“what happened?”

“Has Changchunzi been purified?”

“We just got him under control!”


In front of the portal of Dungeon No. 3190, a group of people were muttering in low voices.

One side of the crowd near the wall.

Su Wen appeared quietly.

People around noticed the movement.

They all turned to look at Su Wen.

This glance.

Everyone was stunned

“Damn it! There is a human here who just left the instance!”

“What? Level 50?”

“How the hell are you still alive?”


A group of gods looked at Su Wen as if they were staring at monsters.

Su Wen scratched his head.

He felt like walking into an animal to see a chimpanzee, which was very uncomfortable:”Do you know what’s going on inside?”

“Who gave you the courage to let you, a level 50 human lord, challenge the Master of the Mu Dao Yao Clan and turn 1 into a god lord?”

A Behemoth god asked with a frown.

Su Wen looked at everyone’s curious faces and responded calmly:”I have the talent of rebirth! Isn’t it normal to go to a dungeon to pick up some materials? such a pity! This copy has nothing!”

“call! I see! You kid is in bad luck this time! I don’t even look at the almanac when I go out! Ha ha!”

God Behemoth breathed out, and then he showed a bad smile.

After hearing this, the other gods paused for a while.

Then 610 burst out laughing.


“I remember that there was a clause in the Eternal Sleep Trial. As long as all overlords from dungeon No. 3100 to 3200 were conquered in the past two days, they would be included in the trial!”

“Boy! If you get to the trial field, hide as much as possible! It doesn’t work even if you have the resurrection talent!”

“Ha ha! Unexpectedly, there was an extra little ant in the God Trial!”


The overlords of the gods couldn’t help but laugh.

This seemed to be the funniest thing they had ever encountered in their lives.

Su Wen remembered the name of the trial and left directly from the passage on the side of the crowd without talking to the group.

Seeing that there was no more topic to talk about, this group of gods regrouped again and entered Dungeon No. 3191. soon.

Su Wen came to Tianbao:”Brother Niu! I’m here to trade the Divine Pill of Creation!”

“ah! brother! Have you completed the task?”

Niu Shunliu looked at Su Wen in shock, his eyes filled with disbelief. He also felt sour in his heart.

He muttered secretly:”Oh! It’s really awesome! Who has a good background, a good family background, and a young master? If I were the young master of a big family, I would be like this too……”

Su Wen scratched his head in embarrassment:”No! The mission failed! The total number of copies has been exhausted and it has been purified! I’d better buy it with the money!”


Niu Shunliu was stunned. He thought for a moment and returned all the 1,000 Ganges sands of lord points that Su Wen had given him before.

Su Wen looked at the unnamed point card he had received and asked in surprise:”There is no credit guarantee commission. ?”

“Ha ha! You and I are both brothers, talking about money hurts our feelings! Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you with my internal privileges!”

Niu Shunyou smiled heartily.

Su Wen then took out 200,000 Ganges Sands of Lord Points and purchased two Fortune Pills.

“Brother Niu! Do you have Chaos bloodline for sale here?”

Su Wen then asked.

Niu Shunliu shook his head:”That is the reward for the 100th floor of the Personal Life and Death Tower. Under normal circumstances, we only sell treasures that are not in the reward list! Unless you can climb to the 100th floor of the tower to unlock the purchasing rights for this reward, even I don’t have the authority to sell you things!”

“What a pity!”

Su Wen said regretfully.

After leaving, he and Niu Shunliu exchanged communication runes.

Then the internal passage leading to the academy went to the three tower area where the personal life and death tower is located.

In fact, Su Wen had already passed the test from Chang Chunzi’s body. Obtained a chaos bloodline.


Su Wen had other plans for this, and wanted to study the bloodline fusion ability in the fusion talent of the 3rd-level divine sage.

Now he has 3 bloodlines stripped from Changchunzi’s attribute panel..There are also the bloodlines of the 121 demigods stripped from the dungeon, as well as the bloodline of the Rising Sun Dragon King, the bloodline of the abyss gods, etc.

Although most of these bloodlines do not have the rank of his own Ancestral Dragon bloodline and the bloodline of Changchunzi. High.

But it’s not without its merits. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Su Wen was about to enter the life-and-death training realm.


He stopped.

A huge sign next to him attracted people. Got him

【Mission Activity Office]

Looking at the signboard in front of him, Su Wen thought of the ajbc eternal sleep eternity trial activity that God Behemoth and other overlords had mentioned earlier.


He went inside.

After entering through the door.

The activity area forms a cave of its own.

It’s full of shadows.

Su Wen could only see a white figure, but could not see his face clearly.

He passed through the crowd of figures unimpeded.

Arriving in front of a huge screen like a canopy

【Urgent mission: The Western Mountain Territory was invaded by the Abyss Demon Lord. Recruit five overlords who are proficient in exploration to go to the Western Mountain Territory to check the specific situation and find out the main reason why the Western Mountain Territory was invaded.

Recruitment level: Demigod or deity.

Initiator: Red River Overlord.

Reward: 1 unlimited large number of Lord points per person, and 1 3-level god-level material.

Note: This task is a private student-level task, please participate with caution】

【Mission: The defense line of the Great Horn Realm collapsed due to the commander absorbing the bloodline of the Abyssal Demons. Now there are 1.5 billion elite legions of the Abyssal Demons invading this realm, 102 ordinary gods, and 2 1st-turn Abyssal God coaches.

Mission requirements: Destroy the demon army, help the Big Horn Clan defend the world, and drive the demon army back into the abyss.

Reward: 10 infinite large-level lord points, 1 piece of 2-level god-level professional weapon.

Explanation: This task is a task of heaven, and the verification and assessment are all tested by heaven. 】

Any item on the screen���It is divided into two categories. One is the Heavenly Dao mission. Most of these missions are to help various races resist or repel or destroy the invading Abyss Legion and consolidate the defense line.

The second category is private missions, which are extremely diverse. There are missions to investigate whether a high-ranking member of the clan is corrupt or bribery, to find someone’s concubine, to assassination missions, and to some missions to coordinate the defense against the invasion of the abyss.

After viewing the mission screen.

Su Wen looked at another screen.

This screen is the activity trial screen.

Among them, activities and trials are two modules.

Both have one thing in common, that is, there are strict quota restrictions[]

【Tower Climbing Activity for Newcomers: It has just been a month since the freshmen first came to the college. In order to ensure the quality and vitality of Overlord, the tower climbing activity for freshmen is specially launched.

Time 1 week.

Target group: All freshmen who have just entered the school.


The first place in climbing the tower will be rewarded with 1 complete knowledge bread reward from the primary knowledge base of the ethnic group, 1 incredible level lord point card, 1 territory promotion card, and 1 bloodline promotion card.

The second place will be rewarded with an incredible amount of lord points and a territory promotion card.

Third place reward……】

【After the event starts, all newcomers who enter the personal life and death training tower will automatically be on the list. The higher the number of floors you climb, the higher your personal ranking will be.】

【For the same level, the ranking is calculated based on the speed of clearance. The shorter the time, the higher the ranking.】

【Tower climbing records before this event will not be included in the event list】

“Well! The rewards for this event are so rich!”

Then Su Wen looked at the detailed information page of the event.

It showed the countdown to the end time of the event:”24 hours, 31 minutes and 14 seconds.”

【The end of the event is based on the time when the last freshman who entered the personal life and death training tower within the event time leaves the training tower.】

【Ranking list of newcomer tower climbing activities】

【First place: Zhuotian, 36th floor】

【Second place: Zhu Xiaoming, 35th floor】

【The third floor: Huanqiong, 35th floor】


Su Wen looked at the ranking in front of him and couldn’t help but murmur to himself:”As expected of Overlord Academy! In just one month, he has already surpassed me!”.

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