Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 46: Control field

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Xiao Baiming saw Lin Bie's small smile rising from the corner of his mouth, he felt a chill down his spine and fear in his heart. Seeing Lin Bie's casual fingers tap lightly on the scabbard of the saber, he also lost his mind, thinking in his heart. Lin Fu just wanted to drive them to Chongzhou, so he would give Chongzhou to him. Staying in the eyelids of such a person, he might die one day without even dying.

"Mr. Li is a little understated," Chen Leibao retorted Li Shutang, and then remembered that he wanted to raise his hand to ask to speak. Lin Bie couldn't blame him for breaking the rules, and the play was going to continue, so he motioned him to continue talking, anyway, others would also There would be no objection, Chen Lei stood up and said, "I also know that there is a difference between the monastery and the monastery, but it would be a bit far-fetched to say that the owner of the monastery sent the property to the monastery in order to worship the Buddha sincerely. According to me, Sending fields is actually a field for fleeing grains. These fields should have paid grains for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to defend against thieves, but in fact they escaped grains, leaving Chongzhou with no salary to support soldiers and no funds to repair the city. Chongcheng was destroyed. , Is there nothing to do with the slaughter of the townspeople? I think it is not inappropriate to convict Yutian as the stolen goods!"

Li Shutang raised his hand to ask to speak, but Lin Bing shook his head and rejected it, saying, "The person standing in the back row has only one chance to speak. This is a rule set early in the morning. It's time for someone else to speak..." Li Shutang stood back in the back row.

"Chen Shuban's statement is true, but there should be a difference in the determination of guilt and guilt," Li Shuyi raised his hand and asked to go to the hall to speak. The punishments are divided into sticks, punishments, prisons, strays, and beheadings. Although Jitian has the fact of escaping food and money, it should not be confused with the crime and loot. Even if punishment is required, it should not be confiscated indiscriminately. That's all, all things need to be weighed by the lords."

Li Shutang, Li Shuyi, and Chen Lei set the tone, and the senior representatives of Jiaxiang in the various townships dared to speak. , expel the monks to return to the secular world, pay taxes, pay food, check the land, and make up for five years of food. In addition to what is needed for building a city, the excess is paid to the Jiangdong Zuo Army to defend against the East China Sea...

The Jiangdong Zuo Army is a township camp and collects salaries from the local area. Chongzhou is the source of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's salaries. The county government collects taxes. Except for paying the county government's expenses and local affairs, the surplus is used as food and salaries for the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Not only the extra portion of the fines and burials will be supplied to the Jiangdong Zuo Army, but the territorial fields that have been confiscated as officials and the tax sources that have been added to the county will be given to the county. Naturally, the vast majority of future profits will be owned by the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Public debate is also in line with the rules.

It's just that at this time, no one knows how large the scale of fines, confiscation of tertiary fields, and inspections of fields will be. Otherwise, no matter whether it conforms to the rules or not, some people will jump out;

When the meeting was drawing to a close, a large candle was lit in the lobby, and many people were starving and top-heavy. Those old representatives of Jiaxiang in the various towns who were standing discussing matters were a little older, and they were a little dizzy.

Everyone can accept this kind of public opinion, and they are very grateful to Lin Fu. In their opinion, Lin Fu did not hesitate to fight with Han Zai to win it over for them. Get closer to the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and avoid other people intervening in Chongzhou County to compete for their interests.

Lin Fu asked Han Zai: "Master Han, what do you think of the result of such a public meeting?"

Han Zai was full of bitterness, but he had no choice but to nod and say, "Since this is the case, this official has no objection!"

"If that's the case, please Mr. Wu to make a proposal, and the three of us will sign together in front of everyone! Terada involved in the bandit case will also be dealt with in accordance with today's public discussion." Lin Fu said, he would not repent to Han Zai at all. The opportunity forced Han Zai to sign it immediately.

"Then I'll trouble Master Wu..." Han Zai could only think to himself: at least the fortification has been resolved, at least Jiangning can fool the past, and he will not be held responsible for the delay in opening the Chongzhou situation.

Wu Mei was eager to settle everything peacefully for a long time, and immediately used paper and pen to write a submission. The three parties took out the printed letter and signed it on the spot. They also asked the history to copy several copies, except for the Governor's Office, the Minister of Public Envoys, and the Minister of Justice. , and sent an additional copy to the Ministry of War!

Lin Fu didn't intend to hand over the field pamphlet of Guangjiao Temple immediately. It was inferred that the field pamphlet in the hands of Jiangdong Zuojun was also very messy, and it was the key material evidence for a thorough investigation of the bandit case, so it should not be handed over hastily.

Regarding the issue of sending farmland fines and supplements, Lin Fu also excused himself to first identify whether the owner of the farmland was suspected of collaborating with bandits. Naturally, Jiangdong Zuojun had to replace the county to negotiate with the farmer involved, punish the farmer, and apportion it over the years.

As for the specific matters such as the land and food and money needed to build the city, Lin Fu only promised to find another time to convene the county officials to discuss, or to leave Han Zai outside the specific affairs and let him know when a specific plan comes out. he.

At this time, Han Zai had no intention of arguing with Lin Fu any more, and left with Xiao Baiming in despair.

Han Zai didn't understand at first because he lacked experience; if he didn't understand at this time, he was really stupid. After such a fuss, it seems that the problem of building the city has been solved, and Han Zai also understands that he has fallen into Lin Bie's trap, and has offended everyone inside and outside Chongzhou County.

Xiao Baiming also did not dispute that the Jiangdong Zuo Army had built a fort on the other side of the army cottage. Han Zai was not enough to contain Lin Bie. The Jiangdong Zuo Army had almost completely controlled the situation in Chongzhou County.

Not to mention that the Jiangdong Left Army's troops far outnumbered them. Chongzhou County officials, large and small, as well as local and township forces, almost all stood on the Jiangdong Left Army's side. In this case, they had to grit their teeth and fight against Lin Fu. , it is somewhat unwise to hit the stone with the egg.


"I didn't expect the public debate to be dragged on for so long. I'm already starving, and if you want to come to the villagers, it won't be much better." When Han Zai and Xiao Baiming left, Lin Fu sat in front of the hall and said to the people below, "The county government official said. I don't have any preparations here, I, Jiangdong Zuojun, have a simple canteen in Dongshanmen, so I aggrieved everyone to have a meal there with me and then go back!"

"Thank you for your sympathy..." Everyone bowed and thanked them together.

"It's Lin Fu who wants to bow to everyone here and thank you," Lin Fu stood up with the desk, and said, "Building a city to defend against pirates, drawing salaries and raising soldiers, it is related to the great plan of people's livelihood in Chongzhou, and it is related to everyone's vital interests. I would like to thank you all for affirming your righteousness... Jiangdong Zuojun should also live up to your entrustment, if the East China Sea bandits dare to come, Lin will kill him, and if they dare to come, Lin will kill him."

Lin Fu asked everyone to walk with him to Dongshanmen for dinner. Wu Meijiu also joined in the fun. He didn't mind getting acquainted with Lin Fu when Han Zai was away.

The dinner was quite simple, with a table of eight people, a bowl of meat, a bowl of fish, a bowl of tofu, and a bowl of green vegetables. Lin Fu dined with everyone, but the atmosphere was very warm.

Although the gang-related case has not yet been closed, it has also removed the biggest stone in the hearts of everyone. Compared with all the confiscation of officials, the five-year fine and apportionment is naturally a result that everyone is happy to accept.


Most of the officials lived in the Shanmen Temple, and all the villagers had to rush back at night, so the dinner did not delay for long, and it was over soon.

Lin Fu left Li Shutang, Li Shuyi, Hu Zhicheng, Chen Lei and others behind, and called him to the conference hall where he usually acts as an official.

Li Shutang noticed that a map of Chongzhou was spread out on Lin Fu's bookcase. On the map, nineteen monasteries were marked out for the monasteries involved in the Tong bandits, and the Xishan River in the west of Chongzhou and the Yunyan River in the north were painted. Chu red.

In addition to the Yangtze River, Xishan River and Yunyan River can be said to be the two most important rivers in Chongzhou.

The meeting of Xishan Henan and Yangtze River is a naturally formed river, and the mouth of the river is seven or eight miles west of Zilang Mountain.

The Yunyan River is an artificial canal dug a thousand years ago. The purpose of the original excavation of the river was to transport the salt from the ancient Huai Salt Field to the inland, hence the name Yunyan River or Salt River.

The Yunyan River is more than 300 miles long, running through Hailing Mansion to Weiyang Mansion, and extending eastward from the Hecheng Grassland, which is owned by Weiyang Salt and Iron Division, into the Huangshuiyang (Yellow Sea).

After the founding of the Dayue Dynasty, the Salt and Iron Division was established in Weiyang (Yangzhou) to control the salt administration of Lianghuai, and the annual salt tax was nearly 2 million taels of silver. financial resources.

Weiyang Salt and Iron Division is directly under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households and is not under the jurisdiction of each other. It has jurisdiction over hundreds of thousands of salt households and salt farmers, and the grassland and salt fields are thousands of miles away. To say that Jiangdong County has the third largest official force, that is Weiyang Salt Iron Division.

Weiyang Yantie Si Yamen is located on the west end of Yunyan River. Due to the importance of Yantie Si to the central finance, Yunyan River, which was transported through Hailing House and Weiyang House, was separated from the local government and received by Yantie Si. direct jurisdiction.

The Yunyan River a thousand years ago was not so long, and it almost extended to the territory of Xinghua County today. Thousands of years ago, the tidal flats in the east of Xinghua County were an important part of the ancient Huai Salt Fields.

Chongzhou and Gaocheng County to the north have only accumulated sand for nearly a thousand years. The history of Chongzhou and Gaocheng County is not long, and Chongzhou County has a history of more than 80 years.

Due to the dilution of a large amount of river water, the sea water in Chongzhou near the mouth of the river is much less salinity, which is not good for cooking salt. For almost two hundred years, the coastal area to the east of Chongzhou has not been used as a salt field, but has been specially set up as a pasture.

Just counting the Hecheng grassland in the east of Chongzhou, it is almost 1.5 million mu to 2 million mu.

Since the Yunyan River no longer plays the role of transporting salt in Chongzhou, the Yantie Division re-handed this section to the local government. The Yunyan River dug a new Beiguan River in Xinghua County and turned to the northeast. Today, the central area of ​​the Huainan Salt Works, the Beiguan River and the salt canal section west of Xinghua County are the focus of the Salt and Iron Division's control.

Also, because the status of the Chongzhou section of the Yunyan River is no longer important, it has not been dredged much in the past two hundred years, and the river channel is severely silted up. Every year during the summer and autumn flood seasons, there will be heavy rains, and seven or eight times the embankment will overflow.

"Let's take a look at this map first!" Lin Fu asked Li Shutang, Li Shuyi, Hu Zhicheng, Chen Lei and others to come to the front to see the map spread out on his case, and to **** Cao Ziang, Lin Mengde, Fu Qinghe, Sun Jingtang, As long as Wu Qi and others at home called over, Li Shutang realized that the matter discussed here was of great importance.

Looking closely at the map, I found that there were nineteen monasteries, and five monasteries near the Yunyan River and the Xishan River were marked with special labels.

The Xishan River and Yunyan River are not connected, but in the northwest corner of Chongzhou County, the closest point between the two rivers is less than three miles apart. There, a short red line is drawn on the map.

There is a monastery called Jiuhua Temple right next to this short line.

"After reading this map, you must be able to guess some of my next plans." Lin Fu did not wait for Cao Ziang and the others to come over, and first introduced the situation to Li Shutang and Li Shuyi. A river, which runs through the Yunyan River and the Xishan River, does not require much effort, but UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com has many benefits. First, it can effectively reduce the flooding disaster from Beiguan River to Jiuhua, making the The lower field has become a fertile field. Second, the Xishan River is in good condition, and the salt transport channel from Jiuhua to the west is in good condition. For bulk goods on the Inner North, there is no need to detour from Baisha County..."

It seems simple to connect the Xishan River and Yunyan River, but considering the land acquisition, at least tens of thousands of taels of silver will be invested in it. If Chongzhou is not regarded as its own territory, who would be willing to make such a large investment?

Li Shutang glanced at Lin Fu and said, "What do you need us to do?"

At this time, Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde and others stepped forward, and Lin Fu greeted them to come forward and said, "I will tell Shutang, Shuyi, and Zhicheng about the situation around Jiuhua Temple. , let’s introduce Uncle Mengde…”

"Okay," Lin Mengde also heard Li Shutang's question when he came in, and answered his question directly, saying, "We already know the conclusion of the public meeting, and what we are going to do is closely related to the conclusion of the public meeting. …”

Li Shutang thought decisively that everything was under Lin Fu's control.

Lin Mengde continued: "Terada has been reverted to the official, but this 'official' is not handed over to the county for management. We hope that it can be directly transferred to the military field controlled by the Jiangdong Left Army. We can directly fight with the county chief for this. Yes. Sending farmland fines can be converted into silver, but we hope that each family can use farmland to offset the fines and take part of the farmland. We hope that these farmlands will be concentrated in Jiuhua, Xishan Hekou, Hecheng West and Zilang by way of replacement. Near the mountain... You have to do all these tasks, after all, you have to communicate with each other well before these things can be done." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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