Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 69: Jiangmen Island

Chen Mingzhe rode up the river bank and looked north at the mouth of the Dongjiang River. It was quite a coincidence that Lin Fu was separated from Chen Mingzhe by a river at this time, and he was on Jiangmen Island, which was close to the north bank of the river.

At the mouth of the Yangtze River, sandbars and sand islands are mostly close to the north shore. Whether it is Xisha Island, a big island more than a hundred miles in Zhouguang, or Jiangmen Island, a small island a few miles away, it is 20 to 30 miles away from the south bank, but only one or two miles away from the north bank. , and with the increasingly serious silting, there is a tendency to connect with the land.

People in the world are puzzled by this geographical phenomenon, but Lin Bie, who has certain geographical knowledge in later generations, knows that this geographical phenomenon is related to the rotation of the earth. Due to the rotation of the earth, when the Yangtze River flows into the sea, it generates a southward deflection force, which has a stronger scour force on the south bank of the estuary, making the north bank more prone to silting.

This natural phenomenon cannot be observed with the naked eye, but in decades or even hundreds of years, people will find that the estuary waterway is slowly moving southward, and the sandbars and sand islands appearing on the north bank are integrated with the land. , the speed of land formation is much higher than that of the south bank.

The whole process of Hailing Mansion becoming a land is generally like this, but it only took thousands of years. About six or seven hundred years ago, Chongzhou County basically became a land, and the Hecheng grassland took a slower time to form a land. It was basically a land in the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it was also a large tidal flat in the early years.

Jiangmen Island is located on a small island in Jiangkouzi, facing the estuary where the Dongjiang River merges into the Yangtze River. To say the gateway to Chongzhou, Jiangmen Island, 60 kilometers east of Xisha Island, is the real gateway to Chongzhou. The grasslands are only four or five hundred paces apart.

Lin Fu got off his horse, squatted down and grabbed a handful of sand, put it to his mouth and licked it, and said to Chang Sun Geng behind him, "This soil has no alkaline smell, and it is different from the beach in the north. Cattle and mules!"

For a long time, Changsun Geng and Lin Fu have long since wiped out the habits of scholars, neglecting poetry and prose, and devoting themselves to farming and craftsmanship all day long. Hearing Lin Fu say that grass can be grown here, Changsun Geng also squatted down and grabbed a handful of sand to taste, nodded and said, "Although the ground is thinner, it is still possible to grow grass... There are a dozen or two dozen per day. The prisoners are sent here, and it is feasible to set up a prison guard on Jiangmen Island to grow grass and raise cattle and horses, but we must not neglect precautions, and the prison guards may be insufficient." He held the slightly turbid river water in his hands and rinsed the mud and sand in his mouth. I didn't feel that doing this would be a fall for the status of a scholar, so I squatted on the river beach and discussed with Lin Fu about setting up a prison chief.

Whether the prison city was built or not, the county magistrates of the six southeastern counties did not care. After the court officially issued a statement, they escorted the exiled prisoners who had decided the case one after another. The flood season has just passed, and the number of exiles in Xisha Island and their accompanying family members has exceeded 100, and the number is increasing every day. At this time, it is a troubled and chaotic autumn, and there are many people who take risks. It is Jiangdong County. Thousands of new offenders were sentenced to heavy punishments of more than exile, which is really not surprising.

According to the system, exile or hard labor or conscription in the army range from three to ten years. Parents and children can accompany them or stay in the hometown, but wives and concubines must accompany them.

Jiangkou Prison City is going to take in felons from the six southeastern counties. Even if only half of them are accepted, the size of Jiangkou Prison City will rapidly expand to as many as 30,000 to 50,000 people in two to three years, which is far from the previous prison island.

The surrounding area of ​​Jiangmen Island is only eight miles away, and all the land is counted, but it is only more than 2,000 acres. It may be enough to build a large prison with 30,000 to 50,000 people, but Lin Fu only got 50,000 taels from the county chief. Silver, it's barely enough to build a prison city, but he can't keep these exiles in vain.

Jiangmen Island is just a smoke bomb released by Lin Fu's construction of a prison city. After all, in the writing of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Court of Justice, a prison city must be formally built for everyone to see.

Lin Fu's real goal is the Hecheng Grassland on the north bank, but at this time, the Hecheng Grassland belongs to the Weiyang Salt and Iron Company, and provides the necessary forage for the Lianghuai Salt Field to fry the sea and boil the salt. The prison city was built within the scope of the Crane City pasture, so as not to cause unnecessary worries among some officials in the DPRK and China.

The salt tax of 2 million taels of silver that the Weiyang Salt and Iron Company loses every year is almost the * of the Dayue Dynasty. If anyone dares to touch this, a large group of people will jump out.

Some things are never done.

"Let's go to the north bank to see..." Lin Fu clapped his hands, patted off the sand on his hands, took a car and boat parked by the water, and headed for the north bank. The river between the north bank is actually very shallow. In winter, when the water is shallow, there will be a large river beach on the north bank of Jiangmen Island. The shallow water separated from the north bank is only two or three hundred steps wide. The big ship could not stop at Jiangmen Island, so Lin Bie could only change to a small car to inspect the island.

On the north bank is a settlement in Hecheng Grassland. There are about a hundred grassland households and a team of salt soldiers stationed here. However, people can only see the grass and trees on the bank from the river, but there are no houses and courtyards. If it wasn't for the map obtained from the Tsurucheng Division, outsiders would never have imagined that there was a settlement behind Jiang'an.

There are seven or eight broken grass boats towed to the river beach, and a dozen men in ragged clothes are making up the boats on the river beach. Go to the salt pans to the north.

The Jinhai, which is more than 20 feet long, is parked in the middle of the river. There is also a Jinhai-class warship, three Jiyun-class warships, and a different number of sea loach ships, Cangshan ships, squat ships, and wings. The ship is surrounded to form a magnificent water-based fleet, which has a huge impact on the Caochang households who live almost every other generation.

They worked unintentionally, and watched vigilantly as the fleet released several boats to Jiangmen Island, and then crossed the river to come to them in a moment. There was a group of cavalry crowded over, and it seemed that they were in the same group as the fleet in the river. These men were stunned and knew that there was no escape. Seeing that the fleet and cavalry looked like officers and soldiers, they had to send someone over to inform Wang Qitou first.

More than a dozen Yan Ding came first with their weapons, watched the fleet stop in the middle of the river and did not come to the shore, the cavalry stopped far away, did not approach, watched a few small boats approaching here, the cavalry came to meet, They hurriedly went to Duting courtyard to pull out the flag head who had been drunk all day.

"We are all poor ghosts. The pirates came ashore to robbery because they were sick last time. Fortunately, grandpa ran fast with your feet and there was no damage. What did you drag grandpa out for at this time?" The servant dragged himself off the cool couch, quite dissatisfied, stumbling over from the path, cursing and swearing. When he saw the cavalry, he was also startled in a cold sweat and sobered up a bit. Coming from the east, there is almost no road. It is a wasteland overgrown with weeds and bushes. It is easy to understand that the fleet of cavalry has taken so much effort to travel by land. What is the need to use delicate cavalry to explore the way in the wilderness? He knew the characters, and although the boat was far away, he couldn't see the big characters on the flag, but he could distinguish the shape and color of the flag clearly. Yes, they are officers and soldiers! It seems that you have a lot of background. You all follow the rules and follow me to say hello, don't talk too much, don't wait for the whip, I blame grandpa for not reminding you in advance. "

When the boat came ashore, Lin Bing jumped off the boat, stepped on the soft sand, and stepped ashore. Looking at the flag head who came to greet him, he asked, "Isn't there a **** in charge of Jiangmen Duting? Where did the others go?"

"Report to your lord, Wang Dutou has gone to the Hecheng Division these days, and the young Wang Chengfu is a banner head..." Wang Chengfu kowtowed to greet him, not to mention the fleet of ships parked in the middle of the river, the cavalry on the shore approached, two More than 100 people are brave and strong, murderous, and the officer who asks the question supports and protects them. He wears the crimson official robes that can only be worn by courtiers above the fifth rank. He does not dare to ask Lin Bie's purpose.

"I'm Lin Fu, the governor of Jinghai, and I'm here to patrol the river," Lin Fu said. "Since the head of the capital is not here, it's the same for you to ask some things..."

Lin Fu reported his name, and Wang Chengfu was also shocked. He looked up at Lin Fu subconsciously, and then realized that it was extremely rude. He was shocked and sweated, and hurriedly knocked his head on the soft sand: "Little Ren Wang Chengfu pays homage to the famous Commander-in-Chief, and in this life, I have witnessed the look of the Commander-in-Chief, and I am truly fortunate in this life. What kind of instructions the Lord has, the villain knows all about it."

Lin Fu saw that the banner head in front of him was about forty years old. He looked black, thin and shriveled. He was only wearing half a soldier's uniform, and he didn't have a saber around his waist. He was probably too troublesome and full of alcohol. I think he drank a lot at noon. The wine was not drunk yet, but he spoke as if he had read a book. Apart from Wang Chengfu's disrespectful appearance, the dozen or so salt cubes surrounding him still had some energy, not as loose and loose as ordinary soldiers. The men in the surrounding grasslands were all tattered, but their bodies were still strong, and life was not as hard as it seemed on the surface.

Lin Fu sat down on the sand ridge, patted the grass in front of him, and said to Wang Chengfu, "You also sit down and talk to me," and asked with interest, "You've read books, why are you here as a flag head? ?"

"Just kneel down and answer," Wang Chengfu replied respectfully, "The villain read books in his early years and committed crimes in his hometown. Be a second-in-command..."

"What did you do? How many years have you been in the army? How many years have you been in Hecheng Grassland?" Lin Fu asked, not so good for Wang Chengfu to be vague.

Even if Wang Chengfu was unwilling to answer this question, he had to answer truthfully. He knew that Lin Fu could easily transfer to his dossier. He replied, "The villain is from Fengcheng, West Qin. He committed rape/prostitution. He won fame and barely saved his life. He has been in the pasture of Hecheng for eight years..."

Xiqin sentenced Liuhecheng pasture into the army, and Lin Fu did not ask Wang Chengfu what kind of rape/prostitution he committed. The world is tolerant of men, and those who have made a name for themselves in the crime of adultery or adultery were sentenced to assassination and eternal charge. Lin Bie stared at Wang Chengfu for a closer look. There were tattoos on his cheeks, but it was not so obvious as time passed. His actual age should be much younger than he looked. Drunk to live - these days, even if the wine is a private brew, it is a luxury. Even if this Wang Chengfu cannot be overwhelmed by the punishment of Yong Chong, he should be a person. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Lin Fuming chose to build a prison city on Jiangmen Island on the surface, but he actually set his sights on this land on the north bank. The Yantiesi also established a relationship, and the relevant people would pretend to be deaf and mute, but Lin Fu was afraid When I meet someone who understands below, I can't cover things up, and I shouldn't be cautious about this Wang Chengfu.

Lin Fu looked at Wang Chengfu and said with a smile, "Smelling the aroma of the wine, I want to come to Duting Courtyard to have some good wine, won't Wang Qitou mind giving me a cup?"

Wang Chengfu's face changed slightly, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

There is a vast range of pastures, and no one knows about reclaiming a piece of land to plant some rice, wheat, and fruit trees. Even if the supervisor who came to inspect accidentally bumped into it, as long as enough fodder is handed in on time every year, everything else will be turned a blind eye. One eye, and even get a piece of the pie from here.

It has been six years since Wang Chengfu came to Duting, Jiangmen. In the second year since he came, he has set up a private land to grow grain, and began to brew and drink by himself. Well, the days are also happy.

Private brewing is a serious crime, and Wang Chengfu is already an assassin. If Lin Fu is serious with him on this matter, even if Wang Chengfu is an accomplice, it will be a sentence of execution.

Wang Chengfu couldn't figure out the purpose of Lin Fu's visit. He heard that he was passing by Xunjiang and asked for a drink. It sounded harmless. fish meat. If Lin Fu was a greedy person, it would be fine, but he would be exploited a little bit. If Lin Fu was a clean and honest official who was determined to pursue a career, Wang Chengfu would be worried about his head.

Lin Fu peeked at the path and walked towards the Duting Courtyard. Wang Chengfu was apprehensive, but he didn't dare to stop it. Lin Fu is a high-ranking official from the fifth rank, and he is just a perpetually stabbed outlaw. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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