Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 112: East Zhejiang crisis

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Lin Fu learned the news of Quan Ciqing's defeat at Longshan on Daheng Island half a day later than Jiangning. Shun, it is much slower than the post and ride to Jiangning directly, and it was already the evening of the 13th when the boat arrived at Daheng Island.

The boat sent by the sentry to cross the sea was provided by the Haiyu Township Battalion, and Chen Huawen also led two thousand soldiers of the Haiyu Township Battalion to cross the sea with more than 30 warships to join with Lin Fu.

Lin Fu attacked Daheng Island yesterday, and Haiyu Township's sentry ship in the East China Sea also sent the news that Jiangdong Zuo Army had once again attacked Daheng Island back to Haiyu before dusk yesterday.

Just when Lin Fu went out to sea for the first time in mid-August to attack Xiaoyangshan Island, he invited Haiyu Township to guard Xiaoyangshan Island, but Chen Huawen declined considering the situation at that time.

This time, the Jiangdong Zuo Army attacked Daheng Island twice in a short period of time. Although Chen Huawen was getting the news, he still didn't know that the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo Army had finally captured Daheng Island, but he also guessed that Lin Fu this time With great confidence in the attack, we considered establishing a solid line of defense along the Shengsi Islands and the southern border of Haiyu County with the Jiangdong Left Army.

However, there are different opinions within Haiyu County and the Chen family. One is that they are worried about whether Haiyu Township has the strength to reject foreign invaders. The other is that Lin Bie’s actions in Chongzhou have greatly damaged the interests of the local powers. Everyone is worried. The coalition forces will let Lin Bie's hand infiltrate Haiyu County, worrying about bringing wolves into the house and raising tigers.

The final opinion is that it is possible to form a good relationship with the Jiangdong Left Army and support each other, but it is not appropriate to carry out substantive joint forces.

Who would have thought that overnight, the situation would be turned upside down?

The soldiers of the two Zhejiang counties collapsed in Longshan, and the situation in eastern Zhejiang collapsed - Chen Huazhang, brothers Chen Huawen and everyone in Haiyu County were not worried about Lin Bie's hand reaching Haiyu, but worried that Jiangdong Zuo Army would face the East China Sea Kou's strength, abandoned Daheng Island and retreated to Chongzhou. Without the cover of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, the flank of Haiyu County would be directly exposed to the threat of the main force of the East China Sea bandits.

It was Chen Mingzhe who followed Chen Huawen across the sea to Daheng Island to see Lin Bie.


Listening to the sentry's description of the details of the Battle of Longshan, Lin Fu frowned.

Compared with the post-riding messengers who reported the news to Jiangning, the information brought back by the sentries brought by Wu Qi himself was more detailed and accurate, but limited.

Quan Ciqing assembled nearly 40,000 county soldiers in eastern Zhejiang in mid-September. The Qing bandit wars involved Xiangshan Peninsula, Liuheng Island, Meishan Island, the coastal areas of Mingzhou, Changguo Island, Daishan and other vast areas and seas. Dozens or 20 sentries sneaked into the reconnaissance, and it was impossible to grasp the changes in the entire battle situation.

What's more, the defeat of Longshan came too suddenly, and Lin Fu did not consider that Quan Ciqing's cautious life would recklessly attack the main island of Changguo from Longshan before the local battles in Meishan and Xiangshanling did not improve, so that the back road was attacked and his position was in chaos. When they were defeated, most of the defeated soldiers were trapped in the northern part of the main island of Changguo, and there was nowhere to escape.

"The She family will directly send troops to intervene in this battle, which is no different from raising the flag of rebellion," Zhao Qingshan said with a sullen face, "In addition, most of the Zhejiang soldiers in Meishan and Xiangshanling were also defeated, and the situation in eastern Zhejiang is probably irreversible. ."

Before the war, there were about 20,000 pirates in the area of ​​Changguo, and then they were divided into the northern front. In fact, by this time, the Donghai pirates had invested nearly 14,000 troops on the northern front, and no more than 10,000 troops on the southern front. On the southern line, Meishan Mountain and Xiangshan Ridge have a considerable number of pirates besieged by Zhejiang soldiers, plus the island-guarding pirates of Changguo Island and Daishan and Tushan Islands. Unless the She family directly sends troops to intervene, She Feixiong will simply gather in the East China Sea. The troops that rushed to the back of the main force of Longshan did not come.

Zhou Tong spat viciously, and said angrily, "There must be an inner ghost in the two Zhejiangs who are secretly attached to the extravagant family. There is no chance of such a coincidence!"

The Jinzhong army was surrounded and annihilated by the Eastern captives several times in Yannan. In the eyes of Zhou Tongtong's former Jinzhong army generals, Hao Zongcheng was an inner ghost bought by the Eastern captives. He hated it deeply and was particularly sensitive to this matter.

Jin'an and Mingzhou are thousands of miles apart. The She family directly dispatched troops in Jin'an to intervene in the battle. To avoid the surveillance of the East Fujian side, even the timing of the gathering of the army should be just right, neither early nor late - if the two Zhejiang admirals Without the cooperation of the ghosts in the house, could someone in the luxury family have predicted that the prophet Quan Ciqing would suddenly lead the main force of Zhejiang troops from Longshan to the main island of Changguo the day before yesterday?


Chen Mingzhe also considered the possibility of the She family directly sending troops to intervene in this battle, but he was not so sure and gnashing his teeth as the generals of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. , it seems that he did not listen to the judgment of his subordinates on the war in eastern Zhejiang.

Chen Mingzhe also saw Lin Fu again after the unpleasant contact in Jiangning last year.

The last time we met in Jiangning, Lin Fu was full of vigor and had the reputation of Jiyang's **** battle, but Jiangning's scholar Qingliu looked down on this alien who was better at raising pigs and accumulating manure than writing. Chen Mingzhe, the champion and the first, was forced to leave Yanjing and return to Jiangdong to endure when he was arrogant. This was the first serious setback in his life. The direct root cause of all this is that the Qujiatong bandit case jointly uncovered by Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen involved his mentor, Chen Xiyan. How could Chen Mingzhe have no hostility or hatred for Lin Fu in his heart?

With the passage of time, Chen Mingzhe's mood has also changed over the past year. The Hui people handle household affairs, study military affairs, and have a more pragmatic temperament.

Even if the deepest grudge in his heart is hard to dispel, Chen Mingzhe has learned to restrain his arrogance and arrogance in front of Lin Fu, and can seriously examine this character who brought his first setback in his life.

Autumn is already deep, the north wind is howling, the weather is getting colder, Lin Tie is wearing blue armor and wearing a crimson official robe, and looks back from the far sea, the situation in eastern Zhejiang will suddenly collapse, which is indeed beyond his expectations, but East Zhejiang The situation is so rotten, and the variables of Xiao Taoyuan and Ninghai Zhenshuiying will become even more dangerous...

"For the She family, it seems that it is not the time to raise the flag of rebellion. It's really strange." Zhao Hu said.

When Lin Fu led his army north to King Qin, Zhao Hu stayed in Jiangning, so his reputation was not comparable to that of Zhao Qingshan and Zhou Tong.

Chen Mingzhe looked strangely at the black-faced young general next to Lin Fu. He was only slightly older than Lin Fu, but he was an important general of Jiangdong Zuo Army. When the time came, he said: "The Eastern captives are about to break through and enter the pirates. Is it possible that the extravagant family has contact with the Eastern captives, and that it is impossible to use troops from the north and south to destroy the foundation of the imperial court?"

Lin Fu heard that even if Chen Mingzhe refuted Zhao Hu, his tone was no longer as sharp and aggressive as in Jiangning last year. His tone was gentle and seemed to refute, but he also wanted to ask for advice, which would not make people unhappy. It is inconvenient to despise him, saying: "The timing is not right. Donglu may not know the power of Li's army, but the She family has suffered from him. Even if he secretly colluded with Donglu to use troops from the north and the south - Donglu broke through the border and entered the pirates. There is no substantial risk to Donglu, and the She family will put their lives at risk this time. For the She family, even if they raise the flag of betrayal again, they should be launched after Donglu has broken through and joined the bandits..." Speaking of this, Lin Bie slowed down, "I'm afraid there will be other big variables!"

"Other variables?" Chen Mingzhe asked suspiciously.

"Let's not talk about other variables for the time being, even if the situation in East Zhejiang today is beyond your ability to recover," Lin Fu restrained all his concerns and fears, looked at Chen Huawen with a resolute expression, and asked, "Master Chen and brother Mingzhe. Lead the soldiers from Haiyu County to join me, and I will ask Lord Chen and brother Mingzhe: Can you trust me, Lin Fu?"

"Of course..." Chen Huawen didn't necessarily trust Lin Fu in his heart, but his expression was very sincere when he said this.

"In the opinion of Lord Chen, and with the two thousand county soldiers in Haiyu, how long can we defend this Daheng Island?" Lin Fu asked.

Xiao Taoyuan is a variable; the two thousand bandits who are trapped in Hecheng are a variable; with Qin Chengzu and Ning Zechen there, Lin Fu is not worried that Changshan Island will fall, but there is no sign of the Shefeihu Department going south, it should be Still on Changshan Island, this is also a big variable - the situation in eastern Zhejiang has changed drastically, and even when Donglu broke through, there is still a bigger crisis about to break out in the Central Plains, and Lin Fu wants to settle down as quickly as possible. In order to cope with the chaos in the world, the situation in Chongzhou must draw troops from Daheng Island to solve the three major variables that Chongzhou directly faces.

Daheng Island is a strategic location. Seeing the changes in eastern Zhejiang, Lin Fu was even fortunate to attack Daheng Island earlier. Chongzhou would not become very passive because there was no strategic depth.

Without the protection of the strategic defense line of the Shengsi Islands, Chongzhou would be directly threatened by the main force of the East China Sea pirates and even the extravagant family. How could he manage Chongzhou with peace of mind? The luxury family will not give him the opportunity to manage Chongzhou calmly.

Daheng Island could not be lost, but it contradicted that Lin Fu wanted to concentrate his forces to solve the other three crises at the moment, so he wanted to invite Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe to lead two thousand Haiyu County soldiers to guard Daheng Island for a few days.

Seeing Chen Huawen's hesitation, Lin Fu said sincerely: "Daheng Island shelters Haiyu County's flank~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is also outside Chongzhou. Under the current situation, it must not fall into the hands of luxury families-- In addition to the 300 disabled bandits on the island, the She family can also see the strategic position of Daheng Island and Shengsi Islands. If you don't have full confidence, don't force it!"

Seeing that Lin Fu was sincere, Chen Huawen thought that under the current situation, there was absolutely no need for Lin Fu to keep the soldiers from Haiyu County to die on Daheng Island, and said, "I don't know the offensive and defensive situation of Daheng Island, so I don't dare to speak falsely..."

"Zhou Tong, come and tell Master Chen about the terrain of Daheng Island's offense and defense in detail!" Lin Fu asked Zhou Tong to say that he originally wanted to stay in Zhou Tong and stay in Daheng Island. Among the generals, Zhou Tong had the most terrain on Daheng Island. familiar.

Zhou Tong gave a general description of the topography of the east and west of Daheng Island and Chen Huawen, and focused on the offensive and defensive situation at the northern foot of Jinji Mountain. Finally, he said: "When dark piles were built at the entrance of the inner port, the shipwreck closed the port, and there was no large-scale climbing at the northern foot of the mountain. The favorable terrain on the shore. The fort and the north foot camp were repaired a little overnight, so they can be garrisoned for defense. To prevent the remnant bandits from attacking from the dense forest at the northeast foot, of course, to support bandit soldiers, they can also climb the beach from the east peninsula and climb over the northeast **** of Jinshanji; One is that there is a big gap between Xitan and the northern foot of the..."

"You can keep Daheng Island for three or five days..." Chen Huawen said.

"Then the limit is three days." Lin Fu said.

Lin Fu still doesn't know that the ambush of Changshan Island last night, and the smashing of the Feihu Division, the Feihu retreated to the Southwest Beach, and plans to take advantage of the night to go south and land on the eastern peninsula of Daheng Island today. Shandao, by revitalizing the elites of Changshan Island's secret camp and Fenglibu camp, he will have a lot more troops at hand. Counting the time, three days of coming and going will be enough. This variable of Xiao Taoyuan also depends on Gu Wuchen to calculate in Jiangning. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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