【Name: Lei Zao】

【Occupation: Wooden Master Lord (god level, 5th turn)】

【Taoist name: Changchunzi】

【Auxiliary occupation: Alchemist (excellent)】

【Level: Level 301 (10.11%)】

【Lord points: 100 infinite large numbers】

【Mu Dao tribe’s reputation: 10 billion】

【Reputation in all worlds: 100】

【Military merit: 5 Ganges sands】

【Pure Yang Qi: 10 infinite levels】

【Abyss Demonic Qi: 100 infinite levels】

【Lifespan: 0】

【Title: Great Sword Cultivator】

【Auxiliary profession fire refining: 5th level divine level pure Yang fire】

【Bloodline: 3rd level pure Yang bloodline (restrain evil spirits, ghosts, demons and monsters, increase the damage to the restrained tribe by 1000 times. Obtain 1000 times attack power, 1000 times critical hit, and 1000 times attack speed gain)】

【Bloodline: 3rd level god-level Yin Turbid Heavenly Demon bloodline (after transforming into the Heavenly Demon, gain 1000 times speed, 1000 times critical hit, 1000 times mental attack, 1000 times mental pollution, 1000 times mental control, 1000 times abyss magic energy absorption speed, 1000 times the strength of the curse. It can pollute the surrounding environment and subtly transform it into an abyssal environment.)】

【Bloodline: 4 Chaos Bloodline (reconcile the bloodline of good and evil demons to keep all bloodlines in a balanced state. Bloodline blessing: 1000 times physical attack power, 1000 times elemental attack power, 1000 times spiritual attack power, 1000 times cultivation speed, 1000 times experience value, 1000W lucky value)】

【Attributes: Strength 5000W+1000W; Agility 5120W+1021W; Spirit 7000W+100W; Physique: 5500W+3214W】

【Equipment: Mudao suit (exclusive equipment for ethnic groups)】

【Territory: Kidohara】

【General knowledge: none】

【Common passive skills: 3-turn Yin-Yang balance】

【Professional skills: 3rd level god-level Yin Wu Lei, 3rd level god-level pure yang one-qi sword, 3rd level god-level Nian Cheng, 3rd level god-level reversal of glory】

【Talent: 3rd level divine escape, 2nd level god sure hit, 2nd level god cicada prophet】

【Attribute points: 230,124,821 points】

【Explanation: Changchunzi was a 13,600-year-old Mu Taoist lord of the Zaomu tribe who became a god after being struck by lightning. Before becoming a god, he did nothing. After becoming a god, his skills increased, so he killed everyone on the abyss battlefield. He became a god in 100 years, at the speed of a peerless genius. Promoted to a 1st-turn deity.

In the process of improving skills and talents.

Because of neglecting the bloodline balance, the Yin Zhuo Heavenly Demon bloodline and the pure Yang bloodline obtained before becoming a god were out of balance. Even if they were made up for later, they still could not avoid the end of being corroded by demonic thoughts.

In the end, by chance, he obtained the Book of Purification of Heavenly Dao and was willing to enter the dungeon and endure one million death reincarnations.

Now with the power of the human race lord Su Wen, he first uses the power of spiritual attack carried in the Five Yin Thunders to weaken the evil thoughts and awaken the main thoughts, and then uses the pure Yang power of the Pure Yang Qi Sword to cut out his own evil aura, allowing the main thoughts to occupy him.

Taking the initiative, and this copy happened to be the last one, so he was guided by the divine thunder of heaven, and entered the reincarnation of heaven, leaving behind a legacy to be recovered in the future.

“Huh! No wonder Changchunzi discovered me immediately. It turns out that he also has the talent of cicada prophet! Still 2 turns!”

“The foundation of this old monster is indeed strong enough!”

“Um? Is this the remains of Changchunzi? Not normal!”

Su Wen frowned.

He looked at the copy carefully.

The auxiliary professions are divided into five levels: primary, intermediate, high-level, perfect and ultimate.

The test of promotion is not knowledge.

It is the ability of the professional to refine. The first stage of elixirs, weapons, or painting and engraving arrangements, or making other props, etc.

As long as you can successfully complete a high-level achievement, it will be considered an advancement.

When the time comes, Tiandao will automatically be promoted.

From Changchun It can be seen from the panel of Zi.

Changchunzi has reached the end of the alchemist. He also has the 5th level of divine fire refining.

He is already the top in this area.

But there is no alchemist-related knowledge, skills, or assistance in the panel. Skills.

This is very strange.


Changchunzi’s knowledge and skills are displayed as None.

If he has not learned knowledge and skills, then there will be no such item.

Now it is displayed as None.

This can only explain one problem.

When Changchunzi was reincarnated He took away part of the knowledge and the professions and skills that could be taken away.

The other party did not take away all of them.

This shows that it is not that Changchunzi does not want to.

It should be that there should be heavenly restrictions.

At the same time,

Su Wen also came to the conclusion in Changchunzi’s panel Some information about job transfer.

He knew that at level 30, one can carry out the first job promotion. After breaking through the three levels of Tiandao at level 60, he officially changes from a newcomer lord to an old Bangcai lord, and can carry out the second job promotion.

At the third job, the lord is 100 At level 200, you can advance to demigod.

At level 200, it is level 4, and the lord is promoted from demigod to god.

He will not understand it after that. He can know it now.

Level 300 is level 5, which is level 1 god.

So By analogy, there are 6 turns at level 400.

7 turns at level 500.

As for how many turns the deity is the god master and how many turns the deity is the god emperor.

This requires his continuous accumulation to know.

In addition,

Su Wen can see from the description.

This body will be recovered by Changchunzi in the future.

This means that after the copy is released from the copy state. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I am afraid it will be sealed by the law of heaven. At that time,

Changchun After the child is reborn, he should awaken his memory.

After that, he will follow the memory to find the remains of his previous life and return to the top.

This method is basically powerless for any other challenger.

But Su Wen is different.

He has 4 deprivation talents.

He can deprive talents, skills, bloodline, fire refining, lord points, pure Yang energy, abyss demon energy, and even military merit.

In this way,

Changchunzi’s legacy is just a legacy.

In the end,

Su Wen Huanfa discovered that

Changchunzi must have become completely demonized and out of control in the accident.[] otherwise.

What is the explanation for these attribute points of his?


“`Will this contaminate cause and effect?”

Su Wen blinked.

Then he said nonchalantly:”It’s enough for me to free you! If you seek revenge from me because of this, I will kill you once!”


“By the time!”

“I only need one look to kill you!

Su Wen muttered:”I’m talking!” I am the benefactor of your liberation. You have 100 Lord Points of an infinite number of levels, but you only gave me 1 Lord Point of an infinite number of levels. How unreasonable!”

“Before leaving, I also took away my mission items!”

“This is how you repay your benefactor!”


“If I don’t deprive you, I will deprive you of who!”


He forcibly deprived Changchunzi of everything except his profession and reputation.

In this moment,

Su Wen’s lord points became 101 infinite levels.

His attribute points became 5. 17,383,826 points.

Because when Su Wen deprived the attribute points, he also deprived the suit’s amplification attribute points.

As a result, Chang Chunzi’s wooden suit directly collapsed.

He didn’t feel sorry for this at all.

He couldn’t use it anyway..

Other skills, talents and other things were all put into Su Wen’s hands in the form of scrolls, talent cards, blood balls, (the king’s) military orders, title orders, air beads, and experience balls. There are too many of these things..

Su Wen finally sent everything into the divine ring of Kelius on his finger.

After being stripped away,

Changchunzi’s panel only had name, occupation, Taoist number, auxiliary occupation and reputation data, and other data Nothing.

Very refreshing

“Since you have decided to start over, start over! Don’t mess with past karma before commemorating it!”

After all the deprivation,

Su Wen did not exit the stagnation time immediately.

He left a final word on Changchunzi’s body.

After that, he exited the stagnation time.

All this seemed extremely long.

In fact, it was over. 8 seconds.

After Su Wen exited,

Changchunzi’s remains had turned into two dry and shapeless pieces of rotten wood.

The reward of the dungeon also arrived at this time.

【Congratulations on successfully killing BOSS Changchunzi and assisting Tiandao in completing the purification mission!】

【Reward: 1 Thunder Jujube Tree Sapling, 10 Infinite Level Lord Points, 1 Magic Eye Talent Card】


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