Seven Radiances Heaven.

Now it's chaos.

Zhong Shenxiu even feels that even "God's Will" seems to be hit hard and dying...

continent, ocean...all turned into the four elements of earth fire feng shui, chaos and unpredictable .

Among the same, only a few rays of light ups and downs.

"World Extinguishes and it is immortal... it is the cursed things of Sole Divinity!"

Zhong Shenxiu understood something instantly.

But he didn't even look at it.

Sole Divinity, who has not mastered and digested, is just a burden for their existence.

At the time of the war, you can't be distracted!

'This battle, or test, must be won! '

Zhong Shenxiu breathes deeply.

His relatives, friends...have been transformed into a special state of information by him, neither life nor death, which is considered to have escaped the catastrophe of the world.

If you win, you can digitize the whole world, let the time go back, go back to the time before being destroyed, and reproduce Yanhan and the Western Empire without any problems.

And if the Lord of Ruomen wins, his best fate is to be expelled, expecting the other side to resurrect the ants of this World? That's just too much thinking!

'There is no way to win in this battle! '

Zhong Shenxiu felt the heavy pressure.

I have to say that this hand of the master of the door is still quite oppression, which directly forced him into a certain predicament.

At this time, the blood-red silhouette of the man who had just pulled the sun looked over again.

One after another door, opened around Zhong Shenxiu, seems to lead to infinite time and space, and even the past and the future!

Over time!

A door opened, and a'door master' appeared, as if to go through the'door' to Zhong Shenxiu's weak time and space, and strangle him.

“It’s useless.”

Zhong Shenxiu’s eyes flashed through the flow of information, and all around the door disappeared: “After completely digesting Sole Divinity, not only All Selves Oneself, but also All Selves Oneself. With all the timelines tied, I am now an Ancient Immortal career at any time in history!"

As for the problem of my weak hour, as early as the last world, when looking back on the timeline, Zhong Shenxiu has already considered and made prevention.

Not only that, but he also mobilized the power of Light of Order, a beam of light fell on the main body of the door, as if he wanted to analyze the opponent thoroughly and then digitize...

The blushing figure of the master of the door is slightly stagnant, and the gorgeous robe on the body instantly becomes a little illusory, and it is filled with various information streams, and it seems to become a piece of clothing full of futuristic science fiction style.

The main body of the door, the doors opened, and all the incarnations who went to the long river of time and space were recovered.

His body size suddenly became extremely large, almost comparable to the entire Seven Radiances Heaven.

One after another information flow, he was forced out of the body directly by him, and disappeared without a trace.

Following, Zhong Shenxiu felt a door opened in his heart.

There are all kinds of madness and distortions, pouring out of my heart.

Even if Sole Divinity is completely digested, order is only temporary, and chaos is eternal.

This kind of madness and distortion is a manifestation of chaos!

This is also the pollution that Sole Divinity comes with. Complete digestion and control does not mean that the pollution has disappeared, but the pollution is also included.

The master of the gate was aware of this loophole and directly opened the gate of Zhong Shenxiu's mind, releasing the chaos!

Zhong Shenxiu's figure suddenly became a little illusory.

next moment, he seems to have become a yellow robe giant the same size as the master of the door, and countless tentacles spread out from under his clothes.

Look again, the huge yellow robe man disappeared, and replaced by the dark stone Buddha with tens of thousands of hands and eyes.

Finally, the figure of the stone Buddha exploded again, turning into a mist of uncertainty!

After the frenzy began to render, Zhong Shenxiu was already somewhat unable to control his body.

At this moment, a strange illusory shadow appeared in his hand.

That was the second Sole Divinity derivation that he suppressed and controlled before—Utopian State!

"I craziness disappears!"

Zhong Shenxiu whispered his wish.

Next moment, the confusion in his heart disappeared without a trace, and his state was so good that it was difficult to attach.

A piece of illusory shadow of the kingdom of heaven, appeared on the head of the master of the door, and crashed down!

The huge body of the master of the door was crushed by the illusory Utopian State, making an overwhelming sound, and the body's robes exploded inch by inch.

"You... take advantage of the opportunity to be promoted to Ancient Immortal, and begin to master the second Sole Divinity?!"

The magnificent robes of the master of the door burst and disappeared, and the body also turned into In a round of Scarlet Moon Wheel, a chuckle voice came from it: "You’re good, you’re good..."

Before the voice fell, a huge door appeared in front of the master of the door, and the blood Moon swallowed.

He disappeared.


After all, this is just a test of agreement, not Life and Death Battle.

The previous several attacks, rather than wanting Zhong Shenxiu to die, were more of a simulated attack from an enemy, attacking his weaknesses and making him alert.

The master of the door believes that after Zhong Shenxiu passes the test, he will naturally fulfill his promise and give Seven Radiances Heaven to the other party.

Not only that!

Zhong Shenxiu suddenly felt that his destiny began to shake.

until now, the entanglement with the Lord of the Door was finally cut off!

It relieved his soul.

Zhong Shenxiu thought for a while and took back the Utopian State. This Sole Divinity was only just beginning to be mastered and digested. It was too expensive to use it hastily.

For example, making a wish just now, and now the consequences have begun to emerge.

He feels that the craziness in his mind has only temporarily disappeared. At this time, it resurfaces, and even becomes more turbulent!

"No, not yet! There is something else!"

Zhong Shenxiu pressed his forehead with one hand, pressed down his slightly bloodshot left eye, and started digitization the entire world!

He has done more than half of this thing, and now it's time to complete the last few steps!

hong long long!

In the sky, the remaining two rounds of the sun and the moon became dimmed, seeming to be recombined from countless data.

Zhong Shenxiu seemed to hear a terrifying roar in his ear.

That is-Seven Radiances Heaven's providence!

Unfortunately, it has become extremely weak. After Zhong Shenxiu digitized the last bit of space in this World, it is on the verge of death.

"Seven Radiances Heaven needs a brand new Heavenly Dao, brand new rules!"

Thinking of the time when Old Sovereign bowed to Heavenly Dao, Zhong Shenxiu couldn't help but want to laugh.

He waved his hand gently, completely formatting the last bit of providence.

weng weng!

So far, the whole Seven Radiances Heaven roars, seeming to feel the shift of position.

"I am the god of destruction and the creator!"

Zhong Shenxiu waved, and a broken apple, a broken wine glass, an armband, There is also a parchment torn page.

The intersection of information immediately made him understand.

"Paradise Lost, Cup of Red Blood, Humid Forest of Bones, and...Ruined Book of Hidden History?"

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