Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 111: Chen Yuan's scheming

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

Chen Yuan on Yuqian Street was the residence of Li Zhuo, the former minister of the Ministry of War in Jiangning, when he was in Jiangning. After Li Zhuo went to Beijing to take charge of the Ministry of War, Yue Lengqiu, the governor of Jianghuai who later went to Jiangning, took Chen Yuan as his residence.

Yue Leng came to Jiangdong to take office in the autumn. He spent most of the time in the Changhuai Army in Hao Prefecture, and returned to Jiangning to act as an official.

The situation in eastern Zhejiang has been tense recently. Once the situation in eastern Zhejiang collapsed, it would bring the southeastern part of Jiangdong County into crisis. Moreover, the East China Sea bandits sent troops to threaten Pingjiang Prefecture, Hailing Prefecture and Huainan Salt District on the northern front. Yue Lengqiu had to return to Jiangning. to deal with possible changes.

Of course, Yue Lengqiu didn't want the Jiangdong Zuo Army to suffer defeat in Chongzhou. He hoped that Lin Fu would be able to hold up the defense lines of Hailing Prefecture, Yannan Yan District and Jiangkou, but the successive successes of the Jiangdong Zuo Army were not what he liked.

In the first battle, there were 600 pirates and 2,000 prisoners. Although Han Zai, the special envoy of Xuanwei, reported the victory, Yue Lengqiu could not put most of his achievements on Han Zai's head. In the First World War, 2,000 pirates were trapped in Hecheng, forcing Weiyang Yantiesi to make concessions and put Hecheng grassland into the defense area of ​​Jiangdong Zuo Army. In the first World War, Daheng Island was stormed, and more than a thousand pirates were destroyed, sunk, and destroyed more than 70 enemy ships, forcing the pirates who invaded Pingjiang Prefecture to withdraw their aid and relieve the danger of Pingjiang Prefecture...

Looking at the frequent good news from Jiangdong Zuojun, Yue Lengqiu looked distraught. Hearing footsteps in the courtyard, he let out a sigh of relief, stood up and opened the door. There was something wrong, and he asked, "What happened?"

"Master, do you think it's strange? Gu Niancha came over in a carriage, plainclothes and simple, saying that he had something important to see the master, and also told Yue An not to leak the news of his coming..." Yue An said.

Yue Lengqiu was also greatly surprised. This was the first time that Gu Wuchen asked for an interview in private after he took office in Jiangdong. He was so secretive that he couldn't understand it, but he subconsciously thought that something might have gone wrong.

Could it be that the Jiangdong Zuo Army suffered a big loss when they went to sea and wanted to send troops here to protect Chongzhou? But that's not right. Gu Wuchen has the right to urgently mobilize Yongdong from Dongyang Township to enter Chongzhou.

When Yue Lengqiu was making wild guesses, Gu Wuchen, who was wearing a simple lake blue shirt, led him in to his family, Yue An. He suppressed his eagerness to know what was going on, raised the corner of his mouth with a smile, and said, "I haven't seen Mr. Gu for two or three years. Now, how can I condescend to visit today?"

Gu Wuchen knew that Yue Lengqiu was ridiculing his frequent friendships with him back then, so he felt embarrassed when he told him so, he took a secret letter from his arms, put it on the desk, and said, "Lord Yue, look After passing this secret letter, you will know my purpose..."

Yue Lengqiu invited Gu Wuchen to be seated. He picked up the secret letter suspiciously and saw the envelope, but it was the special secret letter that Lin Fu asked Gu Wuchen to hand over to him. He was suddenly shocked, knowing that what the secret letter stated was absolutely It's no trivial matter, otherwise Gu Wuchen and Lin Fu wouldn't need so much trouble.

Yue Lengqiu opened the secret letter with a dignified expression. The more he looked at it, the colder he felt in his heart. When he suddenly learned about this, he was in a turmoil for a while. Eyes were staring at himself.

Yue Lengqiu's hatred was also strong in his heart, and he wanted to slash Lin Fu here with thousands of swords. This Shuzi had set up this trap early in the morning to lure him into jumping, and at this time, Gu Wuchen had come over and attacked himself.

Yue Lengqiu took a long breath, straightened his face, stared at Gu Wuchen, and asked sullenly, "Does Master Gu know about the affairs of Jinghai's envoy Lin Fumichen?"

"I only know a thing or two recently." Gu Wuchen said.

"Good one knows a thing or two," Yue Lengqiu stood up abruptly, in such a situation that he could not resist fighting back, he said in a cold voice, "I think you are too self-righteous. If Xiao Tao is far away, it is all the fault of you being self-willed and arbitrary. If this secret letter had been sent to me earlier, why would it be like this?"

Yue An was shocked when he heard it, what the **** was a secret letter that suddenly mentioned Xiao Taoyuan's rebellion, and made the master so furious that he wanted to turn against Gu Wuchen on the spot.

In the face of Yue Lengqiu's attack, Gu Wuchen was like sitting in the courtyard and said, "Lin Bie has endured until now in order to prevent the chaos. There may be some mistakes, but he must be considerate of his situation. But none of this is important. The most important thing now is to prevent Xiao Taoyuan from leading his troops to sea..." He didn't deliberately distance himself and put the blame on Lin Fu, but he and Lin Fu had already guessed that Yue Lengqiu would take it This trouble. Lin Fu took all the responsibilities of forbearance and non-repayment. Even if he was to be held accountable in the future, he would only be demoted and punished. If he could not seize his military power, there would be no substantial damage.

In the matter of Xiao Taoyuan, Yue Lengqiu is responsible and Gu Wuchen is not responsible, which can form a trend of rising and falling, which is beneficial to the improvement of the situation in Jiangdong.

Yue Lengqiu's face was as cold as frost. Hearing what Gu Wuchen said, he knew Lin and Gu's strategy. He kept guessing in his heart, and then he softened his tone and asked, "Can this matter be verified?"

"I knew about it, so I sent staff to Chongzhou to confront the hostages. The evidence is like a mountain," Gu Wuchen said. "No matter how daring Lin Fu is, he doesn't dare to flatter the court's fourth-rank military generals..."

Hearing Gu Wuchen say this, Yue Lengqiu felt even more hatred.

Xiao Taoyuan was originally from the fourth-rank cavalry commander, or he wanted to win over Xiao Taoyuan and ensured that he was promoted to the fourth-rank upper cavalry commander. He also single-handedly pressed Lin Fushen to accuse Xiao Taoyuan of being a bandit. , To say that this is not a trap that Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen jointly set up for him, Yue Lengqiu would not believe it.

It's not that Yue Lengqiu didn't think about protecting Xiao Taoyuan to the end, but the risk was too great.

The county school was slaughtered, the boy was robbed and killed, and the impact of the Chongzhou boy case was too bad. Once Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen announced the matter to the world, and there was no way to cover it up and suppress it, Qingliu Shizi could spit on him and Zhang Xie. Forced to step down.

Lin Fu's secret letter revealed the secrets of the Chongzhou boy case, but it mentioned the secret attachment of the bandits on Changshan Island, but other details were unclear, and Yue Lengqiu could not pursue it. There are too many, but if Xiao Taoyuan can be taken down in time, there is still room for manoeuvre; if the news leaks, Xiao Taoyuan has a chance to defect and lead his troops to the sea, and even cause chaos in Pingjiang Mansion, this matter will be troublesome.

Even if Lin Fu bears the guilt of concealing and concealing the report, or even the crime of privately accepting or assisting the pirates, he may be demoted to a commoner, but he cannot take away the military power of the Jiangdong Zuo Army - what about himself? When an official is downgraded by one level, the position of the governor of Jianghuai must be handed over to someone else, and when an official is downgraded by three levels, the military power of the company commander of the Huai Army must also be handed over to others.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army was built by Lin Fu, and all the generals came from their private sects. Under the current situation, it is difficult to seize their military power, but can they rely on the Changhuai Army?

He suppressed Gu Wuchen for more than half a year. He didn't expect that they would have such a pit waiting for him to jump into it. Yue Lengqiu knew that Gu Wuchen had some powerful means, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. Said: "Changshan Island and Jiyang are separated by vast seas, and there are no ships. Xiao Taoyuan should not know what happened, and his people are suspicious and unrelenting, and there is still time for us to arrange calmly. I use the excuse of preventing pirates to adjust A part of the Changhuai Army marches eastward into Pingjiang, and then exposes its guilt, binds them to justice, or is more secure... Master Gu, what do you think of this arrangement?"

"The soldier who surrounded Changshan Island was actually She Feihu, the envoy of the Marquis of Jin'an stationed in Jiangning, and in those years, in the Baisha County robbery and the Chongzhou boy case, She Feihu was inextricably suspected," Gu Wuchen said, "because The pirates who committed the robbery had killed Xiao Taoyuan on Xisha Island, and then Xiao Taoyuan pretended to be a pirate to go out to sea and killed Lin Bie, so Feihu couldn't check the details for a while, but it was hard to guarantee that he would return it this time. Can't guess..."

Although the She family is still the Marquis of Jin'an under the imperial court's policy, in private, everyone has not shy about the collusion between the She family and the East China Sea bandits, and the East Fujian military has also strengthened its vigilance. No matter how lightly Min Min raised his troops, he could only hold back.

Yue Lengqiu even suspected that Gu Wuchen and Lin Fu would take the initiative to leak the news, prompting Xiao Taoyuan to lead his troops out to sea to secretly attach extravagant homes, and even the big pirate Pingjiang. In that case, the water camp in Ninghai Town will be completely destroyed. At that time, Hailing Mansion, Jiangning Mansion, Lianghuai Salt District, Taihu Lake and Yangtze River waterway will all rely on Jiangdong Zuo Army for defense, and the imperial court will not dare to move the forest tie easily.

The colder Yue Lengqiu's heart became, the stronger his heart became. He put his hand on the table and said, "I already know about this matter, and I will handle it myself. Although summoning Xiao Taoyuan to Jiangning to capture him can do wonders, but once the matter is exposed, the There is no preparation here, and the situation will be even more difficult to manage. Before the Changhuai Army is stationed in Pingjiang, we must not leak the news and act rashly, otherwise when I step down, I will have the means to drag one or two people to follow the bad luck!"

"Then the lower official will say goodbye!" Gu Wuchen got up and said goodbye.

Zhao Qinmin stood in front of the carriage, and when he saw Gu Wuchen come out, he helped lift the curtain of the carriage. Gu Wuchen got into the car and said to Zhao Qinmin, "You also come in, there are many people who recognize you in Jiangning City..." Especially in front of Yue Lengqiu's mansion, Jiangning officials and generals come and go frequently, giving them a great chance of recognition. .

"What does Yue Lengqiu mean?" Zhao Qinmin got into the car and asked in a low voice.

"Adjust the Huai Army to advance eastward." Gu Wuchen said.

"He's looking for a way out for himself..." Zhao Qinmin saw Yue Lengqiu's plan at a glance, "What do you plan to do?"

Gu Wuchen sat in the carriage and meditated, how could he not see through Yue Lengqiu's plans?

Even if it is necessary to make a sound and familiar deployment to prevent Xiao Taoyuan's rebellion, together with Jiangning's military secretary and Jiangning's garrison Cheng Yuqian, to transfer the Jiangning water camp eastward to Jiyang, it will only take half a day to make the deployment, which is far better than adjusting the Huaijun east. Enter Pingjiang quickly.

Yue Lengqiu insisted on adjusting the Changhuai Army. First, he planned to use the Changhuai Army to suppress the mutiny of Ninghai Town Shuiying, so that he could redeem his faults and make up for the responsibility of oversight and connivance. Ma An was placed in Pingjiang Prefecture, and he could even use it to incorporate the remnants of the water camp in Ninghai Town and reorganize the water camp to prevent the forces of the Jiangdong Left Army from expanding to the south bank after Xiao Taoyuan was removed. The third is Yue Lengqiu, who also showed it to the court. Military power.

"Go to Cheng Yuqian's mansion." Gu Wuchen said rustily.

"I'm afraid Lord Cheng doesn't have the guts~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ Zhao Qinmin sighed slightly, "Without Yue Lengqiu's permission, the Jiangning Water Camp cannot leave Jiangning Mansion..." He knew Gu Wuchen's plan, but Cheng Yuqian Too mediocre to be someone with the determination to conspire with.

He thought to himself: Lin Fu is still not ruthless enough, otherwise, he would lead the Jiangdong Zuo army boatmen to block the Jiangkou, and then deliberately leak the wind to force Xiao Taoyuan to rebel. The prepared Dongyang Xiangyong followed by entering the Pingjiang House to quell the chaos, so that Yue Lengqiu would have no time to deal with it - he hesitated whether to suggest this to Gu Wuchen.

"Do your best to obey the destiny!" Gu Wuchen sighed slightly. It's not that he didn't think about how to fight Yue Lengqiu, the political enemy, but when he was unprepared in all aspects, he still couldn't be ruthless and directly prompted Xiao Taoyuan to rebel. That would hurt the vitality of the prefectures and counties along the Taihu Lake too much, and it would also make the changes in eastern Zhejiang unpredictable. He couldn't be so cruel, let alone expect Lin Fu to make such a decision.

Here, the carriage was about to leave the gate of Chenyuan Mansion, and suddenly there was the sound of hooves. As soon as he rode to the front of the mansion, the knight on the horse was wearing the military uniform of Yitang Sentinel. The man didn't have time to tie the horse, so he turned over and walked down the steps. Urgently told the official: "The military situation in eastern Zhejiang is in a hurry, report to the Governor quickly!"

Gu Wuchen was shocked, and he didn't care to hide his identity, so he sent someone to invite the military attache, showed his personal seal, and asked, "I am Jiangdong inspector Gu Wuchen, what is the military situation in Zhejiang East?"

No matter how secret the military situation is, Yue Lengqiu can know it, and so can his police officer. The military attache said bluntly: "There are also messengers heading to the mansion - the troops of the East China Sea bandits in Changguo suddenly increased greatly, and the two Zhejiang admirals, Lord Quan, marched into Longshan. After that, the road was attacked and collapsed, the exact loss is unknown, and the life and death of Mr. Quan are unknown!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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