Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 97: Allied troops refuse to invade

(First update, ask for a red ticket.)

On the 23rd, a large number of pirate ships took advantage of the east wind at night, grabbed the estuary, entered the shallow waters of Dongtan, and went to aid the remnant pirates in Hecheng. The Jinghai battalion stationed at Jiangmen was unable to intercept them in time, resulting in an increase of 4,000 or 5,000 Kou soldiers assembled at the Hecheng Army Fortress—the situation in Chonghuai suddenly became tense again.

At the end of September, the grains of the paddy will fall, and it will be ready for harvest in ten days and a half. Both sides of the Yunyan River are golden in autumn, and the road is sandwiched between the rice fields, winding south.

After several rides to the south, Lin Bie walked slowly, looking at the scenery of the coastal grassland, and the sunset was also golden.

Lin Mengde, who came over from Jiuhua, saw Lin Bie on the north bank embankment, galloped across the dam to meet him, and asked, "How do people from eastern Zhejiang view the Chongzhou war?"

"The visitor is a serious person. He did not despise the Kou soldiers because of the victory in Chongzhou," Cao Zi'ang said. "However, Zhedong will still make some moves. It's just a matter of the size of the moves. Maybe the Zhedong messenger can make a decision..."

"The four prefectures of Ming, Jia, Hui, and Hu are the quintessence of the wealthy and prosperous of the two Zhejiang provinces. They have been ruined. The taxes in the two Zhejiang provinces have been reduced by seven or eight. Especially able to understand the pressure brought by the sudden drop in wealth, he sighed slightly.

Lin Fu looked into the distance, looked at the distant horses, and didn't say much.

The few cavalry that went away were officials sent by the two Zhejiang admirals to Chongzhou to observe the movements of the East China Sea bandits on the northern front.

Although in the past few days, the Kou soldiers have often left Saibao to enter the north, attacked the Huainan salt field, and attacked Yanpu, Qingjiangpu and Tinghu (affiliated to Huaian Prefecture) and other counties, but the defense line in the north of Chongzhou is as solid as a rock and as stable as Mount Tai. The people from eastern Zhejiang have a serious attitude and no frivolity, so Lin Fu felt a little more at ease. He looked at the Hecheng military fortress under the sunset in the distance, thinking that the luxury flying tiger had left Jiangning for eight days, and he wondered if he had sneaked into Hecheng. The military fortress secretly presided over the affairs of the northern line of the East China Sea bandits.

Lin Fu is not worried about the situation in Chongzhou. There are great victories ahead, and the morale of the army and the people is high. The military orders and government orders he passed in Chongzhou are all accessible, and the number of conscripts and ships far exceeds the original plan. As long as Chongzhou's war resources can be mobilized more thoroughly, the East China Sea bandits will double their troops in Hecheng, and Lin Fu is also confident that Chongzhou will be defended like an iron barrel.

Lin Fu is worried about the eastern Zhejiang where the extravagant family is plotting, the Huai Shang where hundreds of thousands of rogues gather, the Yellow River embankment in Jinan where 300,000 people are working hard, and the eastern prisoners who are about to be detained again. Coming to Chongzhou is just extravagant. As long as Quan Ciqing and the soldiers from Liangzhe County who gathered in eastern Zhejiang suffer great losses, the She family is likely to raise the flag of treason again.

Among the five tigers in East Fujian, Zang Mingxin died of a sudden illness just after the age of innocence, Lu Jingyan died in Jinan, Chen Zhihu served as the admiral of Datong Town, Dong Yuan went to Weiyang, only Yu Wangao stayed in Dongmin, served as the admiral and governed East Fujian Military affairs, however, the 100,000 elites at the beginning of the war are less than 20,000 in East Fujian - as long as the East China Sea bandits can control the prosperous East Zhejiang, the southern Zhejiang and the Taiwen prefectures are sandwiched between the east Zhejiang and the northern Fujian. , the luxury family will have no more worries if they raise the flag of treason.


Several cavalry came along the road on the south bank of the river, and the first cavalry was the close follower of Wu Meijiu, the magistrate of the county. Take a rest, and after a while, you can rush over to inspect the military situation..." He didn't explicitly say that Lin Fu would rush to meet him.

Lin Mengde came only a moment earlier than Liu Shidu and Zhang Yan, and they met on the road; Wu Meijiu sent someone to announce again, his mind was clear, and he hoped that Lin Fu would welcome him from afar and give Liu Shixi and Zhang Yan a face.

Liu Shidu was the prefect of Hailing Prefecture who only took office in the early spring of this year, but he did not also serve as a military officer.

Zhang Yan used to be a minister of the province before he released salt and iron envoys outside—inner ministers who can be put in charge outside the office are almost always the emperor’s confidants and close followers—in any case, Liu Shidu and Zhang Yan, these two characters, Lin Fu can’t be neglected.

Lin Fu hesitated for the blink of an eye, and said to Cao Zi'ang and Lin Mengde, "Let's go meet him!" Ao Canghai ordered more than a hundred cavalry guards and then escorted him.

Although the administrative office of Weiyang Salt Tie Si is also in Weiyang Mansion City, they are two yamen that have absolutely nothing to do with Weiyang Mansion. To be higher.

Weiyang Salt and Iron Division was originally under the supervision of Shaofu, one of the nine ministers, and was later incorporated into the Ministry of Households. When Qingyu was restructured, Weiyang Salt and Iron Division and Changlu Salt and Iron Division were independent from the Ministry of Households, and they were elected from the province to serve as envoys of salt and iron.

According to the system of salt and iron monopoly, the households under the jurisdiction of the Lianghuai Salt Plants decoct sea-boiled salt, transport it to Weiyang at a price of ten yuan per bucket and pay it to the salt and iron company. Selling wherever they go, it is forbidden for all counties to collect salt taxes to ensure the smooth flow of official salt. With this system, the salt produced by the Lianghuai Salt and Iron has an annual profit of two million taels of silver.

In order to protect the profit of salt, Weiyang Salt and Iron Company has set up four salt fields in Lianghuai, with ten supervisory divisions for grass storage, salt storage, transportation, and salt sales. Thirteen inspection institutes are also set up to preside over salt affairs and prohibit illicit salt. The commander of Huyan, who is in charge of the salt soldiers, is an unusually large yamen. Liu Yan's authority is not weaker than that of the county chief, and it is not comparable to Dong Yuan.


Lin Fu led Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde, Ao Canghai and others, surrounded by guards, and drove their horses to Changsang to meet Liu Shidu and Zhang Yan.

The Yanyun River dammed on both sides has dried up and there is no water. There is a bamboo pavilion on the south bank near the river embankment. Zhang Yan and Liu Shidu's carriages and horses parked around the bamboo pavilion. Zhang Yan, Liu Shidu, Wu Meijiu, Song Xiaobo and others stood on the river embankment. Watching the dry canal salt river water pointing.

Zhang Yan was about 40 years old, with a white face and no beard, except that he had no beard, he was no different from a normal man. He wore a crimson official robe, and his bearing was quite extraordinary. Liu Shidu is in his sixtieth year. His beard is three or four inches long under his chin.

"The Jinghai Commander Lin Fu has seen Master Zhang and Master Liu..." Lin Fu was wearing armor and walked to the bamboo pavilion, but it was the courtesy of civil servants for Zhang Yan and Liu Shidu.

"Sir Lin is very polite," Zhang Yan squinted at Lin Fu, and reached out to him and entered the bamboo pavilion to speak. Lin Fu's official was only at the sixth rank, but the rank was good enough to wear clothes, and he had the title of nobility, so he should not be taken lightly. Besides, he came here for a request, and pointed to a military general beside him to introduce him to Lin Fu, "Mao Duwei is the captain of the Zuo Huyan of our company, I heard that you have exchanged letters before, but you haven't met before, right? ?"

Mao Wenjing was a military commander of the fourth rank, but military attachés were always lower than civil officials.

Lin Fu bowed his hands to Mao Wenjing and called out, "It turned out to be General Mao, I have admired him for a long time." But he glanced at Song Xiaobo, and seeing that his face was still normal, he knew that Wang Chengfu's advice had come to this moment. Haven't gone off yet.

Mao Wenjing's attitude towards Lin Fu was even more indifferent.

Although Jiangdong's taxation is the highest in the world, it is less than half of Jianghuai's salt profits.

After the fall of the Hecheng army fortress, Song Xiaobo sought refuge in Chongzhou, and Lin Fu was able to gather the fallen army in Hecheng. Lin Fu intends to join forces with the Salt and Iron Division to retake the Hecheng Army Fortress. He once sent a messenger to contact Mao Wenjing, the captain of the Zuo Huyan Salt District in charge of the Huainan Salt District, but he did not receive a positive response.

Although the raid by the bandits made the Huainan Salt Field's defense area from Qingjiangpu to the south almost smashed in the middle of the day and night, but the victory of Chongzhou came too fast, and the bandits who invaded Sheyang in the north had not had time to start. The south contracted, and the army in Hecheng was waiting for help. Mao Wenjing was able to lead his troops to restore the line of defense easily—perhaps because it was too easy, maybe it was Song Xiaobo who sought shelter from Lin Fu and passed the crime of losing the city to several of Mao Wenjing’s confidants. Because of the above reasons, Mao Wenjing disdained Lin Fu's suggestion of coalition troops, and even transferred all the nearly 1,000 crane city troops who had finally assembled in Chongzhou on the 22nd, and rudely banned him. Jiangdong Zuo Army entered the Hecheng defense zone to fight~www.wuxiamtl.com~ On the 23rd, after the remnants of Hecheng were reinforced, they did not dare to invade Chongzhou from the west, but they were able to go north to collect food resources.

On the 25th, Mao Wenjing led his troops to fight against the Kou soldiers in Dafeng, and they were taken back, and they were defeated and fled back to Sheyang.

Liu Shidu came to Chongzhou at the invitation of Zhang Yan. After all, Liu Shidu was nominally Lin Fu's boss, and if Zhang Yan came to talk about the joint forces, he might be closed.

Seeing that Lin Fu and Mao Wenjing did not get along well, Zhang Yan smiled and said: "This official returned to Beijing to report his duties last spring, and had a talk with Master Hao at night. Master Hao praised the governor Lin as the pillar of the country. I have only met with Director Lin today because of the troubled affairs. If I really saw the real person, I would know more about the style..."

Lin Fu did not have the general knowledge of generals like Mao Wenjing, and smiled with Zhang Yan: "Master Zhang is too famous, Lin is only loyal to the court, and by chance, he has made some achievements by chance - Master Zhang is sparse salt for the court. Profits, although not obvious, are really the great merits of the Sheji.”

Liu Shidu smiled beside him and said, "You two of you are praising me, but you will embarrass the old and useless old man!" Liu Shidu had a good relationship with Zhang Yan when he was in Beijing. He was old and Lin Fu's boss. Just kidding, it didn't feel awkward.

After the greeting, Lin Fu asked Zhang Yan and Liu Shidu to continue on the road eastward to the garrison to inspect the defense.

The defenders of the west garrison of Hecheng were mainly composed of Fengli Infantry Camp, Chongcheng Infantry Camp, and Cavalry Camp, accompanied by Minyong Township Soldiers, with a strength of up to 5,000 people. The dam is connected, and the army is cold. Zhang Yan inspected the defense of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, looked at Lin Fu's profile, and secretly said: Maybe after the battles in Yannan, there are still people who think this son is just more lucky than others, but he can't do it again and again. Pick up **** luck. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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