soldiers.

The cavalry battalion needs to be expanded to 1,200 people, and 800 ordinary mules and horses will be added. The expanded 600 people can only be used as horse infantry, not cavalry in the true sense. Lin Fu has no financial resources to buy 800 high-quality war horses. .

The Changshan Secret Camp will be reorganized into the Changshan Step Camp, with Ao Canghai as the battalion commander, and the number will be expanded to 1,200 people.

In this way, in addition to the garrison in Shengsi, the garrison of the Chongzhou base camp will also exceed 5,000.

Qin Chengzu temporarily succeeded Fu Qinghe as the chief instructor, and Lin Fu moved Zhao Hu to take over from Ao Canghai as the commander of the personal guard battalion.

Considering that the northern front is tight, Lin Fu is unable to support the northern front, and there is no need to directly send troops to support the northern front. The Jin navy, which has expanded to ten elite battalions, can become an important support for Li Zhuo on the northern front. In addition, Lin Fu did everything possible to get two more Jiyun-class warships and sent them to Jinwei Island in Jinhai to return to Sun Shangwang, so that the number of soldiers stationed in Jinwei Island increased to 600.

These kinds of things, considering the unfinished Hecheng war, and seeing that there are only 60,000 taels of silver left in the public account, Lin Mengde has the heart to cry, and it is not so easy to be a big housekeeper.

Even if the township army rising on the Jianghuai land may become a potential obstacle to the Jiangdong left army in the future, the only plan for now is to secretly sell a batch of captured soldiers and armor for emergency rescue. The issue of directly adding a Lijin Bureau under the name of the Supervisory Envoy to supplement the shortage of military resources.


The potential of industrial tax and commercial tax, Lin Bie knows a hundred times better than anyone in this era.

In order to maintain the rule of the empire without falling into an economic crisis, the empire should not increase agricultural taxes without limit, push the poor farmers to the brink of life and death, and trigger even greater crises and turmoil, but should start with industrial and commercial taxes.

The Jianghuai city is full of business and prosperity, but the current income from commercial and municipal taxes is mainly controlled by the local gentry and tycoons, and the imperial court has little profit.

Due to the dense water network, convenient transportation, fertile fields, economic crop planting, workshops and other handicraft industries and commodity trade, the Jianghuai land has developed to a considerable extent.

Take Haiyu County as an example~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Cotton fields and mulberry fields are planted on nearly ten thousand hectares. Seventy-eight percent of the cotton cloth and silk produced are sold to other places, and the potential income of commercial tax jin is extremely high. It's just that a large number of mulberry orchards, cotton fields, weaving workshops, cloth villages, and silk villages are all controlled by wealthy households such as the Chen family. Easy.

Chongzhou also sells a lot of cotton cloth, silk, grain and oil. In the future, Chongzhou will be the most important outlet for the Jianghuai land. The Jiangdong Zuo Army needs to raise funds to support troops. Naturally, Lin Fu can't let go of this big cake. What he hesitates is The question of what name and timing is just right.

Since Lin Mengde raised the issue of setting up the Lijin Bureau, Lin Fu shared these issues for everyone to discuss.

"Jiangdong Haijiang and Jiangkou can only rely on our army for protection," Qin Chengzu said. "Expanding the army is an inevitable move, so it doesn't hurt to report the actual number of troops to the commander and the military department. It is possible that the minister of the temple and the minister of the county can still ask us to reduce the number of troops at this time. Can't it? Like Dong Yuan who took the lead in eastern Zhejiang, the Weiyang army must rely on eastern Zhejiang to support the army, and there are three places to supply it. Our army has more than 10,000 troops. Some of them come here. According to my opinion, some of the military funds balance after the disbandment of the original Ninghai Town Water Camp will be distributed to us. There are still some deficiencies. If we propose to collect Lijin from the local area, the court and the county governor can only follow the flow... "

Like Cao Zi'ang, Qin Chengzu was better at strategy than leading troops. Just like when the Liuma bandit led him, Cao Zi'ang and others at the head, he suffered from a lack of indecision. Lin Fu transferred Qin Chengzu to Dongya to replace Fu Qinghe as a teacher, so he could rely on him to plan everything at any time.

Qin Chengzu suggested this, and Lin Fu thought about it. It's okay, the situation is so complicated, and the problem is always pushed to the top. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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