True Immortal was born, Heaven and Earth changed color!

In a twinkling of an eye, the bloody moon was empty before it was replaced by the scorching sun!

Zhong Shenxiu feels that he has been fuse together with the'Light of Order', the position has been elevated thousands of times, and even this Seven Radiances Heaven world, in front of him, is also a fragile thing.

What he proved is not Corpse Severance Immortal, but Ancient Immortal!

Although it may be somewhat different from the immortal dao of Highest Hierarch Heaven, True Immortal is by no means inferior to True God!

As soon as he appeared, the message in the sky had already told him everything.

"Has the top five Corpse Severance Immortal rushed to the street?"

He looked at the master of the door.

Now he can be regarded as a great being, and he can see his true form through the vague face of the Lord of the Doors.

However, Zhong Shenxiu saw a light! In the eternal rays of light, there seems to be an eternal palace.

In the palace, a certain being is watching him.

Then, he greeted himself.

The master of the door raises his right hand and grabs it in the sky!

Immediately after one round of the sun, it fell directly, and the field of vision kept getting bigger, and the scorching temperature kept rising.

"Waving your hand to fall into the stars?"

Zhong Shenxiu sighed: "This is a big game..."

To be honest, this level The attack was nothing to him.

Even if the sun falls and the world is extinct, it will not hurt a single hair of my own.

After all, today's self, too, has transcended the cage of information creatures, and may be called the God of Order!

The degree of immortality of the body, the Corpse Severance Immortal of the drought, is far from being able to stand by.

Just...this World is going to be unlucky.

Seven Radiances Heaven has lost a little more. Second Yanhan Empire and Xi Ting Empire will suffer heavy losses.

And this is actually not their pot!

If it weren't for Zhong Shenxiu's promotion to Ancient Immortal, I am afraid that even if the Western Empire had sacrificed the entire Medici family, the Lord of the Gate would not have looked at this place.

Using the ceremony to come, it's just like pushing the boat along the river.

Behind all the fate, there may not be the arrangement of that snake!

"What's this? The boss fights with her second child, and the third child is killed?"

Zhong Shenxiu was a little speechless, but he knew that this was normal.

Whether you are yourself or the master of the door, you can easily kill any Corpse Severance Immortal in the aftermath of the battle.

Powerhouse fights, all the weak can do is pray!

Pray not to be affected!

"If I try to save people, I will definitely fall into a disadvantage... and, with weaknesses, I will be restrained everywhere..."

"What does the master of the door want to do? Test me Is he sympathetic?"

"That really tested it for you."

Zhong Shenxiu received a lot of information in the sky, knowing that if he didn’t do it himself, the god Martial Sovereign would , Azure Source County Master, Su Tang and the others are 100% dead, can't help whispering in my heart.

If he is asked to sacrifice his life in order to save these people, then there is nothing to say, just pat his butt and run away.

But it was easy to save, the price was a temporary disadvantage in the struggle with the master of the door, he was still willing to pay this price.


Both of his hands opened, and countless fresh air enveloped the world.

A layer of rays of light falls, and any place illuminated by rays of light is polluted by digitization...

Zhong Shenxiu is really going to use Light of Order Ability, digitization the entire world!

This is not only to save people, but also to determine home court advantage.

Once he succeeds in digitizing the whole world, even the world annihilation and next moment can recreate the world!

Saving people with this hand is both offensive and defensive, and it doesn't suffer much.

hong long long!

In the sky, that round of the sun is getting bigger and bigger, eventually covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

In the Imperial Palace, the god Martial Sovereign looked at his semi-transparent palm, and countless fluorescent flashing green information streams, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and the whole person was transformed into one String data.

Eastern Magnificence House, the Azure Source County Master just closed his eyes when he was digitized and plunged into darkness.

Dragon-Tiger Mountain, that tall building, as well as countless dísciple, Elder, Su Tang and the others, are also transformed into a series of data, which was collected by Zhong Shenxiu.

Information and data are not in the same dimension as reality.

Now, they are reduced to a certain information state by Zhong Shenxiu.

Therefore, even if the world annihilation is done, it can't hurt them the slightest!

Even, Zhong Shenxiu's digitization is not just staring at the East, even the West is the same, but the methods are more rude.

The Western Empire.

Peter Great Emperor, who was using the curse of Sole Divinity to protect himself, instantly noticed something was wrong.

In front of him, the same not weak Prime Minister Podolico showed an incredible color on his face, and the whole person was instantly blurred and turned into a pile of data dissipated...

If Zhong Shenxiu doesn't restore him, he can be considered dead.

Even the strands of information began to penetrate a layer of historical fog around Peter, trying to erode and pollute his body.

If he has completely mastered and digested the Sole Divinity in his hand, he may be able to counter the Ancient Immortal attack. Unfortunately, no one in the West has done this before, so the outcome can be predicted.

Peter's hands and feet disappeared instantly, and he fell to the ground, his shriveled body struggling under the gorgeous clothes, and the crown of imperial power rolled to the side.

On Peter's face, a string of data climbs like earthworms, which is very shocking.

At this time, he couldn't even speak, but he felt the fall of the high temperature and flames, and a smile of relief appeared on his face.

Next moment!

hong long!

The sun set on the ground, bringing unimaginable high temperature and radiation.

hong long!

The providence of Seven Radiances Heaven seems to be struggling and wailing...

Strong light and heat swept the entire Seven Radiances Heaven includes various western nations, Fufeng Protectorate, and...Second Yanhan Empire!

Whether it is a mortal or a noble cultivator, in the face of death, all are treated equally-under the scorching and glaring white light, they are turned into ashes!

Countless tons of seawater were evaporated in an instant, even the Dharma Body hiding under the eyes of the Eastern Sea could not escape the doom of death!

Even, the sun not only burned all the creatures on the surface of the earth, but even burned the entire continent, or...the entire Seven Radiances Heaven!

Mountains and rivers, trees, rivers and dunes... everything is being vaporized quickly...

There is only one word that can describe these scenes, that is...the real Destroy the world!

In the end, the entire Seven Radiances Heaven has become a chaos. Only Zhong Shenxiu and the Lord of the Door exist, standing on the chaos, looking at each other.

"Yes, this is the legendary extinction of the world, refining the earth fire feng shui?"

Looking at the world annihilation, the origin is transformed into the four elements of earth fire feng shui, Zhong A smile appeared on Shenxiu's face: "How sad is the Ancient Immortal person! Or...unlucky, being restrained by the Ancient God, unable to refinish this world so that it conforms to the immortal dao rules, now breaking everything, it is just a reinvention! "

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