Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 68: village soldier

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Strengthening the water camp in Ninghai Town and Jiangning water camp, watching Jiangning House allocate one-third of the money, Wang Tian was even more worried about how to raise the remaining two-thirds of the money shared by the Xuanfu Envoy.

Don't look at the other nine prefectures in Jiangdong County except Jiangning, but the power of the prefectures and counties is growing, especially since the local army has been established since the establishment of the township army. The exploitation of the envoy. Xu locals built their own township army to keep the people safe. At this time, it seemed that it was actually a bad start, and the situation of the local army's separatism was becoming more and more serious. However, there were frequent bandits in various places, and the imperial court was unable to annihilate them. Xu local support of troops was also a last resort or a way to quench thirst.

Weiyang Mansion and Pingjiang Mansion themselves are richer than Jiangning Mansion, but they still refuse to pay one tael more.

In Weiyang Mansion, Dong Yuan privately expanded the army of the township to more than 8,000 troops, and called himself the Ruifeng Army.

Liu An'er revolted in Hongzepu. Although there were nearly 10,000 town troops and Weiyang Salt and Iron Division Yanding in Weiyang Mansion, it was Dong Yuan's Ruifeng Army formed in Weiyang Mansion who really fought off the rogues outside the country.

The Ruifeng Army pays 200,000 taels of silver every year, and it is all raised from the Weiyang House.

When Li Zhuo was in Jiangning, Dong Yuan cooperated with everything, and when Li Zhuo left Jiangning, the county secretary should not think about getting a tael of silver from Weiyang Mansion.

After Lin Shui led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to settle in Chongzhou, the East China Sea pirates never crossed the central line of Jiangkou and headed north, but they entered Mingzhou, Jiahang and Pingjiang more and more frequently.

Although there are nearly 10,000 people stationed in the Ninghai Zhenzhoubu Battalion in Pingjiang Prefecture, but the township army is weak and has been defeated repeatedly, or has not dared to fight. Pingjiang Prefecture has to expand the township army on a large scale. At this stage, Pingjiang Prefecture has the largest township army, with a total of more than 20,000 people. However, Pingjiang Prefecture has the name of supervising soldiers and preparing for affairs. In fact, the township army in Pingjiang Prefecture is controlled by the nobles of each county, and the names are also disordered. There are Bainao Army, Hufeng Camp, Haiyu Township Camp, and Ji Yang Yiyong has privately appointed generals, ranging from hundreds to thousands of people. Without a unified command, they can only defend their own territory and fight for each other, and they cannot effectively curb the infiltration and invasion of East China Sea bandits.

Such a large-scale township army and East China Sea bandits frequently entered the bandit. Although Pingjiang Prefecture claimed to be the richest in the world, there was actually no money left for the county governor to exploit.

After thinking about it, Wang Tian couldn't think of a way to raise an extra 100,000 yuan every year. He secretly thought: Do you want to learn from Lin Fu to deal with the monasteries in Jiangdong County? Wang Tian also knows that the monastery is a big piece of fat. So far, no one knows how much Lin Fu has made to clear the monastic forces in Chongzhou through the bandit case, but it is definitely not a small amount. Or find a big family to start with? Gu Wuchen ruined his family, not only fattening his own family, but also making the Dongyang Township Party rise up in Jiangning. The fundraising within the Dongyang Township Party alone supported half of Dongyang Township's military needs.

Wang Tian has been thinking about it, but he has no plan. It is not a simple matter to raise an extra 100,000 taels of silver in the prosperous Jiangdong County. The most fundamental reason is that the control over the place is getting weaker and weaker.


After Du Rong's death in Taihu Lake, there was no one who could replace Du Rong to take over Qingfenghang's main hall. In addition, Jiangdong County's increasing vigilance and vigilance against Qingfenghang also limited The normal business of Qingfenghang, the courtyard of the main hall of Qingfenghang was left in the cold.

"I want to leave Jiangning..." She Feihu said resolutely, sitting at the stone table under the ancient locust tree.

Qin Zitan can understand She Feihu's mood. Now they are like beasts trapped in a cage in Jiangning. Although they have fangs and claws, they can't play any role, but where will they go after leaving Jiangning?

The eldest son is always at sea. If they go back to Jin'an, will the eldest son be suspicious?

After the Chongzhou assassination failed, She Feihu's temperament became more and more gloomy, making it difficult to see. Qin Zitan sometimes couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Leaving Jiangning, he was quite determined, and he didn't know how to respond to his words for a while.

Seeing that Qin Zitan was silent, She Feihu looked up at him and said, "You make arrangements, I plan to go to Changguo to meet my elder brother..."

"Okay," Qin Zitan replied, "but it's not easy to go to sea at this time, the young master must be patient and let his subordinates make arrangements."

"It has come to this point, I still have the patience." She Feihu said in a low voice.


Haiyu County is located in the northeast corner of Pingjiang Prefecture, facing the Yangtze River in the north and the East China Sea in the east.

Haiyu County and Chongzhou face each other across the river. The water surface at the mouth of the river is extra narrow. During the dry season, it is often 30 to 40 miles wide. Also due to the existence of the Yangtze River gorge, Haiyu has close contact with the surrounding counties of Tinghu, Jinhu and Jiyang, and has little contact with Chongzhou County across the river.

The Haiyu Chen Clan has been an official for many generations. Last year, the Chen Clan came out as the champion of the emperor's disciple, and his prestige has soared. The Chen family is an aristocratic family of officials, but they have managed silkworms for generations and are the largest and most powerful silk merchants in Haiyu. The mulberry garden owned by the Chen family in Yudong spans more than 2,000 hectares, and the family has a wealth of one million yuan. When they built Yucheng in the sea ten years ago, the Chen family donated 50,000 taels of silver.

Pingjiang Prefecture is rich and prosperous all over the world, but the Chen family does not dare to be the first clan in Pingjiang Prefecture, but it is the first clan of Haiyu County.

Since Haiyu County is close to the East China Sea, the Shengsi Islands to the east of Haiyu have been a pirate's den for decades before the East China Sea pirates infiltrated the She family. Destroying this group, every few years, it will be occupied by new pirates, and it has not been cut off for sixty or seventy years. Haiyu County has been invaded by pirates for decades, and the township has a strong sense of burglary. The city and township fortresses and buildings have been repaired and rectified. In the early years, there was a relatively strict organization of township soldiers. The main factor for the slight loss in Yuxian County.

The scattered and unintegrated East Sea bandits cannot pose too much threat to Haiyu County.

The Chen family building built by the Chen family in Yudong has as many as four perimeters, with a thousand houses inside, and a circumference of more than 400 zhang, which is even easier to defend and difficult to attack than ordinary fortresses. Long before the imperial court opened the door to allow local military preparations, there were as many as a thousand soldiers in Zhihu Township under the control of the Chen family. Although the Zhihu township soldiers in Haiyu County in the early years were still the township soldiers who were usually produced, trained in leisure time, and assembled in wartime, but because they often fought against pirates, they were also considered brave and good at fighting among the township soldiers.

The court opened its mouth and allowed the localities to build their own armaments, especially after the East Sea bandits infiltrated the She family, and their power rose sharply. On the basis of the foundation, a standing army was established. It was called Haiyu Township Battalion. There were more than 5,000 soldiers and hundreds of warships. Because the Chen family and other Haiyu clans had a lot of money, Haiyu Township Battalion was the most powerful in Pingjiang Prefecture. A strong country soldier.

Chen Mingzhe held the reins in his hand and pulled his horse to slow down on the river embankment. This is the Jiangkouzi where the Dongjiang joins the Yangtze River, and ten miles to the east, it is beyond the boundary between the river and the sea. East China Sea pirates from the Shengsi Islands often enter the Dongjiang River to invade the hinterland of Haiyu. Since the establishment of the Haiyu Township Camp, the Dongjiangkou has been the focus of defense.

Chen Huazhang's younger brother, Chen Huazhang, the head of the Chen family, served as the chief of Haiyu County, and later served as the governor of Haiyu County as the county chief. Last autumn, when the East China Sea invaders invaded Taihu Lake, Chen Huawen presided over the defense of Haiyu and won several battles. When the East China Sea invaders landed in large numbers, he defended the city of Haiyu and gained quite a reputation in Haiyu.

When the Haiyu Township Battalion was established, the Chen family assumed almost half of the military resources, and Chen Huawen logically obtained the control over the Haiyu Township Battalion.

Gu Wuchen designed the Qu family, implicated Chen Xiyan, and was forced to submit an apology form. Although Chen Mingzhe had the title of champion, he was helpless in Yanjing, so he took leave of absence to return to his hometown to get married and left Yanjing. land. When he first returned to Jiangdong, Chen Mingzhe wandered in Jiangning, contacting Wu Party officials and scholars, hoping to find a shortcut to the rise of Wu Party.

After Donglu broke into the bandits, Lin Fu led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to the north to the King of Qin~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to make a fortune in Yannan and become famous.

Even after the split between Zhang Xie and Tang Haoxin, the Chu Party's position in the court and opposition has become increasingly stable. The Western Qin Party seems to have a revival trend after Li Zhuo's appointment as the Minister of War, but there is absolutely no chance for the Wu Party. After Yue Lengqiu arrived in Jiangdong, while suppressing Gu Wuchen, he also did not forget to suppress the Wu Party headed by Yu Xinyuan. Chen Mingzhe was disappointed, and the East China Sea bandits were becoming more and more rampant, so he imitated Lin Fu and abandoned his pen and joined the army. Return to Hai Yu to assist the younger uncle Chen Huawen to act as military affairs.

Although Chen Mingzhe did not hold an official position, he was, after all, a protege of the Son of Heaven known all over the world, and even a household name in Pingjiang Prefecture. He returned to Haiyu to join the township camp, which immediately made the Chen family's position in the township camp as solid as a rock, and the morale of the township camp's generals was also quite boosted, and successively repelled several invasions by the East China Sea bandits, which made Haiyu County suffer from the Xiaqiu. The losses were far less than the Tinghu counties to the south.

Even when Chen Mingche joined the army, he was dressed as a scholar, wearing a lake-blue shirt, riding on a horse and overlooking the river. Chongzhou Zilang Mountain is a hundred miles to the northwest. Watching the Taotao River passing east, Chen Mingzhe couldn't help thinking about Lin Fu's recent actions in Chongzhou: What exactly does he want to do? In this eventful and chaotic autumn, can the precarious Yuan Dynasty get rid of the current crisis and restore governance?

Chen Mingzhe, a young man with a great name and a high family background, is naturally very proud and arrogant, but after gaining the greatest fame, he has suffered repeated setbacks and has to be pragmatic in everything. He is eager for the emperor to move to Jiangning. If Yuanshi wants to gain a firm foothold in Jiangdong, he must rely on the Wu Party, which has power all over Jiangdong. Naturally, the Wu Party can also gain the advantage of competing with the Chu Party all at once, Chen Mingzhe thought to himself. When the time comes, you will naturally be able to gain the reuse of the court. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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