Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 45: fight

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

At the beginning of the public meeting, Lin Fu let Han Zai speak and did not give him a chance to wait and see the situation.

How did Han Zai know Lin Fu's thoughts? He also didn't know how much land Guangjiao Temple had seized for Lin Fu. These fields fell into Lin Fu's hands, and he had nothing to do with them. When they fell into the hands of Chongzhou County, he had the right to intervene. Han Zai naturally used the fortification as an excuse to ask Lin Fie to hand over all the fields of Guangjiao Temple. It was used for building a city in Chongzhou County.

Xiao Baiming wanted to prevent the Jiangdong Left Army from building a fort on the other side of the Junshanzhai, and he was bound to ask Lin Fu to transfer the property of Guangjiao Temple to Chongzhou County, so that Han Zai could interfere with the site selection of the Jiangdong Left Army's fortress.

Although Wu Meijiu doesn't want to argue with Lin Fu, if Lin Fu can transfer the land and temple properties of Guangjiao Temple to the county, it means that he truly has a certain amount of real power, and of course there is a chance to make money from it. , At this time, he also echoed Han Zai and Xiao Baiming.

At that time, there was a habitual thinking of city defense, and Chongzhou was directly threatened by Donghai bandits. Even if Jiangdong Zuo Army was stationed in Chongzhou at this time, there was no city wall shelter, and only Beishanmen Temple was used as a temporary county government, which really made people lack enough sense of security. Therefore, building a city is the most important and urgent task in Chongzhou County.

To choose a site to build a new city, in addition to a large amount of money, it also requires a large area of ​​land for building a city.

If the new city measures 600 paces, plus the excavation of the moat and the new roads, it will take up 2,000 mu;

Proceeding from the actual needs, most of the newly recruited officials in Chongzhou County also agreed to immediately accept the temple property and farm property under the name of Guangjiao Temple as official property to fill the gap in fortification.

Even if a few officials knew that there was a difference between the monastery's land and the land, they would not dare to openly open their eyes to those landowners who had hidden their fields in the name of the monastery for tax evasion. There were even two or three officials who also had The property was sent in the name of the monastery. At this time, it was only possible to use the pretext that the bandit case had not been thoroughly investigated and the case had not been closed, hoping to delay the matter.

Lin Fu presided over the public meeting, and naturally manipulated the process of the public meeting. In order to create an illusion for Han Zai, he naturally let those who agreed to confiscate all Terada as officials speak first.

Han Zai lacked experience, so he wasn't stupid. He also knew that Lin Fu had tampered with officials in the by-election before he came to Chongzhou. After the remarks, he actually agreed with him as the majority. He suspected that Lin Bie had other plans, but he was more unavoidable. He felt that it was the right strategy to restrain Lin Bie.

"Then Master Han has made up his mind to requisition all the properties under the name of Guangjiao Temple to build a new city?" Lin Bie held the table with his hands and stared at Han Zai with bright eyes.

"Of course," Han Zai didn't like to stare at Lin Fu like this. Besides, he was sitting next to Lin Fu, which made him feel a fire in his heart. Building a fort is the top priority in Chongzhou, and there is a big reason for the envoy Lin Du to delay the construction of the city—if the city is not built, and the pirates land on the shore again to loot the place, can the envoy Lin be able to afford it?"

"When the pirates landed, I, Lin Bie, took the lead, and I will never hide behind others. Don't use this to scare me, Master Han!" Lin Bie said **** for tat, "Although Lin is not talented, he was wounded by a knife and an arrow. It's not necessarily younger than Master Han." Lin Bie stroked his sleeves, revealing the scars on his arms.

"You..." Han Zai was speechless for Lin Fu, his face was like a pig's liver, and he patted the table and shouted, "Envoy Lin Du, you are evasive in every possible way, and the authority of this official is denied. If the internal affairs are brought up for public discussion, this official has tolerated your presumptuousness. You have also seen this in the public discussion, so do you want to take your word for it? Do you think that this official really has no way to restrain you?"

"There is still more for Terada to build a city, so does Lord Han have to be smuggled into officialdom?"

No matter how angry Han Zai was, Lin Bie didn't take it seriously. He looked calm and calm, but stared at Han Zai with sharp eyes, tempting him to step into the condom without struggling.

When Xiao Baiming heard this, he suddenly realized a problem: they didn't even know how much land Guangjiao Temple owned. He faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't want to know it for a while.

"What do you think?" Han Zai stood up angrily and looked at Lin Fu angrily, "There are a lot of places in the county where money is used, and the money is used for pensions and relief. Is it possible to return the baldness to those gangsters?"

"Guangjiao Temple's crime of linking bandits is true, but not all people who are related to Guangjiao Temple are involved in linking bandits. As far as we know from the current investigation, a considerable number of monks are kept in the dark..."

"No, even if they don't know the details, they can't escape the crime of capitalizing and assisting the bandits!" Han Zai didn't wait for Lin Fu to finish, but he cut the conversation and said **** for tat, "Is it possible that the envoy Lin wants to cover them up? ?"

"If you put such a big hat on, Lord Han will really scare people!" Lin Bie held the desk with his hands, and without looking at Han Zai, he slowly glanced at the representatives of the villagers and village elders who were standing in the back row.

The first representatives of the villages and the village elders are the spokespersons of the local forces, and they are also the most direct manifestations of the local forces' manipulation of the locality and control of local affairs-they would never agree to bring all the territorial fields belonging to Guangjiao Temple to the government. Under Lin Bing's deliberate arrangement, they haven't had a chance to speak yet.

At this time, the atmosphere in the council hall was extremely tense. Lin Fu and Han Zai were about to push up their sleeves to fight against each other. Talk nonsense at this time. Even if the net worth is innocent, but the charges of a capital bandit are detained, maybe it is the disaster of murder.

Han Zai teased Lin Fu so much that he went mad, and shouted loudly: "Envoy Lin, if you are stubborn, this officer will submit a copy to Governor Yue and Li Bing's department, and you will serve arrogantly. Cover up the thieves!"

"Fart!" Lin Bie kicked the table open with one foot, took off the saber from his waist, pressed the machine, and a flash of ice-cold sword light popped out...

"What are you doing?" Han Zai was startled and wanted to run away uncontrollably. He stopped abruptly, staring at the saber in Lin Bing's hand with a guilty conscience, "You can't kill this official if you draw the sword. Do you want to rebel?"

"Master Han, are you brave enough?" Lin Fu smiled coldly, "This official wants you to see clearly, under Jiyang City, in front of Zilang Mountain, there are eighty or eighty thieves who died under this sword. Mr. Han's slanderous words, contaminating me to cover up the thieves, and this official returning the word 'fart' to you, what's wrong? You submit the reference book to the Li Bingbu, and this official will fight the lawsuit with you!" Pressing the hilt again, the The knife was put into the sheath, and the guards brought the table that he kicked open, and said word by word, "Mr. Han, it is necessary to distinguish between right and wrong - those who are involved in bandits will never show mercy, and must not kill innocent people in vain. You! This official will never approve of your involvement in such a big way!"

At this moment, the cowardly person almost felt his legs go soft.

Han Zai's strength seemed to be exhausted. It was strange to say that when Lin Fu drew the knife, he clearly felt that there was a murderous intent from Lin Fu. But he didn't dare to sit next to Lin Bie any more, and he couldn't help leaning towards Xiao Baiming.

Lin Fu put his saber on the table, looked at the people in the hall, and said, "Just now, only the people sitting in the front row spoke, and a small accident happened, which interrupted the process of the discussion. Now back to the topic, and now to invite The person in the back row speaks..."

It's just that the matter almost went to the point of blood splattered in court. Who would dare to talk nonsense and provoke a fierce quarrel in the back row? Even if the truth about Yoda was revealed, he would not be able to escape the charge of tax evasion and tax evasion, and he hated Han Zai who was involved and wanted to confiscate all Terada. In their eyes, Lin Bie suddenly became cordial, and only felt that Lin Bie was the only one who spoke justice.

As the representative of the village elders, Li Shutang stood in the back row and calmly watched the development of the situation. He had to admire Lin Fu's ability to control the situation. In a few words, it seemed that Han Zai was going to get involved. In front of Bie, it was like a mouse sitting in front of a cat with his scalp daring. He didn't have the initial momentum at all, and he didn't know that he had fallen into Lin Bie's trap and struggled.

Li Shutang secretly said: Such a character is not worthy of the Li family to follow, who else is worthy of the Li family to follow?

Li's family almost suffered a disaster twice, and Li Shutang also clearly realized that it was impossible for his wife to live peacefully in this world.

Seeing Lin Fu's eyes, Li Shutang knew that it was time for him to perform. He raised his hand and asked to speak. Seeing Lin Fu nod his head in approval, Li Shutang first reported to his family and said, "Li Shutang in Jiuwei, I am clumsy and fortunate to give it to the villagers. Chief, I have something to say to the lords!"

"Please speak!" Lin Bie nodded and said.

"The villain thinks that what Lord Lin said is extremely true, and dares to speak out, the punishment must be indiscriminate, even if it is a true crime, it can also be divided into caning, punishment, imprisonment, exile, beheading, etc. How can you generalize? Li Shutang walked down the hall and talked eloquently, "There are gangsters among the monks, who are monks and bandits. It's not an exaggeration to show their heads to punish their crimes, or even cut their bodies. However, as Lord Lin said, there are indeed The monks who are deceived and deceived, who are devoted to the Buddha, and do not ask about world affairs, how can Master Han have the heart to show them all as monks and bandits together?"

"Ah!" Han Zai was startled, he was speechless when he thought that the hillbilly dared to question him directly, he clearly did not intend to behead together.

"The villain dares to speak out, lords," Li Shutang said, "Although innocent monks are suspected of being pirates, they should be treated leniently, and they should be expelled from the mountain gate and returned to the secular world, which is punishment... Terada should not be returned to all Officials, at least a small part of the cultivation should be given to the monks who have returned to the secular world, so that they can pay grain and pay taxes. This is really the right way to increase the tax source in the county. It is impossible to see these innocent people living in the streets and starving to death in the fields, right?" Li Shutang bowed his hands in front of the hall, "Masters, do you think the villain's words are reasonable?"

A smile appeared on Lin Bing's face, noncommittal.

Han Zai was full of anger and resentment, but he could not vent, nor could he refute Li Shutang's words.

Xiao Baiming felt more and more that something was wrong, and wanted to rush to speak, but when he saw Lin Bie's saber on the table and remembered the rules that Lin Bie had set before the public meeting, he held back and did not speak. But he didn't rush to speak, the situation was always under Lin Fu's control, and he was very unwilling~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Li Shutang turned around again, and everyone in the hall cupped their hands and asked: " Everyone, do you think what Li Shutang said is reasonable?"

The senior representatives of Jiaxiang in the Zhuxiangs standing in the back row wished that someone could stand up and speak on their behalf at this time, on behalf of them to deny Han Zai's implicated and one-size-fits-all approach, and they could feel that Li Shutang was going to talk about Yutian next. Naturally, they all agreed on the question - this time, Li Shutang's momentum was lifted.

"As far as the villain knows, the fields under the name of Guangjiao Temple, except for some fields that are indeed owned by Guangjiao Temple, some fields are sent by nearby farmers to the name of the temple. Speaking of which, it is because of the sincerity and sincerity of the Buddha that the fields are sent to the temple. When I go to the monastery, I hope to get some Buddha energy and get closer to the Buddha... and how can I accept all of them as officials indiscriminately?" Li Shutang threw out the core question at this time.

Han Zai was stunned at this time, Terada still has such a difference?

Xiao Baiming knew the difference between Terada and Yoda, but he didn't think too much about it at first. He looked up and saw the senior representatives of Jiaxiang in the various townships standing in the back row. Hearing Li Shutang's nodding and echoing, he suddenly came to his senses. The trap is buried here: It is true that Li Shutang is Lin Fu's person, and he was involved in a big way from the beginning. It was not someone else who implicated a small-scale monastery in Chongzhou. It was Lin Fu himself, and it should be Lin Fu most wanted. He started attacking these Teradas, but he was worried that if he did it, the local forces behind the senior representatives of Jiaxiang in Zhuxiang would fall to Han Zai, so he induced them to jump out and become knives first. At this stage, the local forces have been prevented from relying on them. possible! However, Lin Fu has changed his body today, and has become an image of a tough block, a vehement opposition to Han Zai's involvement, and a one-size-fits-all image.

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