Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 98: Intended for Crane City

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Changlu and the salt area in northern Shandong are close to the Bohai Sea. The Bohai Sea is an inland sea, and it has little confluence with the open water, but it flows into a large freshwater river system. The salinity of the seawater is relatively low.

The coastal areas south of Pingjiang Prefecture are not conducive to salt production due to the rainy and less sunny climate.

The Lianghuai salt area has favorable geographical conditions and weather, and its output is the highest among the four major salt areas. Due to the convenience of transfer, the supply of official salt to the counties accounts for 60% of the total output of the four major salt areas.

After the autumn, the weather is dry and there is little rain, which is the peak season for cooking sea salt. The salt production in the Lianghuai salt area from September to the next year before the rainy season accounts for more than 70% of the whole year.

At this time, the Yanqu Fortress in the south of Sheyang was completely destroyed, and the salt guards were not able to fight in the field, so they could only retreat to Sheyang, the big fortress, and the salt area in the north of Sheyang to Qingjiangpu and even Tinghu was always under attack from East China Sea invaders. roaming threat.

It is very difficult for Yanto to cook sea-fried salt. It only takes ten dollars to fry a bucket of salt*. He goes to the sea to catch some fish and shrimps to wrap his belly. Their lives are also threatened, and there is nothing worth lingering about in this kind of life. A large number of salt households have fled to become refugees from their homes, and salt ponds have begun to be abandoned.

If you let the situation develop without stopping, let alone the black gauze, Zhang Yan is afraid that the head on his neck will not be safe.


Zhang Yan served as the envoy of salt and iron in the first year of Delong, and he did not continue his post for the new emperor. It has been twelve years since he was so clean. The bottom line of silver's salt profit is that he doesn't mind that the officials below him will fornicate with Yan Xiao, nor does he mind that some places are controlled by Yan Xiao, and the price of salt will increase several times or even dozens of times. On the contrary, he has to share a cup of it. soup.

At first, Zhang Yan also held the attitude of not violating the river water, and was quite annoyed that Song Xiaobo, the superintendent of Hecheng, actually sought refuge in Chongzhou. Mao Wenjing rejected Lin Bing's proposal earlier, Zhang Yan didn't make a statement in Weiyang, but he knew about it - it was he who indulged Mao Wenjing, and only the defeat of Dafeng on the 25th.

Although the salt profit is very rich, its profit is that when Weiyang resells it to the salt merchants, the salt iron company cut off a huge profit of 190 yuan per bucket of salt. distress. Except for the officials involved in illicit salt sales through illicit liaison with Yan Xiao, the salt households are often poor, far less prosperous than Chongzhou, Haiyu and other counties, so the East China Sea pirates usually do not loot the salt area - although the Yan area was also threatened by the East China Sea pirates before , but the threat is far less serious than that in Chongzhou, Haiyu and other places, and the officials and generals of the Salt and Iron Division will inevitably slack off.

Furthermore, the previous East China Sea pirates were all loose pirates, and the most powerful were only one or two thousand people. Yan Tie Si had almost no intersection with the local area. Even if Chongzhou destroyed the city for the big pirates in early April, Yan Tie Si only thought that Chongzhou was guarded. The army was too weak to fully realize that the East China Sea bandits in the past two years were far from what they were before.

Before the Battle of Dafeng, Mao Wenjing assembled an army of 6,000 salt guards in Sheyang for a short time. He was confident that he would go south to counterattack, and planned to recover the Hecheng military fortress within ten days.

When traveling in Dafeng, he encountered a small group of pirates who went ashore to grab food. For the sake of corruption, Mao Wenjing even let the central army in front of the tent also participate in the pursuit. When the large group of pirates landed from the side and back, Mao Wenjing was simply unable to organize a resistance, and almost instantly retreated.

Returning to Sheyang to gather the remaining soldiers, the strength was less than 3,000 - but let the Kou soldiers regain some morale in the Yan Huan army.

At this time, Zhang Yan realized that although the Jiangdong Left Army could easily kill and capture two or three thousand pirates in Chongzhou, the pirates who landed this time were not what the salt guards in the Yan District could deal with—Zhang Yan first summoned Mao Wenjing When he arrived in Weiyang, he scolded the **** head, and at the same time sent someone to find Liu Shidu to talk about the matter, and personally came to Chongzhou to talk to Lin Fu about the alliance.

Due to Mao Wenjing's non-cooperation, Lin Fu was also unable to keep abreast of the situation in the Yan District north of Hecheng. Two days after the incident, Liu Shidu sent someone to inform Wu Meijiu that he and Zhang Yan would come to Chongzhou for inspection, and Lin Fu learned about the details of the Huyan Army's fiasco in Dafeng.


Standing on the garrison more than six feet high, standing against the parapet, overlooking the Hecheng military fortress in the distance, Lin Bie pointed to the terrain around the military fortress, and personally introduced Zhang Yan and Liu Shidu to the offensive and defensive situation: "Even if there is no river in the river. Water, but the deep silt on the bottom of the river also forms an obstacle that restricts the rapid passage of the army. As long as the Salt and Iron Division can quickly build a strong fortress on the north bank, the situation in the salt area will not worsen..."

Zhang Yan rested his hand on the crenel to look at the terrain in the distance. He was not skilled in the military and could not see any clues. He asked Mao Wenjing: "Lord Lin said, you can do it with the troops and horses in your hands?"

Dafeng learned a lesson in the first battle, Mao Wenjing's face was ugly, and he thought: Lin Fu said it was so easy, Dafeng battle, he would not be so miserable.

He bit his head and said, "If you want to build a fortress on the north bank, you need Jiangdong Zuo Army to suppress the Kou soldiers and dare not go out and attack the fortress..."

"It doesn't matter, my Jiangdong Zuo Army is here to suppress the Kou soldiers for General Mao." Lin Fu said.

Mao Wenjing's face became even more swollen. Six days ago, he sent a letter to Lin Fu strictly prohibiting Jiangdong Zuo Army from interfering with the defense of the salt area, and also transferred the nearly one thousand crane city troops that had finally assembled. At this time, he turned around How could it be so easy to ask people to send troops?

Zhang Yan couldn't guess for a while what conditions Lin Fu had to meet before he would join forces to fight. He glanced at Liu Shidu, hoping that he could make peace on his behalf, and that the two sides would have room for change and negotiation.

Liu Shidu knew that he was going to speak for Zhang Yan at this time, to ease the stiff atmosphere, and he stroked his beard and said, "The safety of the Yan District is very important. Everyone should cooperate sincerely and tide over the difficulties together..."

"Of course," Lin Fu said with a haha, "Chongzhou assembled 5,000 soldiers and horses here, plus civilians and hard labor, and paid two or three hundred stone of rice per day, not to put on some ostentation here, of course, to want to To drive the Kou soldiers into the sea."

"The money to support the army..." Zhang Yan said, "It's easy to say, the military capital of Jiangdong Zuojun will be paid by the Yantie Division. I will first allocate 20,000 taels of silver to this side temporarily, okay?"

Lin Fu secretly said that the Secretary of Salt and Iron was really lavish, and the shot was 20,000 taels. He refused: "Although the Jiangdong Zuo Army is poor, the army and people in Chongcheng are very supportive. In the past few days, the villages have donated rice and money, and the grain has become a mountain. , Accumulating money on the car, it's barely enough to cope with the war in March and May..."

"..." Zhang Yan looked at Lin Fu and waited for him to finish speaking.

Lin Fu looked embarrassed and said, "I received an ultimatum letter from General Mao a few days ago, saying that the Jiangdong Zuo Army is the hometown army that defends the soil, and the defense area is limited to Chongzhou and Jiangkou, and it is the world's tolerance to borrow Jiangmen - since General Mao's tone is so serious, I think unless I get a letter from the Ministry of War to designate Hecheng as the defense of the Jiangdong Left Army, otherwise the cross-border expedition is really unknown..."

Mao Wenjing almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and Zhang Yan's face became extremely ugly: Lin Fu's mouth was too wide, and he even swallowed the Hecheng grassland into a defense area of ​​the Jiangdong Left Army.

Lin Fu showed his hideous minions, and Liu Shidu could only smile. At first, when he saw Lin Fu, he was a group of friendly people. How could someone be so good at talking?

"Don't Master Lin think it's too much of a deception?" Mao Wenjing said angrily.

"General Mao, what are you talking about?" Lin Fu asked in surprise, "Heaven and earth conscience, have I ever deceived anyone?"

"Hecheng Grassland is related to the plan of supplying grass and cooking salt, and there is no room for failure. Master Lin wants to designate Hecheng Grassland as a defense area for the Jiangdong Left Army. What do you want?" Zhang Yan stared at Lin Fu sadly.

"I know that the Hecheng Grassland is related to the plan of supplying grass and cooking salt, so I have to shoulder the burden of guarding against pirates." Lin Fu became serious and righteous, looked back at Zhang Yan with squinted eyes, and said sadly, "My My heart can learn from the sun and the moon. What does Master Zhang think I want to do? As usual, my hand is stretched a little longer, but for the imperial court, the situation in the Yan District is so worrying that I am not a bit worse than Master Zhang... …”

Lin Fu said it nicely, Zhang Yan naturally wouldn't believe him, but he also restrained not to make the relationship completely stiff, and said with his forehead: "It's not early, maybe it's because of the wind and cold while traveling, and it blows on this stage. I have a headache, I'll go back to the camp to rest first..." With Mao Wenjing and other subordinates descending the garrison first, Song Xiaobo was in a dilemma, seeing the wink Lin Meng gave him, he followed Zhang Yan down first.

Liu Shidu remained on the stage and said in difficulty, "Why do this, isn't it better to help each other in the same boat?" Although he is the prefect of Hailing, but in today's Chongzhou, money, grain, tax, and defense are not under the jurisdiction of Hailing. Wu Meijiu, but Wu Meijiu was also the master of the overhead in Chongzhou. He knew that his words did not carry much weight in Chongzhou and in front of Lin Fu.

"Master Liu, I'm not going to hide it from you," Lin Fu said, he knew that Liu Shidu would still be a middleman when negotiating conditions, "To be honest, I don't trust Yanzong to defend Hecheng, just as Chongzhou is the outside and inside of Hailing Mansion. , Hecheng is also the inside and outside of Chongzhou - you can't take back Hecheng for Yantiesi today, and throw it away for them tomorrow - Yantiesi can't stand the toss, I don't care, Chongzhou can't stand such a toss!"

"Don't you want to protect the Song Governor? It seems that the responsibility for the loss of Hecheng should not be mentioned." Liu Shidu said earnestly.

"That's just in front of you, old sir, to say this from the bottom of your heart," Lin Fu said, "Isn't Mao Wenjing defeated in Dafeng? Song Xiaobo still has some military exploits!"

dig your heart out? Liu Shidu sneered in his heart, and secretly thought that Song Xiaobo was fat like a pig. You didn't give him military merit because of it? With a serious expression, he said: "The Lianghuai Salt District needs to get seven or eight million grasses from Hecheng every year. The burden is so heavy, and it is about Wusha. It is no wonder that Mr. Zhang dare not easily entrust others. You have to understand him. …”

"This is really strange," Lin Fu asked with a smile. "Since Yan Tie Si can't trust the Jiangdong Zuo Army to defend Hecheng, why should he ask me to send troops to help? Do you want me to guarantee the number of grasses provided by the Crane City Grass Field each year to feel at ease?"

No matter what he wanted to do behind his back, he would never admit it, Lin Fu looked aggrieved, and said angrily to Cao Zi'ang, "I passed my order, and the eight hundred elites from Fengli Bu Battalion will immediately leave the camp and return to Chongcheng. For garrisoning, the township soldiers and the people are brave enough to choose the best, and keep 40% of the garrison..."

Lin Fu reduced the strength of the troops here during the war~www.wuxiamtl.com~ only three out of five, leaving only 2,000 soldiers bravely guarding the garrison. With the reputation of the Jiangdong Left Army, it can also prevent the Kou soldiers from entering Chongzhou westward, but the crane It is also an objective fact that the pressure on the city pirates has been greatly reduced, and the situation in the northern Yan District is even less optimistic - Liu Shidu sighed slightly, and secretly said: Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan, it's not that I won't help you, who made you have a pigtail to be arrested by others In his hand, he said to Lin Fu, "Don't rush to withdraw for the time being, I'll discuss with Master Zhang again."

"Fengli Ying's withdrawal to Chongcheng is something I decided a long time ago, and has nothing to do with the coalition's discussion... In a short period of time, the Kou soldiers would not dare to go out and attack the fortress so that the Yan Tie Division could build a fort on the north bank, and Feng Li Ying was not here. It can be done." Lin Fu said, motioning for Cao Zi'ang to pass the military order.

Liu Shidu didn't believe Lin Fu's nonsense. Since Lin Fu had laid out all the conditions, he could only spread the word. It all depends on Zhang Yan's decision. He said goodbye for now and went to Lin Fu to find Zhang Yan for their temporary camp nearby. .

Watching Liu Shidu and Wu Mei go down for a long time, Lin Fucai restrained his businessman appearance, and his expression became cold.

Lin Mengde clapped his hands and chuckled, and said, "With such a good opportunity, how long will it take if the Salt and Iron Division does not extort that the Hecheng Grassland will be included in the defense zone of the Jiangdong Zuo Army?"

"As far as the military layout is concerned, it is in line with the principle of defense strategy that the Hecheng grassland is included in the defense zone of the Jiangdong Left Army," Lin Fu sighed slightly, "It's just that everyone's concept of territory is too deep..."

"Do you think Zhang Yan will enter the Internet?" Lin Mengde asked again.

"Unless he has the ability to solve the current crisis in the Tiyan District without the help of my Jiangdong Zuo Army." Lin Fu said, even if the Hecheng Grassland was designated as the Jiangdong Zuo Army's defense area, he would not be able to openly reclaim the grain fields, but he must To complete the layout of the periphery of Chongzhou, Hecheng Port is an indispensable part. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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